The Untold Story of Texas and...

By pokemonshadowhunter

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"It doesn't matter how far you run, the past will always catch up with you." Texas had long since left the da... More

Poised to Strike
Part 1: It Starts With Recruitment
Lappland and Courier
Meeting Doctor [Y/N]
When the Wolves Meet
A Piece of her Mind
Days of Forgotten Past 1
The Dormitory is Meant for Relaxation
Not Confrontation
The Night Hours
Mission Reprieve
Days of Forgotten Past 2
Just Call Me Crazy
Antics at Breakfast
Dream of You
Sparring Match
Days of Forgotten Past 3
Stupid Spiders
Wake Up Call
Crownslayer Bully Squad
Days of Forgotten Past 4
Raise a Glass
Overlooking Files
The Pain of Loneliness
Days of Forgotten Past 5
Trading Post Meltdown
Days of Forgotten Past 6
Doctor's Decision
Chained Together Wolves
Days of Forgotten Past 7
On the Road Again
Penguin Logistics Headquarters
The Emperor
Late Night, Sleep Tight
Days of Forgotten Past 8
Making Way
A Hug and A Gig
Days of Forgotten Past 9
Back Stage Pass
Performance to Remember
Stage Chaos
Days of Forgotten Past 10
Admissions of Guilt
Days of Forgotten Past 11
From Pain Comes Comfort
Journey Into the Heart of Trouble
Battle the Frost
Days of Forgotten Past 12
The Heart of Texas
The Might of Sword Rain
The Way Back
Understanding Reached
Part 2: A Summary
Code of Brawl
A Wolf Walks into an Alley
Days of Remembrance 1
Days of Remembrance 2
Trips and Kisses
Simping Time
Chaos in Lungmen
Who is Your Enemy?
Strange Warning
Days of Remembrance 3
What are Your Intentions?
What Went Wrong
Days of Remembrance 4
Embrace of a Loved One
Meetings and Then Some
Biting Letters
Keep Calm
Days of Remembrance 5
Preparations for Disaster?
Out on the Town
Calls, Lanterns and Flirts poorly timed
Days of Remembrance 6
Whispered Promises
Drunken Actions are Sober Thoughts
Days of Remembrance 7
Crying, Contemplation, Carnage
Pushing Down on Me
Truth Comes Out
Days of Remembrance 8
Parting Arguments (also T & D)
Travel Across the Land (plus Deleted Scene)
Searching Far and Wide
Days of Remembrance 9
Fog Shrouded Woods
Chilling Reflection
Days of Remembrance 10
Coming Home
Something's Not Quite Right
The Missing
The Mafia Council
Shock and Runaway
The Past Bleeds into the Present

Danger on the Horizon

1.1K 40 21
By pokemonshadowhunter

A/N: I figured I should make a note of this, even though I suppose you would probably know about this regardless of where you are in the main story if you are actively interested in the lore. Basically, there are some minor spoilers coming up for chapter 4. Nothing groundbreaking by any means, but I thought I'd let y'all know (even if it does involve my creative take on a few things). And with that let's get to the story. Enjoy!


The previous night . . .

You have an Incoming Message.

The answering machine was chirping again, the tone more urgent then normal. Emperor pressed the call button. It was the late hours of the night, but the business world rested for no one. Though, this wasn't exactly a usual business call per say. Only one group would contact him this late.

"Ah. If it isn't Rhodes Island. Is something amiss?"

The other side of the line crackled with static briefly. Emperor was just beginning to consider hanging up when a terse voice made its appearance. The sharpness of the woman's tone reminded him of broken glass. He'd dealt with people like this before but Kal'tsit never failed to make things interesting.

He supposed her line of work only added to the allure Rhodes Island had to offer.

Or maybe he just liked rooting for the underdog.

It was hard to tell.

"No, not anything out of the normal. How's Lappland?"

He clicked his tongue, swaying his plush chair side to side. Being an upstanding citizen came with several perks. A huge, private office was one of them. The heat of the fireplace radiated over to him even from his place at the desk. The flames were by no means real —that wouldn't make sense with the buildings infrastructure— but he liked to imagine they were. Fiery tongues licked at the fake wood. They would never burn it completely, just keep it ablaze. Like life that so often was ablaze so would the stack of wood remain. Too bad there was no off switch on life when things became overly hectic.

"Lappland's fine. She fits in here quite well." Though there admittedly were some ups and downs. Normally he would give the full report, but this matter was more than just business. This was for Texas's sake and he was not going to let it go to waste.

