The Magi Of Time And Space (D...

By GhostgirlLuminisa

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Arc 1: Beginning Lia was a Normal otaku. 15 years ago she was in a accident and was in a comatose state f... More

Important Messages : Story Discountinued
Arc 1: Prologue: The New World
Chapter 1: Reunite and Balbadd
Chapter 3: Remembering
Chapter 4: Dungeon and Silver Girl
Chapter 5: Kou Empire and Suzuki
Chapter 6: Beating and King of Balbadd
Chapter 7: 11 Generals and Curse
Chapter 8: Escape and Tri Dungeon
Chapter 9: Spider God and Scorpio twins
Chapter 10: Snake god and Djiins
Chapter 11: Misunderstanding
Chapter 12: Kou and Attack
Chapter 13: Black and White
Chapter 14: The Future,and the past
Chapter 15: Teaching and Alchemy
Chapter 16: Memory of Metal and Air: Part 1
Chapter 17: Memory of Metal and Air: Part 2
Chapter 18: Magi and My words
Chapter 19: A Silent Friend and a Dark Voice
Chapter 20: Broken Trust
Character Profile:Aqua
Character Profile: Lorena
Character Profile: Krystal
Character Profile: Lia
Character Profile: Isabel
10 facts about me
1k Special!!
I got Tagged/ Got Tagged #2
New Book Cover!!
Unidentified Chapter 1: Terrible Meeting
Unidentified Chapter 2: Magic and Memories
Unidentified Chapter 3: Strange Meeting
Unidentified Chapter 4: Getting to Know You
Unidentified Chapter 5: A Broken Soul Can be Healed By Song
Unidentified Chapter 6: ??????
Unidentified Chapter 7: Wandering in a New Life
Chapter 21: Signs of Rebellion and Darkness
Chapter 22: The Flow of Destiny has Changed
Chapter 23: Chains and Decisions
Chapter 24: The Chains of Happiness and Despair
Chapter 25: War of Despair: Part 1
Chapter 26: War of Despair: Part 2
I am Born from the Rukh
4K Special!: The Bet
4K Special Squeal!!: The Bet (NSFW)
Christmas Special!
2017: New Book Cover
The Magi of Time and Space
The Magi of Time and Space: Arc 2: Rouge Magi
Rouge Magi
Prologue: Part 1: Regretful Action
Prologue: Part 2: End of War
Chapter 1: A New Beginning (NSFW)
Chapter 2: Words of the Rouge Magi
Chapter 3: Life as a Queen/Mother
Chapter 4: It is Darkness Within Him
Chapter 5: Hill of Memories
Chapter 6: The Dark Day
Chapter 7: Tears of Silence
Chapter 8: Emotions of Love and Sorrow (NSFW)
Chapter 9: Solomon and Rakujima
Chapter 10: Part 1: The Pillar of Revenge and Love
Valentine's Day Special
Unidentified Chapter 1: ?????
Unidentified Chapter 2:Part 1: Ready and Rupture
Unidentified Chapter 3:Part 2: Falan and Al-Thamen
Unidentified Chapter 4: Home (NSFW)
Unidentified Chapter 5: Broken as Can Be
Unidentified Chapter 6: Raymond
Unidentified Chapter 7: The Song of Sorrow
Unidentified Chapter 8: Story
Unidentified Chapter 9: The Garden of Sinners
Lost Scroll: Happiness:Part 1
Special OMAKES
New Book Cover
Magi Omakes
?????: Part Two
Halloween Special

