āœ“ 2. | FIX HER āžø KLAUS MIKAEL...

By wickedivory

619K 18.2K 10.9K

ā” š…šˆš— š‡š„š‘. ā› she saved him and he saved her āœ in which melody mills is now eighteen and decides to exp... More

o. š–‰š–Žš–˜š–ˆš–‘š–†š–Žš–’š–Šš–—
i. š–™š–—š–†š–Žš–‘š–Šš–—
ii. š–Žš–“š–™š–—š–”š–‰š–šš–ˆš–™š–Žš–”š–“
iii. š–Šš–š–™š–Šš–“š–‰š–Šš–‰ š–˜š–šš–’š–’š–†š–—š–ž
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v. š–ˆš–†š–˜š–™ š–‘š–Žš–˜š–™
vi. š–•š–‘š–†š–žš–‘š–Žš–˜š–™
one ; vampires, witches, and doppelgangers, oh my
two ; the "protect elena" gang
three ; nightmare at the carnival
four ; you trust me, i'll trust you
five ; suit of armor
six ; in the shadows
seven ; this thing called time
eight ; the truth is buried down below
nine ; curiosity killed the cat, but its stubbornness brought it back
ten ; roses for an angel
eleven ; the greatest
twelve ; i was just like you once
thirteen ; not so damsel in distress
fourteen ; the dinner disaster
fifteen ; uneasy bonding
sixteen ; of all my mistakes
seventeen ; hello, goodbye
eighteen ; life choices
nineteen ; my choice, don't stop me
twenty ; the day her life changed
twenty-one ; trust is the key to friendship
twenty-two ; a curse called loneliness
twenty-three ; a shiny glass cup of trust
twenty-four ; broken hearts, shattered trust
twenty-five ; enemies who became friends
twenty-six ; loyalty, my love
twenty-seven ; the angel in the devil's playground
twenty-eight ; stories written in tattoos
twenty-nine ; the sea of bad memories
thirty ; whispering confessions
thirty-one ; looking into the face of death
thirty-two ; only one
thirty-three ; nothing but a dream
thirty-four ; i found love
thirty-five ; where do we go from here
thirty-six ; you never felt like home
thirty-eight ; lucky me
thirty-nine ; a deal with the fallen angel
forty ; you can't save her
forty-one ; nothing but a guilty conscious
forty-two ; there goes the ticking bomb
forty-three ; what's family for?
forty-four ; the road to forgiveness and control
forty-five ; you will all burn
forty-six ; another team in the race
forty-seven ; odd desire
forty-eight ; his epic love
forty-nine ; the least of your concerns
fifty ; love and hate, katerina
vii. š–™š–š–†š–“š– š–žš–”š–š

thirty-seven ; my happy ending

4.9K 198 168
By wickedivory


chapter thirty-sevenmy happy ending


❝ you are my happy ending ❞


thirty votes and thirty comments for the next chapter!

THE BITCH WAS still alive. Melody had gone to an empty motel room, making sure that no one was in there already. She was absolutely furious, the most she has ever been in a long, long time. This topped when Klaus was desiccated for sure. Everything she touched either was chucked across the room or exploded in her hands. She screamed in fury, picking up a chair from a table that was placed in the corner of the room, tossing it at the wall. It broke and fell into pieces on the ground.

Pan was casually sipping his coffee, hearing the yelling and sound of the smashing objects, knowing that this was something that his daughter had gotten from him. And no way was he about to walk into that room and get his face burnt off. If he was Melody right now, he would be acting the same way so he knew what not to do.

Rebekah was in total shock, not sure what to say as she drank her glass of blood. Her eyes were wandering around the room because she couldn't just focus on one thing while her best friend was having a tantrum in the next room. She was grateful that she had compelled everyone in the motel, including owner to make sure no one else came to get a room.

Klaus was smirking, arms crossed over his chest as he ate his breakfast. This amused him because even though his girlfriend being angry was not a pretty sight, it was humorous just how much she was looking forward to knowing that the world was without Elena Gilbert. He was surprised that his sister hadn't lost it and gone back to finish the job. But they all had to keep up the act of Klaus being dead so she couldn't go back yet.

"Should someone go talk to her?" Rebekah questioned, looking at the two males who miraculously hadn't murdered each other in the few hours they spent in the same room.

Pan waved it off with his one hand, holding his mug with the other. "Nah, she's fine." Another scream sounded through the motel. Another smash, probably the table. Another sip of his coffee. "Mm, this coffee is actually good."

