Fallen Too Deep

By PrettyLiars123

109K 3.3K 317

MATURE CONTENT Enter at your own risk.... "I'm not expecting declarations of love, nor anything much, really... More

(00) before reading
(01) Living On Your Own
(02) Those Babyblues
(03) College Baby
(04) Expect the Unexpected
(05) Party, Party
(06) The Aftermath
(07) The Talk
(08) Friday Night Fights
(09) Pizza and Long Talks
(10) Exam Crams
(11) Sushi and Feelings
(12) Halloween
(13) Turn of Events
(14) Sunday Lessons
(15) Here's To New Friends
(16) Liar, Liar
(17) History Repeating
(18) The Deal
(19) Simple and Clean
(20) BMW's and Chicken Wings
(21) Exclusive
*Character Pics*
(22) Thanksgiving pt. 1
(22) Thanksgiving pt. 2
(23) Home
(24) Dogsitting
(25) Be Cautious
(26) Daddy Dearest
(27) Lost Connections
(28) Tommy
(29) Forgive and Forget
(30) Are You Okay?
(31) New Alarm?
(32) The Liv Nightmare
(33) Got Thick Walls?
(34) Finals and Feelings
(35) Avoid and Conquer
(36) the Boyfriend
(38) Meeting the Family
(39) A Sip of Wine
(40) Laying It All Out
(41) Christmas
(42) The Vincenti Family
(43) Keep My Secret, I'll Keep Yours
(44) New Years
(45) Home Sweet Philly
(46) New Semester
(47) Catching Up
(48) Coffee?
(49) Date?
Bonus Chapter - Nathan
(50) Screw Going Slow
(51) I Think I Love Peanut Butter
(52) While There's A Sleeping Dog On My Floor?
(53) Strict No Distraction Policy
(54) Jealous? Nah
(55) New York
(56) Happy Birthday
(57) Still My Favorite Alarm
(58) Exposed
(59) Dinner
(60) Different
(61) Dreading It
(62) Back Home
(63) Life After
(64) A Toast
Never Too Deep

(37) Sussex

1.6K 48 3
By PrettyLiars123

Hiiiii, how are ya?😏how's your summer going? I'm back home from vacation, and I miss the tropics lol, maybe I'll move there?? Anywayyyy sorry for the wait, it's currently 1 am where I am right now and I honestly feel like I write better now but it's not edited, oops. I kinda feel like editing just takes a while so I just wanna post the chapter unedited and then go back once the story is done to edit? Idk lemme know what you think, bc if I edit it would take EVEN longer if I was kind of out of it and there's a lot of mistakes in the chapter...


"Do you have everything? I'm not coming back here if you forget something." I told my cousin, who was putting her carry-on on her shoulder.

"I hope so." Kristina said, panting and grunting. I watched her struggle with furrowed brows, to lift the bag. Damn, how heavy was her bag?

"How much is in your bag?" I questioned her. Kristina shrugged.

"This is Isaac's. He's never been this far from Philadelphia before so he doesn't know what he might need." Kristina grunted as she switched the bag over to the other shoulder. Isaac's? He packed worse than any girl I knew. Did he honestly think he would need all this?

"Why isn't he carrying it?" I arched my brow, looking behind her at mine and Kristina's hallway, towards my cousin's bedroom.

Isaac was probably still in there, contemplating on whether or not he needed to go back to his apartment in case he forgot something.

Or contemplating how he could make a break for it to not have to face my uncle. I wouldn't blame him if he was doing the latter.

"He's busy checking off his list." Kristina shook her head in disapproval.

"He made a list?" I couldn't help the snort. He was a goofball, I really hoped uncle Mario didn't chew him out too much.

Maybe he'd have mercy because he wanted to be a doctor? But then Nathan. Where would be his mercy? Nathan was a business major, and he was a fighter.

My family would never need to know that, I had already reminded Kristina and Isaac to not let it slip. They were warned, unlike Liv because apparently you need to warn your sister to not tell your mom you're in a friends-with-benefits relationship?

"Here he comes now, you check off everything, babe?" Kristina turned to look at Isaac, who walked out wearing tropical shorts, with palm trees and coconuts on them and everything.

I sighed in a breath to keep from laughing at his muscle tee with a neck pillow around his neck. That wasn't even the worst part. He was wearing sunglasses. In December.

"Isaac, you know Miami's a little cooler now right? You're gonna look—" I paused at seeing his confused expression and sighed. How could I ruin his excitement? He was finally relaxing a little from this trip, I didn't need to add to that more. So, I swallowed my words and instead said, "amazing. Keep doin' what you're doing."

He smiled big at me and gave me a thumbs up, bringing the glasses up on his head. I sucked in my bottom lip at how his curls looked awkward with the sunglasses pushing them and decided not to comment on it.

