Unexpected Feelings...With a...

By maxdelville

3.9K 278 2


The lucky day...
Business N Parties
Its all alright
The best night ever!
Endless memories
Using Daddies Money
Late night talks and countless memories...
Show some love
Glad to have you back
Just some lame ass kids...
Im released
Its all good
Girls day
Theres some explaining to do
Make up no break up
Its better if i go...
Fun times :)
The start of it all...
Dont worry about it
Good times...
Bad ideas...
O shit
Oddly suspicous
Im sorry...
Its my fault...
Ill try...
Just me and you
Hid n seek
Just tell me
Your not happy...
Fancy night
All together
No answer...
Dying young
Answers and the truth
Woahhh thats a surprise
Promise me that...
Busy days...
Two months!
Youll be fine
First day...
You deserve it
Its gonna be because of you...
Fancy Fancy
Your mine now
Good news!
Wasnt ready
Dont leave my side
Fireplaces and friends
Had to say goodbye...
Why do you care so much...?
Long Talks
Count down...
Happy birthday!
Heavy Eyes
Ice cream
Tattoos and Fries
Thanksgiving secrets.
Surprise Singing
Will he change?
Happiness with a little sadness
Bestfriends and Boyfriends
Anxiety and Madness
Cookie time!
A lil fight
Christmas Eve!
Christmas Day!
Future wifey
Your mine now
People should speak
Happy New Year!
Its not just that...
What the night brings us...
Go for it
Not anymore
Made to be a manfs
Couldnt keep it in
Sounds Amazing!
Hes back
New song, new school
You and Me
One year
Right now
Happy Birthday Tyler!
Fixing things
Bad Choices
Real Name?!
Important secret stuff...
New new and news
Uh oh
Trust Issues.
Missed you
Gimme Acid
Hiding what?
Back home
The pill
By the waves
Gotta go
Baby drama
Im ready
We are here!
Not what it seems...
2 interview
He texted me?
Truth be told
Give the money
The New Guy
'Home is whenever im with you.'
The start
And it starts
See you later
Scary world
Its time
Keep an eye out
Tough morning
Whats happening
Lets go
What did she do?
Its the
Sorry T
Chose u
See him.
Fuck men.
Dont know what she wants
Willing to
What do you say?
Its u
Me and him
The day
The day
Boy? Girl?

Havent heard

17 2 0
By maxdelville

Max POV:
I woke up and we had to take Joe and Tyler to the airport, I didn't realize that yesterday was there last day here. I got ready into this:

I started to do my makeup and I woke up Tyler and Joe. Jack had texted me saying that they got home safe and they will be coming over later. Tyler took a shower and Joe was in my room on his phone.

Joe-"I don't want to go back to Jersey."
Joe-"Because I like this weather."
Max-"Well you can use the Jet whenever you want to."
Joe-"For real?"
Tyler was getting dressed and I put their suitcases downstairs, we first went to Canes and we ate there. After that Tyler wanted to drive one last time in the G so he drove to the airport. When we got there I hugged them both goodbyes and I kissed Tyler.

Max-"I'm going out there in like a week sooo."
Tyler-"When were you going to tell me this?"
Max-"I was going to tell you last night but I fell asleep."
Max-"I love you."
Tyler-"I love you too."
I hugged and kissed him and they walked into the airport, I got back in the G and drove back home. I changed into this since I didn't like what I was wearing:

                       Couple hours later...

I texted Charlie to see what he was doing and he said he was going to the beach with Mikey and Dk. I grabbed my Gucci backpack and my phone, I put Mickey on his leash and took him out to the car. I put him in the back of the G and I drove to the beach.

                      Couple minutes later...
I took Mickey out of the car and we walked over to the boys, I took off his leash and he ran to Mikey.

Mikey-"Bro he got so big!"
Charlie-"I remember when he just a pup."
Dk-"Me too, the good days."
We all laughed and I hugged all the boys, I haven't seen Charlie in a while! We walked and talked along the beach and then Mickey picked up a stick and Mikey grabbed it.

Charlie-"Be careful, he got kill someone."
Max-"He isn't that dangerous."
Dk-"Isn't he still in training?"
Max-"Yeah, his coach said to start taking him out more so he could get used to people."
Mikey-"He's doing good."
Max-"Yeah this is his first time at the beach."
Charlie-"I think he likes it."
Max-"Me too."
We went to the shops and looked around, they had fake Logan and Jake Paul merch.

Mikey-"I'm going to buy one."
Max-"Why do you can't get hated on?"
Mikey-"No fashion."
Charlie-"Jake Paul is daddy."
Dk-"Yeah sure."
Max-"Just buy the shirt."
Mikey went up to the person selling the shirt and asked him something.

Mikey-"Do you guys sell Manfs merch?"
Mikey walked out the shop and we continued to walk.

Charlie-"We should get ice cream."
Dk-"I'm down."
Mikey-"Me and Mickey could use some ice."
We walked inside the ice cream place and I got Cookies n Cream, I got Mickey a plain vanilla ice cream. I paid and went outside, I put Mickeys on the floor and he started to eat in.

Mikey-"We should do a photo shoot."
Mikey-"Right now."
Mikey took out his camera and started to take pictures, Charlie posed next to me and Mikey was taking lots of pictures.

Mikey-"Alr I got some that I liked."
Dk-"Hey Max you wanna go to a Halloween party with us?"
Max-"Sure, when?"
Dk-"It's tonight at 8."
Max-"Yeah I'll go."
Mikey-"Max you think you could do my makeup?"
Max-"What you want?"
Max-"Yeah I can do that, I have to go to Sephora first."
Charlie-"Lets go right now, cuz your doing my makeup too."
Max-"Dk am I doing your makeup too?"
Dk-"Hell yeahh."
Max-"Okay Mikey take my car and go home."
Mikey-"We taking Mickey too?"
Max-"Yeah give me your keys."
He gave me his keys and I walked over to his car, I drove to Sephora and got some things I needed, I paid and went back home. The boys were downstairs and they had some of my makeup ready.

Max-"I'm doing to a neon skull on all of you, so Mikey what color you want?"
Max-"Okay Charlie, Dk what color you guys want?"
I started to do Mikey's and sketched out the teeth, and filled everything in. I did the green and sprayed some setting spray.

Couple hours later...
I was done with the boys makeup and I was doing mine, I was doing my eye shadow and I had already finished my skull mouth.

Mikey-"You almost done?"
Max-"Almost, What time is it?"
Max-"Oh okay."
Dk-"We are already late."
Max-"Don't worry is almost done."
I did the last of my makeup and sprayed some setting spray. I touched up the boys makeup and we got in the car, Mikey drove to the party and we went inside. I didn't really know much of the people their but Mikey started to talk to me about Tyler.

Mikey-"When was the last time you talked to Tyler?"
Max-"Uh when I dropped him off at the airport, why?"
Mikey-"Oh just asking, cuz he hasn't texted me."
Max-"I know he hasn't texted me either."
Mikey-"He's probably playing Fortnite."
Max-"Prolly, Ill text him later."

Couple hours later...
I checked the time and it was two in the morning, I told Mikey I wanted to go home
and so we left. The boys came up in into my room.

Charlie-"So how do we get this off?"
I gave them some makeup wipes and they started to rub it off, I took off my makeup and washed my face. I put on Tyler's sweatshirt and  I laid in bed, I checked my text messages. I texted Tyler and then I charged my phone. I closed my eyes and fell asleep...

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