Star Wars: The Random Wars

By Darth_Kronis

8.6K 1.8K 4.8K

*star wars opening theme* Hello random internet people my name is Darth_Kronis and if you couldn't tell I'm a... More

O shit wattup! Somerandomer wouldn't understand!
Didn't get tagged but deciding to tag people.
Moods of Darth_Kronis!!!!!! Yay! No? Ok i'll stop....
Q and A!!!!!
New cover!!!!!!!
My life.
People As Star Wars!!!!
Misconceptions on Americans!
Me, Myself and three other personalites who act like me.
Fun facts about me!!!
Stupid bots!!!!!
Welcome to the 58372728449472747464th Hunger games!
Hunger Games part 2!!!!
Pokemon go Kronis!
Damn it Disney!!!!
Darth Dark?
Nooo!!! Kronis!
The U.K!!
Dear minnowkit and also suprise for Wolf.
Lets take a break from me for a second
Assasssins Creed-2016 Campaign
Fucking sunburn!!!!! FUCK!! Also thank god for rose water!
Us as Assassins
Mother of god im bored.
Lebanese Drama Shows
Copy Kronis
The results are in!
Randomers Ratway!!!!!!!
Randomers Rayway Part 2!!!!
Wolf Vos Normandy, Tomb Raider (And dreaded company)
Wait! I got tagged!
The Darkest of the Neons, Lionest of the Mouse and Kyraest of the Bruno
Sadacide Squad
The Titanic
20 Things about da kronis.
Innocent or gulity?
The titanic Part 2!
TAGGED BY A Fa- I mean Friend!
The Murder House....
More ideas!!!
The Burger
Book series
Lebanese Buses
The Mission!!!!!!!
I need ideas!!!!
School and sickness.
Engineering class
Music Taste.
I lost a bet! But I am a man of my words.
Quite the story
Quest to Stop Somesexier!!!!
New cover!!!
Vaccum Cleaners
My readers
Do You Remember!?
Moments with Kronis
English class
Randomers Ratway Season 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moments With Kronis Homecoming.
The perfect line!
An app.
Too many abs!!!!! (Its for you Lion!)
Too slooty For me
Lion's future dystopian Empire
My main man!
Burn ye plebs!!!
D and D!
Clown attack!
Mother of god....
videos for my Non-Murica friends!
10 parts!
1. Prompt
2. Assassins creed Canada
3. Quite the tale
4. Working out!
5. Agents of shield!
6. Alien invasion!!!!
7. The Manic
8. How to work out
9. Moments with Kronis
10. Oh yeah!!!
For my buddy Benny and Bullier Somerandomer and my new hommie Codie
Well Well Well I fell in a well once!
Moments with Kronis
My hands!!!!
Wolf_Vos_Normandy Tomb Raider (And Friends!)
In the Spirt of Halloween!
Isn't 13 A unlucky Number?
Thank you.
I'm getting too old for this...
Eating lunchables under a tree while knitting in the rain
Whew boy....
Should I do it!!
Q and help me
The Stache'
Be our guest! Be our guest we are sure to Impress!
Wolf_Vos_Normandy Tomb raider (And eh dreaded friends?)
Parental murder....
ITS OVER!!!!!!
Looks like this is it
Yee bois!!!
The Far Away Kingdom of Korsel!
Opposite but the Same
Music world!!!!
Uno Question
Cleithrophobia- By Darth_Kronis
Moments with Kronis
Every Pick up line ever used.
Ho Ho ho! Merry Kronismis
Kronis gift to Benny!
Chistmas Prompt
The day?
Wattpadders in star wars! Part 2!
Hogwarts houses
The bust!!!
Chirstmas Tag!
Only one TRUE Galxay!
Spooky zombies with Erin and Kronis!!
*hits yeet*
New Year prompt!!?
He he he
Happy new yearerrr!
The Kyraest of the Brunos?
Moments with Kronis
Fluffy dragons for Erin.
And the dates areeeee!
The Bees!! JKERIN
I'm deleting my account
Is this a game to you Cheker!
*falls over*
Fish master
A Date at 9
Let it snow!
2 Things in one!
Y'all are gonna hate me
Moments with the kronis!
Be my Valentine kroniseye!
*nostalgia overdrive*
*loud destiny music*
Q and Asparagus
Minnowkits tags make no sense
I'm never gonna give you up!
2 Cute 4 U
50 Shades of Lion
The Benniest birthday bash!!!
Cheker checkmated me in checkers
For the fine lady I am shipped with
Kronis has a qute odd.... PERSONALITY
Kronis Party Time!
All for one and one for all!
Back in tag!
Catching up with kronis
RC-1 What i want for next assassins creed game!!
RC2- Pirate Prompt!
RC3- Wamera
Whats next?
Camera is a big boy
Kronis' fresh beats
Parental Guidance
Custom Xbox Controller BY ME!
Arent i an active guy

Kronis gift to Erin!!