"Good. We were expecting such results."

"Oh. Were you? Didn't realize you knew so much about her?" Emperor couldn't help being curious. It was in his nature to want to be in the know.

There was a rustle on the other end of the line, a whir of machinery. "I don't. Make no mistake, I've only seen what's on her file. It was believed she would be a good candidate do to her previous connection to operator Texas."

He considered this. "Ya know, I don't care for this operator business. Makes 'me seem less human then they are." No one should be treated like a tool.

Another rustle. "Perhaps our opinions differ."

If he could've frowned he would have. "From what I've heard your Doctor Y/N used to think the same way."

"Hmm. I think you should remember the term is "used to". Doctor Y/N and I have been on . . . different terms for a long time now. It's better this way." Kal'tsit muttered. She sounded tired, like this whole conversation weighed heavily on her mind.

"I've heard good things about the Doctor so I think that's true." Emperor agreed. While the Doctor had brought Lappland back into Texas's life —an action with some mixed reactions— he had to believe it was for the best. His friend finally had a chance to truly deal with all the past grievances bothering her. Strangely enough the white wolf was Texas's gateway to healing.

But . . .

This couldn't be all Kal'tsit was calling for.

As if sensing his concerns, Kal'tsit spoke again. Her tone gained a serious depth that made him stop swaying in the comfy chair. "There's something else we need to talk about."

"Hah. Why did I know you would say that?"

"You're perceptive, like me."

"Hmm. I wasn't looking for an answer, but I'll take it. Tell me what's going on."



Back to present . . .

Sora had kept quiet since they'd arrived in the Emperor's office that morning. Croissant could only imagine what had went down last night as they waited for Boss to arrive. Judging by Texas's terse attitude the confession had went horribly wrong. But what exactly did you expect would happen? I could've told her from day one it was a wasted effort. And that was when she rounded back to the truth she'd always known: she didn't want to tell Sora the truth. She didn't want to crush her friend's dreams, regardless of how much of a fool's errand they be.

But keeping quiet about it had been a task she almost failed on.

She initially thought it a good thing to not have failed, but now . . .

"Sora, are you okay?" She found herself asking.

Sora shifted in her seat on the couch. Their shoulders brushed. Her friend was awfully cold today, but that might have just been from the air conditioning blasting on high. Sora's outfit did little to shield her from the cold. Probably why she gets sick so much this time of year. Wonder if she'd consider a wardrobe change. Regardless, it wasn't the time to talk about it now.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Texas seemed pretty upset yesterday." Upset might have been an understatement. Texas only acted as tense around Lappland up until yesterday, so seeing that same anger being directed towards Sora was the last thing she wanted.

Surely a crush wouldn't make someone that upset?

Except apparently it had for Texas, because she had been angry. Very, very angry.

"I know she was. I was there, remember?" The brittleness to Sora's tone was hardly surprising. Croissant felt a pinch in her heart with the emotion directed at her. This wasn't right. She had done nothing but be concerned. But what if that's the problem?

"Sora, what happened last night? Please tell me."

The idol sighed, her head falling, chin resting on her chest. "Nothing good. As I'm sure you've pieced together, I confessed when we were fighting. That was why Texas was so mad at me, not because of my feelings."

Her eyes widened. "Oh. I see. I—" I'm surprised.

"I know. You probably thought she'd be angry about the confession too, but no. Just the timing."

"Well I guess there are worse things then." Croissant tried lightening the mood. She hated to see her friends fight. Nothing good would come of it. But not all arguments were simple to solve. The tension this secret had been building for the past several years was certainly not easy to dissuade.

"Hah. Yours and my definitions of worse are two different things. I, I wanted her to return my feelings so badly Croissant. Texas, I've liked her for the longest time." Sora murmured.

Croissant nodded. "I know you have, I do. But when Texas makes her mind up on something you know there's no changing it." She rubbed Sora's back sympathetically, scrubbing harder on the knots of stress she found till they melted away.

Sora sighed. "But clearly she has changed though. Just not for me."

Why was she not surprised? The realm of conversation kept traveling back to this.

"I'm pretty certain Lappland is a special case Sora. Those two have a history we know next to nothing about." It was sad but true. She could only hope Texas was going to deem them trustworthy enough to tell the story to them when the time came. Until then they were left to wonder.

And wondering was no fun.

"Special case or not, it's clear the two weren't on good terms. So what changed?"

