Aria Salvatore x Klaus Mikael...

بواسطة pastmidnight_

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Imagine believing your brothers died over a century ago? Believing your whole family was dead? Being turned i... المزيد

Coming Home
Three Salvatores
Founders Day
Because I Am
He Will Come For You
The Sacrafise
Road Trip?
Ray Sutton
Getting Lost
Protect You
Happy Funeral
Hello Again Elijah
Family Business
What I Used To Be
Because I Love You
Sacrificial Lamb
I Needed To Say It
Trespassing Into Hell
Your Small
White Oak
Kieran Ripper
Denver Blues
Until We Meet Again
The 1950s
Did you miss me?
Make It Stop
Here We Go
Change Of Plans
Lost Marbles
It Stopped
Bubbling Secrets
Wrong Crowd
Buried Hatchet
What We Are
Numbed Minds
Into The Woods
New Bodies
Do It All Over Again
One Tear
Speed Walked
Back When
Turned Tables
If You Make It Out Alive
Hide and Seek
Highway To Hell
Happy Birthday
Bleeding Out


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بواسطة pastmidnight_

What truly happened the night the Salvatore's died.

Aria's POV.

The summers orange sunset was setting it was warm as our bare feet scattered through the grass chasing one another.

My heart was pumping fast banging against my chest in the gardens, nothing feels better than this.

"You're fast but not fast enough!" I called sadly she reached the statue with a victory dance.

"Nooo! I must say you're putting me to shame, this is the fourth time in a row" I spoke catching up she smirked.

"I never lose hun. But look it you're getting faster all thanks to me" she said cockily waltzing towards me I squinted with a nod.

"All thanks to those sunrise runs Stefan's forced me into doing every aching morning" I told her with a dramatic sigh she chuckled.

"You'd be miserable without him pushing you forward all the time" she stated.

"Hardy har har" I drawled as we teased one another.

"I swear it he's up till the crack of dawn planning his next move to joke with me" I uttered as we laughed beneath the apple tree.

I turned on my heel but Katherine was already in front of me I shrieked.

"Katherine my lord how did you move so fast you-" she cut me off placing a hand to my mouth. "Want to go somewhere?" She suggested.

Katherine and I were like peas and carrots just how I was with Stefan, best of friends I laughed nodding pulling her arm.

"Come on!" she laughed as we ran off into the gardens.

Sitting on a log she tried teaching me to make ripples in the pond. "The sun is almost down" I told her.

"Oh why thank you I didn't quite see that" she mused shoving my arm playfully.

"We best scurry indoors don't want to face the wrath of my father" I spoke with a knowing look.

I pray everyday every night the man my father used to be is still in there somewhere the one who laughed and aspired in life. I know he's not gone he's beneath the rubble of his broken heart.

"Oh I quiver with fear" she joked.

"You know the rules no women aloud out after dark. All the spooky goblins will get you" I taunted waving my arms around and she rolled her eyes.

"There's no rules in our lives" she stated and I chuckled.

"Speak for yourself my friend you don't have overprotective goons on you're back every moment, come let's head in" I said.

"Woah woah cupcake not just yet" she said pulling me back down. "But father.." I trailed off.

"I thought nothing scared you" Katherine taunted.

"Place some daisies on my grave shall you" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Why do you want to stay here anyway I thought you hated the dark?" I pointed out.

"Tell me Aria what do you want when you're older" she spoke glancing up at the sky.

"Cats, lots of cats. Perhaps I'll stumble into something miraculous, magical maybe even a potential lover" I drawled seductively making her roll her eyes.

"Do crazy absurd things, dance, love, live" I exclaimed dancing around the log.

"You see the world... life in a bright light don't you?" She asked.

"If I didn't life would be so hollow Katherine, boring. Life is beautiful adventurous growing as someone with people, this world is humongous there's so much hope and good places of true happiness how could you not see this world as the best place to be" I uttered.

"You're so different from other people. You believe in happiness and magic" she spoke. "That I do" I replied.

"My dear do you believe in love?" She asked as I plonked down on the ground beside her.

"Love? True love. Yes" I told her she gave me a glance.

"Do you believe you'll ever find it?" she whispered.

"With my brothers and father around probably not" I replied she hummed a laugh.

"You're mother was never there to teach you anything, she isn't here to have you're back" she stated an unhappy frown upon her face.

"No she died in this world far to young an age she was a beautiful soul never hurtled a fly" I spoke, Katherine didn't seem to think the words I spoke were true.

"You didn't need her Aria" she stated latching my shoulders. "Pardon?" I asked surprised.

"She would have dragged you down. All mothers do is drop you out in this world chew you up spit you out and turn their backs on you" she uttered making me freeze.

In any other circumstance I would have been furious someone speaking of my mother like that, but she seems hurt.