Isaac was already on edge enough as it was. Nathan on the other hand, was chill. Too chill. I applauded him. He did handle worse. He's never handled a girl's father before though. That's a whole 'nother force to be reckoned with. Especially Antonio Vincenti.

"See, Kristina? Sofia doesn't think I look ridiculous!" Isaac exclaimed happily. Kristina rolled her eyes at me, shooting me a glare.

"You're encouraging him." She commented as if I didn't already know.

"I know! Isn't it great? I mean, the shorts." I began clapping. "Wow. Am I right? Where did you get those? I wanna buy a pair for Kristina so you two can match!" I grinned at my cousin.

"I will kill you." Kristina looked the opposite of me, and I looked pretty damn amused. Isaac matched my expression.

"She told me she wouldn't be seen with me if I bought these when I tried them on. Not only did I buy them, I'm wearing them on the whole plane ride!" Isaac wrapped his arms around Kristina's neck and pulled her to his chest, kissing her head.

Kristina was rolling her eyes and shaking her head but I could see the hint of a smile on her lips.

"You look ridiculous. Take your bag back." She pulled back to shove the bag on his chest and he rolled his eyes and held it on his shoulder with no problem.

"You love it." He said. Kristina wrinkled her nose, pouting her lips. Isaac bent to kiss her pout and she shook her head but kissed him back, and that was enough lovey-Dovey for me.

I cleared my throat louder than necessary and the couple pulled back to look at me in surprise.

"Oh hey, you're still here." Isaac said, giving me a smile afterwards to say he was kidding and I flipped him off as Nathan opened the door to my apartment, now empty handed.

He had taken mine and his bags down to his car, mentioning that he wanted to do it before Isaac so Isaac wouldn't be 'such a lazy little shit and take his own crap downstairs'.

Nathan shrugged off the snow from his leather jacket, and dusted off the rest with his hands.

"Where were you?" Isaac asked his best friend, propping his chin on top of Kristina's head, with his arms back around her neck.

They were really cute, especially with how Kristina was leaned back on him as well, her hands holding onto his biceps.

"Putting the bags in the car." Nathan responded.
Isaac grinned big and released Kristina, gripping the strap on his shoulder bag and tossed it to Nathan, who took a step back and watched it fall at his feet with an arched brow.

"Please." Isaac pouted like a kid.

"No." Nathan shook his head and shrugged off the jacket, setting it on the couch before going into the kitchen.

"Nathan come back! I love you!" Isaac whined.

"Isaac, shut up." Nathan flipped him off before grabbing the cup of coffee I had set down for myself in order to talk to Kristina.

He took a sip of it and scrunched his nose at how bitter it was.

"Fuck, this is bitter." He commented to me. I arched a brow.

"Don't drink my coffee then." I scolded him.

"So no chance you can take my bags down?" Isaac spoke from behind me. Nathan rolled his eyes.

"None." He answered, and Isaac whined the whole time he walked over to pick up his bag.

He whined even more when Kristina handed him the bags she didn't have ready for Nathan with the first trip he made downstairs.

I walked up to Nathan and my coffee and tipped his hand, while putting my lips on my mug to take a sip. Nathan scrunched his nose at me.

"What? You don't like your coffee bitter?" I raised my brows.

"Not at all, sunshine, how do you? You have the biggest sweet tooth." He said and I shrugged.

"I don't really feel the effects unless it's bitter, the sugar just makes me crash." I responded, my heart doing an annoying little flip at the fact that he remembered how much I loved sweets as well.

It really made it hard to remember that the feelings were one-sided. I mean, where they? He just agreed to come meet my crazy family for me, and pretend to be my actual boyfriend the whole time we were there.

No, Sofia, stop thinking of the what-ifs. The more hopeful you are, the higher the chances you can be crushed.

"How are you so calm right now, Nathan? Isaac's been freaking out for weeks." Kristina said. I was sort of wondering the same too, but he had justified it to me with his fighting.

"Isaac freaks out about everything. I'd be surprised if he was calm about this trip." Nathan responded to Kristina, though not really answering her question. More so informing her that her boyfriend was dramatic.

"You're right." Kristina shrugged. "Still can't believe Alyssa was sent as the messenger, or that Liv even spilled about Nate." She added.

"Yeah, me neither." I rolled my eyes. I still hadn't had a chance to talk to her yet, and I didn't want to ruin the one day Alyssa was with me by showing my distaste for our younger sister. I was pissed. Why would she tell my mom?

She knew Nathan and I weren't together, was this a plan she devised or something?

"That's Liv for ya. Then again, S, aunt Sara's not someone you can lie to. Maybe she was just as much a victim as you." Kristina shrugged.

"I don't know about that." I rolled my eyes again. Kristina gave me a flat look.