Chapter 2: Offer and Past Choice

3.9K 95 55
By GhostgirlLuminisa

It has been three days since the rebellion that happened in Balbadd. Many are beginning to recover. In one of the palace meeting rooms was Queen Lunala with her 4 household vessels Along With the king of sindria and Lia, Aladdin,Alibaba, and Morgiana. She sat on a water bubble she created.
"I will introduce myself. I am Queen Lunala of the Aquarias Kingdom." She said.
"This is Flamra, she comes from the dragon tribe." She points at a woman with red hair and glowing orange eyes. She has markings on her shoulder and her right cheek. She is wearing a red dress that goes up to her knees and a cape with a dragon markings on the back of it.
"The flirt right here is Liato of the Spirit fox tribe. Though he looks human, he'll change to fox form only if he needs to." She points at a man with white and blue hair and blue eyes, he is wearing a black kimono with blue flame ball next to him.
"Your highness...please don't call me a flirt. I'm married to Flamra remember." He sweat drops.
"Next here is Suzuka, she comes from the Kou empire. She is a former assassin. But she does have a sweet tooth and likes to skip out of her work. Which reminds me....(Suzuka has hundreds of beads of sweat running down her face) Have you finished your work?" The queen eyes a woman with a white Kimono and pink hair pin. She has brown hair in a loose bun and one silver and one green eye.
"Sigh.....maybe it would be good if Ja'far taught you to actually do your work. On to the next person.(everyone sweat drops) this here is Ray. He comes from the magoi manipulation clan. (He bows)" she points at a man with tan skin, black hair, hazel eyes and is wearing a black and blue ninja clothing.
"Pleasure to meet you. And your highness...." he eyes hers. Now she has hundreds of beads sweat.
"Were you the one that ate all those wine grapes even though we told you not to?(he glares at her) and Suzuka(Suzuka has hundreds of beads of sweat again) dear wife of mine did you give her the code to the room in the dungeon?" Ray eyes both of them.
"Change of subject!!(everyone sweat drops) Lia. I am the one Ugo wanted you to meet." Lunala says.
Lia's eyes widen.
"How?! You don't look three hundred years old!" Lia says and just realize the room went quite.
Sinbad and the others have a "oh shit!!" Look. Minus Alibaba, Aladdin Morgiana.
The queen gave her a close eye smile.
"I am 326 years old. I only get mad if it is a man that complains about my age and that man is Sinbad." She glares at him.
"Sinbad. I presume you are going to speak to the emperor of the Kou empire?" She says.
"Yes. Why?" Sinbad says.
"I want Lia to come with me to my kingdom and train for 6 months." She says.
Everyone's eyes widened and Sinbad face darknens.
"No." He says.
"Sinbad it is her choice. You do not control her." The queen said in a deadly tone.
"Do you plan to make her sacrifice her time again?!" Sinbad yells at her and the queen's house hold vessels take positions to fight.
"She chose to give up her time 13 years ago. She wanted to become stronger. Do you really want to stop her make her own choices?!" The queen stood up.
"Let me take Lia to train. In exchange, I want my three daughters to stay in Sindria and train there(takes out pink shell) Lorena, Aqua, Krystal! Come here!" She yells in the shell.
Three blue magic circles appear. The first one, shows a 16 year old girl, with pink short hair(only the hair I'm showing in the picture) green eyes, purple Arabic clothing and a fencing sword on her waist. On her hair is a peacock feathers hair ornament. In the middle of it is a green crystal with the eight pointed star symbol.
"She's a dungeon capturer?!" Alibaba yells in shock as he sees the girl walk up to him. He blushes because up close to him she is pretty.
"Stop staring forever alone boy." She says coldly and Alibaba face is priceless.
Everyone is trying to keep their laughter in.
The next Magic circle disappears revealed a girl with short hair up to her neck, blue pink hair, has Gill like ears, and is wearing blue gold tank top that reveals her stomach, a blue long shirt, and blue gem earrings.