"Katherine?" I asked after moments of silence placing my hand on hers. "Is everything alright. You seem shaken".

"Yes....yes sorry. I shouldn't have brought her up. Aria you know you're a dear friend to me" she whispered and I nodded.

We share a lot of secrets, we trust one another. I've only known this girl a few months but she is my bestfriend.

"You're brothers have not yet returned for dinner" she said.

"Oh they'll be home, hopefully with sunnier faces" I said we chuckled.

"I don't know why they're acting so ghastly to one another they're always bickering and brawling these days it breaks my heart. They never ever used to fight now it's like war" I spoke she was quiet.

"You love you're brothers don't you honey?" She whispered.

"Yes". "But never tell them that" I uttered.

"Well it's crystal clear they love you" she replied. How on earth would she know she's never around them.

"They fight constantly and neither will tell me why they always shoot that conversation down and touch another subject, I only ever see them separately and they're fine it's when they encounter they act like animals" I told her sadly.

"Aria? Do you believe in demons" she suddenly asked making me wide eyed.

"Demons? Do you mean vampires?" I whispered with a nervous smile she nodded. "Father hunts them with the council but he tells me nothing".

"What would you do if you ever encountered one" she asked throwing pebbles to the pond.

"Try to reason" I replied she seemed shocked. "You wouldn't be afraid? Would you?" she whispered furrowing her eyebrows I shrugged.

"Unbelievable. You wouldn't be scared?" she breathed utter shock upon her face.

"Well put a vampire in front of me and we shall see" I replied and she smirked. "What?" I chirped she chuckled to herself.

"The irony" she mumbled making me shake my head at her nonsense.

"What would you do if you were one?" she asked that's what made me freeze I looked to her quietly.

"I have a deepening feeling that is a whole different answer isn't it?" she replied.

"I'd never want to be one I'd never grow up. Have a family" I replied and she sighed.

"I've never had friends before. No one to trust" she told me as I sat back beside her.

"I've only ever had my brothers" I whispered playing with the fabric of my dress.

"I'm tainted, a liar I've been forced to do something and I can't undo it I've tried but he'll catch me. I run, I deceive Aria I've done things. Things you'll never forgive-" I cut her off.

"Dear lord what carriage ran over you?. You're not who you used to be you're past doesn't define you" I uttered.

"Katherine you're my very best friend" I said quietly she smiled gripping my hand.

"And you're mine to Aria. We'll always be friends forever won't we? No matter what" she said.

"Yeah, forever" I whispered as we pinky promised.

"Come along we must attend to dinner" she said as we pranced back to the house greeted by Stefanie with his million dollar smile.


I knocked on the wall to see if Damon was still there or if he'd already fled for dinner, there was no response.

I gathered myself and waltzed out of the room wandering down the stairs. That's when my arm was yanked into another room.

I gasped seeing...Emily. She is the towns witch she's forbidden around these parts of town due to her witchcraft.

We were friends as children but society spilt us up.

She wore a white gown and flowered hat a flustered look upon her face.

"Dear lord Emily no no what on earth are you doing here! If you're found they'll kill you" I whispered as she dragged me out the backdoor pushing me against the house it was pitch dark outside not a soul in sight.

"This is where it's going to start. I can't let this happen" she breathed making my eyes widen.

"What?" I asked completely in shock by her arrival and babbling.

"You're family does not deserve this. You shouldn't know such evil. I can't let them unleash this darkness" she spluttered.

"Emily what are you speaking of" I begged her to answer.

"Katherine. Aria Katherine is a vampire" she whispered.

"What?" I breathed shaking my head. "Aria she is a vampire she has been lying to you" she told me making me freeze.

"You're wrong" I uttered my voice cracking things were flashing in my mind things that started to make sense.

"You know I'm right. I'm never wrong. Aria she is you're end you're brothers end" she said.

"What?! No no this mustn't me right you're mistaken she's not....she's not..." I trailed off.

"Her true name is Katerina Petrova a vampire who's working with someone I do not know of but she's leading them to you're family. She's going to kill you all" she exclaimed.

"Emily please tell me this was not one of you're visions" I croaked knowing just how powerful of a witch she is.

"You were all dead. You were all still and pale she's bringing hell to you're doorsteps. You know what compelling is do you not?" She asked I nodded.

She then said something that truly shocked me to the very core about the woman who I'd seen as my best friend.

"No. No she wouldn't!" I flustered covering my mouth horrified.

Emily informed me of absolutely everything that Katherine had been up to behind my back.

She compelled my brothers to love her and keep it from the other and myself. I was infuriated finding out this horrid truth.

"Somehow you're father hasn't called them out on their ghastly behaviour towards each other he's to busy hunting vampires with the Founders Council" she spoke.

"When he hasn't even realised there's one cooked up in our home" I whispered.

