Aria Salvatore x Klaus Mikael...

By pastmidnight_

507K 12.2K 2K

Imagine believing your brothers died over a century ago? Believing your whole family was dead? Being turned i... More

Coming Home
Three Salvatores
Founders Day
Because I Am
He Will Come For You
The Sacrafise
Road Trip?
Ray Sutton
Getting Lost
Protect You
Happy Funeral
Hello Again Elijah
Family Business
What I Used To Be
Because I Love You
Sacrificial Lamb
I Needed To Say It
Trespassing Into Hell
Your Small
White Oak
Kieran Ripper
Denver Blues
Until We Meet Again
The 1950s
Did you miss me?
Make It Stop
Here We Go
Change Of Plans
Lost Marbles
It Stopped
Bubbling Secrets
Wrong Crowd
Buried Hatchet
What We Are
Numbed Minds
Into The Woods
New Bodies
Do It All Over Again
One Tear
Speed Walked
Back When
Turned Tables
If You Make It Out Alive
Hide and Seek
Highway To Hell
Happy Birthday
Bleeding Out


2.7K 88 41
By pastmidnight_

Arias POV.

I stood in the bathroom, the icy tiled floor beneath my feet. Quickly checking my phone it read 11:07 p.m. I don't know how much longer I can take bunking it up with Elena. Help me.

Don't worry I'm keeping an eye on her Stef. How's Damon? -A

We'd agreed not to tell anyone Elena's alive, but it's making me feel sick putting Damon through this. It's selfish but it's the only way the plan won't fall apart.

He's in hell, but don't overthink this Ar I know it's wrong but it's the only way. Don't let Elena get in you're head okay -Stefan

I sighed shoving the phone in my pocket biting my guilt back, I haven't spilled the beans to Stefan that Elena switched it off but he's probably already thought of the possibility.

I looked at my reflection for a moment. Jeez Aria how did we end up here.

That's when I heard a smash from the bedroom I internally groaned knowing the culprit. I pursed my lips walking out seeing her on the ground.

"Heyyyy you're back!" She said sounding overjoyed rolling on her back.

"How's that bottle of wine treating you?" I asked seeing it clutched to her chest like a teddy bear.

Christ it slipped my mind this was the honeymoon sweet and there's a mini fridge full of goodies.

She gasped "Did you want some?" holding up the bottle. I strutted towards her with a blunt expression taking it from her hands.

"Don't be a party pooper" she whined holding the chair hobbling to her feet as I threw the bottle in the bin.

"You know when I untied the ropes it wasn't an invitation to drink the hotels whole alcohol supply" I spoke crossing my arms regretting letting her out of the chair.

"Who me? I just had one bottle." She slurred.

I cocked an eyebrow walking over to the wardrobe and yanked it open, six empty bottles falling out.

How long was I in the bloody shower? I turned to her my hands on my hips she chuckled innocently.

"Whatever. I was serious though earlier. Can we order pizza. I'm bored" she drawled sitting in her seat, I sighed sitting myself down on the window ledge.

I kept my stare out on the lit city with my knees to my chest, where are you Nik. My phone has been buzzing every now and again. But it's not the one person I'm waiting for.

"Ugh. We used to stay up all night talking and dancing." she said sarcastically.

"Yeah when the dinosaurs roamed the earth." I muttered she chuckled in response.

"I've never felt better you know, this whole no humanity thing. I think everyone should flip it off" she said.

"You'd be surprised what people are capable of" I stated locking eyes with her she squinted intrigued but I smirked turning away.

"I am so upset my frenenemy casting me off. Come on we're stuck together. Might as well have some fun" she stated jokingly making me blink back my annoyance. Someone stab a fork in my neck.

"In you're dreams" I said sarcastically she grinned.

"You sound like Damon. How tragic" she said and I sat up straighter. I take that as a compliment, sometimes.

"We're not stuck together Elena. I'm babysitting you're drunk ass" I informed her she scoffed going quiet.

Soon enough she started trash talking Stefan and the rest of my family. She's really not a friendly drunk.

"Oh spare me. Who are you putting this show on for?" I said not looking at her.

