Unexpected Feelings...With a...

By maxdelville

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The lucky day...
Business N Parties
Its all alright
The best night ever!
Endless memories
Using Daddies Money
Late night talks and countless memories...
Show some love
Glad to have you back
Just some lame ass kids...
Im released
Its all good
Girls day
Theres some explaining to do
Make up no break up
Its better if i go...
Fun times :)
The start of it all...
Dont worry about it
Good times...
Bad ideas...
O shit
Oddly suspicous
Im sorry...
Its my fault...
Ill try...
Just me and you
Hid n seek
Just tell me
Your not happy...
Fancy night
All together
No answer...
Dying young
Answers and the truth
Woahhh thats a surprise
Promise me that...
Busy days...
Two months!
Youll be fine
First day...
You deserve it
Its gonna be because of you...
Fancy Fancy
Your mine now
Good news!
Wasnt ready
Dont leave my side
Fireplaces and friends
Had to say goodbye...
Why do you care so much...?
Long Talks
Count down...
Happy birthday!
Heavy Eyes
Havent heard
Ice cream
Tattoos and Fries
Surprise Singing
Will he change?
Happiness with a little sadness
Bestfriends and Boyfriends
Anxiety and Madness
Cookie time!
A lil fight
Christmas Eve!
Christmas Day!
Future wifey
Your mine now
People should speak
Happy New Year!
Its not just that...
What the night brings us...
Go for it
Not anymore
Made to be a manfs
Couldnt keep it in
Sounds Amazing!
Hes back
New song, new school
You and Me
One year
Right now
Happy Birthday Tyler!
Fixing things
Bad Choices
Real Name?!
Important secret stuff...
New new and news
Uh oh
Trust Issues.
Missed you
Gimme Acid
Hiding what?
Back home
The pill
By the waves
Gotta go
Baby drama
Im ready
We are here!
Not what it seems...
2 interview
He texted me?
Truth be told
Give the money
The New Guy
'Home is whenever im with you.'
The start
And it starts
See you later
Scary world
Its time
Keep an eye out
Tough morning
Whats happening
Lets go
What did she do?
Its the
Sorry T
Chose u
See him.
Fuck men.
Dont know what she wants
Willing to
What do you say?
Its u
Me and him
The day
The day
Boy? Girl?

Thanksgiving secrets.

25 2 0
By maxdelville

Max POV:
After we ate, we had to pick up Mama Manfs from the airport. We drove to the Airbnb we were staying at and my mom was cooking some of the food. Everyone came over and helped, we were playing music and I was making the Pumpkin Pie. My mom and Tyler's mom were making the stuffing. It was about 11 and I started to get tired, I had finished the pumpkin pie already and it was baking. Mikey has fell asleep on the couch and everyone was on the table.

Max-"I'm going to bed, goodnight guys."
Colby-"Goodnight see you tomorrow."
I walked into the room I was staying in and I took off my makeup. I put on Tylers sweatshirt and laid down.

                               The next day...
I woke up around 10 and I started to get ready, I did my makeup and hair. Tyler was still sleeping so I woke him up. My mom and Mikey's mom were in the kitchen and they had just put the turkey in.

Max-"Wheres everyone?"
Mom-"Some of them are outside, and the others ran to the store."
I went outside and Sam, Colby, Katrina and Elton we're outside.

Max-"What time did you guys wake up?"
Katrina-"We all woke up like an hour ago."
Max-"Not bad."
Colby-"So how much you guys gonna eat."
Elton-"I'm eating as much as I can."
Max-"Sam you prolly will only eat like two plates."
Sam-"Who knows, I barley ate all week soo."
Katrina-"He was saving everything for this moment."
Colby-"Me too, I ate like two meals a day."
Mama Manfs-"Can you guys come and help us?"
We all went inside and started to do the jobs we had last night. I was washing the plates instead because they were dirty, my mom was making another pumpkin pie. But then I heard the door open.

Mikey-"We are back!"
Dk-"Yeah with food!"
Mom-"Dont tell me you guys bought more food."
Devyn-"We didnt, But they sorta did."
Corey-"We fried stopping them."
Mom-"Wheres the marshmallows?"
Dk-"Right here."
He tossed them at my mom and she caught them, Charlie woke up and then I realized Tyler wasn't here. I went into the room and he was still sleeping.

Max-"Tyler wake up! Everyone is up now."
Tyler-"Okay Fine."
Max-"Hurry up."
He got up and went to go and take a shower, I went back to the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and almost everyone was watching TV. I went on my phone and then Tyler came and put his head on my lap.

Mikey-"I'm bored let's play Tag."
Charlie-"Out of all games you chose Tag."
Colby-"Nose goes."
I realized what we were doing and I was the last to put my finger on my nose. Everyone got up and started to run, I ran after Devyn and then I Tagged her. My mom called me and I had to take out the pie from the oven.

Max-"Where do I put it?"
Mom-"On the counter."
I sat the pie on the counter and I had to take out the other one.

Max-"Wheres Mama?"
Mom-"She went to go take a nap. Which I need one too."
Max-"Go take one, Ill watch the food."
Mom-"You sure?"
Max-"Yeah go."
She hugged me and went to the room, I sat on the counter and went on my phone.

Charlie-"What you doing?"
Max-"Watching the food, why you in here?"
Charlie-"I didn't want to play anymore."
Max-"I guess."

                         Couple hours later...
Everyone was around the table and we were about to eat.

Mom-"Okay guys you can eat now."
Mama-"Yeah get in a line."
I went to the bathroom real quick to wash my hands. I came back out and got my food and sat on the table.

Colby-"No body can eat yet, we have to wait till everyone gets a plate."
Mikey-"Yeah so we have to wait till my mom and Max's mom get there food."
I went up to my mom to ask her something.
Max-"Wheres my dad?"
Mom-"I don't know, I texted him saying he was able to come but he didn't say anything back."
I sat on the table and waited for everyone, I went on my phone and hooked my phone up to TV, so I can play some music.

Mom-"Did everyone get food?"
We all said yes and my mom and Mama sat down.

Mom-"I hope you guys enjoy it, lots of energy went into this."
Mama-"Yes! But now you guys can eat!"
We al started to eat and we were all talking to each other, I started to talk to Devyn.

Devyn-"O and I'm uploading the video on Saturday."
Devyn-"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick."
She went to the bathroom and then I got a text from Colby, saying to go to my room.

Max-"I'll be back, I have to get something."
I went into my room and Colby was in there.

Colby-"Are you okay?"
Max-"Yeah I'm Fine... why?"
Colby-"Because he's not here."
Max-"I don't want to talk about that."
Colby-"I know but does Tyler know?"
Max-"No I haven't told him..."
Max-"Never really had the chance."
Colby-"What do you mean? You guys are always together!"
Max-"I know but I don't know how to tell him."
Colby-"Wait Mikey knows right?"
Max-"Yeah he knows but I told him not to say anything."
Colby-"Tell Tyler tonight."
Max-"I'll try."
He walked out the room and then a couple minutes later I went back to the living room. I finished eating and so did everyone else, everyone was getting seconds. I sat on the couch waiting for everyone to finish.

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