"I thought she was my friend. Everything makes such sense now why they acted the way they did. All the sneaking around and fibs" I uttered feeling as if I'd taken the crown of the biggest fool.

Stefan would have told me if he'd fell for her that's what confirmed she was compelling.

She is the reason my brothers have spilt apart.

"God all the things she spoke about this evening" I placed my hands to my face.

I can't prevent it, I'm not so evil that I'd expose her to father she'd be killed. I just want my brothers safe, no part in the demons of this world there to good.

"Aria there's something else you need to know. The man coming is a witch a very very powerful and demented man. He wants you and you're brother" she spoke making me breath heavily.

"Also you're father. There's a reason he is the way he is now" she murmured but shook her head.

"You must go inside. Say that you are ill  you can't attend dinner. I will find you in the morning and take all of you to safety. I have a plan" she said taking my hands.

"What of you? Where will you go now!" I flustered.

"Aria!" I heard my fathers voice boom inside the house.

Pull yourself together Aria this plan will not go through if you don't woman up.

Taking all my strength I left Emily as she disappeared into the darkness.

"For heavens sake why were you outside child! You'll catch a cold you" my father snapped marching down.

"I am sorry father I felt green I hoped some air would do me better but it has not. May I please skip dinner tonight I do not wish to spoil you're evening" I spoke.

"Get checked with Valerina. Attend to you're room. I'll check with you later" he said continuing to walk on I breathed that was so easy?.

Stefan came out moments later waltzing up to me as I was about to sprint upstairs.

"Ar father said you're ill you look very pale let me help you to you're room. Do you want me to keep you company? I can make tea-" I cut him off.

"Stef I'm fine. Really" I said with a chuckle looking at him. My god what has Katherine done to you, I can't believe she's betrayed us.

"No no I insist you tend to me when I'm poorly. Come along" he said taking my arm.

"Father said you were fighting with Damon" I stated as we entered my room he sighed.

"Do you want more pillows?" he asked I grit my teeth turning to him.

"Tell me the truth. Stef when have you ever kept something from me you tell me about how you're leg hair irritates you so why are you keeping this from me" I uttered.

He believes he's in love with her her devoted to her. If this is all true then he won't tell me the truth.

"I will get Valerina to check you. Try rest sweet sister" he said scurrying out of the room. Dear lord it's true.

I tossed and turned not able to sleep thinking of everyone downstairs Katherine is just sitting at the table how she's doing this is beyond me.

Damon attempted to visit me but father dismissed him. I've never felt more betrayed she was my best friend.

I crept downstairs into the kitchen to get hold of a drink when I spotted Valerina washing up.

"My dear please you're father would have my head on a pike!" our housekeeper flustered seeing me handle one.

"You will be here but to the next fortnight trying to clean all of this up if I do not help" I replied seeing the mountain of dirty silverware.

"I must say you're very different from the other girls, but I simply can't allow it" she said taking the knife from my hands I sighed defeated.

"We dined off the plates shouldn't we be the ones to clean it?" I questioned by the sink seeing the water drip off the plates.

"What do you think the maid is paid for honey?" a voice which I'd hope to have avoided asked waltzing into the kitchen.

Katherine stood at the door in a gown fit for a princess her hair up in curls.
Keep you're stand Aria you mustn't show any signs of suspiciousness.

"Katherine, you're still awake!" I chirped. Agh was that suspicious no no it's perfectly fine would she just fly into her coffin already.

Do vampires sleep at night? There are so many rumours and legends about vampires from garlic to vervain....does she watch me when I sleep at night.

"Honey I never sleep" she mused with a chuckle she noticed I was off. Dear god.

"Troublemaker what are you doing up?" Stefan spoke waltzing into the kitchen.

"Stef don't you know I couldn't resist" I replied sipping a glass of water.

"You're in luck it is I and not Damon. Valerina would be sent packing letting you out of bed rest" he replied poking my arm with a knowing look. 

"Such a hero" I mused he hummed.

"You should be in bed you won't get better standing on the tile floor in bare feet!" he stressed.

That is when he noticed Katherine on the other side of the kitchen he gasped shocked standing straighter greeting her.

"Oh oh! Lady Katherine forgive me I didn't see you there" he spluttered. Nice.

"Mr.Salvatore" she greeted he blushed. Oh spare me. Stefan was struck by her beauty he's practically undressing her with his eyes.

I hate this it's not real he deserves real love not this brainwashing.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" I asked her politely hands behind my back. Wouldn't I love to confront her about stabbing me in the back.

"Indeed I did, but I much preferred the look of something else at the table" she responded her eyes wandering to Stefan who hid his smirk.

Projectile vomit he turns into a completely other person when she's in his presence it's the compulsion, he thinks there in love.

