Never Thought That We Would E...

By writerlibra

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{#1 - heroesofolympus, 6/1/18} {#3 - demigods, 8/10/18} {#2 - jiper, 11/26/18} **UNDER REVISION** PJO/HOO fan... More

The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter ***
Chapter 17
Chapter **

Chapter 14

436 12 1
By writerlibra

I was at Piper's house waiting for Calypso to get here because as always she was late. Piper, Hazel, and I were in her room discussing the plan. Something told me it was going to be a night to remember. I walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, I needed to believe this plan would work. Why? Because it needed to work. I didn't want to admit but it help distract me from my feelings.

"Anna! Calys here!" yelled Hazel through the other side of the door.

"Hey, girls sorry I was late. I had to drop Zoë at archery class." Calypso said while holding her dress, shoes, and other things struggling to get through the door.

"No problem but we have three hours and thirty minutes until the boys get here so let's start," I said.

We laid everything down in separate places in Piper's room. We all decided it would be best if we all had short dresses. Avoiding having to worry about snagging the dress was something we didn't need today. We all agreed that we were going to borrow accessories from Piper. Piper went around looking at our dresses and shoes to tell us what she thought would go with our outfits. She did Hazel's first the Calypso's. She got to me and she got turned full Aphrodite.

"Are you kidding me with those shoes?" she said shocked and I turned to look at my shoes.

"What's wrong with it? They are just Converse and they match my dress." I said trying to defend my shoes.

"Annie we're going to a dance, not the baseball park! You have to wear heels," Piper demanded.

"But I don't want to wear heels."

"Your dress will look better with heels," Hazel agreed with Piper.

"I can't walk in heels I'll fall on my face," I said

"Then I guess Percy will just have to be there to catch you," Piper said showing me her heel collection.

"Please Anna switch," Calypso said joining in.

All three looked at me with pleading eyes, "Fine I'll do it. Show me your shoes."

They all clapped and dragged me to Piper's walk-in closet. I tried to find the smallest heels but it was no use. So I went for some small and simple gray strap heels.

Since we were at Piper's house her mom Aphrodite brought in a whole makeup and hair crew. I think Aphrodite thought about it as a fashion show. Since we didn't have to do our own hair and makeup we finished early. Aphrodite like any normal parent started taking pictures except for the fact that she actually brought her photographer friend. This guy has done Vogue photo shoots.

In the middle of a group photo, Calypso was the first one to hear the boys come. To be honest it would be hard not to notice then, they were pretty loud. We got off the stairs and stood in front of them. That seemed to stop their talking.

"Hello boys, you're looking very handsome. Now stand next to the girls for some photos. You all look amazing." Aphrodite stood behind the photographer.

"They sure are," said Frank looking straight at Hazel while she blushed.

I noticed that the boys somewhat matched us, I said, "Are you almost done? I'm already tried on these shoes."

"Oh come on Annabeth it's only been thirty minutes." said Calypso, "Stop complaining and get going so we can go and have fun."

"Sunshine's right our ride is waiting, niñas," said Leo. (Girls)

"Don't call me Sunshine." Calypso glared at him.

Outside was a black limo waiting for us. I'm not going to lie and say this was the first time I rode a limo because it wasn't. I have been to a lot of dances. I got a feeling all of a sudden. I felt that I was doing something I shouldn't do. It was there in the back of my brain bothering me, I tried my best to ignore it.

"You look amazing. Never thought you'd be the dressy type. Blue is definitely your color," Percy said while opening the door.

"Yeah me neither, I guess there's a first time for everything. FYI I prefer green," I smirked.

"So who's excited for tonight? I can't believe we get to enjoy something normal," Jason closed the door behind him.

"You still have to perform so I don't know what you mean by normal?" Leo reminded him.

"Okay fine somewhat normal."

"Oh by the way hows Reyna?"

"She's fine, I'm fine, we're fine," Jason mumbled.

"Right... we're going to have fun tonight and tomorrow. Relax," said Piper. She had a way with words. She made you believe what she said.

"You are absolutely right Piper. Tonight let's just live in the moment." Percy said trying to cheer up Jason.

"Okay so let's go over the plan." I chimed in.

I explained the plan one last time. Now I was only counting the minutes until it was action time. We got off the out of the limo and went straight to find the Stolls, Katie, and Miranda. We walked into the gym and all eyes were on us which made me uncomfortable. Sure people looked at me during the talent show but this was way different. Heroes the famous band was at my side. Percy Jackson is my date. I tried to walk in quickly and unnoticed.

"Don't worry about the people staring. They will have to look away eventually. Plus you look beautiful who wouldn't want to look away." Percy picked up on my mood.

"Okay, superstar it's time to get this plan working if we want to have a fun night," I said.

"I'll round up the rest of the team and meet you at the snack table."

"Okay, I'll get the girls." I turned to find my friends.

The girls stood near the exit and stopped everyone from leaving. Everyone was going to see Drew finally get her karma. I sat at a nearby table with a good view and waited. I saw Percy and the team. I stand behind them because she might think I have something to do with it. I spotted Jason and Drew and what she was wearing. I mean really decided to show what her mother gave her. Her heels were higher than mine and a ton of cakey makeup and a big necklace.

