The Untold Story of Texas and...

By pokemonshadowhunter

110K 3.4K 1.9K

"It doesn't matter how far you run, the past will always catch up with you." Texas had long since left the da... More

Poised to Strike
Part 1: It Starts With Recruitment
Lappland and Courier
Meeting Doctor [Y/N]
When the Wolves Meet
A Piece of her Mind
Days of Forgotten Past 1
The Dormitory is Meant for Relaxation
Not Confrontation
The Night Hours
Mission Reprieve
Days of Forgotten Past 2
Just Call Me Crazy
Antics at Breakfast
Dream of You
Sparring Match
Days of Forgotten Past 3
Stupid Spiders
Wake Up Call
Crownslayer Bully Squad
Days of Forgotten Past 4
Overlooking Files
The Pain of Loneliness
Days of Forgotten Past 5
Trading Post Meltdown
Days of Forgotten Past 6
Doctor's Decision
Chained Together Wolves
Days of Forgotten Past 7
On the Road Again
Penguin Logistics Headquarters
The Emperor
Late Night, Sleep Tight
Days of Forgotten Past 8
Making Way
A Hug and A Gig
Days of Forgotten Past 9
Back Stage Pass
Performance to Remember
Stage Chaos
Days of Forgotten Past 10
Admissions of Guilt
Days of Forgotten Past 11
From Pain Comes Comfort
Danger on the Horizon
Journey Into the Heart of Trouble
Battle the Frost
Days of Forgotten Past 12
The Heart of Texas
The Might of Sword Rain
The Way Back
Understanding Reached
Part 2: A Summary
Code of Brawl
A Wolf Walks into an Alley
Days of Remembrance 1
Days of Remembrance 2
Trips and Kisses
Simping Time
Chaos in Lungmen
Who is Your Enemy?
Strange Warning
Days of Remembrance 3
What are Your Intentions?
What Went Wrong
Days of Remembrance 4
Embrace of a Loved One
Meetings and Then Some
Biting Letters
Keep Calm
Days of Remembrance 5
Preparations for Disaster?
Out on the Town
Calls, Lanterns and Flirts poorly timed
Days of Remembrance 6
Whispered Promises
Drunken Actions are Sober Thoughts
Days of Remembrance 7
Crying, Contemplation, Carnage
Pushing Down on Me
Truth Comes Out
Days of Remembrance 8
Parting Arguments (also T & D)
Travel Across the Land (plus Deleted Scene)
Searching Far and Wide
Days of Remembrance 9
Fog Shrouded Woods
Chilling Reflection
Days of Remembrance 10
Coming Home
Something's Not Quite Right
The Missing
The Mafia Council
Shock and Runaway
The Past Bleeds into the Present

Raise a Glass

1.1K 41 37
By pokemonshadowhunter

"C'mon Texas. Drinks wait for no one."

Texas let herself be pulled along by Exusiai as they went down the dormitory hallway and outside. After all the resource farming of the past week, it was nice to know that Rhodes Island was taking the evening off to relax, even if it did mean going to a bar in Lungmen. Their van was parked out on the loading deck as per usual, but of course Exusiai had other plans in mind.

"Aren't we going in the van?"

"No Texas. You've been driving enough today, so we're going on my motorbike." Like a travel salesman trying to show off the allure of their product, Exusiai ripped off the plain covering over her bike. "Tada! See, doesn't it look amazing?"

Texas eyed the bike with mild suspicion. It was a sleek black, like a panther prowling through the night. A small dent riddled the front end where the paint was chipped slightly. The handlebars held a touch a grit where fingers gripped them. "Uh huh, you sure we won't be crashing into a pole like we did last time?"

Exusiai's eyes widened in mock horror. Her hands went over the handles of the motorbike, as though she was covering its ears. "Hush! Don't say that to him. We were drunk was all. And if I recall you were the one who wanted to do parkour off buildings miss daredevil."

She flushed. Texas could hazily remember the details of their drunken adventure after five glasses of vodka. Frankly, she was surprised they didn't get into more trouble. Though it depended what a trip to the hospital counted as. Exusiai seemed to remember those times better than she did, or maybe she just had terrible drunk recognition. Either way, motorbikes just weren't her speed. They reminded her too much of another, more reckless time in her life where things were always on edge.

