The Untold Story of Texas and...

By pokemonshadowhunter

112K 3.5K 1.9K

"It doesn't matter how far you run, the past will always catch up with you." Texas had long since left the da... More

Poised to Strike
Part 1: It Starts With Recruitment
Lappland and Courier
Meeting Doctor [Y/N]
When the Wolves Meet
A Piece of her Mind
Days of Forgotten Past 1
The Dormitory is Meant for Relaxation
Not Confrontation
The Night Hours
Mission Reprieve
Days of Forgotten Past 2
Just Call Me Crazy
Antics at Breakfast
Dream of You
Sparring Match
Days of Forgotten Past 3
Stupid Spiders
Wake Up Call
Crownslayer Bully Squad
Days of Forgotten Past 4
Raise a Glass
Overlooking Files
The Pain of Loneliness
Days of Forgotten Past 5
Trading Post Meltdown
Days of Forgotten Past 6
Doctor's Decision
Chained Together Wolves
Days of Forgotten Past 7
On the Road Again
Penguin Logistics Headquarters
The Emperor
Late Night, Sleep Tight
Days of Forgotten Past 8
Making Way
A Hug and A Gig
Days of Forgotten Past 9
Back Stage Pass
Stage Chaos
Days of Forgotten Past 10
Admissions of Guilt
Days of Forgotten Past 11
From Pain Comes Comfort
Danger on the Horizon
Journey Into the Heart of Trouble
Battle the Frost
Days of Forgotten Past 12
The Heart of Texas
The Might of Sword Rain
The Way Back
Understanding Reached
Part 2: A Summary
Code of Brawl
A Wolf Walks into an Alley
Days of Remembrance 1
Days of Remembrance 2
Trips and Kisses
Simping Time
Chaos in Lungmen
Who is Your Enemy?
Strange Warning
Days of Remembrance 3
What are Your Intentions?
What Went Wrong
Days of Remembrance 4
Embrace of a Loved One
Meetings and Then Some
Biting Letters
Keep Calm
Days of Remembrance 5
Preparations for Disaster?
Out on the Town
Calls, Lanterns and Flirts poorly timed
Days of Remembrance 6
Whispered Promises
Drunken Actions are Sober Thoughts
Days of Remembrance 7
Crying, Contemplation, Carnage
Pushing Down on Me
Truth Comes Out
Days of Remembrance 8
Parting Arguments (also T & D)
Travel Across the Land (plus Deleted Scene)
Searching Far and Wide
Days of Remembrance 9
Fog Shrouded Woods
Chilling Reflection
Days of Remembrance 10
Coming Home
Something's Not Quite Right
The Missing
The Mafia Council
Shock and Runaway
The Past Bleeds into the Present

Performance to Remember

1.1K 38 33
By pokemonshadowhunter

Texas led them to what appeared to be a dugout of sorts. It was a level below the second crowd, with special raising platforms that could be turned on with the switch of one of the levers near the top. There were several rows upon rows of fans crowding the arena to watch their idol sing. The two Lupos had to crane their necks up to look at most of them, their screams and cheers blasting away at abused eardrums. Lappland pressed her hands over her wolf ears. Having two sets of ears could be such a pain sometimes.

"Gah! How do you stand all this noise Texas?" Lappland winced as a particularly loud scream filled her ears. It ringed in her brain like a banshee cry. She fought the urge to growl back.

Texas seemed unbothered, though her face was set in a thoughtful frown. She reached into her pocket, pulling out what appeared to be a small black bundle. It was carefully wrapped up with thin wires. Taking a second to realize the wires were made of rubber, she stared at it perplexed as Texas grabbed her left hand and pressed the object into her palm. Though the touch was fleeting, Lappland savored every second of it. The calloused skin and infinitesimal scars from fights long ago were things that Texas would keep with her for eternity, constant reminders of every aspect of her past.

"Put this on and pipe down."

"But what is it?" She asked.

Texas rolled her eyes, as if she figured an explanation while necessary was still tedious. There was another scream, this time louder than before. The dark haired Lupo took out a black walkie talkie and gave a hushed whisper into it. There was a quick response from a voice she'd never heard before and then static rolled in. Amber-blue eyes returned to her again.

"Noise cancelling earbuds and a walkie talkie. It's our job to report anything suspicious while we're here, so make sure to get that thing turned on and ready."


Lappland opened up the bundle, unsurprised to find the contents inside foreign to her. It wasn't as though she'd never had a phone before, mind you. No. Lappland had just never had a device like this in her possession. There was so many buttons, a few with symbols she didn't recognize. Not knowing what else to do, she sniffed it experimentally. Like most technology it was a plastic thing, the buttons a pliable rubber.

