The Vacation - Louis Tomlinso...

By SarcasticScorpion_1

21.1K 412 51

Highest Ranking #1 in lt "How could I possibly be attracted to you? you're so annoying" she said. "You love m... More

Chapter 1 Hello Stranger.
Chapter 2 I'm 22, what did you expect?
Chapter 3 Staring Games.
Chapter 4 I Totally Forgot.
Chapter 5 We're Going.
Chapter 6 Bad Eyelash.
Chapter 7 Were You Busy?
Chapter 8 You have a problem with that little boy?
Chapter 9 Idiot.
Chapter 10 This is so hard.
Chapter 11 Good Friend.
Chapter 12 Don't call me that.
Chapter 13 Where is the sweet Aria and what have you done to her?
Chapter 14 He's my.. my friend.
Chapter 15 Last Night was an Adventure.
Chapter 16 That's Not Possible.
Chapter 17 Will you keep a secret for me?
Chapter 18 Aww, is cupcake okay now?
Chapter 19 That I Am.
Chapter 20 Are you ignoring me?
Chapter 21 You're so Beautiful it hurts.
Chapter 22 I'm not Tiny!
Chapter 23 I need your help Cupcake..
Chapter 24 I.. just went for a.. swim..
Chapter 25 Tired Already?
Chapter 26 Girl?
Chapter 28 I'm not tiny okay?
Chapter 29 What the fuck just happened?
Chapter 30 Do I have a Choice?
Chapter 31 You Alright?
Chapter 32 Does it hurt?
Chapter 33 No one has Ever tested my patience like that.
Chapter 34 Can I help?
Chapter 35 Do you still want to go there?
Chapter 36 Are you a player too?
Chapter 37 Aren't you jet lagged or something?
Chapter 38 Your girlfriend is nicer than you.
Chapter 39 She's right here Lou.
Chapter 40 Nothing I can't handle.
Chapter 41 The Prettiest Shade of Blue.
Chapter 42 I Love You, Cupcake.
Chapter 43 In New York? Yes sweetheart.
Chapter 44 He has a name.
Chapter 45 I don't know, I don't want to know..
Chapter 46 I would've never guessed..!
Chapter 47 No I'm not fucking ready Ni.
Chapter 48 I Love You.
Chapter 49 Surprise!
Chapter 50 I can't believe it's Christmas Already!
Chapter 51 Well, she's not wrong, I am a fool.
Chapter 52 What are you doing here?
Chapter 53 Just Like That.
Chapter 54 Where do the Broken hearts go?
Chapter 55 It's not even medicinal..
Chapter 56 I think she's here.
Chapter 57 More Like it.
Chapter 58 You're getting on my nerves Aria, again.
Chapter 59 Graduation Day!
Chapter 60 This is so boring.
Chapter 61 I love you.
Chapter 62 Get to the point.
Chapter 63 It's my secret weapon.
Chapter 64 We're.. planning..
Chapter 65 I want real kisses not virtual ones. 😘😘😘😘
Chapter 66 I can't handle this anymore..
Chapter 67 Why would I ever miss a chance to dance with you..

Chapter 27 She was being annoying Zayn, that's why!

311 6 0
By SarcasticScorpion_1

Aria's POV -

I can't believe what's happening. Louis is kissing me. He really is, this isn't a dream.

But he's drunk. He probably wouldn't remember it in the morning. But, as wrong as it sounds, I did kiss him back, and when I did, I felt him smile against my lips.

He kissed me slowly while cupping my cheeks, giving me shivers at the contact and my hands travelled to his hair. I swear my whole body was on fire. He tasted like alcohol but I didn't mind.

A few moments after, I heard a knock on the door followed by Lottie's voice and I pulled away.

Louis didn't say anything, he just looked at me blankly. I doubt if he heard her but that's not my concern right now. As much as I wanted to run into my room I couldn't because I knew Louis wouldn't behave in front of her and she would probably find out that he's drunk.

"Louis, close your your eyes an don't say anything ok?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Hey" I said as I opened the room and blushing furiously at the same time. Thanks to Lottie and her shocked face.

"Hi.. uhh I.. can't find my charger did you see it anywhere?" she asked.

"Charger? Umm I don't know Lottie, but you can take mine.. it's in my room I'll get it" I said as I rushed past her while she followed.

"Here" I said giving it to her.

"Thanks umm, you're okay now right?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yeah.. I'm all good now really" I smiled.

"Goodnight Aria" she said smiling as well.


"Aren't you going back to Lou's room?" she asked.

"Oh yeah I'm just going to say goodnight, we were playing racing on his laptop so we got tired.."

"I see.. anyway, see you in the morning" she said and went back to her room and I went back to Louis'.

When I walked towards him, he was already asleep and I found smiling at the sight.

I really like him.

I kept his laptop on the side table and pulled the blanket up. Once he was nicely tucked in bed, I kissed his forehead and left his room.

I don't know if he would remember our moment tomorrow or regret it if he does, but one thing for sure. I would never regret our first kiss.


As soon as I opened my door the next morning, I found Louis on the dining table with his laptop, laughing at the screen, while talking. Guess he's on a video call with someone.

"Louis, I hate you!" said a female voice.

"Aww, Hales Love you more.." he said resting his chin on his hands. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.

"No you love me more and you know it, idiot" said a male voice.

"Shut up Ni, you're so gay" Louis replied and they laughed.

"Well, I guess you both are still single so you're both gay" said a different male voice.

