Never Thought That We Would E...

By writerlibra

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{#1 - heroesofolympus, 6/1/18} {#3 - demigods, 8/10/18} {#2 - jiper, 11/26/18} **UNDER REVISION** PJO/HOO fan... More

The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter ***
Chapter 17
Chapter **

Chapter 9

510 9 1
By writerlibra

It was Wednesday, three days until the dance. Since I'm going shopping after school I put on something comfortable. I grabbed a piece of toast and went outside and a black SUV parked on the side of the street. It's guys Heroes' car.

"Don't just stand there get in, we're going to be late!" yelled Hazel's head poking out the window.

"Please tell me this isn't going to be a regular thing?" I asked getting into the car and sitting next to Piper

"With cars like these, I'm surprised the media hasn't found out you're going to Goode. Don't they watch you and stuff?" said Calypso

"That's what our manager and publicist are for. So what's the plan after school?" asked Leo

"We're going shopping for the dance. What about you guys? Are you guys ready?"

"Of course! I'm gonna look sexy!" Leo winked.

We all laughed at Leo. When we arrived at school and parked, the car was  surrounded by girls. Then the boys' driver had to get us out of the crowd and inside. On our way in I heard girls asking the guys to the dance. Fans have no fear. They see their favorite artists and act like it's now or never.

"Wow, I thought we wouldn't make it out alive. I forgot what it felt like." Piper said

"You'll get used to it again," said Frank

"Hi, guys, sorry to interrupt but my name's Lacy." I saw Lacy standing in front of us with a clipboard.

"Hey Lacy what's up?" said Piper

"I'm helping organize the winter dance and they've sent me to ask if Heroes could maybe perform at the dance?" she said

"Um, we kinda have dates and we wouldn't want to leave them," said Jason

"Oh don't worry the dance is from 7 to 11 p.m. so you would only play for a half hour ."

"Well are you girls okay with it?" Percy turned to us.

"Yes, that's what we get because we're going to the dance with a famous band. We should've seen it coming." I chuckled.

"Ok then gotta run, there's still so much to do. See you guys around." Lacy waved and left.


The day went on and once again I was back in gym class. The warning bell rang so I walked in with Piper, Hazel, and Jason after changing. We were doing badminton, I was pretty good but also not an expert. After it was second with Percy, Calypso, and Leo. We just reviewed for a math quiz next week. I said goodbye to Percy and Cal then left with Leo to science. When we got there I saw Luke sitting at his desk with AirPods on. I tried talking to him but he was distant barely even looking at me. We only exchanged a few words. After Leo and I went to meet the others in the cafeteria.

"Today has been hard. I've had twenty girls asking me to the dance." Percy bragged.

"I've had sixteen so far," Jason said

"I've had ten," said Leo

"Same here," Frank added.

"Must feel familiar huh? Girls just waiting for you guys to be their dates." I asked

"Well someone's jealous," Percy said

"Am not."

"In any case, we let them down slowly." Leo placed his hand on his heart in sympathy.

"Well, you guys aren't the only ones." Calypso laughed.

For the rest of lunch, we talked about classes, and homework, and complained about classes and homework. Since we all have mythology next week walked in together. There were a lot of people staring.

"Okay class we will be starting a project that will be worth five percent of your grade." said Mr.Brunner "I will assign you a greek god or goddess. You will have the rest of this week till next Thursday. You may do a display board, performance, paper, or presentation."

Katie raised her hand, "Do we get to work as partners?"

"No this is an individual project." He said then everybody started talking.

"Quite down everyone. Now I will be picking your god/goddess. Piper McLean Aphrodite, Calypso Nightshade Hera, Leo Valdez Hephaestus, Jason Grace Zeus, Percy Jackson Poseidon, Annabeth Chase Athena, Frank Zhang Ares, Hazel Levesque Hades. . ." I just stopped listening and it went on and on.

"Class dismissed. Remember to find information on your topic." He said

We parted ways to go to our classes. I left for fifth period with Calypso, Frank, and Percy. In English, we just solved a mystery and stuff like that. I got sixth period with all four boys. When we got there Drew Tanka was with her tight clothes and her face was caked with makeup.

"Percy, thank God you're here. I have a little question I have to ask you." She said

Ugh! I hated her, her goal is to annoy me as much as she can. She acts deaf you tell her she's ugly she thinks you are called pretty, and she is so full of herself. She always gets on my nerves, I can't believe we were ever friends at some point. She started to tell me her clothes were better than mine, she tugged on my clothes. She also is super dumb, she asks the most obvious questions and the teacher said the answer two seconds ago. She acts nice in front of the teacher but outside of the class, she can be, well a real bitch.

"What is it Drew?" said Percy

"Oh you know, me and you should go to the dance together. We'd be perfect."

"Sorry, but no. I'm already going with someone."

"Who could be better than me?"

"There are a lot of girls better than you. I'm not telling you who she is. You'll probably do something to her."

Drew just whined and then left. I was glad Percy didn't tell her he was going with me. It would be chaos. In class we just took notes.


The final bell rang and I and the girls were going shopping. The boys insisted on dropping us off and taking up back home. After a lot of back and forth, we agreed. When we reached downtown Piper instantly knew where to take us. Piper's older sister has a boutique. We passed by a Mcdonald's and made a quick pit stop, I was hungry. Can you blame me? Anyways when we got there we were tackled by a hug from Silena.