The plan was working. Jason took her to the table and they started to talk. Miranda and Katie were standing close by. Then cue Percy, he was carrying a drink and "accidentally" spilled it on her. She screamed but she saw Katie pointing while people looked at her. Then Leo comes and trips and spills other drinks on her. Frank came over and asked if she was okay. Percy said if she was mad at him. She couldn't get mad at him because of all the people.

She ran out with her minions behind her. The Stolls ran after her and they recorded her major meltdown. They got everything. Drew started screaming at her minions that her dress was white and that it was a designer. She then left and Travis sent the video to everyone in the school. That should teach her not to mess with me. I guess I'm not an idiot as she said. I laughed to myself.

"That was amazing!" yelled Piper

"I can't believe it worked," I said

"Well Anna your plans always work," said Hazel

"What are we doing here anyway. We have three hours till we're on. Let's dance!" Leo cheered.

"Yeah!" we all yelled.

Three hours of dancing and singing pass through quickly. By the time we saw it was time for the boys to perform. Right before Percy went up to the stage he grabbed my arm. I gave him a confused look.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Come sing with us," Percy said

"You're kidding right?"

"Nope, not a bit."

"Come on Chase just one song," said Leo

"Fine, what song are we singing?"

"First Cry Wolf because it's a duet you'll do with Percy." Frank said, "Then Hands with Jason and Percy."

"Wait you said only-"

"No time let's go."

The DJ introduced us or more like he introduced the band. Percy took the mic and then introduced me. There was a cheer as the music began.

I sang, No conversation, I've heard every line.

There was an explosion of claps and cheers. It felt good I wasn't going to lie. It was fun seeing everyone dance. It got me motivated. Then it was time for my last song. Time passed by and it felt like I was in a music video. The song came to an end and I was hit with reality.

"We would like to thank Annabeth Chase for performing!" said Jason, and the crowd cheered. I waved, then got off the stage.

"Let's give one last big round of applause for our surprise guest! Who's ready to keep this energy going?" Percy asked the crowd.

I saw Luke. He was looking at me with a smile but the smile wasn't fully sincere. That feeling I was trying to ignore came back. I came down the stage and my friends run up to me and hugged me very tightly. Other people came up to me and started saying that I was amazing and that I had a good voice. I thanked them and I went to sit back down because I was tired.

"Anna you were super. I thought only the boys were singing?" asked Hazel.

"That was the plan until they dragged me on stage last minute," I said grabbing something to drink.

"That explains it but anyway, who knew you could move like that!" Calypso said almost jumping out of her chair.

"I know. I didn't think I could dance the way I did." I said.

"My favorite was when you sang with Percy. You guys looked so perfect on stage," Piper commented.

"I agree. So lets-" Calypso was cut off.

"Hey, Annabeth you were incredible. You outdid yourself," said Luke then hugged me.

"Thanks, Luke. Are you here with someone?"

"Yeah, I came with Kelli. She's okay but to be honest, you would've been better," he said and it made me feel guilty.

Guilty because I talked trash about Percy and the band with Luke, now look I'm Percy's date. I'm the definition of a hypocrite, that's how I feel. All I could do was apologize.

"I'm sorry but hey we're up for Monday right?" I tried to make things less weird.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." Luke turned around because someone said his name, "I have to go. I'll see you Monday."

I nodded. There was a silence between Piper, Hazel, Calypso, and I. I mean besides the music. I thought of what I had said. There's so much going on. The lunch tomorrow, the date with Luke, my mythology project, and the album with the boys. Ugh, I'm so so glad winter break is in two weeks. I could really use it.

"So now that's over let's go dance again because I'm going to get bored," said Calypso.

"Okay let's go," said Hazel with a laugh.

Once the boys were done there was only one more hour left. Since it was the end of the night they played slow songs, which meant slow dancing. Which meant we would have to dance close to someone. I was sitting at a table, I looked for Luke but I guess he had already left. I was tired and ready to leave. I get bored easily and my ADHD was kicking in.

"Hey, you look bored out of your mind." Percy took a seat next to me.

"Yeah, that, and I'm tired." I sighed.

"Dance with me one time then we'll leave if you want?"

"I guess it couldn't hurt, come on." I grabbed his hand and briefly noticed how perfectly it fit in mine.

The music started. He had his hands around my waist. My arms are around his neck. We looked into each other's eyes. I liked his sea-green eyes. I broke away from his stare and rested my head on his chest.

"If I'm lost, why do I feel found? Pull me under, let me drown. Cause who needs air? When you're mine, you're safe and sound." Percy sang softly in my ear.

As the song ended we found friends and left the gym. We told the boys to stop by Piper's house and then mine because the girls were sleeping over. I fell asleep on the ride to Piper's house. My head was on Percy's shoulder and his head was on mine. I woke up when we got to my house. As I got out Percy did too. He gently pulled me aside.

"Is there something you need?" I asked half wake.

"Yes, why did you care so much that Drew wanted to kiss me?" He looked confused.

"I didn't. You could kiss whoever you want to. It's not like we're anything. I did it because she insulted me." I told him.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now if you'll excuse me, I need sleep." I said, "Goodnight Percy."

"Good night, Annabeth." He kissed my cheek.

I went inside and changed. I took all the make-up off. I told the girls about my conversation with Percy. They said that I was jealous but I refused that stupid idea. I gave up and turned off the light.

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