"F-F-Forgive me for being late mother!" She bows repeatedly.
"No need to worry Aqua. Krystal, where is Lorena?" The queen ask.
The magic circle explodes with water and reveals a girl with aquamarine hair and in a blue lacy, ribbon swimsuit and a white white jacket on her.she had a blue butterfly hair pin in her hair. Oh how mad was the queen for her daughter to show up like that.
She walks up to her and smacks her in the head.
"Ow! What the hell mom?!" Lorena puts her hand on her head.
Jafar's face just went red as a tomato. And Sinbad is already smirking at him. Oh how Ja'far was not gonna live it down from Sinbad.
"Change this instant! You realize there is a king here!! How shameless can you be. This is why Sinbad is a bad influence to people!!" The queen screeched. And Sinbad sweat drops.
"Fine. (Snaps fingers)" water surrounds Lorena and her swimsuit changes to a blue green Egyptian style sorceress dress.
"You happy?" Lorena says.
"Yes!(Turns back to speak to Lia.) As I was saying, Lia, you are a Magi, and you may not remember me or anyone here but I can help you learn to control your power and to summon your djiin." She tells Lia.
Lia stays silent.
"I want to become stronger . And if this will help me....then I accept your offer." Lia says and Sinbad glares at Lunala.
"However....why would you want to train me? I can tell you are a dungeon capturer. So why?" Lia ask with a puzzled face.
Lunala walks up to her and places her hand on her heart.
"Because....I made a promise to help you. I come from the same world you do. You and I met each other 13 years ago.(turns to Sinbad) and yes Sinbad this is the woman you propose to 13 years ago." Lunala says calmly.
"PROPOSE?!?" Everyone yells and a deadly aura is surrounding Ja'far.
"Sinbad......Care to explain." He gives him a close eye smile.
"I swear I have no idea what she is talking about!!" Sinbad puts his hands up in defense.
"Lia, your memories are returning. You do know Sinbad. In time you will remember. For now, do you wish to train in my kingdom?" Lunala asked her.
"I think it's a good idea. Big Sis, you can become stronger. I promise we'll be alright." Aladdin comes up to me and hugs me.
"Aladdin....everyone....I...." Lia is struggling what to say.
"I don't approve. Do you really think I trust you?" Sinbad said coldly.
"You won't listen to what my wife says, but will act the same way with me?" A male voice all of a sudden speaks.
A circle of blue flames appear and disappear and reveals a man in blue gold armor, black hair, and brown eyes. Sinbad just went pale.
"Sinbad, Lia chose to come and train at our Kingdom. Do you not want her to become stronger. She wishes to improve herself. Do you want that shadow to come back and make her become a fallen magi again?! Do you wish to see her suffer?! She wishes to become stronger. She wishes to help you and her friends. Do you understand?" The King of the Aquarias kingdom yells at him.
"Honey, isn't that over doing it?" Lunala walks over to her husband, Cresendent.
"Master....I....I...understand.....but....still..." Sinbad looks down.
"I understand how you feel...but this is for her own good(places hand on his shoulders) I Don't want you to go through that same pain again." He smiles sadly at him.
"(Leans in and whispers in Sinbad's ear) plus she might remember you, and the good times you all had together. I still remember that time I caught you two kissing." The King laughs and Sinbad's face turned red.
Lia has an extremely confused face at what is going on.
"By the way, if you hit on any of my daughters, your gonna have to answer to me and their brothers" the King smiles at Sinbad with a deadly aura surrounding him.
"Yes sir." His face was priceless.
"Sinbad, I want Ja'far to train Lorena, Mascur to train Aqua, and Sharrkan to train Krystal along with Alibaba." Lunala said and Sinbad and Ja'far eyes widened.
"I object!!" Yells Lorena.
"Explain." Both her mother and father say.
"No way in hell I'm working with the control freak!" She yells.
Ja'far eyes glare dagers at her.