"Why should I? Nothing to lose right?" She barked.

"I bet Damon will love me even more without my humanity" she said giggling jumping on the bed.

"Doubt that" I stated.

"Our lives used to be more fun, might as well change you're name to Aria Boretore" she said plonking down on the bed reaching for another bottle.

"Oh cry me a river Elena." I said as she popped the cork. "Bitch" she muttered hoarsely I threw the glass from my hand against the wall making her turn shocked as I stood to my feet.

"You know you are such a pain in my ass! The rest of us have been up and down, throwing our priorities backwards trying to get this damn cure for you and all you can do is get hammered and throw dirty little comments, such a brat" I snapped making her glare.

"You're the one who gets to start all over again, not Rebekah, not Stefan the people who actually deserve it. You'll have a future! A husband, quite frankly children and a blasted white picket fence! So why don't you shove you're poxy little attitude love!" I shouted at her she stood to her feet.

"My life was ruined when I turned into a vampire. I wish you'd never came in my life. Any of you!" she spat as we stood face to face.

"Oh well I'm soooo sorry the big bad vampire life didn't live up to you're expectations Elena." I seethed.

"Oh yeah? Well you were happy to get rid of you're old human life because it sucked" she barked.

"My human life did not suck-" she cut me off.

"It was the 1800s moron so eh yeah it did! Plus you're own mother left you because she couldn't stomach you or you're brothers. Now she's cozying it up with Katherine" she snapped I felt her spit hit my face.

"Knock it off!" I shouted shoving her back she can't lift a finger to me due to Nik's compulsion, but she was full on enjoying this.

"Make me!" She said with a cackle I turned on my heel heading for the bathroom. I'm better than this she's a child trying to get a rise out of me.

Next thing she appeared in front of me with a brisk of air.

"Walking away? Shocker. Come on Aria kill me or hit me. What's it going to be?" She said getting in my face causing my temper to spike.

"You're pathetic Aria you can't even stand up to me. You think you're noble turning away! You're a coward you've always been" she spat I could feel her breath on my face as her eyes bore into mine.

"I wonder how disappointed you're father would be in you?" She hissed in my face.

That's when I felt my fist collide with Elena's face she gasped stumbling back on the floor against the sink staring up at me with a twisted smile.

I frowned feeling the painful sensation in my hand. How could she bring my father into this she promised she'd never ever.

I never should have told her any of those things when we were friends.

"That's more like it" she breathed happily.

"Hit me again!" She begged standing up. "Elena stop it" I muttered .

"I'm not afraid, hit me! Hit me again Aria." She screamed gripping my arms I tried to push her off refusing.

"Hit me! I want to feel something. I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of anything" she cried.

"Stop it" I screeched as we trashed one another around.

"You want to feel something! Turn it on Elena. I don't want to hit you that's not going to solve anything you stupid girl" I growled as I shoved her against the wall.

"Why not! After everything I've done it's the least you could do." She screamed as we crashed around the room smashing things.

"How could you bring up my father! I trusted you. I went against my better judgement because I wanted to believe you were different, better, you PROMISED you'd never turn out like Katherine" I yelled at her tears in our eyes.

"I fell in love with the both of them. I'm not sorry for that!" she barely got out sliding down the wall. I wiped the tears from my cheeks as she cried.

"He's gone. It's all my fault, my parents would be so disgusted" she cried gripping her hair. Jeremy.

"There was nothing you could of done" I stated she shook her head aggressively.

"I could of been a better sister. I could of protected him. Kept him away from this mess. I could of ran the night I found out Stefan was a vampire" she said crying into her knees.

"It hurts. I know" I breathed. Her switch is turning back ever so slowly.

"No no you don't. You have a family. You have friends. I've messed everything up. Jeremy's dead because of me" she sobbed.

"Everyone hates me and I don't blame them. I mean look how I've treated you all. You were right about me. I turned into the girl I never wanted to be".

God how do I respond to this. We fell in silence as she quietly cried for her brother.

"You know sometimes I think I was born backwards. Came out my mother the wrong way" I admitted quietly making her look up to me.