"Come let's adventure to the gardens my friend" she suggested as if I was supposed to just obey interlocking her arm forcefully with mine.

She must know by now I do not listen to anyone. The day someone tells me what to do and I actually do it, is the day I've lost myself.

"Oh my lady sorry to reject you're wishes but my sister isn't aloud out after sundown it is past curfew and she is sick. In fact it's nearing the hour we attend prayer" Stefan spoke politely.

Katherine grit her teeth but quickly smeared a smile with a giggle I've a bad bad feeling about this.

"I really would like to go to the gardens alone with you're sister" she told him staring in his eyes. He seemed in a trance my lord is she doing it.

"Why of course whatever you would like. Just refrain from my father or Damon catching you" he replied.

He would never allow that, she's compelled him right in front of me. If I do not go I will cause suspicion.

Katherine grinned clapping her hands with a horah and strutted me out to the gardens.

A gloomy night it was as the moon glimmered down on us we sauntered down the gardens passing it got darker the further we strolled.

If she attempts anything I will scream and shove her into the pond. Just how Damon thought me.

"Katherine isn't it against the rules for us to venture in the night?" I asked.

"Honey how many time must I say there aren't rules in our world" she exclaimed. I don't live in you're world.

"Aria why didn't you attend dinner?" she asked. Maybe because you're the devils spawn. Aria.

Then she plucked a purple flower from the bushes Damon attends to quite often, the flowers of death they are referred to.

Damon likes nothing more but to scare me into believing those flowers are a sign of a nearing death that if someone's about to die the flower is left on the doorsteps of their home.

"I was unwell, but I feel much much better" I replied the air between us was hovering with tension.

"You are a dear friend you know. I wouldn't want anything to happen that would turn us enemies. I'd never want that" she said handing me the flower an unreadable expression on her face.

"I don't want to be enemies either" I replied that wouldn't be the cherry on top of my Sunday.

"Are you afraid of me?" she asked she knows I know doesn't she. I'm furious at you not afraid.

"Why would you ever assume that? That is not possible" I replied she stared at my home some kind of apologetic expression.

Oh bloody hell she's going to eat us all isn't she.

"Then why is you're heart beating so fast?" she whispered eerily taking hold of my necklace hanging around my neck that father gave to me.

"Why whatever do you-" she cut me off clasping my arm.

"I know you know don't play dumb you're smarter than that, so let's cut to the chase. I'm not going to hurt you Aria I swear it" she spoke some profound honesty in her voice.

"I know what you did to my brothers I know everything. You will stop it at once" I spoke she seemed surprised.

"You're still not afraid" she was wide eyed.

"No. I am not. I ask you to stay in my home by all means I will not tell a soul of you're secret you would be burned all I ask is you set my brothers free. Send whatever evil it is you're bringing here away" I replied keeping my head high.

"You've betrayed and lied to me! Katherine I thought we were friends" I uttered.

"I meant everything I ever said. You are my best friend" she whispered.

"They tricked me sending me here. I feel perhaps an even bigger fool that I actually fell in love" she trailed off staring at me walking down the dark pathway soon stopping turning her back to me.

What on earth is she blabbing about. I could only see the dim light on the back of her long curls.

"If I asked you to run away. What would you do Aria?" she asked eerily making me shiver.

"If I told you that you and you're family were in grave danger. Would you run away if I asked you to?" she pressed hastily turning to me I frowned shaking my head.

"No of course not. I'd stay and defend my family, my home. Why are you asking such questions?" I replied my eyebrows furrowing.

"You've no idea what's coming and I can't bare to watch this happen" she uttered staring straight in my eyes.

"So I must ask if I asked you to run. Right now would you do it?" she replied playing with my necklace.

"I'd never leave my family" I stated she began looping a string of my hair around her finger.

"And that is why you are going to end up exactly like me" she breathed sadly suddenly yanking my necklace off throwing it to the bushes her eyes darkening a demonic face, I was about to scream for help when she clutched my head.

"You're going to forget I'm a vampire Aria. You're going to forget everything I have done with you're brothers. We will continue as best friends you will remain the happy girl you always were. But I want you to know this my friend you are a brave girl never have I met someone not afraid of my true nature"

"I'll always have you're back and know Aria Salvatore I am truly truly" she spoke tears brimming in her eyes.

I blinked.

"Katherine my god how long have we been in the gardens?" I chirped  suddenly seeing the nights sky.

"Relax Aria, you simply dozed off on the grass. Let us return to the house we can have some tea" she spoke I chucked nodding.

I heard rugged footsteps running behind us, a dim orange light shined on Katherine's face she squinted blocking the light from her eyes with a groan.

"Aria" my fathers voice spoke relieved I swung on my heel seeing him stand there with a fire lamp clutched in his hand wide eyed.