Klaus finally got up once he finished his food, wiping his mouth off with a napkin. "I got it."

The immortal leader smirked and scoffed. "Go on ahead, Nikki boy. Be my guest."

His words weren't threatening, he genuinely sounded amused by what the hybrid was about to do. And he wished that he could get a video of his daughter stabbing his eye with a knife. But alas, he wouldn't get up from his chair unless it got too far. Then he asked himself when was it too far? A smile appeared on his face as the door opened and the older male left.

Klaus didn't walk right in at first, simply knocking and standing patiently with his hands on either side of the door frame. "Melody, love? Don't you think it's time to eat breakfast? We still have a full day ahead of us."

The door swung open and he saw his girlfriend standing there with a glare aimed that was killing him from the inside. Before he could get a word out, she yanked his arm and pulled him inside the room, slamming the door shut. Melody's hands were bloody but not too much, fire was licking her fingertips. Klaus knew what was happening. Right as he went to soothe her, she pressed her hand on the back of his head and pushed his lips to her's.

A gasp from him was muffled as she pulled harder at his hair. She pushed him against the wall but this was not the direction he wanted to go in. He was not about to make out with her and possibly develop into something more serious. No. She was vulnerable and she needed to calm down.

"Love," he mumbled against her soft lips that were rough at that moment. "Calm down, relax."

"Stop talking," she growled out, tugging harder as she bit his lower lip.

Klaus knew that she was only taking her anger out on him. He wasn't about to go through. "Melody." He used his strength to flip them so she was pressed against the wall instead. "No." The brunette pulled back to stare at him with wide eyes, confused but her anger was still prominent. "You need to calm down." He grabbed one of her hands and moved them to his shirt, letting her hand stay over his beating heart. "Breathe."

She took a deep breath, the fire disappeared. "What do you not want me?"

"Of course I want you," he replied, shaking his head as if the thought was absolutely absurd. "Just not like this, not when you aren't thinking straight. You asked me to pull you back and that's what I am trying to do. Now, breathe."

Melody was stubborn but did as he said because she knew that he was right. So she closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, feeling his heart beating against her hand. And just like that, her anger began to fade, every bit of fire disappeared, a sigh escaped her. He waited patiently, letting her take her time. Then when she opened her eyes, they were soft and no longer dark looking. "Thank you." Her voice was quiet as if saying so was difficult.

He smiled gently at her, keeping her hand there. "Just doing what you told me too."

She rolled her eyes though there was a teasing smile on her face. "Whatever. Take the compliment and shut it." She dropped her hand and then tilted her chin up to kiss him lightly. The kiss ended too soon for both of their liking yet neither went back for more. When they pulled away, she was embarrassed so she quickly moved onto a new topic. "What are we going to do? About Elena?"

Klaus hummed lowly, shrugging. "The choice is yours. I should have enough blood to make my hybrids."

Melody instantly pulled away, looking down to make sure he didn't see the irritation in her eyes. "Right."

Suddenly the door opened wide and Pan entered. They both looked over at him to see his eyes narrow at them both. He looked at her, then at Klaus, then back at her. He pointed his finger at them both. "We are going to discuss this later." Melody rolled her eyes again, rubbing her temple. "But right now, we have a problem."

"When do we not?" his daughter mumbled.

Pan stepped forward, throwing his hand towards the door. "Some random guys just kidnapped Rebekah."

They both became alert. Klaus glared heatedly at him, moving closer to the seemingly teenage boy. "She was what? Why didn't you help her? Why didn't go after her?"

Pan pretended to consider his options. "Huh, let me think about this. I could either make sure that the three of us weren't caught or I could run out there with my arms waving around like I just won the lottery."

Melody was appalled, looking at him with shock. "Why didn't you use your magic to save her? Dad, what the hell were you thinking?" Horror coated her expression because what if it was the Salvatores coming to get revenge on Rebekah for killing Elena? What if they desiccated her? What if they had white oak somehow and killed her?

"Because they came for you too!" Pan exclaimed. "But of course you two were too busying doing who knows what so you didn't notice it or feel anything wrong going on." He took a pause to gather himself, unclenching his fists that he didn't realize had balled up. "Someone clearly tipped us off, someone followed us here and they told whoever came for Rebekah. If I went out there, they would have known that you were here too. Because whoever tipped us off, might know who I am and would you like me to have risked that?"