" won't obey any of our household members, nor us. So Ja'far is good choice to make you learn and teach you manners. Besides, he is a good influence and keeps Sinbad in proper check. He makes sure Sinbad does all of his work. So he is a good choice to teach you.(Walks over to Ja'far) You can be as mercilessly as you are to Sinbad as to her. I put her in your care." The queen bows at him.
"I promise to take good care of her." He bows and does a quick side glace at Lorena and smirks.
Lorena clearly just lost all respect to him.
"Mother...w-w-why do I have to train?" Aqua ask shyly as she hides behind Krystal.
"Please don't use me hiding spot. And I agree with her. Why must we all train?" Krystal said as she crossed her arms.
"Krystal, you yourself have already obtain a djiin. Your sisters need to train before they themselves are ready to go and obtain a djiin themselves. This will help you learn to interact with others." Her father responded.
"Besides, isn't it the same with you? You can't find yourself a boy-----!!!!" Lorena stops talking when she sees her sisters sword right at her neck.
"Gulp!!" She shut ups.
"And Aqua..."
"Yes mother..."
"The blood of the steel dragon tribe and fanalis runs through your veins through your father side. Don't think I don't know you don't know how to control your strength." She looks at Aqua.
Aqua sulks at the corner of the room.
"But I don't want to go where there is so many people..." Aqua says.
"Aqua please turn your ears back human form. You know why. " Aqua sulks even more and turns her ears back to normal.
"Do we have a deal Sinbad?" Lunala smirks.
"Ug.....Deal.." Sinbad shakes hands with the queen.
"By the way..." the queen began.
"Yes your highness?" Sinbad asked confused.
"Make Lia cry. And I'll kill you." She gives him a close eye smile and the wall behind her cracks.
"Yes ma'am."
A few hours passed, and everyone meets at Balbadd harbor.
"Since when was a dungeon here?!" Alibaba yells in shock as he sees a Atlantian building neat the harbor.
"True it is a dungeon, but it is also my kingdom. I welcome t you to the Aquarias Kingdom." Lunala smiles along with her husband and daughters.
Aladdin,Lia,Alibaba, and Morgiana all have shock expressions.
"How is that a kingdom?!" They all yell.
"True when a dungeon is cleared, it disappears. But my djiin is the 4th, her name is Aquarius, djiin of truths and demise. This was her home. When I first capture this dungeon, I saw how much she loved living in here. So with her magic and mine I made it so I can move it around where ever I want. It moves with the waves. Never in the same place, and making it impossible to find. And my husband's Djiin, the 5th one. His name is Raykus, the djiin of Nobility and disorder. We can control time within the dungeon. So basically 1 month here is 1 years in the dungeon. You can choose to age or stay the same. Only you will be affected if you wish to age." The queen said and Lia, Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morgiana have a shock look.
"Um...Lady Krystal...what is your djiin?" Alibaba ask her.
"My djiin is the 69th djiin. Amaterasu, djiin of love and hatred. I and my three other brothers also have their own. Aqua and Lorena have yet to obtain one. And who gave you permission to speak to me forever alone Bachelor?" Krystal said that last part coldly.
"............" Alibaba's face.
"Pfft!! HAHAHAHA!!!" Lorena broke out into a fit of laughter and holding her stomach, along with Aladdin,and Lia and everyone else.
" I really don't like her at all..." Alibaba says in his mind.
"Nearly forgot. Girls properly introduced yourselves.'" Their father said.
"Right." All three say.
"I am Princess Lorena Gallia of the Aquarias Kingdom. Pleasure to meet you." Lorena steps forward and bows.
"I-I-I'm the second p-p-princess. M-M-My name is A-A-Aqua Gallia." Aqua's face becomes red and she hid behind Lorena.
"N-N-Nice to meet you." She says from behind.
Truth is she is scared of Mascur.
"My name is Krystal Gallia. I am the third princess. I wish to get along with all of you. Thank you King Sinbad for letting us stay in your country." Krystal bows.
Sinbad nods his head.
"Lia, do you have all your belongings?" Morgiana asked her.
"Yup." She chirped happily.
"Girls, do you have all of your belongings?" The King asked his daughters.
"Since long ago."
They all talked for a few minutes then...
A guard came running warning everyone that a giant fleet of the Kou empire is coming from the sea. Alibaba wanted to stay and help his country but Sinbad said if he stayed the Kou empire would execute them. He had to leave the country for his own safety. Alibaba insisted that he will stay. For that reason Sinbad knocked him out for his own good.
"I'm surprised by your actions. But will he be alright? You considering you really just knocked him out again his will?" Lia came up to Sinbad.
"It's for his own good and for his country's sake. Lia will you be alright?" He asked.
"I think so. If I did know you in the past then I hope I remember. But what did you mean I "gave up my time" when you yelled at the queen?" Lia asked puzzled.
"That's something I don't want to talk about." Sinbad reply.
Lia's eyes narrowed.
"You become a sly person, haven't you?" Lia growled and left to the queen and king, leaving a shock Sinbad behind.
Sinbad order a ship prepared to go to Sindria for their safety. Aladdin, Morg, and the princesses made their decision and boarded the ship. Lia climb in a water bubble with the Queen. The King of the Aquarias Kingdom will be going with Sinbad to the Kou empire to speak to the emperor personally.
"To the idiot King's and control freaks country!!' Lorena yelled.
Everyone waved good bye.
Lia then was transported to inside the dungeon. When we opened her eye she saw a hug underwater city.
" amazing!" She saw mermaids swimming, water dragons, fox people in air bubbles and so much more.
"Oh this isn't even half of it." The queen said And Lia's eyes widened.
"We have six giant rooms in this dungeon. Each one bigger than this. Each one serves a purpose. We are going to the treasure room." They head to a star shape symbol on the floor and as they go up, Lia sees what each room does.
The second room is agriculture, third makes goods, forth weapons, and so on and so forth.
"You said you have son's. Where are they?" They talk as they continue up to the treasure room.
"My first son is training at the Sasan empire. My second son is studying medicine at Heliohapt, and my third sun is learning about trade and training with the magoi manipulation clan at the Reim Empire. Oh how I miss them." She smiled sadly.

