Dragon Princess Will Do Her B...

Da PainfulExile

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Reincarnation is a popular genre, isn't it? Well, I want to file a complaint to the god or system in charge o... Altro

Chapter 2: I Knew It...
Chapter 3: The First City
Chapter 4: Experiments
Chapter 5: Eden Wakes
Chapter 6: A Motherly Figure
Chapter 7: Nine Tail's Tale
Chapter 8: Stress
Chapter 9: First Friends...?
Chapter 10: Picnic And Panic
Chapter 11: No Mercy
Chapter 12: Adoption?
Chapter 13: The Story of A Certain Young Girl
Chapter 14: Nia's Wonderment
Chapter 15: Dangerous Weaponry
Chapter 16: Border Conflict
Chapter 17: The Field Marshal's Report
Chapter 18: Preliminary Negotiations
Chapter 19: Schemes Set In Motion
Chapter 20: School Tour
Chapter 21: Role Playing Me Is A Surprisingly Good Person
Chapter 22: A Certain Principal's Plight
Chapter 23: The Markiah Conference
Chapter 24: The Markiah Agreement
Chapter 25: Unholy Alliance
Chapter 26: An Average Student's Observations
Chapter 27: Being Normal Is The Best
Chapter 28: Even So, Life Denies My Peace
Chapter 29: She Lost It
Chapter 30: A Certain War Criminal's Confession
Chapter 31: What Did You Do!?
Chapter 32: The Misunderstandings Only Grow
Chapter 33: Nine Tail's Tale-Second Tail
Chapter 34: The (Somewhat) Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 35: The Tale of A Future Hero Part I
Chapter 36: Tale of A Future Hero Part II
Chapter 37: Insanity Takes Different Forms
Chapter 38: Forms Such as An Eccentric Elf
Chapter 39: Character Stereotypes
Chapter 40: Insanity Is Contagious
Chapter 41: A Saint's Sorrows
Chapter 42: Her Luck Was Dumb, Just Like Door Designs
Chapter 43: The Truth Can Be Lackluster At Times
Chapter 44: A Bit Too Easy
Chapter 45: The Easy Way Out Always Has A Catch
Chapter 46: Before The Holidays
Chapter 47: Nia Is Back
Chapter 48: A Temporary Respite
Chapter 49: Plans That Would Soon Be Ruined By Roselia Somehow
Chapter 50: Winter Calls From The Distance
Chapter 51: A Certain Young Girl's Motivation
Chapter 52: The Actors Step Onto The Stage
Chapter 53: And So It Begins
Chapter 54: The Image of Psychotic Charisma In The Eyes of A General
Chapter 55: Contradictory Kindness of A Young Girl
Chapter 56: Her Analogies Are As Bad As Thirty Minute Instant Noodles
Chapter 57: Because No Misunderstands Would Be Too Easy
Chapter 58: The Chapter Title Length Is Getting Out of Hand
Chapter 59: Don't Panic, She Said
Chapter 60: The Unknowable Love For A Sister
Chapter 61: It Was Inevitable
Chapter 62: Struggle
Chapter 63: Diplomacy Is Best Applied Through Force
Chapter 64: I Want To Live
Chapter 65: Did I Stutter?
Chapter 66: Childhood's End
Chapter 67: An Eye For An Eye Taken To Its Logical Extreme
Chapter 68: The Human Dream
Chapter 69: Haunted By A Cult, of All Things
Chapter 70: Charade of Villainy
Chapter 71: The End, The Beginning, The Journey
Chapter 72: A New Journey
Chapter 73: The Isolated Settlement
Chapter 74: Paranoia
Chapter 75: Why Is It Always The Hero?
Chapter 76: The Hunter's Hubris

Chapter 1: How Did Things Turn Out Like This...?

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Da PainfulExile

One day, I will go to the developers' office, and scream at them over who in their right mind decided it was perfectly fine to give players the ability to nuke a medieval fantasy world from orbit.

This, I swore in my heart as I watched the Imperial Armada fire up their Genocidal class bombardment cannons.

Ahem. Let's rewind a bit. Actually, a lot. Let's go back to the very beginning, where idiot past me kicked all the cans of worms down the road to here, for future me to deal with.