"My dear it's past you're curfew! Get inside immediately" he shouted his eyes narrowing seeing Katherine behind me with a darkish tone she stared at him as he pulled my arm not removing his eyes from her.

"Father what is the matter?" I asked he continued to pull me away leaving Katherine behind us with a cold expression on her face.

"Come along" father muttered but then his eyes were locked on my neck then he glanced to Katherine wide eyed.

"Where is you're necklace my child?" he asked I gaped seeing it was gone from my neck.

"I must have lost it in the gardens father I'm so sorry I will search at once-" he cut me off dragging me to the house leaving Katherine behind us.

"Father?" I asked as he tried getting me upstairs. "No Aria. No. Do not worry just go to bed Aria" he spoke, I frowned.

"Father?" I pressed I know the man he used to be is still in there somewhere I just pray his demons don't take him away forever.

"I need you to stay away from that girl. Understood?" he spoke.

"Katherine? But she is my friend-" he cut me off his eyes angered.

"That thing-....that girl is not you're friend, I want you to stay away from her. Now please attend to you're bed and do not leave it until I say so" he said walking back downstairs leaving me beyond confused.

"But father!" I called he turned on his heel wide eyed fury in his eyes. "Now!" he roared making me flinch.

"Goodnight father" I said scurrying to my room terrified. What on earth just happened.

So Katherine is trouble? How could that be why would father say such things about a lovely girl.

I twisted and turned under the warm sheets unable to get comfortable something felt wrong fathers actions tonight made me bite down on my quilt.

I sighed sitting up in bed clutching my knees to my chest.

Slowly scooting up against the bed board I knocked on the wall twice in hope Damon was awake. Not even moments later he knocked back I smiled laying back down falling asleep.

Soon I was awaken by screams and hollers. I sprung up in my bed peering out the window seeing havoc men with pitch forks and guns.

There was women and men being carted off in carriages chained up. These men there from the Founders Council there rounding up vampires.

"Father what have you done!" I heard Stefan's voice scream I jumped off the window sill my feet hitting the wooden creaky floorboards.

"Do as I say son nothing you feel for it is real!" I heard my father shout. That's when there was banging and roars of my brothers, when I heard Damon screaming no.

I opened my door to immediately see two men with guns making me gasp when they pushed me back inside locking the door their feet running away.

"No! Please no no" I yelled banging on the door with my fists.

"Please don't leave me here! Father! Damon" I cried out.

Was this what Emily warned me of. I heard plummets of men's feet moving along the hallway.

"Watch yourselves men this creature is fast" they said dear lord they have Katherine.

"Please I beg you my families in danger! Anybody, Stefan can you hear me" I yelled out horrified.

All the racket was slowly fading away all went silent out there I breathed shakily wide eyed. Where on earth is father and my brothers.

I scrambled to the window seeing Stefan and Damon running off into the night with lamps.

The council have taken Katherine they're going to try save her.

That's when there was slow footsteps in front of my door the shadow of someone slipping through the gap on the floor.

"Ring a ring a Rosie, a pocket full of posies. Ashes ashes we all fall down" a man's voice that made my bones shiver sang.

I backed up against the wall as the footsteps slowly sauntered away a devilish laugh leaving with them.

I must save my brothers I put all my energy into breaking open the window. I found myself looking down at the dark ground. My eyes were wide seeing the height I was from the ground.

The use of flying would be brilliant here. I slowly climbed out my feet dangling as I reached for the pole that was attached to my house.

Latching my fingers to the pole. with a panting breath I started to slowly slide down the side of the house.

That's when it got slippery towards the end I'm still to high up, that's when the pole made an uneasy sound I saw a flash of the nights sky before I was groaning on the ground.

I crawled to my feet feeling my knees were tense. Quickly standing up shaking it off I ran in the direction my brothers had disappeared to.

Men where everywhere running and marching with guns and pitchforks.

Plummeting through the trees the spiky leaves and pointy twigs plucking my feet made me breath heavier.

The air was freezing all I could hear were gunshots and screaming. I have to find them now.

"Damon hurry!" I heard Stefan shout I changed course sprinting in their direction I just made it out seeing a carriage.

Damon and Stefan untying Katherine who lay on the ground chained up they hissed at one another to hurry.

I was about to help them when the terrifying sound of a bullet filled my ears my feet abruptly fell to a stop.

Before my eyes both my brothers fell slowly to their deaths gripping their stomachs that red liquid pumped from they hit the ground still as ice there eyes stone cold.

No. My eyes widened my body felt numb the blood draining from my face my head becoming heavy.

The air was taken from me.

It felt as if someone had just clutched my heart with a steel hand and ripped it from my chest. Everything was still,  the voices of men and winnies of horses drowned out behind me.

I can't believe it yet I see it. Is this real, am I locked in a nightmare.

