Never Thought That We Would E...

By writerlibra

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{#1 - heroesofolympus, 6/1/18} {#3 - demigods, 8/10/18} {#2 - jiper, 11/26/18} **UNDER REVISION** PJO/HOO fan... More

The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter ***
Chapter 17
Chapter **

Chapter 6

596 15 0
By writerlibra

I looked through the backstage curtains, the auditorium was packed. My stepmom and dad and brothers sat in the fourth row in the middle. I retreated trying to calm myself down. I was super nervous I was walking around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Luke.

"How's the talent show superstar?" Luke asked.

"I'm hanging in there. Luke, hi you came." I exclaimed.

"I said I would be here and here I am. Of course, you look great by the way."

"Thank you and thank you for coming. It means a lot coming from a friend."

"We'll I did want to come here as a friend, but I guess I'll take what I can get." Luke admitted, "Good luck. See you after the show."

Luke turned around and left before I can even start to question what he meant by, 'I did want to come here as a friend.' I knocked it off and focused on the show. After many performances later it was my turn. My moment to show people what I got.

"Let's welcome to the stage Miss. Annabeth Chase." said the announcer.

"Don't understand how quickly we get, Right back in our rhythm without missing a step." I sang. When I sang it felt like I was singing alone with no one watching. I felt free to express myself. I've always loved singing but I've never done it like this. In other words, it was amazing.

After singing I headed backstage and there was a break before announcing the winner. I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turned around and saw Percy. Yup that guy.

"Hi." he waved.

"Hi, pretty boy," I said sarcastically.

He laughed, "That's me, the good-looking one. Kidding."

I just rolled my eyes "If you think so. So what do you want?"

"I came to tell you were amazing on stage and that you look beautiful. Uh- I mean you have a beautiful voice-."

"Really, how many girls have you said that to?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, really I mean it. I've heard a lot of people sing, but I've only actually approved less than five people."

"Okay, I guess I cut since the great lead singer of Heroes said so. Thanks or whatever. Anyway, what do you think of the school?" I changed the subject.

"It's cool. I met the swim coach and I told him that I was on a team. Everyone seems nice."

"Well yeah, everyone is nice to you when you're famous. Half of these people are jerks, but you learn to deal with them."

"I know, but you know what? I met this amazing girl. I just met her but I can't help but feel intrigued by her. She's different. She has eyes that are one of a kind." He mentioned.

"She must be something. I don't know anyone who's like that here. Are you sure she even goes here? Or on something?" I made eye contact with him.

"Sure she does. She's the very first person I met. She's standing right in front of me."

I was shocked, I was speechless, and I was surprised "What?"

"You heard me. You make me feel something, I still don't know what or why but you do. You were the only one who was real." He smirked.

"Um. . . We barely know each other. Slow down, superstar. You're just shocked I'm not begging you for an autograph." I put my hands up signaling for him to stop.

Percy was about to answer but was cut short by Frank, "Percy, it's time to announce the winner."

"Coming." He walked closer to me until I was backed into one of the vanities, "You're cute when you're nervous."

He walked back out to the stage. I stood there blushing and trying to calm myself down. It was nothing, he was nothing. I shook my head and touch up my look.


"And now the moment everyone's been waiting for, the winners! Drum roll please," said Frank with his bandmates behind him.

I  was unusually calm. I was backstage waiting with the other contestants. I observed everyone pace around and try to guess who would win.

"In third place, we have, Becky Walts," Leo announced as a girl with short platinum blonde hair went running up to the stage screaming and hugging each one of them.

"In second place we have Gaven Monroe," Jason announced and a boy with brown hair went up and shook their hand.

So now there was only first place. There was a small part of me that suggested, that was hoping that I'd win. Then again I wasn't very confident with my singing skills

"First place is. . ." Percy glances at the guys.

"Annabeth Chase!" yelled all four of them.

I froze. I just stood there until someone pushed me up the stage. I went up there smiling. I shook their hands one by one. When I got to Percy he smiled, his hand holding mine a little longer. I received the trophy and got out as fast as I could. I didn't like the spotlight.

Heroes were handed their instruments.

"Everybody please put your hands together for a special performance by HEROES!!!" said our principal Mr. D.

All the girls started screaming. The people backstage were congratulating me on first place but the talking died down when the band started playing. I had to admit right now the band wasn't bad. After the performance, I was greeted by my friends and my parents hugging me.

"Annabeth, I told you that you were gonna win," said Piper

"I got an idea let's do karaoke. What do you think?" Calypso suggested.

"I think that's a great idea." I took her arm and we walked out. 


On Monday I looking for something to wear for school and my step-mom called me for breakfast. I settled for the first I saw. Anything but a good outfit. Piper was waiting for me right at 7:30. At school everyone was still congratulating me. It felt good but at the same time, it didn't. I didn't like the attention I was drawing.

I heard Luke calling my name, "Hi Annabeth, congrats on winning. I was looking for you after the show but everything was so busy."

"Thanks. My friends and I decided to go get something to drink. Honestly, I thought never thought that I would win first place."

"No worries I get to see you now. By the way, I was-" he was cut short by Hazel's screaming.

"Shh! Hazel what's up, why are you screaming about?" I shushed her.

"Okay so, Katie told Drew who told Lou Ellen who told Lacy who told Gwen who told me that starting next week Heroes is gonna start school with us how cool is that," Hazel explained.

"What? Why? Do you know why he's- they're going to the here?" I casually asked her.

"According to Katie who was there when she heard, I think it was something about Percy meeting someone."

"Damn it! I knew." I mentally slapped myself.

"Wait what do you know?" asked Luke

"Nothing. I just need to talk to Hazel alone. Bye, Luke."

"What?" Hazel was confused but I dragged to with me.

We stumbled across Calypso and Piper. I asked if they heard the news. I couldn't keep it from them and I told them every single thing. Down to the blushing.

"First of all, Percy doing that move on you, hot." Calypso giggled, "But let me get this straight Percy Jackson and his band are going to be going to Goode High School with us because of you?"

"More or less that sums it up." I looked down.

"You don't like the guy right?" Piper scanned my face.

"No, of course not. I think that he's just being weird." I rolled my eyes.

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