No answer from either of them. He took that as them agreeing with him. Klaus shook his head, storming past him and out of the room. Melody sighed deeply, watching him go before she went over to her dad. She hugged him quickly. "Please don't give him a hard time. But thank you." She gave him a tiny smile before following after the hybrid.

As she walked to the car so they could follow the guys, she stopped, hear her phone go off. She withdrew it from her pocket. Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw the caller ID. Yet she answered it, not sounding hostile because she was genuinely surprised. "Damon?"

"Thank goodness, Melody we have a problem."

Forget being nice. "Oh wow, that's rich coming from you. Funny how you call when you need something from me." Her voice came out in a hiss, still walking to the car while her dad followed from behind her.

Damon sounded desperate on the other line which was highly unlike him. "Look, Alaic outed us all to the Council. They are picking us off one by one. They got Tyler, Caroline, Stefan, Elena, and I bet they got Rebekah too which is why you sound more pissed than usual."

Melody scoffed, getting into the passenger seat. Pan got into the back while Klaus started the car. She put the call on speaker phone but gave her boyfriend a warning look. "Well, Elena should've just died when she went off that bridge. Maybe we wouldn't have this problem or any problem for that matter."

"Are you going to help or not?"

Klaus gave her a look, waiting to see what she would say. Melody looked right at him as she responded, "No. I am saving Rebekah. I don't owe you a damn thing. My boyfriend is dead and if I have to kill the rest of you to make sure Rebekah lives then so be it." She hung up and then looked behind at her dad who was pouring a liquid over a shirt of Rebekah's so they could locate her. Her eyes then went to the window as she leaned back in her chair, setting her arm on the door.

No one said anything else besides when Pan announced that he got it to work, telling Klaus the direction when the magic pulsing around the shirt got stronger. But the same uncertainty lingered because there was always that shred of a chance that one of them wouldn't make it.


They eventually arrived at the truck that was holding Rebekah and two other people according to Klaus because he could hear two more heartbeats. One police car was in front of the black truck while another one was behind it. Melody caught the sight of a silver SUV. "Stop the car." Klaus was confused but did as she said, stopping the car.

Quickly, she exited the car and got out, standing in the road. Her hands went up and she waited until the silver SUV got closer. Klaus and Pan got out, not understanding what she was about to do. Melody took a deep breath and then turned her hands fast, causing the SUV to swerve in front of the police car in the back. But she made sure that the people in the SUV were okay.

Just like she wanted, the police car in the back spun fast, crashing into the fence and then flipping over, setting on fire soon after. The truck flipped over as well. She raced forward to get there because the police car in the front turned around and started coming back.

Klaus used his speed and went over to the back of the truck, ripping off to reveal Rebekah, Caroline, and Tyler. Each one of them went wide-eyed. However, Rebekah was more of surprise while the other two were shocked to see the hybrid alive.

Melody sighed in relief. "Rebekah." She went to reach for her. "Come on, hurry."

The blonde took her hand and got out, still weak from being shot. She leaned onto her and Pan ended up wrapping his one arm around her neck, leading her back to the car. Caroline and Tyler still couldn't believe what was happening.

"How are you alive?" Caroline questioned.

Melody smirked, pride in her eyes. "I wasn't just about to hand him over like he's some present. I had a backup plan in case Alaric killed him. Now, I suggest the two of you leave before my kindness suddenly shortens."

Tyler didn't need to be told twice and merely glared at the couple, grabbing onto Caroline's arm as the two vamp-sped away. Klaus was smirking too, glancing down at her to see her still looking amused. She winked at him and then moved back to stand in front of the road. The police officer got out of his car, gun pointed and ready to fire when she flicked her wrist, sending his head to the door which knocked him out.

She rolled her eyes. "Humans." Then she sighed and linked arms with Klaus. "See? Wasn't too hard now was it?"

He just shook his head with a smile, not saying anything as they got back into the car.


Pan had said his goodbyes after they saved Rebekah because it seemed as though Alec was missing him and Felix was as well. So Melody convinced him to go back, hugging him goodbye. He had given Klaus a talk before he did which got her nervous but she knew that her dad wouldn't kill him because the hybrid meant something to her.

Because it was no longer a secret that Klaus was alive, they had all packed their things when Pan left and moved back to the Mikaelson Mansion. Rebekah had gone to see if Stefan and Elena would live through the Council kidnapping them which left Melody and Klaus alone.