The MMORPG "Brave New World" took the gaming community by storm. It was a game where...well, it was chaotic to say the least. There were dragons like any good fantasy RPG would have, but there were also tanks, fighter jets and spaceships. In other words, it was quite the varied game.

Although the sci-fi part seemed to possess overwhelming might over the more classic fantasy bits, it was quite well balanced since magic was only usable by the classic fantasy side, though there definitely were exceptions. All in all, it was a pretty unique and well designed game.

Then there was this guild system like any other MMO, but it was also unique in the sense that you can create your own NPCs or use your own pets to fill the slots of the guild along with real players.

Although there was a certain limit to NPC slots, but the player could still create more NPCs as flavor characters that could still show up in the guild.

I, of course, went crazy on such a thing. I created many, many NPCs and pets...to the point where the details would make even the most hardcore of role players go "Uwah". I also won awards and was put under the spotlight in several community made videos.

There were even easter eggs put into the game by developers in recognition of the famous guild with only a single player and the rest NPCs, as if it was all an elaborate scheme to mock me.

I-It's definitely not because I couldn't find any friends to join my guild okay!? I prefer to play alone anyway! Hmph!

Well, at this point you must want to run away, right? The person who went crazy over a video game must be bad news, right? I don't particularly blame you. I, too, at times despair at the state I am in.

A young maiden was reduced to such a state over a game...not even bothering to eat, sleep, or take care of my appearances. Sometimes I wonder where my cute younger self back then disappeared to...

Well, enough depressing stuff! You guys must want to know about the main character, right! After all, we'll be seeing each other lots for a while, whether we like it or not. Let's skip the appearances for now. Hm? Why? Well...because it seems my previous appearance will not matter.

"Nh...has morning come already...?" an unfamiliar voice sounded out in the room.

I blinked hard, my eyes rather blurry after a long sleep. Brave New World servers went down for extended maintenance, so I have been sleeping like a log for the past few days. It wasn't often you saw games go down for more than a day, so I took the opportunity to catch up on sleep. So there wasn't anything odd to wake up feeling like I've slept for centuries.

But there definitely was something odd about the place I was sleeping at. In the first place, I was not that rich to afford such fine bedding. Even though I made quite the amount streaming, but at the end of the day the standard of living was really high, you know

 Anyway, the bedding was...heavenly, to put it simply. Exquisite, the finest quality that you could find. Honestly, it might have be better than the ones you would find in a big shot's place. Soft and fluffy, the ridiculously embroidered sheets were hugging me tight, and I didn't want to let go either.

Also, the bed was massive. I think it could fit about ten adults. Seriously, why would such a bed be needed? Anyway, beyond that, the bed was also adorned with top quality silk veils and other quirky accessories that made it seem like a bed for a absurdly rich individual.

I thought I was hallucinating, but then a frilly dress came into view. I look down at my clothes, and they definitely weren't what I fell asleep in. Too frilly! Too gaudy! Too Expensive! What is this!?

Although it used a simple color scheme of black and red, the price was definitely an insane sum. The quality was too good, it was a dress one would wear to their prom...no, that wasn't right.

It was something an empress would don, and if not for the short skirt, it would have definitely passed as a formal ceremonial dress. Did someone dress me while I was asleep?

Who in their right mind would let me sleep in such divine clothes!? Do I have to pay for wrinkling this outfit!? I don't have the money, you know! I spent it all on Brave New World, after all!

Another question came in mind as I was feeling out the dress. When did my hand become so...frail but elegant looking? I formed a fist, then relaxed. I repeated such an action several times, confirming that yes, they were indeed my hands.

The hands were pale and small like that of an infant, but the size was that of a young child. Probably around twelve years of age? I've already graduated from high school, okay? I was halfway through college, and I definitely had bigger fingers! Wait, had? Was I already accepting this was my body!?

I started to feel anxious, so I got up, sitting on the edge of the bed. I started to take a look at my body. Yup. Flat chest, small limbs and a waist so slender it might break...generally a kid's appearance.

I was too caught up with checking my new appearance, that I failed to notice the numerous furniture and adornments scattered throughout the spacious room. Oh well, I will take a closer look later.