Croissant thought about it. She wasn't the most observant by any stretch of the imagination, but there were signs impossible for even her to ignore. "I'm not sure anything truly changed per say, maybe it'd be better to say old feelings were brought back to the surface?"

Because wasn't that the only way to describe this situation? Texas had feelings for Lappland and Lappland had feeling for Texas. Both of them had been running in circles chasing one another, well, now anyways. At first it was Lappland alone. Texas joined in somewhere along the way. As far as she could tell, Sora was the unlucky third party caught in the middle of it all. It took time but the price came for being part of this mess.

But with truth came revelation. Even though Sora was suffering, the worst was over. The healing could begin now. At least, that's what Croissant kept telling herself. Something told her it wouldn't be so simple. Sora didn't seem ready to let everything go yet. Which was okay. This sort of thing didn't just disappear overnight.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I've noticed it too. But, aren't you worried?"

Croissant raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

"That it might happen again." At Croissant's further confusion, Sora elaborated. "That Lappland will hurt Texas again." There was a fierceness to her tone, teeth gritting with words. If her bunny ears were visible they would probably be standing up erect. Croissant rarely saw them, but she caught onto the pattern quick.

"Sora, even though we're good friends with Texas I don't think this is our business."

"But don't you want to be there for Texas?" Sora asked.

There was no hesitation. "Of course."

"Then why do you argue?"

Croissant crossed her arms, letting her visor cast a shadow over her eyes to gather her thoughts. There was such a saying about stepping carefully to avoid the exploding spiders . . . one wrong move and she might set Sora off. Though a lack of honesty was just as likely to do the same. Then say the truth and bear the consequences.

"Because Texas is a grown woman who can take care of herself. We don't know the full story, but even with our limited knowledge it's pretty easy to see Texas was the one to break things off the first time. If worst comes to worst again, I trust she'll make the right decision. If you're her friend you'll do the same Sora."

"I-I am her friend. She said we'll always be friends," Sora said.

She nodded. "Good. So you understand. No getting involved unless that's what Texas wants. We are her friends, we will be there to support her but not intentionally get in the way."

It was better this way.

Sora looked doubtful still, but she ended up agreeing. "Alright. I'll do my best. But I don't like this."

"Heh, I figured you say as much. Try not to worry. It'll make Texas sad." She was taking a gander here. The dark haired woman cared for them deeply, but she wasn't sure to what degree their emotional state mattered. Emotions were usually where Texas shut down. At first, this seemed to be apart of a naturally cold personality, but she saw the truth of it lately. Texas became cold by choice and a fierce will. This was a personality made, not born.

"Okay. If that's the case I won't."

The words were still shaky but the intention behind them was not. Croissant would trust Sora.


The doors swung open. Croissant pushed her visor back, staring at Emperor as he walked over. Well, waddled would be the more appropriate description. It was his usual mode of transportation. Once in a blue moon certain floors in the buildings were coated in ice so Emperor could slide across them. Texas said it was a waste of time and money —something they both agreed on. Exusiai found it hysterical however, which seemed to tip the scales wherever Texas was concerned. Sometimes she wished she had the close relationship the pair had. Being partners for so long came with its perks.

"Boss! You're here!" She got up to greet him. Sora remained seated, turning in her chair and offering up a wave.

"Croissant, Sora. Good you're here already. Where're the others?" Emperor asked. He waddled over to one of the arm chairs and pulled himself up onto it, settling into the dark cushions.

"As far as I know Exia and Texas are in the kitchen. As for Lappland . . . well, I'm not sure." Sora murmured. She didn't seem happy that the white wolf's location was unknown, if her furrowed eyebrows were anything to go by.

"Hmm, I guess that's to be expected. Can't expect tabs on all of y'all. 'Specially not Mostima." Emperor's glasses were pushed up, revealing his dark eyes. The fireplace glittered with amber light as the flames continued to smolder.

"Yeah. Mosti always goes all over the place. Last I heard she's 'cross the continent," Croissant said.

Every once in awhile PL got postcards from the wayward angel. The places she went varied as far as a range from deserts to snowy mountaintops. The environments were extreme and, judging by the letters, the people there were even more so. She didn't envy her friend for doing such a bizarre job. Staying in a central occasion was much easier.

"Yes, yes. She is. But never mind that. Call the others up."

"Is there something important going on?" Croissant found herself asking. Sora was tapping around her phone screen, doing the contacting they so needed.

Emperor sighed. "Yes. But I'd rather explain this once so bear with me."

"Alright. Exusiai says they're on the way." Sora stuffed her phone back in her vest pocket.