"Okay, so maybe I was a little out of hand but I'm pretty sure we both were so . . ."

Exusiai tipped her head back in laughter, one of her arms swinging around Texas's neck in an amicable gesture. "I know, I know. I'm just kidding with you. Come on, let's get going."

With helmets on, Texas slid onto the seat behind her friend, wrapping her arms around Exusiai's waist snuggly. This wasn't the first time they rode together so she was used to the intimacy they shared. Whenever they were on mission, Texas was the one driving. It was nice to take it easy whenever they were off work, just letting her friend drive them anywhere as the wind passed them by. On the outskirts of Lungmen there were little to no establishments set about. The desert scenery kept them company enough, a perfect view of the full moon in the sky.  There was little noise aside from the tumbleweeds hopping in the sand and the peals of laughter from her friend.

Soon enough Lungmen's gigantic city reared into view. The buildings shot towards the clouds like hands clawing at the stars. Smoke poured out of the few factories in the distance, the honking cars and slew of traffic making them slew to a halt at a traffic intersection. Belatedly, Texas realized how close they were to headquarters. Emperor was busy working on his latest sound track, something about making it even better than what he showed off at Obsidian Festival.

"How much farther are we?"

The helmet on Exusiai's head kept her hair from fluttering out of control. Her wings winked like pieces of sea glass, each one as unique as it was rare. Texas remembered getting to touch them for the first time. "I'll let you touch my wings if I can touch your ears and tail~" To this day she hadn't the slightest clue why Exusiai was interested in the first place. But both had got their wish, and both had become just that little bit closer. Of all the friendships she'd had in the past, what she had with Exusiai was always the most open, the most free. She could trust her partner with anything.

"We'll be there in about five minutes. Ten if traffic's bad."

"Ah, so ten it is then."

"Heh, yeah. Lungmen really should invest in more roads," Exusiai said.

"Hmm, I heard more roads just encourages more traffic."

Exusiai tilted her head thoughtfully. "Maybe. There certainly would be room for more cars, but I'd have to hope things would go more smoothly."

"Considering how crowded Lungmen is, anything could help at this point." Texas agreed.

The streets were constantly packed with cars. What's more, the sidewalks were riddled with cracked pavement, weeds sprouting near the edge. Shop owners were advertising their wares from open windows. There were construction workers near the bridge, one of them was lugging a jackhammer around. She winced at the blaring sound as metal stuck concrete. Dust motes clouded up around them, she coughed when some drifted their way.

"Come on, don't you know a red light when you see one!" Exusiai yelled as one car sped past right when they were signaled to stop.

The honking behind them grew louder, not towards them but for the aggravation of the red Jeep that couldn't obey traffic laws. Texas felt grim satisfaction when a police car went zooming after said car just moments later. Traffic resumed as normal and soon enough they were pulling up to the bar.

"Looks like we're here."

Mako's bar was one of the more established bars in Lungmen. The owner was rarely there, but their son — Phillip — often was. Texas held open the door for Exusiai, following shortly behind her friend. The neon sign above the entry flickered as the door clicked shut.

Several Rhodes Island members were already waiting for them inside. Doctor Y/N and Amiya were sitting in a booth together, Schwarz and Hellagur hovering nearby. For personal bodyguards of the Doctor they seemed out of place in the rowdy bar, unlike Scavenger who was leaning up next to a coatrack when they walked in. Musical instruments were set up in one corner, the players on break at the bar. Grani was chatting with Cardigan and Plume, while Skadi and Spectre were sitting at the bar, gazes trailing after Magellan as she walked by with Silence and Ptilopsis who looked like they would rather be anywhere else. Mayer was with them, flagging down the bartender for more drinks.

"Texas! Exusiai! Over here." Croissant waved them down. She and Sora were already lounging in a cozy circle shaped booth. Drinks were set out in front of them. Sora's was a bubbly concoction while Croissant was clearly drinking some sort of strong smelling ale.

"I didn't know you guys would be here. Don't you have a gig Sora?"

Sora nodded. "I was supposed to have one in Siesta's new mobile city, something about boosting morale after the eruption thing. But then there were some technical issues so it was postponed."

"Oh I see. That's too bad," Texas said.