-Lia POV-

We finally reached the treasure room. It was the size of 40 football fields. All completely filled with treasure. I then saw Lady Lunala's household vessels. looks like they are organizing things.
"Your highness welcome back." All four bowed.
"Thank you all. Suzuka,if it be alright will you help Lia fix her bow? (Turns to me) you didn't notice but during the battle your bow broke. You can get it replaced or have it fixed. What do you want?" My eyes widened when I saw my bow broken.
This was a heirloom, passed from generation to generation. Mom and dad gave me this for my 8th birthday.
"If possible I want to get it fixed. It is a family heirloom, and very important to me." I handed to Suzuka.
"It can't be fixed. But I can create a new bow and infuse this bow into it. Meaning your bow will still be with you even if in another form. The Spirit of your ancestors will be with you still." Suzuka smiled at me.
"Thank you so much!" I hugged her.
"Your welcome." She smiles.
I then see Liato come in with a treasure box.
"Here. These belong to you." He hands me a treasure box.
I open it and inside is a Sakura hairpin, a red and green gem earrings, a silver anklet, and a gold bracelet. All of them have the eight pointed star symbol.
"These..." I was barely able to say.
"These are your djiins. We kept them safe. They did not want anyone else to be their master other than you." Liato smile at me.
"Lia, in 6 months you will train here. But I will tell you what Sinbad ment "you gave up your time."" The queen looked at me seriously.
"You were 11 years old and Sinbad was 16. After what happened when you went with Sinbad to a trading deal, during that time you and him were attacked by bandits. You were gravely injured. Sinbad blamed himself because you were injured. You blamed yourself for being weak. This was when I first met you two. Sinbad barged into a cabin that was in road near the Reim Empire. It was a stop that I made for people traveling and I was staying there for a few days to help. He brought you in crying. You were in critical condition that you could have lost your life." She said.
I was shock.
"Luckily, I was a doctor from the world we came from. Flamra and Liato were with me. And help me heal you. To be honest....we nearly lost you. We were able to save you. Sinbad thanked me and kept insisting to let him pay us back(chuckles). I saw the rukh around both of you. So I decided, to company you to the Sindria trading company. Of course I still haven't revealed that I was a queen. I used a spell and wore the clothing the woman from the Artemyra Kingdom wore. We went there and that is when I met Ja'far and Hinahoho and everyone in the trading company." She smiled.
"It had been a month since I met you and Sinbad. He and I had become trading partners. You see, the Aquarias Kingdom is neutral. We do not Ally with any kingdom or company. We do trade with all. Like Sindria and the Kou empire. We are not the only kingdom. There is another neutral Kingdom, that does the same as us. That Kingdom and mine are allies because we are neutral and are very,very, difficult to find and to get to. People say our Kingdom's are legendary because they can never find us." She said and sat down on a water bubble she created. Except this time she went fully into the water and her legs become a tail. Her hair become pink, and so on.
"I'll explain why I changed after I finish telling you." She sees my shock expression
"It was during one night at the company. Everyone was celebrating a deal that Sinbad made.

-Flash back-

Everyone was celebrating a new deal that was made. Everyone was getting drunk. Lia sat next to Sinbad.
"Lia, what's wrong? You're not eating." Sinbad looked at her worried.
"Little one, are you alright?" Lunala asked Lia.
Lia looked up to her and her eyes widened. She saw many rukh surrounding Lunala.
"You are a dungeon capturer, aren't you?" Lia said and everyone in the room went silent.
Sinbad's eyes widened.
"And Flamra and Liato are your household vessels, aren't they?" Lia said and Lunala and her household vessels eyes widened.
Lunala smiles kindly and looks at her.
"How did you know?" She smiled sadly.
"The rukh told me. You were hiding it, for a good reason. Why?" Lia stand up and walks up to her.
"I think it's time I reveal who I am." Lunala said.
"Who are you really?" Sinbad sat up and began to take out his sword.
"I am not a enemy." She then waves her wooden staff and water surrounds her.
Her clothes changes to a blue white gown and her staff becomes a magic tritant.(see chapter 1)
"I am queen Lunala of the Aquarias Kingdom. And you already met my household vessels. I am a ally." The queen giggled and patted Lia's head. Lia has sparkles in her eyes.
"Sinbad, you trained with my husband for two months. I believe he told you he is the Dragon king?" Lunala said and Sinbad eyes widen.
"You're the woman that kept calling him every three days!" He points at her.
"Rude! He taught you to master Baal! Did he also mentioned that I am the mermaid queen?' He should have taught you manners!" An angry tick mark appears on her and the floor beneath her cracks and Sinbad went pale.
"Sorry to kept my identity a secret. It was for a good reason. I wanted to see what type of person you were. My husband is quite proud of his student. Also I am impressed by your trading skills. You'll make a fine king one day." The queen smiles.
"That is if you stop being a womanizer, and just stay with one girl." The queen said sweetly.
Everyone is trying to stifle their laughter and Sinbad face is priceless.
"400 year old hag..." he mumbled.
The queen just punched him and sent him flying to the wall. He then got up and had a extremely pale and horrified face when he saw the queen walk up to him with a murderous aura. She bent down to him, and looked him directly in the eyes. Her eyes turned to red slits.
"I am 313 years old. Basically in human years I'm in my 20's. Get it right human." She said in a murderous tone.
She got back up and walked back to where she was. Sinbad had his soul coming out of his mouth and his life sucked right out of him.
"Please forgive her. She is very sensitive when it comes to her age." Flamra bowed.
"We'll be going now.(turns to Sinbad) and Sinbad(he looks up to her) complain about my age again and you're screwed." The queen said in a sweet tone making him go pale.
Rurumu give her a thumbs up.