"And we're crushing on you Zaynie"

"God, Louis don't call me that" he said.

Louis was about to speak something when his eyes darted towards me.

"Ari hey come here!" he chirped.

Umm, no?

"Louis, I'm-"

"Come cupcake, meet my my family from College" he said and took my wrist and soon we were sitting in front of his laptop.

There were three people, two guys and a girl. The guy on the left had black hair while the rest two were blonde.

"Guys, this is my new best friend, Aria" Louis said and kept his arm on my shoulders.

"And Ari, this is Niall, Haliee, and Zayn" he pointed out.

"Hello" I said with a polite smile.

"Heyy" said Niall and Zayn in unison.

"I love your hair Aria" said Haliee and I smiled. She seemed nice but I just couldn't get over the fact that she's Louis' best friend.

"Thanks, I love yours too" I said.

"What's your favorite food?" asked Niall.

"Umm, Pizza.."

"Oh great I love Pizza" he said smiling at me.

"You love everything when it comes to food Ni.." said Louis and Zayn chuckled.

"Whatever Lou, she loves Pizza so she's welcome to the gang" said Niall.

"Did he tell you he got into a fight with Perrie yesterday because she stopped him from eating more chips.." that was Zayn.

"She was being annoying Zayn, that's why"

"She didn't want you to throw up after over eating Niall" he replied.

"Well, she tried to shut me up with duct tape!"

"I support Perrie" said Louis, laughing.

"Aria, do me favour, please shut Louis up with duct tape" said Niall.

"Oh but isn't he your crush Ni" Zayn grinned.

"You are my crush not Louis" he replied to Zayn grinning.

"Mine too" said Louis cheekily.

"You two are so gay" stated Haliee said slapping her head.

"Isn't he beautiful, Ari" said Louis.

"Isn't he stupid, Ari" said Zayn rolling his eyes.

"I gotta give you credit though Aria, don't you want to strangle him like after every few seconds" he added.

"Not really.." I chuckled.

"Oh, believe me she's way more kind than y'all will ever be" Louis said proudly.

"Kill him with kindness then" said Hailee they chuckled.

"Come on Hales, you didn't just quote Ariana Grande" said Louis.

"That's Selena Gomez, Louis" I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"Wait really?" Niall asked.

"You didn't know?" said Haliee and shook her head. "I mean who doesn't know Selena Gomez..right Zayn?" she added.

"I like Metal" he shrugged.

"Why am I even best friends with you guys, idiots, all three" she said rolling her eyes and started laughing.

"Tell Zayn to break up with Perrie, Hales" said Niall keeping his head on her shoulder and she blushed.

"I'm so done guys, change the topic" Zayn said hiding his face in his hands while we laughed.

"Sure Zaynie, whatever you say" said Louis grinning.

"I swear to god Tommo-"

"Hey! We have a cupcake right here, cut that language!" said Louis covering my ears.

"I'm sure she's a grown up, Louis.." he sighed.

"Guys!" Niall shouted all of a sudden, startling all of us. "I forgot that I had to bring Aunt Karen home.. what time is it Zayn?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Umm around half past one" he replied and Niall's eyes got wider.

"I was supposed to pick her up at twelve, no, no, no.. Mom's gonna kill me!" he said.

"Ni, don't you think you're wasting time?" said Louis.

"I know, but I need a legit reason why was I late" he said.

"How about, you got loose motions at the time" that was Zayn.

"That's disgusting, no!" Niall replied.

"How about you blame traffic" I suggested.

"Can't do, Airport is almost 20 minutes"

"How about you say you were so excited to see her so you were driving really fast and so you got a ticket for overspeeding, and hence the time" said Louis and they all seemed impressed.

"You're a genius Louis, love ya mate" he said and sighed.

"More than Zayn?" asked Hailee.

"Ofcourse not, right Lou" he winked.

"Go, Horan!" Louis replied chuckling.

Niall kept laughing and waved before going. "I'll call you back if I get time, bye Tommo, and it was nice to finally meet you Aria" he grinned.

"Same here" I smiled.

"Come Hales, we're getting late" he said and she smiled shyly nodding at his offer and waved at us.

"See you two later, bye!" she said.

"Wait so you guys are going to leave me alone?" asked Zayn.

"Wanna join Zaynie?" asked Niall.

"No." he grinned.

"Niall and Hailee like each other but don't confront each other" Louis whispered in my ear.

She has a crush, a crush who isn't Louis. Oh my god.

I lost all track of the conversation when he told me that.

"Aria?" Louis snapped me into reality.


"Let's have breakfast" he said with a smile.

"But what happened to the video call?" I said looking at the laptop, the video call was cut already.

"Zayn just texted me that his laptop's battery was low so the call got cut. He'll talk later.. "

"Oh okay.." I said.

"You're not crushing on him right?" he asked.

"What? no.." I said quickly.

"Well I may tell you that he's taken" he said with a slightly annoyed look.

"I don't really care.." I said as politely as I could. Isn't it weird when your crush asks you to not to have crush on someone else?

"Hmm, I'm hungry, I'm going to make sandwiches. Want one?" he asked.

"Sure, I'll help you.. and Louis.." I said and he looked up at me.

"There's something I needed to talk about.." I said and he raised his eyebrows.


"Good Morning guys!" Alex chirped and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Morning Alex" he said with a fake smile and went to the kitchen.

"We'll talk later" he whispered in my ear as he passed me. His calmness telling me that he surely didn't remember anything from last night.

A/N -

Stay Tuned :)

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