"Whatever your mom wants, she finds a way to get. There's no keeping secrets from her, we've all fallen for it." Kristina said before the door to our apartment swung open and a shivering Isaac walked in. I could swear I heard his teeth chattering.

"You gonna change?" Nathan looked like he was trying hard to not laugh.

"I...a-am." Isaac shivered the whole way to Kristina's room. Awh, poor dumbass.


"You think he's gonna be okay?" Nathan said as we watched Kristina and Isaac as they headed into the airport. Isaac had changed into a pair of jeans with a long sleeved shirt, and a leather jacket.

He even had a beanie on his head. The cold had really scarred him from when he had gone to put the bags in the car in shorts and a muscle tee.

"Yeah, uncle Mario will warm up to him...hopefully. He's the nicer of the two now." I replied.

"Now?" Nathan raised his brows. I nodded.

"Oh yeah, he and my dad used to be total opposites. My dad was the sweet charmer and my uncle was the one who didn't really care about feelings until my aunt Kaela came along, it's really cute. But now they kind of switched roles. Uncle Mario still has his hard exterior, but my dad developed a stronger one. He says it's because he has three little girls, so he needs to keep it up to scare 3 guys."

Ever since I was little, I loved listening to how my parents and my uncle and aunt fell in love. It was easier for my parents, than it was for my uncle and aunt.

Aunt Kaela said it was because of Uncle Mario's inability to settle down and 'stop being so full of himself'.

He would say that she was 'too annoying and he loved getting her mad because it meant she gave him attention'.

"The more you talk about how scary your dad is, the less relaxed I get. I've never had to meet anyone's parents before." Nathan informed me and I groaned as I rubbed my hands over my face.

"I know I'm not helping, I'm sorry. I really appreciate you doing this, by the way." I let my hands fall to my lap, and I gave him an appreciative smile. He put the car in drive and winked at me, giving my thigh a squeeze with his right hand.

Well into driving, I noticed he hadn't removed his hand and I wasn't complaining. I didn't even think he noticed he was doing it. He definitely didn't look comfortable and kept shifting in his seat though. When I looked down, I realized why.

"Whatchu thinking about?" I raised both brows and looked up to meet Nathan's hazel eyes, giving him an amused look. He shook his head with an embarrassed grin as he got on the ramp that led us back on the highway, this time to go to Sussex.

"It's just morning wood, hasn't gone down yet." He said uncomfortably and I looked at the time, finding it amusing that this would be when I usually woke up and it was easier to take care of morning wood when we were together.

I pursed my lips to the side and hummed to myself before my fingers crawled to his thigh and I watched his reaction remain neutral. I sucked in my bottom lip, running my fingers up his thigh and it was when he realized what I was doing and furrowed his brows as he looked at me for a second before looking back to the road.

"What are you doing, sunshine?" He asked me and I shrugged, releasing my bottom lip from my mouth.

"Helping you be more comfortable. Just pay attention to the road." I ordered and unbuckled my seat belt, giving me easier access.

"Sofia." Nathan said my name sternly but his body reacted differently when my fingers reached for his zipper. His hips moved forward to make it easier for me.

"What?" I asked innocently, meeting his hazel eyes while my hands not-so-innocently undid his zipper.

"This is dangerous, put your seatbelt back on." He scolded me and I shook my head.

"You're uncomfortable, just let me help you. If you feel like you can't drive then just pull over." I told him, pulling his erection out of his boxers. My mouth was salivating just looking at it.

Before he had a chance to respond, I dipped my head, taking him in my mouth. Nathan cut off what he was about to say to groan as I took him deeper, testing how far I could have him. He felt good in my mouth, he tasted good.

I didn't do this often, mostly because we usually just skipped straight to sex, I did feel bad though that I usually got more than he did. I got more of his mouth than he got of mine.

I bobbed my head, my mouth making a popping sound, releasing him before my tongue circled around him. Nathan let out another groan as my hand pumped him near the front, where my month couldn't get to.

Not without triggering my gag reflex. I felt the car swerve before it just as quickly went back to normal. I felt my throat close from wanting to let out a gasp and my nostrils flared to keep from throwing up as I gagged.

Maybe taking Nathan's attention off the road wasn't the best idea, it seemed so hot in the moment.

I really didn't think much on it, just that I wanted to help him. I was helping him. I took him as far as I could again, while also using my tongue and spit to make it a lot more smoother and easier.

"Fuck, Sofia. You're gonna kill us both." Nathan's tone contradicted his words. He liked this, he just didn't want to like it. I told him to pull over if he didn't feel like he could drive.

When his hips shifted upwards, his erection pressed deeper against my throat and I tried to ignore the need to gag as I felt Nathan get near his climax. His body responded to me and I helped him get even closer to his brink.