47 9 24
By Darth_Kronis

Well there hello! So my gift of a Christmas prompt!

On the 2nd prompt of December, Kronis gave to me a baking show that's on network tv!

So this one goes out to the ever so creative and thicc erinbeejkl woooooo!!!!!

So she asked for a baking show!

Also a reminder if you want a prompt you need to request it!!!!!! I can't read minds!!!!!

Lights.... cameras (don't worry there is only one real one)..... Action!!!

Erin- welcome folks! To my ever so awesome baking show! Called The Baking Challenge!

Erin- let's introduce our contestants!
Erin- first off we got Ms. Wolf_Vos_Normandy! A well known figure in the tomb raiding community! And quite a looker herself! Give it up to Wolf_Vos_Normandy!!!,

Erin- next up we got Benny and Possum!!!! One may or may not be a psychopath! The other loves fuzzy objects! Give it up to BennyBedlam and Possumpants

Erin- now up we've got the murican's! Fighter jets heard overhead. Kronis, kyra1234567890bruno , lionmouse , Minnowkit  The_Butternubber and Chekerboard ! A Star Wars, DC, Abs and Molotovs, anime, YouTube and gameboard lovers! Give it up to them!

Erin- after the Australians we got a Brit give it up for Kiddo. A crazy tea lover and fit as hell! Wait who put that on my card! Give it up to KiddoCiddo

Erin- Now to our amigos up north we got DarkestNeon and Darkestcamera!!!! Both would kill for a serving of maple syrup! As well that dark has a more open personality! And camera is a bit more shy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give it up for Darkest_Camera and DarkestNeon!!!

Erin- Now we got those 2 other Aussies! Ryan_Penney and TheNewNarrator one is a... uhhh I suppose there cool?
Ryan- yes we are!
New- what the weeb said!
Ryan- excuse me!
Benny- fight fight!!!
Erin- silence!
All- awww... the fights...
Erin- So you want to mess with me and my OCS!
Wolf- octopus cookie snakes?
Erin- wat.
Wolf- wat.

Kronis- let's move to me! I'm going to whup all of you guys! Yeet!
Dark- I'll go BLOCK you!
Kronis- nein!

Pick up line time!!!

Kronis- Hey Erin
Erin- yeah?
Kronis- if you were a fruit you'd be a fine apple!

He gets punched!

Kronis hey lion what's on the menu?
Lion- what?
Lion tosses a molotov!
Kronis- fire!!!!

Kronis- Hey Kyra!
Kyra- yeah?
Kronis- if you were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber!
Kyra- wat?
Kronis- you know cucumber? Add a cute?
Kyra- nope.
Kronis- I'll uhhh just go...

Kronis- Hey wolf!
Wolf- ya?
Kronis Baby if you were a burger at McDonalds you would be a McGorgeous.
Wolf- excuse me!

Kronis gets whacked!

Kronis-Hey minnowkit
Minnowkit- so?
Kronis- Gurl, your thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

Minnowkit hits him on the head.
Kronis- oieeieieiei!

Kronis- hey cheker!
Cheker- yo
Kronis- Are you from Starbucks? Because I like you a latte!
Cheker- BLOCK!!!

(Don't worry New, Ryan, dark, and camera will take turns!) not Benny? Because he's fuking engaged.
Erin- are you done yet?
Kronis- once my medical bills are paid!
Erin- ugh fine!
Erin- let's begin!!!!

A light show happens the room goes dark and a light is cast upon Erin
Erin- the first challenge is to make a gingerbread house! Surprise me and use any ingredient that you want! Gooooooo!!!!!

Benny breaks off into the kitchen grabbing a can of corn, 3 eggs, ginger, a loaf of bread and a tuna sandwich! Behind him are the other contestants grabbing any ingredients they can find!

As our contestants flip out over ingredients to make cookies a mysterious figure walks around the side lines. With a trench coat and an oversized hat he scoffs at the scene and quickly walks away.

A few minutes of baking later....

Erin slides up to one of the cooking areas.

Erin- so whatcha making wolf?
Wolf- Tomb raider cookies!!!!!!
Erin- ooooooooo...... I have no clue what that is!
Wolf- ummmm only the greatest series ever!!!!
Erin- yeah..... yeah! So what are your ingredients?
Wolf- Limestone, chocolate chips, sugar, flour, the usual.
Erin- did ya say limestone!!!!!
Wolf- Ummmmmm yeah?
Erin- dangerous!!!!
Wolf- No one can ride the badass way.....