"Please. You're perfect" she said with a chuckle but it's clear nothing here was funny, the room was completely trashed, both of us looking ruffed up.

"Nothing's ever perfect Elena" I informed falling to my knees in front of her.

"I thought it could be, I wanted the perfect boyfriend, perfect marriage, perfect everything" she admitted staring into space.

"What's changed?" I asked her.

"Me." She stated as we locked eyes. "I don't know who I am anymore".

I took a moment before I scooted beside her giving a smile.

"I thought you were Elena fucking Gilbert" I said light hearted nudging her side, she chuckled resting her head on my shoulder.


I groaned feeling a sharp pain in my head, I know this feeling. Hangover. Crap.

I slowly squeezed my eyes open as a bright light known as morning scorched me. Kill me. I kicked the sheets off me.

A banging pain was in the back of my head, laying on my side still in my clothes from last night. I glanced across to the bedside table seeing my phone. I huffed pulling myself towards it seeing it was only 8am.

"Young girl what are you doing?" I heard a voice whisper in my ear making me scream springing off the bed.

A laugh filled my ears as I peered up over the bed seeing Elena. Christ I forgot she was here.

"Good lord what the hell was that! What happened last night?" I asked her scrambling to my feet seeing the mess and empty bottles everywhere.

"Morning. Well after my breakdown we popped open a bottle. Pretty sure we had an emotional chat and got a lot of noise complaints" she stated sitting up still in her clothes from last night.

Flashes of it all came back I'm a wild drunk and loving one I love everyone when I'm drunk, I groaned never give me alcohol. That's when I realised Nik never came back.

I quickly checked my messages and recent calls. He left a voice from only an hour ago.

"Hello love, I'm pretty sure you're hammered from that last phone call." He began with a chuckle holy crap what phone call?!

"We were supposed to share the wine together and the bed but very well. Gilbert has spectacular timing doesn't she." He said I blushed, I could hear cars in the back of wherever he was.

"I've been awake all night scanning but I've bumped into a man, a witch he has information. I'm meeting him at a bar later. You better be sober and by my side love" he said but I felt a smile on his lips.

"I'll see you then sweetheart" he said with a chuckle. Oh man what did I do!

Johnsons Bar Marker Street at 12. Sharp. -xo Klaus

Jesus I probably went Shakespeare on his ass last night.

Hey. I'm alive. I apologise for whatever crap I said please don't hate me -A

"When did I call him?" I asked Elena wide eyed following her into the bathroom. I jumped seeing my reflection immediately grabbing wipes.

"I have no idea. Hey where did you get you're shirt?" She asked reaching to my shoulder I snatched her hand.

"Woah there. Just because we had a deep midnight conversation and related on a spiritual level does not make us mates again. Clear?" I said and she chuckled.

"I still hate you" we said in sync and I chuckled.

"But I can deal with you're annoying face" she said and I smirked. "Same here Katherine" I replied.

"Fair enough and thanks" she said making me furrow my eyebrows as she wiped the stained makeup off her face.

"For what?" I asked. "For being there for me last night." she said I smiled.

"You're really shady you know. Anyway Nik found someone with information. I'm meeting them at a bar at 12" I told her.

"You can't leave the compulsion" I said and something flashed over her face but she nodded.

"Right. So eh you can borrow anything you need" I said gesturing towards my stuff.

"You're being nice to me. Why?" She asked clearly thinking last night was a once off.

"Life's to short but you still suck" I joked with a smirk she scoffed but smiled.

"You're such a cliche Aria, and you're a vampire?!" She said I shrugged.

"It's clear we can't be friends. But we do make a good team" she stated holding out her pinky finger. I knew where this was headed.

"No friendship." She began as we locked pinky fingers.

"No mushy crap. Strictly business, killing our enemies and we will deal with one another for Damon." I added.

"Whatever happens. This is all we are to one another" she said we both nodded.

"Frenemies" I stated walking out as I heard her turning the shower on.

We're both psychotic aren't we.