After seconds of complete emptiness I blinked reality hit me my brothers were dead, the air went back to my lungs.

That is when my chest broke I felt my worlds and bridges crumbling down, I was about to let out a petrified scream when a hand went over my mouth.

Red covering their hands as the fog grew around us. The tears poured from my eyes  there lifeless bodies stiff in the dirt they can't be dead please don't take them from me.

I screamed but it came out muffled when a hand clasped over my mouth as I went to run forward to my brothers who were still on the ground. It's hit me.

"Shhh shh my child" father hushed he sounded broken as he held me back pulling me into the darkness of the trees.

"Damon! Stefan! No no. Oh my god. No let go no! They're my brothers. No please god no!" I cried quietly.

"Please I can't leave them. I can't leave them. God no. I'm sorry I'm sorry Stefan,Damon" I cried.

"My boys" he breathed seeing them gone. I was about to go to them when father yanked me back hushing me in a panic.

My eyes clouded with tears when they followed to where he was looking, the person who killed my brothers the fog surrounded them but I saw her crystal clear.

Fathers eyes filled with rage a burning fire he went to go forward when he stopped himself looking back at me.

There she stood in a red dress, blood covering her mouth, fingers and black hat upon her head. Are my eyes deceiving me? That is not possible.

"Mother" I breathed in pure shock she was watching us with a sadistic grin laughing.

"Hello my sweet. Have you missed me?" she purred. What on earth no this cannot be.

I can't comprehend my feelings she's alive. She is a vampire why on earth is she doing this!.

"I told you never to return! What on gods earth have you done?" my father roared at her pointing to my brothers I feel as if I'm to be sick.

"I told you I would take what was mine. If only you'd listened sweet love" she mused then held up her gun attempting to shoot father.

"Run! Go now Aria" father yelled yanking my arm as the gunshots followed us into the trees I breathed heavily..

"You can run and play. I will find you" mother screamed blasting more bullets.

I watched men shove my brothers bodies aside as they hauled Katherine into the carriage, she didn't struggle.

Brothers. This is goodbye.

"That murderous wench, she won't take you" he uttered. "Pardon father?" I asked shocked.

"Come we must run my girl" he yelled as our house came to view.

"Father our home can't protect us" I spoke.

"She won't get us there she'd have to be invited in" he spluttered. Father abruptly stopped when we reached our home that's when I saw what covered the front steps.

The flowers of death were dressed all over the porch and steps. Dead men laying in the gardens. "Father" I breathed shaking my head.

"Hurry" he ordered we entered racing to fathers office I wasn't in here since I was a child.

Quickly I ran into the corner as he blocked the door shutting the curtains.

The room was dull lit by a few candles and the smell of alcohol and late nights steamed in here.

I noticed above the fireplace a frame that held a small picture of my brothers and I. I quickly extracted the photo and placed it inside my dress.

I have to keep this it's all I have of them. Katherine is gone now too.

"There is only us now. We must run before they come, I will not lose you" father spoke.

"For once in years look me in the eyes father and tell me the truth of what you've been hiding" I said hollowly.

He was struck by my words and blinked back.

"When she was sick sweetheart do you remember I left her to be taken care of? Whilst she was there she met someone who turned her into a demon. Then left us for another man" he explained.

"A few moons ago she appeared wanting to take you and Stefan. I refused" he explained making my eyes widen.

"You shouldn't have buttercup" a dark voice suddenly spoke making us gasp seeing fathers chair spin around revealing a man.

"You!" father breathed running towards me the man wore a devilish smile staring at me. Green eyes and pale skin.

I recognise that voice he was the one singing outside my room.

"Hello kitten" he grinned waving at me. I felt sick to my stomach my teeth shattering.

"I'm not afraid of you, you beast!" father seethed at the man who was extremely amused.

Father stood in front of me when we flinched as the doors burst open and then.

Valerina's head rolled in on the carpet leaving a trail of blood causing me to scream covering my mouth.

"You monster" father spat holding me as mother waltzed in cackling she smeared blood on the white doors digging her nails in the wood.

"Dear I'm home. Come to you're mother" she said opening her arms I was horrified.

"How on earth did you get in here?" Father breathed.

"Oh remember how this was my home? Then when I died left to you're bastard of a father" she mused father shook his head.

"It was rather simple really he was an easy man to track" the man spoke.

"You killed grandfather" I breathed wide eyed and the man cackled. "He was delicious" mother taunted father was furious.

"Why are you doing this!" I cried shaking my head. "Isn't it obvious? Revenge" the man sang.

"You're father sent me off as soon as I grew ill. You didn't even try to help me you threw me away" mother growled.

"I did try. Lilly I loved you but I couldn't allow you to stay you may have infected our children!" father uttered.

"Well they're all almost dead now" she chimed making father shout running towards her she took hold of his arm throwing him into his bookshelf.