Then, one of the massive double doors swung open. An individual of beautiful, almost artificial, features walked in with refined motions. She was dressed in maid clothing, the usual black and white color scheme one would expect from a maid. Not a Victorian era maid, but the kind you would frequently see fawn over on the internet.

The maid was holding a towel in her hand, but it landed on the floor as her eyes fell on me. Her mouth dropped down, hanging open like an idiot. Hm, she looked familiar somehow.

"Lily, what are you doing? Quickly undress the princess and wipe her off. The clo—" a second maid came in, but she froze as well.

I blinked at them silently, wondering the reason for their actions. Instantly, the first maid, Lily, genuflected on both knees and struck her head on the ground. Uh, you alright? It sounded quite painful.

"I apologize for intruding without confirming, princess!" she apologized with such ferocious emotion.

"Wait, that's not the problem here!" the second maid ran out of the room, her screams growing distant. "The princess has woken! The princess has woken! She has returned to us! Someone get the Four Heavenly Queens!"

Wait, am I the princess? That would explain my situation. Did I reincarnate into royalty or something of the sorts? Wait a minute...something she said was bothering me. That familiar but edgy sounding title was only something role playing me could have came up with, right? Could it be...?

"Hey..." I opened my mouth, the voice surprising me.

It was the voice that I heard earlier when I woke up. Yeah, that confirmed it. I was in a different body, huh? The voice was of a higher pitch than my previous voice, but it was rather pleasant on the ears. In fact, there was a sweet melody to it, and I would have definitely been charmed if it wasn't my own voice right now.

"Y-yes!? Please punish me for my insolence!" the maid was still on her knees.


"Please get me a mirror," I murmured politely, a bit taken aback by her fanaticism.

"I-I am not worthy for such kindness!" was I really that high of a position that she would get afraid when I spoke politely?

I was handed a small portable mirror from her pockets, and I took a look at it gingerly. What...what is this!? I had a nagging suspicion, but to see it personally was quite shocking.

Small, childish lips. Blood red eyes with golden specks. Silky, long hair that are of a gorgeous silverish white. Contrasting with the childish appearance so far, the facial features were admittedly a bit too sensual for a child, especially with that tired expression. Still, it was more of a cool elegance rather than what I had mentioned earlier.

This appearance...yup, no doubt about it. Although it was a bit different since it was in a game, but this appearance was definitely that of the beloved character I spent hours on. Ugh, still gives me flashbacks of the sleepless nights I had fiddling with the character creation menu.

No wonder the features were so pleasant on the eyes, I made this to fit my tastes perfectly after all. Wait, that doesn't mean I like young girls, okay!? It fits the backstory! The backstory, you know! And technically this avatar was an adult too...just looked sort of like a child.

The person I became, my avatar for "Brave New World", Roselia Rhongomyniad...well I had wanted to name her something much cooler and befitting for her backstory. Alas, the allowed character count wasn't long enough, so I had to compromise.

By the way, her backstory was being the 'Last Princess of The Ancients'. Of course, nobody called me that online. In fact, they used to call me 'loner princess'. Rude bunch.

The other door of the double door slammed open as three individuals burst into the room.

"Exalted one!"


"Your Majesty!"

The first individual was a woman of mature age, with well developed chest and hips. The curves made her a beauty of unrivaled scale, as if she was artificially created...well, she was. Three pairs of pure white wings, totaling at six, sprouted from her back.

The holy feathers drifted to the ground due to her panicking state, but it didn't take away the aura of divinity around her. Despite her mature and hallow appearance, she was a 'child' that I had personally created.

She was wearing a silky luster dress that reached her knees, decorated with a white corsage. Although she was dressed in a manner that highlighted her adult allure, she managed to maintain an air of dignity and holiness. Truly, she inherited the traits of her race. She was a seraphim and the Supreme Commander of the Old Guard of Eden, Jibril.

Contrasting with those around her, the second individual was a black haired woman with a bob cut dressed in a clothing that was more familiar to me. It was a military uniform for women, with it being a finely tailored uniform, causing her to appear more mature, especially with her black eyes and hair. A short skirt reached just above her knee, and below she don black stockings.

This was her usual getup, since she wasn't in combat. In her character sheet, it was detailed that she would change into military fatigues and armor when leading the armies into battle, allowing her to command and fight easily. She was an evolved human and the field marshal of Eden's Modern Armed Forces, Rin.