Texas swatted the rectangular device down from her face. "Don't smell it."

"Why not? I find that's the best way to understand something."

Texas sighed. "These things get passed around. There's no telling who had it last."

Now it was Lappland's turn to be annoyed. "Then why did you press yours to your face moments ago?" Surely germs were just as easily spread that way?

Texas grunted, shuffling in place. "I had to. These things don't have the best speakers, and like I said it's our job to report things."

"Then you should have no problem with me getting acquainted with mine in my own way then."

"Ugh, whatever, just don't be surprised if it stinks like sweat." Texas muttered.

Lappland took another sniff, and indeed the scent of putrid sweat filled her nose. She sneezed, nose wrinkling as she pulled the device away from her face. "I suppose you have a point." The admission was made begrudgingly. Asking for help was rather bothersome when using the device would probably turn out to be pretty simple, to the point where she arguably could figure it out by pressing the right buttons. "But how am I suppose to use this thing?"

Texas took a step closer to her. One of her fingers traced down the dial of the rectangular device as she spoke in a low tone. "I'll show you. Just keep quiet while I do, okay?"

And yes, Lappland had no trouble agreeing to that. Such a simple request was a chance for them to get closer, closing the gap between them. "Sure."

Texas showed her how the phone worked with careful precision. Each idle brush of their hands as she prodded the buttons and dials made her heart beat louder in her ears. Lappland struggled to keep her focus on the lesson playing out before her. There was so much sensory overload going on between the soft touches and the quiet words. Not to mention the smell of Texas filtering into her nose down to her lungs. It replaced the sweaty scent from earlier to leave her pleasantly sated.

"So, did you get all that?" Texas asked when she was finished.

Lappland had a strong feeling she didn't get all that, not in the slightest. But I can figure it out from bits and pieces. Not sure how she'll feel if I say she was distracting me. She pictured an angry huff and a flustered face. Lappland liked both, appreciated every part of the dark haired Lupo including her reactions, yet this wasn't the time to be blatant when she was on thin ice as it was. She remembered the earlier disagreement with Sora vividly. Texas's sharp words, while maybe not entirely true, we're still somewhat deserved. Lappland needed to get her act together, though that may as well be a herculean task considering she doubted she was ever going to be a hundred percent like the person she was before Oripathy anyways.

But doesn't Texas want you to go back? Her mind inquired. It would be simpler if she could return to a time where disease didn't plague her. Though there was no cure and the damage was likely irreversible in some aspects. But she might just take that as excuses. Texas hates excuses. But in all fairness, hasn't Texas been making excuses too?

"Lappland? Are you even listening to me. You're not, are you?"

Brought out of her reverie, she offered a sheepish smile. "I was, I swear I was. I just couldn't help getting a little distracted . . . at the end."

"Of course not. Why am I not surprised? I'll explain again but you better listen this time."


And so the explanation was started over. This time Lappland made sure to listen, pushing back her reflection for an occasion where the screams of fans were not so loud, and the vibrations of music weren't becoming white noise.


"Sora we love you!"

"You're amazing!"

"Sora's so beautiful!"

The words were loud clamors traveling to her ears, praise as sweet as honey. She smiled inwardly, beaming at the warmth in her heart as she twirled and sang to her audience. This wasn't the biggest crowd she ever had by any means and yet it was just as special as any other. Back when she had first become apart of the music industry her only goal had been to make people happy. Money was secondary to other's enjoyment. It wasn't all that long ago that I was standing on a stage like this one, performing for the very first time in public. Many aspects of her life had changed since then, but her happiness performing remained the same.

And as her golden eyes alighted on amber-blue ones staring right at her she knew that there was another thing that had remained strong with the passage of time.

Texas. Do you know the beat of my heart? The song it plays for you?

Maybe it had started out as a simple adoration, but it had grown.

And it had all started from a small spark that was now a bursting flame.

Flashback . . .

She was sitting in a limousine, the tinted glass letting in the sun without showing her off to the outside world. Her heels knocked against her seat. The manager sitting across from her droned on and on about the newest stadium she'd be performing in. This wasn't her first performance, but the butterflies she got each time were fluttering around freely inside her stomach. Her fingers drummed a ceaseless rhythm against the glass pane.

"So you understand everything right? Make sure you listen to Penguin Logistics." The manager —a tall Vulpo with fluffy red tails and slate gray eyes— said.