Good morning love you're finally awake. No no don't apologise Aria don't apologise at all ;) -Klaus

I'm going to have a stroke what did I say Nik? -A

Just some sweet nothings. Oh look at the time well I have to go I'll see you soon Aria -Klaus

GO? Go where! Get back here don't you dare leave me Nik -A

So eager to have me sweetheart? Just like last night. Bye bye -Klaus

"So I just sit here and wait?" Elena asked annoyed as I grabbed my bag seeing it was the to go.

"Yep" I said happily seeing her irritated face.

"Have you spoke to anyone back home?" She asked. "Well I've dodged every single message except Stefan. You're welcome" I replied and she sighed sitting on the bed.

"I'll catch you later" I said waltzing out the door with her calling good luck leaving her in that bomb shell of a room.

So many questions tumbled in my mind.

Silas I've no idea where he is now, not that I want him here. He's trouble and I know that he hasn't appeared since the island and I hope he's taken his shot and left this mess for good.

The cure. Why did mother even want it she's hardly going to use it neither would little Miss Pierce. So that begs the question why'd they take it.

Finally I reached the bars front doors, black paint tainted and scratched. I yanked on the golden handle opening the big door entering a warm wist of wind blew on my face.

Chatter filled the bar with the old smell of whiskey and men's cologne. The door shut behind me as I slowly stepped in wearing a grey shirt with blue jeans my hair down around my shoulders.

I gazed around the bar swiftly relief flew over me to see Nik sitting at a table on his stool drinking a scotch he glanced up and smiled which turned to a grin he winked at me.

That's when my eyes travelled to the person sitting right across from him.

In that moment I felt everything around me all noise all of my surroundings fade. I froze. I thought my eyes were deceiving me.

Seeing the man sitting at the table with Nik his dark orbs were already locked on me as I felt my entire body go numb about to collapse all the blood drained from my face.

Him. The man who turned me into a ripper.

I can't breathe he is the monster who hides under my bed, the true thing I fear. It makes me shiver at the thought of him my throat dried up.

The man that I've ran from for decades.

There he was. Stirring his scotch staring right at me. After all these years.

I think I'm going to throw up I was going into cold sweats. He's here, he's he's here, he's here.

Nathaniel sitting right across from Nik, my god get away from him. I can't think straight tell me I'm having a nightmare. Please.

Nik looked very serious in his stance looking at a sheet in his hand.

My hands were sweaty even though I have never felt more cold. Nathaniel's dark eyes haven't moved from mine he's just smirking. Just....I felt my body hyperventilating my sight fogging flashes of the past.

How in the hell did he find me. How the oh my god, I felt like screaming crawling on the ground blocking my ears. This can't be happening.

No Aria you can't break down now. No. I have to be strong remember what you learned, Nik can't know who this man really is. I need Stefan.

Think like Stef...think like Giles.

I sucked up everything in me pushing down every ounce of fear swallowing it. I felt my feet moving towards Nik I need to get him out of here.

"There's my girl." Nik exclaimed happily a wide smile with a chuckle he slid down from his stool waltzing over to greet me.

I can't lose it act normal. I want to cry, I want to scream, run, tell Nik everything. I've never been more afraid in my life.

"Hello Nik " I said pulling him into a hug, he wasn't expecting that.

"I told you to be sober" he whispered humourlessly seeming to forget all about his friend back at the table.

"I am no worries. You look handsome. But eh we should get going Elena's antsy to kill" I said quickly avoiding looking at the devil back there knotting my hands with his, he smiled.

"Well we've just arrived she'll have to wait, in such a hurry to have me alone sweetheart?" he said I chuckled.

"Let's just go" I urged he chuckled thinking I was just being shy.

"Don't worry love we won't be a long. This guys a tad strange. " Nik said glancing to Nathaniel who was staring at us. If only you knew Nik. If only you knew.

"Then why are we-" he cut me off.

"He has a lot of information we need love, he's a witch I sadly don't have time to torture him or for him to give us migraines. My siblings have been quiet, to quiet." He explained.

"Clyde this is Aria, my wife. Aria this is Clyde" Nik said taking my hand.

Clyde? you slimy smug I glanced to him.