it has been 1 hour since they left. They have been walking through the woods on a dirt road. They continued to walk until..
"I known you are there. Come out so I can see you." The queen stops walking and her household vessels eyes widened when they see Lia come out behind a tree and how they could not sense her at all.
Lia walks up to the three of them. Lunala turns around and faces her. She bends down to her level.
"Why are you following us, little one?" The queen asked kindly.
"M-M-Make me your apprentice!! Please!" Lia blurted out.
"Why do you wish to be my apprentice? You are a Magi. I could be a enemy. I could kidnap you and kill you. I could make you make you turn on your friends. So why?" The queen looked down at her.
Lia clutches her fist.
"I'm weak. True I am a magi. Uncle Yunan(Lunala trying to stifle her laughter at Yunan being called uncle) explained to me what a Magi is and what they do. But if I really am all that...Why am I so weak? I'm always the one being saved. I don't want Sinbad to blame himself if I get injured again. (Looks up at the queen seriously) I want to get stronger! I want to become more of use! I know you are a kind person because the Rukh told me. I know you are a kind person by the look in your eyes!" Lia yells.
"I know you are a dungeon capturer and I know you can help me more than ever! So Please!(gets on her knees and bows) Make me you apprentice! Please..." Lia's tears fall onto the dirt as she looks down as he bows. The queen's eyes widened. Never in all her years she's seen someone so determined and mature at a young age.
" please protect my descendant in the future..." the image of her friends last breath flashes before her eyes.
She smiles."you really are like her.." she says in her mind.
The queen begins to walk the direction she ways going.
"(Side glances at Lia) Are you coming?" She says and sees Lia look up and running up to her and walks with them smiling.
"By the way...what will Sinbad say when he sees you are gone?" Liato asked.
"No need to worry! Everyone right now is asleep. I left a note that says I left to train. I used a shrinking spell and shrunk all of my belongings and I am carrying them in my bag." Lia grinned innocently while the others gave her a shock expression.
"Mother of rukh...." the queen passed out from the shock just now.
"Your highness!" Everyone ran up to her side.

The next day

Sindria trading company

A blood curdling scream just woke up everyone in the entire company. Ja'far barges in to Sinbad's room.
"Why did you wake me up so early?" Sinbad gets up from his bed and yawns.
The minute he heard Lia's name,that snapped him awake.
"Whoa whoa! Calm down! What's wrong?!" Sinbad tries to calm him down.
"Lia---can't-- anywhere---AAHA!! HERE!!" Ja'far shoves a letter in his face.
Sinbad quickly opens the letter and reads it. He clutches the paper tightly as he reads it. He jumps off his bed and runs to the where everyone else is. He bangs the door open and scares everyone in the lobby.
Everyone has no idea what is going on but being to search for her.
"Sinbad, what is going on?!" Rurumu runs over to him along with Hinahoho.
Sinbad shoves the letter in her hands and bolts out the door. Rurumu and Hinaho read the letter.
"Sinbad!" Rurumu yells as tears fall from her eyes.
The words from the letter replay in his mind, as he searches everywhere for her.

Dear Sinbad and everyone,
By the time you read this letter I will be gone. I'm pretty sure Ja'far just woke up everyone with a scream. I decided to go training and become Queen Lunala's apprentice. Please don't look for me. I know right now you're probably pretty mad, but I made this choice. I feel like a burned to you and everyone. I feel like I'm weak and you keep blaming yourself for that day the bandits attacked Sinbad. IT is not your fault. It's mine. I want to become stronger,I want to be more use to you. I'll learn magic, How to fight, maybe even djiin equip! I promise I'll come back even stronger! So don't worry. I want to train with her like you trained with her husband. I'll be back in five months. I'll write to you guys whenever I get a chance. So don't worry. This isn't goodbye, it's only temporary. I promise we'll meet again. Thank you for everything.
---Love Lia
PS: If you think the queen had something to do with this, you are dead wrong. I made this choice by my own free will. I'll miss you guys.