Sora paused in her tapping, the song in her head fading out. The cold blast of air conditioning was rousing  to her senses. She knew Penguin Logistics was mainly a logistics group, it was in their name after all. But the Emperor is the boss of the organization, so they tend to have other areas of investment soon. It was strange to think the famed Columbian rapper had taken an interest in her career. While she was beginning to rise in the industry, Sora was still just a no name bunny girl who went unrecognized in most crowds. She had a ways to go before she reached Emperor's league. So why the interest? We don't even make the same genre of music, so a collaboration probably won't be in the cards. These were the thoughts that had been turning over in her head for the past several days.

"I, yes, I do Ryke."

Ryker, Ryke for short, nodded. One of his big tails rested in his lap like a fallen sash might. "Do you have any questions? I can tell when something's on your mind."

She appreciated his capacity to appear caring, but she knew the act for what it was. Niceties between a manager and singer rarely went beyond the professional realm, lest something bad result. Ryke was polite to her but nothing more. Apart of her wished there was more, seeing as the tour bus was awfully lonely sometimes.

"Why does Emperor want to run security for my performance?" She asked. It was one among the many questions she had.

"Don't know. Guess he's interested. Heard he and his employees like your music. Don't think there's more to it than that." Ryke dipped his head down to look at his phone. The fedora he wore hid his facial expression, though she figured he was frowning as he let out a grunt of discontent at whatever been texted to him.

"Oh. I guess that's nice."

"It is. So don't screw this up," Ryke said, meeting her gaze again. There was a sternness to his gray eyes, the freckles on his cheeks like specks of dust from a whirlwind.

Sora wanted to point out she in no way planned to mess this up in any rhyme or fashion, but doubted the effort was going to be beneficial. Holding her tongue from a less than pleasant retort, she went back to staring out the window. The small nod she gave him as the stadium came into view was suffice enough.


The screams and chants were loud enough to be heard even through her noise cancelling earbuds. Sora panted, the frigid air mixing with her raised body temperature. It was in the middle of winter. The only thing keeping her body warm was the energy she'd been exerting. The stage clothes did little to shield her from the flurrying snow. Her fingertips felt numb but she hardly cared, living off of the cheers of congratulations she heard. Throughout the performance, Sora had tried to eye the Penguin Logistics crew. She thought she might have spotted them once. Sometime past the opening act there had been a flicker of white-gold in her periphery like ah angel's wings. Unfortunately it had been gone quicker then she was able to turn her head.

But that didn't stop the other feeling she had inside, of a pair of eyes watching her constantly. No matter where she had looked Sora was unable to find the source. Her worry had grown throughout the performance, it was spiking now as she was guided off the stage by one of the stagehands. The raucous cheers followed her as the curtains came to a close.

"Whew! That was a great performance, but I think I'm spent for the night. Can we go back to the hotel?" She tried asking the stage hand. The tall man hadn't said a single word to her so far, and they had been walking for the past few minutes. Come to think of it, where are we going? I don't remember this hallway earlier . . .

And then there was a sound that rankled her brain. An eerie laughter.

"Hehehe. How nice of you to cooperate Sora. Don't worry, we'll be taking our leave very shortly I assure you."

Sora yelped as her bunny ears were painfully tugged. She staggered in the direction the man had pulled her, head aching with pain. Long ears were no less sensitive than regular ones, and this was the case for her too. They were in a room now, a garage underneath the stadium. And when she saw the dark van with its open doors and suspicious men it took her all of two seconds to figure out what was going to happen to her.

She was going to be taken.

Her whole body spasmed with fear. Sora wanted to scream, shout out for help. But once she tried a cloth was shoved over her mouth, pressing against it and the bridge of her nose. New fear barged in as the terror of being drugged rippled in her chest.

Let me go. Let me go. LET ME GO!

She tried screaming and thrashing. The man holding her snarled angrily. He was a huge, burly monstrosity of a coyote. His narrow jaw was a prelude to the vicious teeth in his mouth. Sora imagined they would be like pieces of glass stabbing into her supple skin if the urge arose. Her stomach flopped. If she could have, the bile and the rest of the contents in her stomach would have expunged themselves in that moment.

"Hold still darnit!"

The grip on her tightened, claw-like nails digging in so hard she could feel them piercing the fragile skin of her arm. Blood welled up to spill into a sticky mesh on her hand. Tears welled in her eyes as she was slapped hard on the cheek. It burned so badly, the pain making her head swim, which was only worsened when she was tossed harshly onto the van's floor.

"Stupid bunny. You're defenseless and weak, so don't try to run away."