"Fuck..." Nathan groaned out coming apart in my mouth, and I felt the car jerking to a halt and his right hand was on my head to steady it before I felt the car jerk to the right.

Now he pulled over? I swallowed the gummy consistency before releasing Nathan from my mouth, with a pop. I swiped my finger across my lip, where a bit of cum had escaped and I licked my finger while eyeing him, eyeing me.

"Better?" I gave him a knowing grin.

"You never fail to surprise me, you know that?" He shook his head, as he zipped up his jeans after fixing himself.

"Good." I smiled big, buckling myself back up.

"That was dangerous, sunshine, and you weren't wearing a seatbelt." Nathan scolded and I shrugged.

"A seatbelt would've been a little hard to work around, and you didn't seem to be complaining when you came in my mouth." I smirked at him before opening up the bag that I was keeping at my feet and grabbing a piece of gum.

"You swallowed all of it." He sounded bemused.

"I wasn't going to let a drop go to waste." I repeated the same words Nathan said to me the first time we had slept together with a smirk.


"Wait go back." I told Nathan, a little over 3 hours into our road trip. We had stopped a few times, gotten food, coffee, bathroom breaks etc...but there was still a kink in my neck developing from us being on the road for the last hour non stop. My butt was uncomfortable and I needed to stretch my legs again.

"To Pocket Full of Sunshine?" Nathan gave me an incredulous look and I nodded with a grin. I had asked him countless times if he wanted to switch so he could sleep but each time he refused and said that he was fine, but he seemed like he was getting tired. If he wouldn't let me drive so he could sleep, then I needed to keep him entertained.

Nathan sighed but complied with my request. I grinned big as I sang along with the song and Nathan just shook his head, grinning at me.

"Take me awayyyy, a secret place, a sweet escapee..." Singing was definitely not something I was good at, but I didn't care. This was Nathan, I was comfortable around him.

Nathan started laughing the more I sang and I poked him, telling him to sing with me and after multiple tries, he shook his head and finally listened to me. When the song ended, Nathan and I were both laughing.

"See? Wasn't that fun?" I poked his arm.

"I'm more awake, that's for sure." Nathan replied.

"Do you wanna switch? I can drive the rest of the way." I offered again, and he shook his head.

"I'm fine, we don't have much time anyway. There's not much traffic, we're gonna be there earlier than expected." Nathan informed me, and I nodded, already expecting that.

Every time I made this drive, it was usually shorter to get to Philly than back to Sussex because I would drive to Philly in the morning and back home when traffic was bad.

"Nervous?" I raised my brows at him and he scrunched his nose.

"A little, you and Kristina really make him out to be a scary ass dude. And your brother in law didn't help when he was here." I pursed my lips.

Jake really didn't help in easing Nathan. Considering my dad acted like he didn't like Jake all the damn time.

Deep...deep...deep down, my dad probably did like Jake. He just would never show it. I shrugged.

"My dad makes fun of Jake because Jake takes it. If he didn't love Alyssa so much, he would've been long gone. I've never seen someone take so much crap from another person before. I'll talk to my dad, try to get him to go easier on you." I assured him.

"Isn't he mad at you for hiding me?" He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"You should've seen how my family reacted when Kristina blurted out that she had a boyfriend in Florida, and with how my dad is with Jake? He can't seriously be pissed at me for not telling anyone, and besides what would I say? 'I found someone to have sex with but we're technically not dating'? Not exactly something you confide in your dad." I was so mad at Liv for making both of us have to feel my father's wrath.

Not to mention she was ignoring me so she wouldn't have to face me. She knew I knew. She couldn't ignore me when we were under the same roof.

"Why not? He'd love me if you did." Nathan said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. I mean how could he not? Knowing you fuck his daughter without the strings of a relationship? Maybe he'll get you some condoms and tell you to be safe." I deadpanned.

"Speaking of, you have your birth control right?" Nathan asked and I nodded.

"Hell yes. Me being pregnant is the last thing both of us need." I said, shuddering at the thought. It would ruin everything, my whole plans. Medical school would be put on pause, and everything would shift.

"Good, we're on the same page." Nathan nodded in satisfaction.

"Kids won't be in my future for a long time, we're most definitely on the same page." I agreed, my eyelids beginning to get heavy as I stifled a yawn. Damn, waking up early was starting to take its toll on me.

"You can sleep if you want, I'll wake you up when we get to your parents' house." Nathan assured me.

"What about you?" I frowned. He shook his head.

"I'll be okay, I'm awake now anyway." He reassured me. I tried to protest more but it was obvious I was tired when it only took minutes for me to fall asleep.

I just needed to rest my eyes for a few minutes.

Or what felt like a few minutes, but when I was awakened by Nathan, the car was no longer moving.

We were parked in a driveway, and I was groggily looking at the egg-shell white home I grew up.

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