Although her looks paled in comparison to Jibril's, Rin's appearance was still pleasant, or at the very most decent. Admittedly, it was because I didn't spend as much time of Rin's appearance customization.

In exchange, I gave her a lengthier backstory, though. Even so, I would say her lightly freckled face and defined jawline really gave her the tomboyish look, you know? Although her personality didn't really fit her appearances, if I recalled her character sheet correctly.

The final individual was also a woman. What, the majority of my most trusted advisers are women? W-well, it can't be helped! I prefer to be around girls, alright! There's nothing wrong with spending some quality girl time together! Nothing wrong at all!

Well, I definitely did design male subordinates for my guild, but I left most of the top positions to females, though. After all, female designs tend to come naturally to me for some reason. Perhaps it was because I was a girl too.

Anyway, the last girl was much younger than the previous two, or at least if one judged from her body size. She was relatively short, only about a head taller than my present body, but her actual age was nearing that of an adult's, perhaps even an elder.

The majority of her facial features were concealed an enchanted black hood, which she had taken off just now upon realizing she was in my presence, revealing a pair of pointed ears. Although she was an adult in both size and age, her face contrasted with a baby like face. There was a certain timidness that leaked out of her expression, but it was suppressed.

Quite realistic, to even replicate her character details down to the letter. Was I really in a world where my guild existed in reality? Or was this just the game world?

Anyway, her green eyes and auburn hair combined with her childish face made her quite cute, if I do say so myself. She was wearing a black skin tight stealth suit, but since she wasn't in an operation, a cloak was placed over her body.

I could see the hilt of a eastern curved blade peeking out from behind her back, and it resembled a certain in game item I used to grind for. Based on the situation I was currently in, it mostly likely was. She was an elf and the director of Eden's Intelligence Department, Aura.

There should be one more person missing from the 'Four Heavenly Queens', but if it was her, I guess it couldn't be helped. For now, I'll have to worry about getting more information on why I was here, and where exactly is 'here'. Also, probably deal with the ones before me that seem like they were about to burst into tears any second.

"Ah...um," I tested my voice a bit, unused to the angelic voice. "Where am I?"

"We are in Your Majesty's room in Eden," Jibril bowed, and I was glad she didn't keep using 'Exalted one'.

"It's been so long, princess! I'm glad you've returned to us!" Rin placed a fist over her chest and closed the gap between her legs, saluting me.

"I'm glad to be taking direct orders from you again, Princess Rhongomyniad," Aura knelt down on one knee to display loyalty.

I was still quite disorientated, so I couldn't be blamed for not thinking before speaking, "Would all of you please tell me the situation?"

All three of them and the two maids freezes upon hearing my words. Oops, I shouldn't have used polite speech, huh? Seriously, past me, why did you have to write all these bothersome settings?

I smiled bitterly, "Ah. It seems I have yet to fully orient myself with the surroundings."

Relieved expressions washed over their faces, with Rin commenting with a satisfied sigh, "Well, princess has been asleep for two hundred years, after all."

My eyes almost lurched out of my eye sockets. Two hundred years!? What? That just raised more questions...

"Why was I asleep for so long?" I inquired.

"I apologize, but we don't know," Jibril bowed. "Princess just fell asleep one day and failed to wake since then...we had thought you had done it on purpose."

Hm. Then, the next thing I should confirm is...

"Are we still on Lune?" I said the name of the world in the setting of Brave New World.

They looked at each other, before Aura reported, "No, princess. On the day Your Majesty fell asleep...the world changed. Or we were moved to another world, we can't be sure. Even till this day, we aren't sure what happened. I apologize that the Intelligence Division isn't of use. We have no excuse, and we would accept any punishment."

I know I designed you guys to be loyal followers, but this was tilting towards the scale of fanaticism more than anything else...It kinda gets a bit annoying to be honest, but it was my responsibility for them being like this, so I probably shouldn't complain.

"Give me a full report later," I tried my best to sound authoritative. "I'm going to clean up first."

They all bowed and left the room, leaving the maids there to assist me. To be honest, I decided to take a shower not only because my body was feeling rather sticky, but I have to confirm if I was truly in the home base of Eden. Because if I was, it would bring up a rather terrifying idea.

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