Erin- sa cheker!
Cheker- hola!
Erin- por qué ingredientes?
Cheker- si!
Cheker- yo tengo chess, y reloj, y lápiz!
Erin- mmm!

Erin- yo nubbs!
Nubbs- rub a dub dub nubbs in the tub!
Erin- ingrennets?
Nubbs- fingers, Rosemary and BBQ foot massages.
Erin- coooooolllll

Erin- Hey Kyra!
Kyra- what's up?
Erin - what are your ingredients?
Kyra- Ex skin, RPs, spagettios, and the blood of my enemy's......
Erin- cool...
Erin- I'm like hey what's up a lo!
Kiddo- wat?
Erin- it's a song.
Kiddo- no matter! My ingredients are Tea, Lesves, water, more tea, and glass!!!

Erin- how's my favorite possum!
Possum- I'm the only possum you know...
Erin- ummm yeah... what's your ingredients?
Possum- fur, a old possum tail, and fruits!!!,
Erin- umm cool?

As we move onto another contestant
(Wait a second guys how can we do randomers ratway without Randomer? I just thought of this! Is a new host required? Kronis' Krazy Way! No that's a rubbish name. And Wolf_Vos_Normandy what about tomb raider prompt!!!!

Next up is dark!!!!!

Erin- hey-o!!!!
Dark- Konichewa! (I have a feeling I spelled it wrong....)
Erin- so what you got there!
Dark- Oatmeal, Maple syrup, a old shoe, and condensed snow!
Erin- how so Canadian of you...
Dark- thanks!!!!!!!

Ryan- ahh!! A girl!!! Eww!!!
Erin- ummm I'm a woman!
Ryan- oh hi There!
Erin- care to share ingredients?
Ryan- weed, stuff, Tony's hair...
Erin- ahhh cool...

New- heyo!
Erin- yo-o!
New- since I'm so cool I'll say my ingredients!
Erin- sure..
New-  Ryan's hair, spaghetti, heterosexual male hair.

Camera- sah dududududude!
Erin- hi,,, so what's your ingredients?
Camera- tears.... so many tears..... and sugar!!!!
Erin- don't worry! I'm sure those are the tears of your enemy's!
Camera- no... mine....
Erin- I'll be going...

Erin- hey you.....
Kronis- hiiii!!!!!
Erin- so what's your ingredients!
Kronis- chocolate chips, spaghetti, a kyber crystal and leafs!!!!!
Erin- well I'm going to make a like a tree and leaf!
Kronis- leaf? Tree? Wait a second!!!!!!
Erin- byeee!!!!

Benny- a summon thee Cthulh-! Oh hi Erin!
Erin- umm hi....
Benny- I bet you want to hear my ingredients!
Erin- yeah sure....
Benny- tentacles, pot head dudes across the streets hair, chocolates, Carmel and possum fuz! Curtesy of possum's possum!
Erin- umm cool.....

Lion- Molotov! I'm going to toss it! Molotov! It's going to hit you! Oh hi Erin!
Erin- you sang a song about Molotovs?
Lion- your new here.
Erin- or am I......
Lion- Ummm back to me please!!!!
Erin- girls...
Lion- girls....
Randomer- I'd like to point out that your both girls.
Erin and lion- did you just assume our genders! Wait Randomer!

He appeared back into dust.
Lion- well my ingredients are a bottle, alcohol, and a cloth!

Erin- sah Kronis!!!
Kronis- hello!
Erin- so whatcha ingredients?
Kronis- the ashes of my enemy's.....
Erin- that got dark fast...

Now off to showcase!!!!!

Erin- welcome back folks! We've got this last part! The winner of this will win an all inclusive, VIP, trip to Havana!!!!
All- ooooooo!
Benny- was it my tentacle surprise ginger bread house?
Kronis- my enemy's ashes house?
Camera- my tear and sugar house?
Kiddo- my tea house?

And the winner is.........
Erin- muwhahahahhaha!!! Me!!!,
All- what!!!
Erin- while you weren't looking I put lethal dosages of ricen in your houses!!
All- what...... *dying noises* bleh..

They all crumple on the floor.

Erin- I am victorious!!!!

Then a door kicked open!

Ryan- ha ha! Stunt doubles!!!
Erin- nooooo!!!! The trip!!!
Lion- stop right there!!!

Then the Randomer invasion came and we all died!

Or did we... dun dun dun!


Peace out processes!!

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