"Hello, girls I'm so excited to help you pick out your perfect dresses. Should we get started?" Her eyes sparkled like blue sapphires.

"Yes." we all exclaimed at the same time

At first, we all just went around searching for our dresses. while the girls looked, I strikes up a conversation with Silena. Piper had always said she was the kindest, most loving person she knew. She was right, I knew Silena since I was seven. When I met Piper not only did she become my sister but so did Silena. She was the older sister I told about my first crush, my first period, and my first kiss. Growing up the oldest and being the only girl I sometimes needed the guidance of an older sister. She was telling me she couldn't believe we'd grown so much. She was also telling me how she was engaged to her longtime boyfriend, Charles Beckendorf and she was beyond excited and happy. I was happy to see her living her happy ending. ;)

Finally, the girls had chosen their options. Sliena helped get them into the gowns. First, it was Hazel's turn then Calypso's, then Piper's, and finally mine. I hadn't chosen anything yet because I was talking with Silena. For me, it was the hardest part would be to find something simple but elegant. After trying on what felt like a hundred dresses, I picked the perfect dress. A royal blue dress that brought out my stormy grey eyes. Then after a while, we called the boys to let them know we were done. Soon the black SUV was outside and we made our way back home. I greeted my parents and walked up to my room. I hung my dress in the closet and decided to take a nap. I was exhausted.


I was woken up by Helen, my stepmom knocking on my door. She was the closest thing I had to a mom. I never knew my mom, she had died giving birth to me. The few things I know about mom are that she was named after the greek goddesses Athena and that she looked like me. My dad always said he was happiest when he was with her. She was his soulmate. He always felt sad thinking about her. Helen isn't the evil stepmother of Cinderella. I'm thankful she loved and cared for my dad. She helped raise me since I was seven, and because of her now I had two twin brothers.

"Hey, Helen is everything okay?" I sat up on my bed.

"Your father and I are curious about whose SUV had dropped you off. We just want to make sure you're safe." She said cautiously.

"It's okay, they're friends actually. That was the band Heroes, the ones that played at the talent show and who judged. They're attending Goode High now." I explained.

"Oh, alright. Just making sure. I didn't think someone as famous as them would attend a small public school."

"Because they want to go to school. They wanted to take their senior year off. "

"Right, so they are your friends?" Asked dad, he was standing at the door.

"Yes, we all became friends." I said, "Some want to be more than friends." I say under my breath

"You should invite them and the girls to the house for lunch. It's always nice to meet new friends of yours."

"I'll try dad but you know they're busy people so they might not be able to." I'm trying to not get that to happen. We just the band and he's being well, dad.

"It'll be fun, we'll have it this Sunday." Helen walked out of my room with my dad.

I ran up the stairs and called Piper. I need to tell her about this whole thing. I never before had brought home a boy much less four of them. Maybe that's why my dad was acting weird. I never even mentioned Luke to him. I knew Piper had a similar situation once, she has more experience. She had a boyfriend a long time ago named Dylan and her dad wanted to meet him and it didn't go so well.


"Piper I need your help."

"Okay." It sounded like she was sipping something.

"Well, you know how the boys dropped us off in their car."

"Yes, why?"

"Well my parents asked about them and now they want to have the band and you girls over for lunch this Sunday."

"What!? It's not like any of them are dating you and your dad already wants to meet them."

"I know. I told them that since they're famous they might not be able to but he said to ask anyway." I bite my lip.

"What?! Does he know why they're at school? Do they know Percy is in love with you and literally stopped his superstar life for you? A small-town girl with a boring life???"

"No, but don't be so dramatic. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Okay... I guess I'll have to pick out an outfit for lunch on Sunday." She sighed.


The next day I kept stalling and avoided being up the lunch. My mind was going crazy. Piper urged me to just get it over with and ask. I told him I would eventually but when the time was right. Piper grew impatient and gave a push during lunchtime.

"Everyone listen up. Annabeth had something to share with us." Piper placed her hand on my shoulder and smirked.

"Okay, what is it?" said Frank while eating a bag of chips

I shot Piper a death stare, "We're all friends right?"

"Yeah. Why?" asked Calypso raising her eyebrow.

I glanced at Piper and she just rolled her eyes, "Annabeth's dad wants to have lunch with us. This weekend, on Sunday. All of us, us girls and you boys." She blurted out.

The girls agreed almost immediately. They saw no problem with it. They thought it would be nice. The guys were a bit confused and skeptical about it. They didn't understand why my dad wanted them over.

"Uh, why exactly?" asked Percy.

"When he saw you guys dropping me off he started acting weird. I explained it to him and he wants to meet my new friends now," I said, "You guys don't have to go. He's just being overprotective."

"I mean, we could ask our manager Grover. It's no bother," he said.

"We could try bro, but you know how he is. He's only four years older and he acts like a forty-year-old man," said Jason

"There's nothing to lose if we try, Sparky," said Frank.

"Sparky?" Piper questioned.

"Yeah when he was younger, he used to be obsessed with Thor he used to call himself Thor's sidekick Sparky. You know because of the lightning and thunder," explained Leo while we all laughed, well everyone except Jason looked embarrassed.

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