"And Lappland?"

A frown. "She was with them apparently."

"Oh good. That's very good," Emperor said.


Lappland followed behind Texas and Exusiai, noting each framed picture they passed by. Most of them were of Emperor and the PL girls but a few were of unique landscapes, depicting places she'd never been to before, and likely never would see. The most interesting was the dark pine forest. A silver moon hung above the tree line, a reflection of it in the dancing water of the pond below. The ripples distorted the moon but the resulting quality was no less beautiful.

The large black doors came up far too quickly for her liking when she found possibly the best picture she'd ever seen of Texas in one of the passed by hallways. It was a portrait with perfect lighting and background, but the best thing about it by far was the smile Texas was giving. If looked real, not fake. She knew the difference. The curves of her mouth sending warmth up to bicolored eyes . . . It was a hard thing to get out of the dark haired wolf, especially now. You'll smile again when all this is over. I promise I'll make it happen. You'll smile for me.

"Come on Lappland. You can ogle Texas later," Exusiai said with a chuckle, breaking her out of her reverie.

A sputter from Texas. "She will not!"

She didn't have to see Texas's face to know it was flushed.

Lappland hid a grin behind her hand, going back to join the duo.

A whisper was pressed to her ears right before the door was open. "If you like that one just wait till you see the one on the fourth floor. Hehe~ Texas is very photogenic when she wants to be."

"Oh." Out of habit, she eyed up the slim form a foot ahead. Yes, Exusiai's words were true. "I'm looking forward to it then."

"You'll be looking forward to nothing if you two don't get a move on." Texas snapped.

"Aw, chill out Tex. We're just teasing." The wink Exusiai gave Lappland just as the doors were pushed open suggested anything but, though it was hardly her place to judge, not when it was for something as enjoyable as this.


Emperor, Sora and Croissant were already waiting for them in the office. Texas purposefully sat away from Exusiai and Lappland, wedging herself between Croisant and the couch's armchair. If they wanted to be annoying then she wasn't about to indulge them further in the meeting. Sora tried to meet her gaze as she sat down, which made the irritated part of her brain roll around some more. She doubted that things would be normal with the bunny for some time, but she hoped the awkwardness would abate soon.

"So what's going on?" She asked.

Emperor dragged a flipper over his beak before letting it flop back to his side. "It's rather complicated. Rhodes Island called in, had something important to say."

Lappland's ears shot up at that. "Was it about me?"

"Yes and no."

"Wait. How can it be yes and no?" Croissant inquired.

"I'm guessing they mentioned both over the phone." Exusiai murmured.

Emperor nodded, glasses shifting with the movement. "Yes they did. And by they I mean Dr. Kal'tsit. Very perceptive of you."

"Kal'tsit . . . oh, you mean that standoffish Doctor lady?" Lappland asked.

"Hahaha I wouldn't say that to her face, but yes. That would be her." Texas agreed.

"Hmm, I know she's involved in the medical work and all so what did she need to talk to you for. Dr. Y/N normally handles discussion right?" Sora looked thoughtful.

Texas felt the same pondering at the back of her mind. What does she want? This isn't like Kal'tsit. The first time the pair had meant they hardly said a word to each other, which had suited Texas just fine. There was a kinship between them from lost love and experiences that had hardened them for ages to come. There were certain events too painful to talk about . . . whatever Kal'tsit went through it had to be painful. The glaring look she gave her the first time couldn't mean anything else.

"Yes, the good Doctor does. We talked about Y/N too, but never mind that now. The point is Rhodes Island needs our assistance," Emperor said.

"Assistance." Exusia echoed.

"We're going to need more than that to go on," Texas said.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as Emperor seemed to be gathering his thoughts. The sun was beginning it's descent back into the earth, the golden ball of brilliant energy lowering from its high place in the sky. Sunlight poured through the windows, making the burning fireplace look like a tiny light fixture in comparison.

"I know you do. So I'm going to give it to you. After inquiring about how the exchange has been going, Kal'tsit informed me that there is a rescue mission going on in the Chernobog."

"A rescue mission? But wasn't the catastrophe that wiped out that city over with months ago?" Sora asked. "I might lose track of time with my career but I don't think I'm wrong about this."

"No. You're not. The city was overtaken months ago. So what's this really about?" Exusiai asked.

"And also, what's a catastrophe?" Lappland asked.

