Noctis x Reader The Prince an...

By Kanily

69.7K 2K 619

You, (f/n), are the deadliest killer in Niflheim and is under the king's control as a weapon. You're not love... More

Chapter 1: Your mission
Chapter 2: Your meeting
Chapter 3: About you
Chapter 4: Hunt-Purple Fang part 1
Chapter 5: Hunt-Purple Fang part 2
Chapter 6: The road to Insomnia
Chapter 7: Meeting the King
Chapter 8: Questions about what?
Chapter 9: The bet that decides what?
Chapter 10: Dance off for the prince
Product #0: Stage 1
Chapter 11: Battle against the Marshal
Chapter 12: The Fight of power
Quick note!
Check out my new story!
Chapter 14: Who and the name of the stranger
Bonus Chapter 1: What did you do now, Goth?
Update of story
Chapter 15: Start of the Deal part-1
Product #0: Stage 2
Chapter 16: Start of the deal part 2
Chapter 17: Start of the deal part 3
Bonus Chapter: Spending time with the Kinglavies
Chapter 18: Results of the deal
Update of me
Chapter 19: The Entrance to a Mad Man
Chapter 20: The starting line
Bonus Request: Alice and Noctis Pocky challenge Part 1
Chapter 21: The car did what?
Chapter 22: Why are we doing this again?
Chapter 23: Dullhorn Maddness
Chapter 24: Unauthorized dive
Product #0 Stage 3: Start of the feeling
Chapter 25: Ardyn's damn visit
Update on the voting game
Update! Update!
Voting Game Results
Chapter 26: Diamonds and Virus
Bonus chapter: Noctis x reader Catch of the red unknown
Chapter 27: Welcome to the War, Alice
Chapter 28: Seeking the truth
Bonus Request: Alice and Noctis Pocky challenge Part 2
Bonus Chapter: Nyx x Alice(reader) Dancing with you
Chapter 29: Caught?!
Welcome to the First chat room of the Chocobros!!
Product #0 Stage four: First real memory
Chapter 30: Conquerers of Power
Voting game results and update
Chapter 31: Cor is mine!
Chapter 32: The Grand Master Keta
Chat room 2: Villians chat room
Voting game 2: Prompto x Alice 4th July confession
Chapter 33: Alice's First Hope
Chapter 34: Knowledge of the promise
Chapter 35: The road ahead, beware
Hello fellow readers! Update and news!
Bar Night with Alice and the Kinglavies
Tea and War with Alice
Chapter 36: What changes me?
Chapter 37: My blood and a God
Chat room with King Regis, Cor and Alice
Chapter 38: I'm in a trial?
Chapter 39: My argument with a God
Chapter 40: Everything within flames
Chapter 41: Questions of Sai
Chapter 42: Lightning and Darkness
Chapter 43: The help from the lady
Chapter 44: The Start of the Stormbringer
Chapter 45: The Ghost of You
Chapter 46: Conversation and Answers
Voting game concluded!
Chapter 47: Car and Machines
Chapter 48: Words and darkness
Chapter 49: Well of Records part 1
Chapter 50: Wall of Records part 2
Chapter 51: Well of Records part 3

Chapter 13: Ask him about what?

1.3K 52 4
By Kanily

Not my gif but looks cute.

I groaned lightly at the pain that is still in my head and mentally cursed Cor for doing damage. Damn him! Damn him! Damn that Immortal!! I'm getting frustrated that I couldn't beat Cor when I can and slammed my head on the table. I'm with Noctis today in the Kinglavies lunch room it seems. I just came inside without knowing and needed to think. Thank Etro for self-healing nanotech. My body is recovering however, it leaves me sore for a while. Noctis has been with me;tending to my bruises after my fight with Cor for the 3rd day of the week.

" ok?" Noctis asked as he placed the second ice pack on my head, his fingers ran through my hair and I replied,

"Fuck no I'm not ok, vegetable hater."

"...I take it you are still mad at Cor?"

"...." I snapped as I stood up with the ice packs felling from my head and shouted,

"Damn that Immortal basterd!!! Next time I see him...I'll..dammit..." I lost my energy so sudden as I fell back on the chair and my body limped on the table. Noctis picked up the ice packs from the floor to only place them on my head again and said,

"Take it easy, Alice. You were facing Cor, he's a tough person."

"I don't give a rat's ass that he is tough, vegetable hater. He should die."

"....If you are going to face Cor again, please rest first." Noctis said as I continued to mumble curses, his friends found us and joined at the table we sat in.

"Miss Alice, what were you thinking going against the Marshal?" Ignis ask as if he is scowling at me like a child

"Sorry four eyes, I needed to see if I could beat him." I replied as Ignis sighed at my respond, Prompto and Gladiolus chuckled at my answer as if it was excepted of me.

"Well, I have to say, missy. You held your ground well against the Marshal. Heck, I have trouble with him being my sparring partner." Gladiolus said

" body feels weird..."

"That's because you fought Cor, missy."

"Silence, tattoo man...groan...." I said as Gladiolus snickered at my response, Noctis began to massage my shoulders and I felt a small relief in my shoulder blades. Prompto is grinning like a fool along with Gladiolus and Ignis stared at us as if not believing what his eyes are seeing.