"Father!" I called but the man clutched me by the dress slamming me against the wall.

"No! You sick thing" father shouted as mother beat him.

"My my you're the prettiest little button aren't you" he breathed against my face I held my breath shutting my eyes.

"Don't hide from me. Let me see those eyes" he breathed.

"Get away from her!" father spat standing to his feet but mother bent back his arm.

"Father!" I screamed the man watched me with curiosity. "She's perfect Lilly" he exclaimed psychotically.

"I swear to Gods name I will bring hell to you both" father seethed. "You may be stuffed up with vervain but that doesn't mean we can't have fun" mother chimed biting into her wrist.

"Aria!" father tried to escape watching me be mauled by this man.

"No no!" I screamed, fathers eyes full of regret and sorrow as mother shoved her bleeding wrist to fathers mouth he struggled so hard fighting as I attempted to break free.

She's turning him into the thing he hates the most.

"Time for bed" the man sang as father screamed. Mother then snapped his neck like a twig making me scream. God please no.

His body fell to the ground lifeless.

"Father" I whimpered as mother and this man laughed happily. He's gone. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"He shall be back in a moment kitten" the man jollied. "By the way love I am Nathaniel" he mused in my ear.

"What did we ever do to you?" I whispered looking at her. "You act as if this is a bad thing. Aria we are going to rule the world together" she beamed.

"This is what you dreamed of right kitten?" Nathaniel slurred in my ear his hot breath hit my face.

"How long have you been a vampire?" I asked still being held roughly to the wall.

"Since the day of my funeral" she taunted. "I love funerals" Nathaniel mused.

"You're mother appeared to you're father after all had left. He refused to hand you over so..." Nathaniel explained grinning.

"I compelled him to turn his back on all of you. Emily broke his compulsion today. I guess she shall be the first snack" mother laughed.

That is when a bang happened and Nathaniel glared at mother who immediately zoomed out to check.

Leaving me alone with this horrid man who was taking in every detail of me. "We will rule the world together" he breathed kissing my cheek.

"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you we'd go down in history together" he swooned.

I am to be sick I watched my father be still as the man ran his slimy fingers over my collarbone.

"Stop it! No" I spat hitting and shoving the man who shockingly stopped but just laughed.

"You're beautiful. You must have more questions?" he purred I grit my teeth glaring at him.

"I am a witch, a very powerful one I know you like witchcrafts. We are going to love and live together for eternity" he said.

"Am I mistaken or are you not with my mother's hand" I replied coldly. "You are who I love. But shh that's our little secret" he said in my ear.

"It was the gardener. Poor dear" mother mused trotting in fresh blood on her lips.

"What of Katherine?" mother asked Nathaniel who was still laughing to himself.

"They have taken her to the church to be burned. She's fulfilled her use to us" he said happily.

That is when father shot up taking in a deep breath eyes widening.

"What have you done?" he slurred completely shaken.

He he was dead. Is he a vampire?

"Ah you're awake" Nathaniel sang as father watched me horrified shaking his head.

"You've made me into a demon!" father roared holding his body furious and disgusted.

"Now now be respectful you should be thanking us" Nathaniel taunted waltzing to mother who had a knife in her hand.

"It's all going to be okay. I promise" father whispered to me, I nodded. Emily will come for us.

"Now my dear time to have a drink" mother sang the next thing I knew there was a knife in my stomach.

It felt cold. Sharp.

"No! No no" father roared running to catch me he pulled the knife straight out.

"My sweet girl Aria hold on...." he trailed off seeing the blood on his fingers. Blood oozing from my skin. It covered my fingers, my dress.

He dropped me zooming to the other side of the room. "No!" he spat shaking his head as if he knew what they wanted.

"Come on have a little taste" Nathaniel taunted. I watched my father in horror as a demonic face appeared on him he tried pushing it away.

"Father fight it!" I cried as mother held me. "Aria get out of here" he beckoned shaking his head.

Mother pulled my hair out of the way revealing my neck. "It is such a beautiful neck" Nathaniel taunted at father banged around the room.

"No please don't make me do this to her!" father begged. "You've always been weak. Well it is this dear drink or die" mother spat at him throwing me the ground with a thud.

Nathaniel grabbed me as mother zoomed to father who's eyes were bulged and forehead sweating.

"Please Lilly. Just let her go please. She's our daughter. Our baby" father begged.

"Drink or die. She'll be left with us. No papa, no brothers. I will turn her into an abomination" she sneered grabbing him by the collar and dragging him towards me.

Nathaniel snatched my hand from where I had been putting pressure and forced my father to drink I screamed feeling his canine teeth prick then sink into my skin.

"No!" father breathed as mother pulled him away. "Stop this please!" I cried as mother shoved her wrist in my mouth.