An even bigger man, also a coyote species —though he was much more animalistic compared to he man carrying her currently— whispered. He had leaned close to her ear. Stinky breath washed over the shell as she breathed in putrid scent. The rag from before was stuffed in her mouth. So thick, the thing made her jaw ache. She wanted to spit it out, but all things considered she kept it in. Sheer fear of worse punishment rendered her immobile.

"So boss. Should we get going?" One of them was asking. Through squinting eyes she picked out one, two, three, four, five. Five men were here. Each of them had a weapon of sorts. Three of them carrying knives, the other two guns.

"Should we get going? Really? You have to ask such a stupid question." The boss snapped.

"Well Sir . . ." The driver said timidly. She had to crane her head to see the guy. He was a vulpo, tail streaked with blue that appeared to be some strange hair dye. "It's always good to ask."

A sigh. The other men were swinging side doors open to pile into the vehicle. The boss looked over his shoulder, muttering about something. She strained her ears to pick up on what he was saying, but the effort turned out to be fruitless. Her bunny ears ached from being yanked so harshly. Sora was no stranger to fan mania over idols, but this was a step too far.

Is anyone coming to help me? I can't get out of here on my own.

She tried to move her hands, unsurprised to find they had been bound. A foot stepped down on her moving limbs the second she managed to get her legs working. They had not been bound for whatever reason. Perhaps the kidnappers were just too cocky to care? Bunnies weren't the type to run away when caught after all. At least, that was the social standard. We get too scared. I am scared. What am I going to do? She hated this helpless feeling but had no clue how to stop it.

"Don't worry little bunny. Just do as your told and this'll all be over faster than you think."

One of the men seemed to be slightly sympathetic to her struggle, patting her arm gently. It was too dark to recognize which man, nor did she care. No amount of sympathy would make up for what they had done. Her shirt was ripped from where sharp clawed fingertips had torn at the soft material. Sequins were scattered on the floor.

"Yes. I do agree."

A new voice joined the midst. There was no shout or raised volume to it, but something gave it a deep, dark air, promising something to come that would no doubt be dangerous,

"Wha— whose that?" One of the men asked. His hair was as green as his eyes, flecked with silver as they jumped like change tossed into a fountain. They skidded over the surroundings outside the van. The engine was humming but the driver had yet to start moving the car. The doors to the van were ajar, creaking on their hinges like she imagined doors at a haunted house might on a windy night.

"How am I suppose to know? Reggie, why aren't we going yet?" The boss snapped.

"I-I, cause the doors aren't closed."

"Then close them." He yelled at the other men. The four other men moved to do just that, but it was too late. The disembodied voice let out a chuckle. Everyone stilled in place; Sora found herself rigid on the floor, bunny ears plastered to her head. There was a stickiness as sweat clung to the nape of her neck.

"Hah, it's too late for that."

The sound of a leap was promptly followed thereafter by the shaking of the vehicle as a newcomer landed in front of them. She was wearing one of the ponchos the security for the venue wore. The black hood obscured her facial features, but from her angle Sora could see a smirk plastered on pale skin. Whoever this person was they were much smaller then the behemoths who kidnapped her. Despite this however, this newcomer remained confident as guns and knives were raised in her direction. No ounce of fear poured from the small figure. Sora didn't know whether to be amazed or worried. This person possibly was her only chance at salvation. She chose to cling to hope.

"I don't know who you are, but if you know what's good for you you'll step out of this van and not say a word." The boss snarled.

The newcomer chuffed. "I don't think I will."

"Why not?" Reggie asked. He was peering around from the front seat, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose.

"Heh. Because you've taken something that isn't yours."

Arms were crossing as impatience among the thugs rose. The confident aura among the stranger remained intact, not even flinching with the escalation of snarling. If anything she —because Sora was pretty certain this was a she given her voice, even with the brittle, black-ice quality at the end of her words— appeared to be amused. Like she finds it funny anyone would think to challenge her in the first place. I wish I had her confidence. Then I would avoid situations like this. Sora had no clue this was far from the last time she will be yearning for such a thing.

"I don't see how it's yours either stranger. So back off." Growled the guy who'd been manhandling her earlier. Sora decided she hated him. There was going to be bruises from his iron grip on her wrists and ears.

And the chuckling continued, much to the aggravation of her kidnappers. "Oh, no. I won't be leaving without Sora. Perhaps you don't realize this, but I have grown up in a dangerous world and so I have a particular set of skills. And I plan to use each and every one of them to tear you apart if you don't let her go now."

The promise to those words had Sora shuddering despite not being directed at her. She found her eyes widening as the figure pushed back her hood. The sight she was graced with was what an musician like herself described as a masterpiece. A narrow face, dark hair with red streaks, amber-blue eyes and wolf ears twitching attentively. All of these features were splendid, plain and simple. This woman, whoever she was, was certainly the most beautiful wolf she had ever laid eyes on.