"Why...why.why?!(punches tree) You were fine the way you are!!" Sinbad runs all over the forest.
He runs to a clearing where there is a cliff and you can see the ocean from there. He drops to his knees and punches the ground.
"LLIIAA!!" He screams.

-3 weeks later-

It has been three weeks since Lia left. Things haven't been the same. Sinbad locked himself in his room most of the time. Everyone kept trying to cheer him up but nothing worked. Rurumu understood why Lia chose to go and train and forgave her. After all, she was like a daughter to her and sooner or later she would become a Woman. One day during a celebration, a paper bird flew in.
"Chirp! Chirp!" It flew on top of Jafar's head and landed. Making Sinbad break out Laughing.
He removed the bird from his head and undoes the origami. He sees it is a letter and reads it out loud.

hey everyone it's been awhile. Sorry if I haven't written. Training is hell. I've mastered water magic and can do some pretty good spells. I met the queen's family. I met her first son which he is older than Sinbad by 3 years! What's more he's a bigger womanizer than you Sinbad! I bet he would still all the girls from you easily.
"Oh hell no!!" Sinbad just yelled making everyone sweat drop.
I've been doing pretty good. I really do miss you guys. Hope everything is great over there. If you guys want to write to me, I wrote down a spell that you guys can write on your letters and they will become paper birds and fly to where I am. Pretty cool huh? Hope you guys write back!

Everyone smiled knowing there friend was doing well. Sinbad then noticed a blue gem at the corner of the paper. He touched it. A blast of water hit Sinbad knocking him off his chair. He was soaking wet. Everyone burst out laughing knowing how Lia loves to pull pranks at Sinbad.
"It's not funny!!" Sinbad yells with a angry tick mark on his face.
"It totally is! You fall for them every single time!" Laughed Hinahoho along his wife and everyone.
Sinbad smiled knowing she was okay, but when she came back, she was going to have a hell of a scolding from him, Ja'far, and Rurumu!

-5 months later-

A girl with long curly brown hair up to her waist, blue eyes, a Sakura hairpin in her hair, one green gem earing on her right ear, and one red gem earing on her left. A silver bell anklet on her right foot, and a gold bracelet on her right wrist. On her neck, a amethyst necklace. All of her items possessed the eight pointed star symbol. She wore a white flower embroidery dress with a white flower crown on her head. She wore black boots up to her knees. She had a black bag with her belongings. She was up at the highest tree branch at the tallest pine tree. Her blue eyes looking down at the Reim Empire and smiles when she spots a familiar purple head.
"I never would've thought you would go so far to give up your time." Her head snaps to the left when she sees it's someone she knows.
"Don't scare me like that Uncle Yunan! Plus , It was my decision. and I don't regret it. Also I understand a lot of things I didn't back then." The girl sighs.
Yunan feels sorry for her because she now understands what a brothel is. And so many things she didn't back then.
"I'm pretty sure everyone is going to be staring at my chest. Five months ago I was 11 and 5 months later I'm 15. Plus, I visited many worlds through my spirit and made many new friends." She smiles remembering the world she visited with the pink haired boy that eats flames. Oh the fights she and him would get to and nearly destroyed half the guild.
"Hey, Uncle Yunan.."
"Yes, Lia?"
"I'm glad I was brought to this world." She smiled at him.
She takes a blue oval shape flute and plays a quick tune. A silver wyvern flies over to her and she sits on its back.
"Till next time, Uncle Yunan!" She wave goodbye and her and the wyvern fly away.
"Till next time!" He waves good bye and smiles sadly.
"Till next time......"

