72|Anuh Play Pen

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Ryleigh's POV:

It's Saturday morning and mi excited bad bad. Not because it's the week before my birthday but because today I get to go visit my cousins.

They've always been visiting me but mommy would never allow me to visit them often.

*Say May Pen nuh safe*

As if I didn't live there right up until age 11? And spent my summers there until I was 15.

*So the lady behave*

Ever since daddy him up and left she's been extra cautious, for what? I duh know.

Where is Jordanne? From week the man a dodge mi. My walls are grateful but my heart? not so much.

"Ry' this too?" Muuch asks, holding up a bug repellent.

I look at her crazy before saying "Yes girl, batlassss willll kill yuh after 5"

"Batlass?" Jordanne's voice bellows down from the balcony into the living area.

I look up at him, wondering why the funny question and the weird expression plastered on his face.

"Yeahhhhh..." I say "The little things that sting, smaller than mosquitoes but bites worse"

He scratches his temple while looking at me. A light goes off in his eyes and his lips curl up into a smile.


"BATLASS!" I shout back. Pretty sure I read somewhere the name is Botlass flies, never-the-less a batlass fimi, bout sand-fly.

I'll leave him to call the little flying demons sandfly when one grab him. Pretty sure a 'batlass' him ago scream out.

"Sand- fly the thing name big forrid... you're not in Clarendon yet and I already can't understand you" he laughs, now making his way down the stairs.

"Whatever.." I hiss, packing all the things my cousins have asked for.

"What was that? mi couldn't understand" he laughs, moving to Muuch and I.

He tries to pull me into a hug but I shove him.

"Batlass it name" my mother confirms coming from outside.

She reach...

"Definitely sand-fly" Sue says coming in behind her.


Jordanne's eyes find mine and we both start laughing. Our mother's walk over to us hugging their child and switching to hug their child-in-law, respectively.

*Yuh married?*

Might as well....

"Ms.Janette that thing I needed to talk to you about, we can talk in the office before I leave?"

I look between mommy and J'...wondering what they have to talk about that's so private. My prying mind will always ruin a surprise. Thinking of my birthday, I don't bother asking.

Moments go by and Muuch and I have finished packing all the things we'll need as if May Pen isn't less than an hour away.

*Unuh too frighten*

We are....

It's to be myself, Jordanne, Muuch, Mariah and....... Liam, since J' swears up and down he can't leave his right hand while he has minimum security.

I suggested Ramone or Skulli but no. At this point him a try force Muuch into a confrontation with him nasty friend enuh.

*But hear how yah deal with di man, he was just your favourite last month*

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