"What you fools?" I asked
"Alice, how long has Noct been with you?" Prompto asked still grinning
"Since this morning, the vegetable hater says I need rest and I ignored him. However, he has been tending to me throughout the day."
"Damnit...Alice..I hate that nickname..." Noctis mumbled but I ignored him and he continued to massage my shoulders.
"You don't say, missy?" Gladiolus raised a brow, he smirked at Noctis and I feel a shyness energy over Noctis. His aura is making me...feel something? That's impossible! it? It feels strange as his energy mingled with mine, our auras are somehow connecting and I felt hot under our auras connection.
"Noctis tending to your health, Miss Alice? I find this...interesting." Ignis said as his eyes were glaring at him as if he did something wrong
"Yeah, real interesting. What else has he done for you, missy?"
"He keeps changing my bandages when I ask him not to, massages me when I feel tense and gives me bottle of water when I need it." I replied as the three men listened carefully, their grins widened of what I told them and Prompto gaves Noctis a playful nudge. Noctis whacks him on the shoulder to leave him be but fails as Prompto continues his actions and Noctis replies,

"What, Prompto?"

"Nothing, buddy. I'm just surprised you are taking of Alice." Prompto smirking

"What's it to you?"

"I would take care of her in a heart beat but it seems you beat me to the punch, buddy. You're getting bold in your actions lately." Prompto said

"I agree, Prompto. Noctis the young king taking care of Alice." Gladiolus smirked widened when Noctis's aura grew in power causing my hands to twitch in annoyance. If his aura keeps growing in power, my body will go crazy!
"Vegetable hater, I'm thirsty. Can you get me water?" I quickly asked as he stopped massages my shoulder, he quickly leaves the table and his crushing aura eased my power. I sighed in relief quietly as the boys were grinning like gossip girls expect for Ignis who is still staring at Noctis as if he did something wrong.

"What's wrong, four-eyes?"

"Hm? Nothing, miss Alice." Ignis replied as he avoided to answer my question, Noctis came back with a cup of water and gave to me. I gulped down all the water and sighed. Damn that Immortal....

I was about to get up from my seat but my pain got the better of me. My body was about to fall until Noct caught me from falling and asked,
"Why are you getting up? You're still sore from the fight, Alice."
"Shut up, vegetable hater. I...can..stand." I said as my body still felt heavy, Noctis took my arm around his neck and leaned my body closer to his. I felt the heat rising from my hands as if I needed him. No...don't think that. His friends gave him funny grins to which I don't understand and lead me away from them. We went to my guest room as we entered, Noctis placed on the bed carefully and sat next to me. The guest room is a cozy place unlike my living quarters back home. In here there is colors that are unique that I didn't know existed. The bed is a queen sized bed with green and brown colors. He sighed heavily and I raised a brow in confusion.

"What's wrong, vegetable hater?"
"Hm, oh nothing."
"I call bullshit, your face is a mess, goth." I said as he chuckled a bit, he scratched his head and fell backwards to the bed.

"Sorry Alice, I have a lot on my mind."
Noctis said as I joined him

"Such as?"
"....again, bullshit."
"You heard me, vegetable hater. Bullshit. Your worried about wise beard man." I said as he became quiet, my instincts were correct and continued to talk,

"I see it in your eyes. What is he to you?"

Noctis looked at me funny as if I didn't see it.
"Are you being serious with me, Alice?" Noctis finally spoke in shock and I tilted my head.

"Hell yes, I'm serious. What is he to you?"

" father."
"Father?...oh, four eyes told me about family relationships. I wondered why you and wise beard man look alike." I said as Noctis just looked at me as if I crazy, he sighed and answered,

"The King is my father. He's...a strong person."

"...So, what's wrong?" I asked as I got up from the bed

"Sigh....we had an...argument..." Noctis replied as he followed my action


"...Arranged marriage." He said as my strange feelings began to stir into...something hateful and anger. I brushed off mental in my mind as my hands flicked his forehead and he gave me a 'wtf' look.

"You two were arguing about something stupid, vegetable hater."

"Wha-" I cut off 

"Listen you, goth boy. You should be talking to your father about food."

Noctis just started at me with a blank face.

"Forget about this arranged marriage shit. It's confusing as hell to me. You should be spending time with wise bread man about food and hanging like, uh, what families do. Yeah! That's it! I command you to spend a day with wise bread man!" I pointed a finger to him as he continued to give me a blank face then he started to laugh hard and fell back bed. 

"Hey goth boy, I'm serious."

"hahahaha...Ok, I can't take you seriously after that speech. You want me to spend a day with my father? On top of that, you command me? Haha..." Noctis said as he continue to laugh

"...So be it."

"Huh?" Noctis said as he looked at me

"Let's ask wise bread man to spend to day with us." I immediately got up and started to walk to the door. I still feel pain but nothing with stop me from asking wise bread man. Luckily, my energy is almost back to normal to fight, yes.

"Wait! You really going to ask the king, Alice!?" Noctis said as he started to panic

"Hell yeah, I am, goth boy." I said as I left my guest room and Noctis followed.

I want to thank all my readers for waiting on this update. I finally took a break from work to upload this chapter and there is more to come. 

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