"It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful, heart ripping woman" he said with a slick smile whilst. Oh that vermin I know exactly what he's trying to do.

Nik tightened his hold on me.

"She's fantastic isn't she? All mine" Nik exclaimed proudly but you could see it was a warning, his arm around me looking down from the stool, I smiled back.

"A killer smile to" Nathaniel stated as Nik kissed the side of my head, that's when he held his hand out.

I reached to shake his cold, grimy hands but my hands were quickly snatching away.

"Yes well she's my girl. Don't touch her" Nik growled protectively.

I think my stomach is going to fall out my butt.

I can do this. I can't, no no you can. Remember who you are.

"You remind me of this girl I once knew, she was exquisite, ripplingly gorgeous " his horrid voice spoke.

His snide little comments regarding the past will not get to me.

"That's nice" I replied not looking at him, knowing that's one thing he despises being disrespected the scum smiled cocking an eyebrow.

"Sweetheart I'll just go grab you a drink-" I cut him off from leaving gripping his wrist very tight he glanced down to me a tad confused.

"Grip on any tighter honey you'll rip his bloody arm off" the monster next door interjected. How I want to smack him so hard his eyeballs will fall out of his head.

"She's just obsessed with me" Nik joked with him. My god he's joking with him they both chuckled.

If Nik knew who this vicious scum was and what he did to me, heaven would fall.

"I just had enough drink last night is all" I said quickly.

"You think I was going to get you more? I'll be back with water in a moment my love" he said kissing my cheek.

"I'm not thirsty" I stated still holding his wrist.

"Sweetheart, it's alright I'll be a few moments Clyde will tell you all about Katherine" he said oh I'm sure he will.

"You won't die without me for a moment. I'll be back for you" Nik whispered to me his lips brushing past my ear with a chuckle.

Not so sure about that.

"But" he waltzed towards the bar before I could protest anymore he probably thinks I'm still half drunk. That's why he's getting water oh god.

I slowly turned to face Nathaniel who was just silently staring at me wide eyed. I kept staring back, I think I'm going to explode.

"I like you're hair." he said coldly I darkened my eyes on him.

"Thanks. My old hair reminded me of a disgusting deceitful monster. So I got rid of it" I said back calmly, his smile twitched.

Whatever act he has on right now is far to calm for my liking. He told me the next time he saw me he'd make hells gates seem warm.

He whispered "Klausy over there really has no idea what's going on right under his nose" Making me snap my eyes to his.

"What are you doing here? What do you want" I whispered seeing Nik ordering drinks.

"You know exactly why, kitten. I've missed you. Call me obsessed my hands are shaking." he drawled.

"What are you going to do? Tell him?" I asked he chuckled.

"Naughty naughty you haven't told him yourself I taught you to tell the truth. I'm hurt I thought I meant more to you kitten" he said lowly his voice sounding as if he was holding back utter rage.

His temper is beyond anything you've ever imagined. Truly animalistic his idea of fun would make you're skin crawl.

"Leave me-" he cut me off by digging his nails into my leg under the table holding what felt very sharp to my stomach.

I bit my lip holding back a scream digging my nails into the table.

He let out a happy sigh "The first touch in all these years. Have you missed me?" He spoke his nails digging deeper.

"You-" he cut me off.

"So strong aren't you? I love it. I can't wait to indulge it" he breathed I felt his hot breath against my skin.

He's a manipulator an abomination, he is the devils creation. The fear is taking over me, I need to run I need to find Stefan and tell him to go, get as far as he can from Mystic Falls.

"You see that" he whispered his eyes wide fire behind them as he glanced to Nik.

"He is nothing to you. He means nothing to us kitten, isn't that right?. I'm going to kill him then we're going to-" he hissed but I cut him off.

"Stay the hell away from him" I growled feeling my fangs grow his nails digging deeper in my leg making me groan in pain.

"I'm here to collect you. I'm very inclined to meet that dashing twin brother of yours to. My little rippers. I have so much planned for us" he said, I clenched my fists.