A horrid metallic taste hit my tongue and I tried to resist but her strength was unlike anything I've ever seen..

"I like a screamer" Nathaniel exclaimed laughing with mother.

"Well we best be going!" mother chimed looking at father who lay on the ground horrified. Now a vampire.

"You've made me a monster" he whispered. He never ever wanted this. He'd rather be dead than a vampire.

"Let him go! I beg have mercy mother. Please mother please take me! Take me I'll do anything you wish. Just let him go" I begged.

Nathaniel turned and slapped me hard across the face, it felt like a belt. I heard father growl springing to his feet.

He went to attack Nathaniel when he gasped I screamed seeing the wooden spike in his heart. My heart sank into my stomach.

"Enjoy watching my sweet love" mother whispered in his ear as he fell to the ground.

I yanked away from Nathaniel and ran to father dropping to my knees. He was blinking fast and unable to catch his breath.

"No no. Please help!" I screamed tears brimming in my eyes.

"I-It is alright. It doesn't hurt " he barely got out I held his hand the two behind me laughing.

"Father please don't leave me" I begged shaking my head tears running down my face holding his hand to my cheek.

"My girl" he said a painful laugh a broken yet proud smile on his face.

"N-Never stop fighting. I'll be by your side a..." he couldn't finish.

"Father!" I yelled as they pulled me away his hand shaking as he held it out.

"No no! Let me go! Papa. Someone help please anybody" I screamed as mother tried to cover my mouth.

"I love you" he whispered. The first time he ever said those words to me. His skin turned grey dedicating and all light from him was gone.

"Father!" I screamed as the two laughed happily smiling devilishly.

"Ding dong. The King is dead" Nathaniel chanted.

"Goodnight. We shall see you soon" was the last thing I heard before the lights went off. There was blackness, it was cold, silent.


I gasped my eyes were hit by a blinding sun. Everything felt heightened my sight, my smell even my hearing.

My throat is dry it feels like an urge to kill. I shot up seeing I was in a field of daisies and buttercups. It was warm the sky was blue.

That is when all the events of last night smacked me in the face. But everything was blurry gunshots, screaming.

Father killed Damon and Stefan. It was all Katherine's fault she destroyed my family. I went to avenge my brothers I can see my father dead, did I kill him?

He was a monster he hated me and my brothers he killed them, he tried to kill me.

I ran and ran until my feet bled there was no way out of these woods. No shoes. Swear poured down my face the beaming sun following me like a hunter.

I couldn't tell where I was. Their was voices. I cried as I sprinted through over leaves and sticks.

That is when. I fell hitting the ground my mind clouded as I rolled onto my back.

What do I do? Where must I go? I noticed a blue ring sitting on my finger. I need to find help. Help.

I lay in the sun as it roasted me my mind boggled. Shadows appeared around me as voices filled my mind.

"Aria" a soft voice suddenly spoke and I opened my eyes seeing her beautiful face above me. "Aria" my mother's voice said again.

"Mother" I breathed confused she looked like an angel.

"How can this be?" I asked my eyes tearing up. I am hallucinating.

"I am so sorry. This is Katherine's fault. This is her fault" she whispered and I blacked out and in again and again.

"What am I to do?" I whispered.

"Run away Aria. Run away sweet girl. Run far away and never return" she whispered I gasped quickly getting to my feet. She was gone. I ran.

I made it to town it was eerily normal everyone was on their daily business.

The photo of my brothers and I was gone from my dress. Damn this cruel world. That was the only thing I had left.

I still wore a bloody dress so I quickly swiped a cape that covered me from head to toe only revealing my eyes.

Beating hearts everywhere. Am I losing my mind. I just want to rip into all these people. Why does that sound like it'd be fun.

I entered Emily's shop that smelled of spices and herbs. I spotted her at the desk speaking to a man his back was to me.

"Excuse me but do you know who I am?" he spat at her she bluntly stared at him cocking an eyebrow.

"Should I?" she muttered still not seeing me.

"I'm Kol, Kol Mikaelson. If you don't have this done within the next day I'll have you're head strung up above my fireplace" he threatened not even making her blink.

She took the papers as he scoffed turning around he was a devilishly handsome man but he wore a face of anger.

I kept my head down the only thing visible were my eyes to him he was marching straight for the door where I stood.

He was about to leave when he halted right beside me. He glanced down at me I slowly looked up.

"I've never seen such mysterious eyes darling. Perhaps in this eternity I shall see them again" he flirted with a dashing smirk then shuffled along past me. Gone.

Emily appeared in front of me removing the cape with shock.

"There all dead" I whispered she gave me a side embrace.

"Come in. I shall help you" she said as I hobbled in. She told me I was a vampire now. Eternity. I'm dead.

And I'm all alone.

Hello hello. So that is what really happened the night they died. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and New Years!

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