Texas wasn't surprised Lappland would ask such a thing, but the rest of the group was. The incredulous stares sent the white wolf's way seemed to annoy Lappland more than fluster her. The fluffy white tail resting in her lap lifted up before falling back down with an almost unnoticeable thump of agitation.

"How do you not know what a Catastrophe is?" Sora asked.

"You'd have to be living under a rock to not know." Croissant uttered in agreement.

Well, not a rock but in a very far off place where Catastrophes rarely hit. How to explain this to her on short notice . . . think, think, think. I've got it!

"Lappland, remember how Uncle Ontario was born?"

"Uncle who?" Exusiai asked.

Lappland's silver eyes widened. "Oh yeah. Your grandmother was outside of the Pack when it happened right? A storm struck with a series of terrible events . . ."

"That were called what?" Texas edged on, trying to encourage the answer both of them knew. She ignored the distant relieve from Lappland discreetly avoiding saying Gran. Too many memories were attached to that name, a can of worms better left unopened.

"Oh! Catastrophes! I almost forgot."

"So she does know about them then? That's good. Less explanation wasted on that the better." Emperor muttered.

"Wait, but what about this Uncle of Texas's . . . I've never heard of 'em," Croisssant said.

"Neither have I." Sora admitted.

"First time for me too." Exusiai agreed.

Texas resisted the urge to groan. This would be what the others would choose to focus on. Was no part of privacy sacred anymore. It's like letting out even a little bit of information has busted a dam. Now they want to know everything. To be fair, she'd probably feel the same way too if the situation was reversed, but it was hardly the time to ponder over this now.

"He's unimportant. If you really have to know we'll talk about him later."

"Aww. Fine then." Sora sighed. "But I'll take you up on it for sure."

"Now that we've established story time for later, let's get back to the main problem here." Emperor brought them back to the topic at hand.

"Yes Boss."

"Sure, continue." Texas leaned back into the sofa, tail curling up in the small space offered.

"As I was saying, Rhodes Island sent out a recon group a few days back. They were meant to only checkout the ruins of Chernobog to survey the damage but apparently they found the environment wasn't as unoccupied as originally thought."

"Reunion?" Exusiai guessed.

"Yes, Reunion is there. Not just any Reunion though. Apparently it's the famed Yeti squadron."

The yeti squadron . . . Just who is he . . . Oh.

She wasn't much for socializing in general, but Texas made a habit of at least trying to step out of her comfort zone once a week, usually by talking to someone at Rhodes Island. Most of the people there were fairly hospitable. They were nothing like the cold nature she imposed upon herself. Every once in awhile she met people similar to her. One of those people being Frostleaf. She was a hardcore Infected fighter, capable of heavy handed attacks despite her lithe frame, but the most interesting thing about her by far was the stories she told. Stories about faraway places or people like the Yeti squadron.

Concern began to take hold.

"They easily withstand subzero temperatures, surviving in even the harshest of Tundras. They come from the bitter depths of Ursus and have committed unspeakable horrors to their enemies. No one survives a battle against them. Especially not against the likes of their mysterious leader . . ."

"You said this was a rescue mission. By any chance do we know the operators who are stranded out there?" Texas asked. A part of her was holding in a breath as fear rattled in her bones. Surely this suspicion was pointless? Things would be fine surely?

Exusiai's eyes narrowed. "Who do you think it could be?" Texas wondered if she had also picked up on the unspoken concern. She wasn't the only one who had made friends with the Rhodes Island Operators. It would be sad if any of them had a close connection with the ones who were missing.

"I don't know, but . . ."

Croissant's expression darkened. "It would be horrible if it was. Make the job more complicated."

It would be sad because there was no telling if those people would make it out of this alive.

For all they knew these people could already be dead.

Which makes me feel even more sick. Ugh.

Just because their job was to deal with death didn't make the experience any more gratifying.

Emperor clicked his tongue. "I'm not sure who all you girls know over there but, from what I've heard, two members of BlackSteel are among the missing. Jessica and Meteorite. And, there was another. Her name was unusual, started with Frost—"

There was no mistaking it; she only knew one operator with that at the start of their name.

It's her. Oh no.

Texas opened her mouth to speak the name —her name— but someone else beat her to the punch. Lappland spoke the words that finalized the truth she had hoped to avoid.

"Frostleaf. It's Frostleaf."


A/N: Look who got E2'd today! She makes number 16 (never realized how she said Boss up until this point lol, it's pretty adorable I think). Hope everyone is doing well! Don't forget to vote and comment. I think the next chapter should be longer than the last two so stay tuned for it!

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