"Come near any of my family and I swear" he cut me off.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I'm very very mad at you kitten. This right here is me being calm. I'm going to come for you and Stefan, when you're all alone and.....when I get my hands on you...." He broke off into his dark stomach churning laugh.

That's when it hit me, he's the boss. He's the boss.

"There is no escaping me kitten. We're going to rule the world together. You are mine. Ripper" he whispered darkly then drew back from me with a charming smile.

"Here you go love" Nik said causing me to jolt as he appeared behind me with a drink. "Woah sweetheart." he said furrowing his eyebrows wrapping an arm around me, his hot hands touching my arm.

"You're freezing" he murmured sitting in his chair pulling me close to him. The stiff look on Nathaniel's face.

"I'm fine" I said to him with a warm smile he gave me a look that read we're talking about this later. Nik turned to Nathaniel expecting him to start blabbering information but he was dodging it talking of other things.

"Need I remind you I am an original. I will take joy in rippling out you're spline now start talking" Nik growled.

"Someone's in a killer mood am I right Aria?" Nathaniel replied sarcastically.

"Don't talk to her. Better yet don't even look at her you're only purpose is telling me information. Before I rip you're eyes from their sockets who is this girl Katherine and Lilly are after now" Nik snarled growing aggravated.

"A yes she's a vampire" Nathaniel responded I felt his foot brush against mine I squeezed Nik's hand.

"The Kieran Ripper is all I know her as" he stated making my stomach twist, Nik rolled his eyes.

"I haven't heard of her for years why on earth would Katherine and Lilly be after that lunatic?" He asked oh god.

"I hear there looking to get her back in business. Fangs and all. There crazy so is the ripper you need to let all you're family and friends know" he said I felt like knocking his teeth out the dirty smug.

"You should be careful to Aria" he said turning to me. "I overheard Lilly wants you're head you need to get protection" he said the cunning eyes he held.

"I'll protect her like I always have, so don't try and scare her" Nik barked at him his arm still around me.

"I'll kill this wench the first I see of her. She won't get near any of us. Lilly is a pathetic waste thinking she'll win" Nik growled I picked up my drink.

"Well from what I've seen Lilly has magic hands" Nathaniel stated I choked on my drink. Nik patted my back "What will I do with you you can't even keep water down" he said with a chuckle.

I glanced up to Nathaniel my mind was submerging as all the pieces were coming together. No no please no.

"Sorry. I just need the eh the bathroom" I said quickly scurrying off the chair Nik snatched my hand.

"I'll come with you" he said I shook my head with a chuckle. "You're to kind. I'll be but a moment" I said blinking quickly he looked really concerned as I sprinted away to the back into the girls room.

I scrambled in seeing it was empty checking all the stalls. I can't breath tell me I'm wrong please oh my god.

My mother is Satan but she would never.....she would never....

I gripped my hair crying at my reflection in the mirror oh my god. It can't be true.

It feels like I'm drowning, I'm going to get sick the pounding pressure of pain and images of the past flashing through my mind.

I stumbled back falling down on the floor hyperventilating realising I just sat there with him.

I'm losing it. He's going to take me back. Stefan. Oh my god. I gasped trying to breath.

I scrambled to my feet and yanked out my phone wiping my face as I did. Quickly speed dialling him.....he wasn't answering.

"Hey it's Stefan. I'm either busy or I don't like you. Bye" I heard his recorded message.

I tried him again clenching my fists staring at my reflection. It rung out to his voicemail again. This can't be happening.

That's when he picked up the phone making me gape.

"Hey Ar I thought you said you were around the corner why are you calling?" I heard him say with a chuckles.

What? What diner. I was about to respond when I felt something hard whack the back of my head.

I groaned my sight blurring when I collided with the marble sink the last thing I saw before blacking out.


My head hurts that's the first thing I thought. It was dark, oh my eyes are closed I slowly squinted them open.

Seeing a car roof I was on my back, placing my hands to my head. I stirred hearing an awful sound.

"You're awake princess" I heard Elena's voice making me shoot up, bad idea. My head felt like it weighed a thousand stone my vision cleared seeing I was in the back seat of a car Elena driving.