-eNd of flashback-

-Lia POV-

As the queen told me this ,tears fell from my eyes. Only flashes of those memories came to my eyes. I remember That I chose to age. I remember that I left. But I still don't remember what I did during those five months.
"Lia, what's wrong?! " Lunala panicked when she saw me crying.
"Sorry(wipes tears from eyes) looks like my memories are finally returning. But..if I chose to age..shouldn't I be 29? Not 24 ?" I asked puzzled.
"Good question. I overheard you talking to Aladdin about how you were in a comatose state for 11 months. If it's what I think it is.... never mind." She said.
What was she going to say?
"Lady Lia, you will train here for 6 months or 6 years in our case because of the dungeon. 1 year here, is equal to one month out of the dungeon. Do you wish to age again, or not. If you choose not to age that's alright, your magic, knowledge, will still become stronger no matter what. What is your decision?" Ray said.
I thought about it and made my choice. I smiled and looked up at her with confidence.
"I choose to not age." I said.
"Good decision." Lunala grinned and got out of the water bubble and her tail turned back to legs.
"H-H-How?! I thought you came from my world. How are you part mermaid?!" I said in shock as I see her walk to the star pointed shape on the floor.
"I'll explain as you train here. For now we'll Just talk about your training and begin tomorrow." The queen said.
-3 months later-

Kingdom of Sindria

It's been three months since Aladdin Morgiana, Alibaba, and the princesses have arrived in Sindria.
Aladdin, and Alibaba have feeling guilty about not being able to help the people of Balbadd being from taken over by the Kou empire. They haven't eaten very much lately. Aqua and Morg have been training with Mascur and have becoming stronger. Aqua is learning to Control her strength. Though...she still hasn't opened up to anyone, and is still kind of scared of Mascur and hides behind Morgiana to say hi or when they talk or when they finish training. Yeah...this girl is beyond shy..but some feelings are being developed.
Krystal well....she was pretty quiet. She doesn't talk much and is pretty cold to Alibaba. But she is a kind person. She has been talking with Yamuriha and even learning some magic. Most of the time she's in the library reading. When it comes history, people of the Kou empire call her the female version of Ren Kouen. Why ? Let's say why. her family went to visit and stayed there for three months. Of course it was for political reasons. Aqua stayed with Kougyoku most of the time, also with Hakuei. Lorena would actually get into fights with Judal and Kouha. Basically starting a 1v1v1 and ending in a tie between all three of them even though Lorena doesn't have a metal vessel. Krystal stayed most of the time in the library and helped Kouen and Koumei with their work. Pretty much drown herself in reading and studying. Worse than Kouen.
Back to Sindria.
Yeah. basically she's always in the library and studying magic With Yam.
Lorena....well.. I'm pretty sure you can guess what she's been doing.
YUP... she has been skipping work and disobeying Ja'far. She's been hanging out a lot with Pisti.
Right now she is running away from him. She ran to Yam's room where is Krystal. She banged the door opened and slammed it shut it closed. Yamuriha and Krystal looked at her in shock.
"Hide me!!" Lorena says.
"You been skipping on your work again. When are are you going to start acting like a princess?! Have you forgotten?!" Krystal says coldly at her sister.
"Lorena please try to do your work. Your basically acting like Sinbad right now who always skips out on his work." Yam says.
"Know but...all we been doing these past three is months is paperwork and organize things. I want real training!" Lorena sits down on Yams bed.
" know why I want to become stronger and destroy the organization." Lorena said to Krystal.
"Don't bring up those things." Krystal said.


How screwed are you Lorena. She cringed remembering all the push ups, sit-ups, running laps and so on she was made to do. She was sore for weeks. She quickly turned herself to a bird and landed on Yamuraiha shoulder to make it look like she is a normal bird. Yam had sparkles in her eyes and on the verge of asking what magic did she use, when Ja'far came in.
"Sorry to come in like this. Have you guys seen Lorena?" Ja'far asked.
"No." Yam said.
"(Turns to Krystal) Do you know where she is?" He asked her.
She sighed and did some sign language. Ja'far understood what she said since he is a former assassin. Yamriaha and Lorena have no idea what she is saying.
"I see...thank you." And Ja'far left.
Lorena waited 10 minutes and turned herself back to normal. She slowly opened the door and checked both ways to make sure the cost ways clear. She then made a mad dash but was stopped when both her feet were caught.
"EEKK!!" Red wire caught her feet and she was hanging upside down. Luckily she was wearing shorts.
"Don't think you can escape that easily."
She saw ja'far step out of the shadows.
"H-H-How?!" She said in shock.
"I have your sister to thank." He smirked.

-Back at Yamuriha room-

Krystal scoffed knowing her sister just got caught. Yamuriha looked at her with a smile.
"What did you tell Ja'far?"
"I told him that the hummingbird was Lorena and to wait ten minutes, because she was going to wait that long to make sure he was gone and make a run for it." She said and both broke out into a laughter.
"How old is your sister?"
"She's 22 ,I'm 16 going to 17, and aqua is 21"
"I see. Her and Ja'far argue like a married couple."
"Like you and Sharrkan?"
"What? It's true."

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