"Ah, the stoic wolf from Penguin Logistics. Didn't realize you were at this venue." Was it just Sora, or was that fear in the boss's voice? Her stomach flipped and flopped as the foot previously pressing down on her bound hands moved to her stomach. Like the life was being squeezed out of her intestines, Sora wheezed painfully around the gag. Amber-blue eyes narrowed on her pained expression, worry glittering in their endless depths.

"Yes I am. Now, this is your last warning. Let. Her. Go."

This should've been the perfect opportunity for her captors to back down. They would have felt incentivized by their opponent's identity, the way she raised a wicked looking bronze sword in their direction. But these people were scum of Terra. They were foolish and were going to get what was coming to them.


Texas laughed, light beginning to swarm her raised weapon. "Your funeral then."

Like darkness launching out as the sun set, Texas crashed into the boss sword first. Gun shots rang out and left Sora petrified as she watched the wolf nimbly dodge every blow. The glint of metal and the sailing bullets did nothing to slow down her resolve. Texas slammed the boss to the floor with her right embedded on the skin of his throat. Windpipe effectively closed the hulking man let out a choking noise before going still as he passed out cold. The other men quickly followed suit. Texas barely used her weapon at all. When it came to injuring her assailants, scant few cuts were landed to make way for a flurry of punches and kicks.

At least, that's how it was a first. When the vulpos rose —stupid enough for further punishment— the sword was put to effective use. Knives were slammed out of clenched grips. Arms and legs were slashed like the skin there was nothing more than paper. And it might as well have been for how sharply the blade boasted power and light. She sensed originium power flowing through the impressive weapon. Sora had a feeling this was only a mere slice of what Texas had to offer on the battlefield. Despite her precarious position curled up on the floor, she found herself wanting to see more.

But life had other plans as the fight drew to a close with groans of pain and gasping whimpers.

Those amber-blue eyes were getting closer. Texas crouched down, getting to her knees. Carefully, she lifted Sora so she was sitting up. The binds on her wrists ached as did the gag in her mouth. The offending rags were dug out with two fingers. Sora sputtered the second the nasty pile was out in full. The black mashed up ball was covered in saliva and what she suspected was the bile from earlier. Texas moved to undo the ropes while Sora figured out how to breathe normally again. She kept her eyes at the ceiling of the van, unwilling to gaze at her knocked out captors who had brought her so much pain.

"Are you alright?"

The question was quiet, almost unnoticeable with the thrumming of the van's engine. Sora swallowed them nastiness in her throat. Her lungs felt dry and rubbed raw as her wrists undoubtedly were. She saw the angry red lines as her fists clenched and unclenched. Each unsteady breath felt like a shudder.

"Define alright, because I'm pretty sure this doesn't count." Sora replied bitterly. This sort of thing was always a risk when it came to performing. She should have been more careful, but there was no turning back.

"Understandable. Just breathe, everything will be okay." Texas told her, voice gentle. Her face was flush with exertion, some hair falling over her forehead in a strange sort of bang look that oddly seemed fitting. Out of simple desire, Sora reached out and brushed the hair back. Texas didn't push her away, just stared at her questioningly.

"Thank you for rescuing me. You were so brave." Her heart thudded louder, as if to remind her who she was in the presence of. This woman was gorgeous, even in a state of tiredness. Sora could stare at her all day long and not get tired of it.

"Think nothing of it. It was my pleasure to help."

"I wish I could be as brave as you." Sora murmured.

And then Texas smiled. It was a small twitch of the lips, but Sora imagined how it would look even better as a full on grin. Not to mention the hidden emotion in her eyes. Wavering like a flickering candle might, she wondered what it was for. "I don't know about being brave, but I do know about fighting. Everyone should know how to stand on their own. I could help with that if you'd like?"

Sora was confused by the bravery statement, found herself wanting to say she would rather stand with Texas than by herself. She wanted to be closer, close as could be. Texas was a whirlwind of wonder she yearned to explore every inch of. So she knew what she needed to say.

"Sure. Where do we begin?"

Flashback end . . .

Are you watching me Texas? Do you love me the same way I love you?

And wasn't that the question of the day? So many years and she still had no answer.

But now is the perfect time. I'll confess my feelings to you today Texas. Please return them.


A/N: So for those who don't know yet the surprise I was talking about is a new book I've published. It's called Arknights One Shots so I hope y'all will check it out. So amazed this story has officially reached 8,000 reads. Hope everyone keeps enjoying the story!

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