Sora beckoned for her to sit down in the open seat next to her. Texas did so, taking note of how Sora beamed in response. She still didn't understand why Sora idolized her so much. I saved her life because it was the right thing to do. I don't deserve such devotion. But Sora seemed to have the contrary opinion.

"Nah, it's not bad at all. This just means you'll get to be at my next show!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Sora's real ears were still hidden away by her illusion. Texas could sense them, just like she could sense Red right around the corner. The Hunter girl had been eyeing Texas the second she walked in, eyes zoning in on her dark tail. Texas tried not to be unnerved by her staring. When they'd first met she had reacted badly to Red and her advances. Now she remembered to keep calm.

"Hehe, I don't think Boss is too excited Sora. Texas isn't a fan of big crowds," Croissant said with a chuckle as she gestured to Texas.

Sora pouted, turning to look at her. "You're really not excited? But my performance would be dedicated to you! It would mean the world to me if you were watching." Sora enticed.

All her friends eyes were on her. Sora's pleading, Croissant's amusedly, and Exusiai was staring at her like she knew just what kind of hole Texas would be digging if she upset the disguised Lupus. If she could have, she would have banged her head on the table to get out of this mess. As it was, she would have to provide an answer, even if it wasn't one she liked. "Take one for the team Texas. Save other people from suffering. That's the job of an alpha." Now where did those words come from again? Fragments drifted around her mind like satellites surrounding the earth. There was no telling when one would crash down in fiery flames.

"I guess I'll come, but only if I'm backstage. Crowds are a pain." Texas conceded.

"Yay! Oh Texas! This'll be amazing, just you wait and see!"

"Good. I'm glad your looking forward to it."

Exusiai took the free moment to flag the waiter down to order drinks. A minute later Texas and Exusiai both had their own chosen blends of alcohol to drink. Normally, she wouldn't indulge in something that would skew her senses, but tonight was meant for relaxation. There was no need to worry about confronting anyone here . . . except maybe her own feelings.


About three drinks later and the party was in full swing. Sora and Croissant had convinced the bartender to let them do karaoke after the band left, their combined voices a mix between a sweet melody and a cat wailing. Hoshiguma and Ch'en had showed up at some point with Swire. The inspector looked semi annoyed as she watched Swire and Ch'en cussing each other out in the back. Doctor and Amiya were heading out the door, dragged away by Dr. Kal'tsit who sounded like she was scolding Doctor for allowing Amiya to come to the bar in the first place much to Amiya's adamant protests that she wasn't drinking alcohol.

"Haha just look at them singing together. They're soooo drunk." Exusiai was laughing, a broad grin stretched out across the planes of her face.

Texas hummed, eyeing her friend's four empty glasses. "Something tells me you're not far behind them Exia."

"Hah. And I suppose you're not. Stop being such a Lupo ice queen Texas. Lighten up." Texas was used to this taunt —had heard it a few times in the past— and was undeterred. Exusiai grabbed at her drink to take another sip, groaning when she realized it was empty. "Gosh darn bartender was supposed to bring more drinks."

She rolled her eyes. The bartender had come by with another drink a minute ago. Texas had told him her friend needed water instead. Enough years working together had taught her all about her friend's limits. If Exusiai didn't want a nasty vomit inducing hangover in the morning she had to stop after four.

"He should be back with some water soon. So how about you just relax for now."

"Hmm, I think that advice is better for you," Exusiai said.

"What do you mean?"

Exusiai's glaze gaze suddenly became serious. "You've been tense since we arrived. Are you worried about Red. I saw her when we came in."

So she was paying attention. "Not anymore. She left with Doctor and Amiya hours ago." Texas told her calmly. Her own vision was softened by the haziness of alcohol around the edges, but if push came to shove she knew she could still fight. In the background, the remaining bodyguards seemed more relaxed now. Ceylon was chatting with Schwarz and Hellagur looked to be deep in conversation with Silverash.

"Hmm, so your tense about Lappland then." Exusiai's words were a shot in the dark, but they hit home. Texas took another sip of her drink, hoping a little liquid courage would steel her against any questions her partner might have.

"Maybe." She answered flippantly.

"It's okay to have someone who upsets you Tex. Why, for me there was once this other angel girl who . . ." Exusiai trailed off mid sentence, her mouth flapping open in shock.