Klaus had sat in his study for a long time and she was afraid to walk in if he didn't want to be disturbed. Because he always kept the door closed when he painted. She had seen the countless sketches he had made of her as well so she didn't dare go in for that reason too.

Eventually, she had gotten tired of the book she was reading and knocked on the door to the study, standing there with her arms awkwardly at her sides. Klaus got up from where he was sitting at the couch by the fire and opened the door. She smiled slightly, her hands curling up so she could hold her sleeves from her sweatshirt. "Hey. Can I come in?"

He moved out of the way, gesturing inside. Melody entered and then saw no indication that he had been doing anything. She sat down on the couch and he followed, looking over at her. "Is there something you need? The Council isn't at the door are they?"

She shook her head, smiling at his attempt to joke though there was clearly something on his mind. "No. I'm sure you would know if they were." Then she looked down at her fingers and began to mess with them, suddenly nervous because after thinking about it for so long, she was ready to tell him. Klaus noticed but said nothing, waiting for her to be ready.

Melody didn't look up still as she started to talk freely, not leaving anything out. After all this time, he didn't deserve that. He deserved honesty from her. "Regina ended up taking me in after she found me on that dirt path. She took me to her castle and became the mother I never got to have." Tears instantly pooled in her eyes as she explained what happened after she was put onto that dirt path. "I was five so of course it didn't seem to register that my dad left me. I just told myself that he was away and that he was coming back one day. And every year on my birthday I would wish for him to come home."

She wiped a tear that fell down her cheek. "And every year I would wake up the day after my birthday and he wouldn't be there. Yet I would still wish for the same thing every single time. Nothing happened until I was nine and finally, it hit me like a ton of bricks when I went to a village and saw a father with his little girl. She was running around and then tripped, cutting her knee. I watched as her father came over and then cleaned her cut. Then she hugged him and he told her that he was going to go buy her a new stuffed bear because she was so brave. I just remember crying because my dad would do the same thing."

More tears fell down but she didn't have the energy to wipe them that time. "And it only got worse from there. Sometimes I would not eat for days or would eat hardly anything because it made me sick. I would cry for hours. Every night I would fall asleep because I cried so hard that my body got too tired. I had nightmares all the time. One time before my mom cast her curse I even tried to..."

Her words trailed off as she cried harder. "And I know, I know that me forgiving me dad so easily was wrong and stupid. But I needed my dad. After so many years of waiting and waiting, I gave in so quickly because the thought of my dad hugging me and calling me his little Princess was too tempting to let go. Because at the end of the day he is my dad and I love him. He sacrificed everything for me. And at the end of the day, I know if I lose every damn person I love, he will still be around. I know that no matter what, he will always love me and take care of me."

She looked over at Klaus to see him listening intently, not once interrupting. "I spent five years, six now, just waiting until I found my true love because everyone I knew found their's or was content with what they have. Except for me. We have known each other for months now, we haven't even hit a year and yet I can't help but feel so close to you. You make me so happy, Niklaus Mikaleson. And I know that I can be a pain, stubborn, and evil even. But nothing you will ever do will change the fact that you are my happy ending."

Melody looked right at him still. "And I know that this may be way too early but I am saying it because it is the truth. I have never understood what love felt like. Not in a romantic way. Not until I met you." She cupped his cheeks.

"Niklaus Mikaelson I love you," she spoke proudly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Klaus was in absolute shock, not a single word coming out of his mouth. He simply grabbed her cheeks and connected their lips, kissing her gently but full of passion. Melody kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and not letting go for a second. She couldn't let him go, not now, not ever. And no one was going to break them apart. Because she had found her happy ending.

Because she loved Niklaus Mikaelson


Short chapter today and I apologize for that but this is how it is going to be during season four because Melody doesn't fit into it at all. I tried with Athena and the chapters always came out to around 2,000 words and that was all. So please, bear with me! But this chapter means a lot to me because I always connect with my characters and I felt that it was time that Melody admits to her feelings.

After much thinking, I have come to the conclusion that Melody fell in love with Klaus last chapter when he promised her that he would pull her back if her dark magic took over. Something about that scene really made me think about her character and I feel as if she realized right then and there that Klaus was her happy ending and that was truly loved him.

I apologize if this was too sappy for you guys! But I am happy with this chapter, truly. So please comment your thoughts and show some support because I love hearing what you guys have to say! :)

I hope you guys have a great day/night and don't forget to vote on this chapter, comment your thoughts, and follow me for updates!

( credit : @pepperronys )

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