Texas froze up. Rarely did Exusiai make that face. When she did was never a good sign. Hesitantly, she turned around to see what had caught her eye. The entrance to the bar had swung open again to introduce the bar's warmth to the frigid night air. A figure stood in the doorway, her white hair and wolffish grin unmistakable. Gray eyes searched the crowd which hardly paid her entrance any mind.

Here we go again, her mind internally sighed.

"Just ignore her. She might go away if we don't look at her." Texas tried to reason.

Exusiai frowned doubtfully. "I don't think that'll work." A light twinkled in her eyes, matching the glow of her wings. "But I do have another idea."

Lappland was getting closer to their table. Like a shark in the ocean she was on approach, her eyes narrowed against the overhead lights. Texas wasn't sure if Lappland had spotted them yet, but knew it was only a matter of time. To make matters worse, Croissant and Sora were also on the way back to the table. Texas willed her friends to sing another karaoke song or to even be stopped by some of the other operators for a chat. Anything to make this less messy.

"What's your idea?" Texas asked.

Exusiai shot her a wink. "It's something we've done before on covert missions. The question is: do you trust me to do it?"

Texas had trust issues for a long time running, but when it came to Exusiai they were nonexistent. Fighting side by side under the direct line of fire would do that to you. "Of course I trust you."

"Then wait for my signal."

Texas cast a nervous glance Lappland's way. The other Lupus was even closer now. With a drink in hand she blended in amongst the crowd as she continued to move forward. Texas probably was imagining the predatory look in her eyes. For a brief second she was in another place at another time. Lappland was hunting down their target while she watched on. It was a long alleyway, and no mercy burned behind those silver eyes, just an intent to kill. This was the first time Texas had began to understand the darkness hiding in Lappland, the infection just below the surface. She didn't know that person; didn't want to know the psychotic murderer who lusted only for the kill. That's not and never will be my Lappland . . . Wait what?

Her thoughts were cut off by Exusiai rubbing the back of her hand. The pressure was grounding, bringing her back to reality just in time. "Is it time Exia?" She asked, her voice low. Texas had no idea what her friend had planned, just that she seemed confident about it.

"Yes. Just relax."

Right when Lappland was only a few feet away from their table, Exusiai leaned over and grabbed the front of Texas's shirt to pull her in. When their lips met in the middle Texas let out a surprised gasp but quickly relaxed into the motion. This was Exusiai's plan. A sneaky plan, but a plan nonetheless. The angel's lips were soft against her own, hot in an almost scalding way like Exusiai was too pure for anyone to be this. The scent of beer was heavy in the air. Texas moaned unhinged when Exusiai wrapped her arms around her, pulling them closer together as she bit down on her lower lip. Eyes half lidded, Texas could see Exusiai had her own closed. The pink hair usually fringing over one eye was pushed back, giving her a full view of that not so innocent face. Texas let herself get lost in this hold, breathing in sweet air.

When they eventually pulled away Texas wasn't surprised to see Lappland was gone. The white wolf had left without a trace. Exusiai smiled in satisfaction, waving down Croissant and Sora who had paused mid step to watch them. The mugs the defender held were bubbling at the top. Sora's gaze was switching between the two of them, eyes so scrutinizing Texas wondered if she had something on her face besides the blood rushing up to her cheeks. Even after several years of working together, the make out maneuver still caught her off guard.

"Hey guys! What did we miss?" Croissant asked.


The door slammed shut. The air was frigid but her ears still felt like they were burning. It was hard to explain the ache in her chest without confronting how she felt. Lappland walked away from the bar, hands stuffed into her pockets. Thoughts whirled through her mind like throwing stars soared through the air.

"Texas . . . does she really . . ."

It made her sick to even think about it. Sick, and another emotion she told herself not to feel. Infection had done things to her she never wanted to admit. And this feeling pooling in her gut, much stronger than any words could express was one of them. Lappland was gasping for air. Her heart was thundering in her ears, the cacophony of sounds making her stagger. She leaned up against the wall, hugging herself tightly. But if there was one thing she had learned in all her years alone only the embrace of another could calm her down. Only her embrace could quell her rage.

Fist raised in the air, Lappland offered up a solemn vow. There was no one or in the street aside from the full moon which brightly gleamed in the night sky among the thousands of stars. The skyscrapers rose up into the clouds but even they could not block her view entirely. "I'll get you back Texas! Even if it's the last thing I do!"

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