"What the?" I breathed how did I get- my eyes widened when everything came shooting back.

"Sorry about the head but I had to get you out of there" she said apologetically.

"Where are we?" I asked horrified it was daylight and the clock read 3:16.

"Portland" she stated nonchalantly I gaped. "What!?" I asked.

"Portland." She replied with a smile.

Nathaniel. Nik is back there!

"Turn the car around this instant" I ordered and she laughed "You and you're bright ideas".

"I'm serious Elena. Turn it around! Nik is back there" I shouted climbing into the front of the car.

"Bleh you were more fun when you were drunk" she said.

"I followed you to the bar. I saw you run off to the bathroom then muttering crazy things on the floor. Had a gut feeling it was to do with that creepy witch at the table. Who is he a crazy ex?" she said eyebrows furrowed, my eyes widened.

"Wait a damn minute how did you get out of the hotel? You were compelled!" I asked shocked she chuckled.

Pulling up the leg of her jeans showing her vervain necklace tied around her leg.

"You were never compelled" I breathed wide eyed sinking back in my seat.

"Surprise" she sang with a jazz hands I gaped.

"B-But why didn't you leave? You could of killed me. Why did you stay?" I spluttered she sighed.

"I wanted to earn you're trust. I meant it when I said I wanted to team up with you and..maybe I just enjoy you're company" she said smirking.

"So who's the witch with the bad haircut?" She asked.

"Elena I have to go back there. Now." I growled trying to snatch the wheel.

"Klaus is fine." She uttered making me freeze. "Start talking" I said.

"He went to check on you in the bathroom calling for you blah blah, found you're phone" she continued as I realised my phone was gone.

"He raced back out that creepy witch was gone. He then went rabid" my eyes widened at how nonchalant she was being. Oh right half her emotions are off.

"So that appears fine to you!" I shouted making her cock an eyebrow gaping.

"Rude. Take a chill pill. I was watching it all happen from the sidelines at the back then dragged you're ass to the car. Pretty sure he's on his way to Portland" she said.

"He would have gone back to the hotel and saw the mess! He probably thinks we're in danger" I said horrified pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Well we're in Portland now. Let's find Katherine" she said, I glared and shoved her shoulder.

"Ow! Jesus you should be thanking me" she replied I held my head muttering things. At least Nik isn't with blood pressure calmed.

I need to find him and everyone else.

"You need to forget about you're brothers and pyscho protective family for now. Here's the plan. We get in, get the cure, kill Katherine and then would you look at that big bright sun" she said.

"Oh look at that a dark cloud. What if we get killed first!" I replied sarcastically.

"Get you're head in the game and you won't" she blabbed I thought for a moment.

"Fine. Let's kill the bitch" I muttered pushing all my anger and fear into that she then pulled up outside a row of shops.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I smell like leather, I've been driving for three hours so I'm stopping for a drink. Care to join?" She spoke hopping out of the car. Hell no.

"Woah woah! I don't care if you're heads on fire. Elena we're not here for a pub crawl! You're the one who kidnapped me and I'm helping you instead of going straight home like I should" I said jumping out of the car following her down the street.

"Ugh god do you ever stop worrying?" she muttered, I grabbed her arm as she kept glancing around for a snack.

"Get in the car. The faster we find Katherine the quicker we kind my mother then I find my brothers and go home" I spoke.

I haven't even thought of what I'm going to tell Damon. It's time to come clean my past has caught up with me, if everyone finds out I'd rather it come from me.

No matter how ashamed I am.

"Yeah yeah give me a minute. I'm hungry" she mumbled staring at a lady down the road, she grinned at me then strutted towards her.

"Oh hell no" I growled running after her.

The lady turned around startled seeing Elena there. "Woah you frightened me" she gasped with a small smile.

"My bad" Elena said sarcastically about to bite her neck my eyes widened going to pull her off the poor lady when the she spoke.

"Katherine what are you doing?" She asked shocked we both froze as she looked between us confused.

"You know me?" Elena asked her this woman might know where Katherine is, but she's human.

Why's Pierce befriending humans?

"Of course I do? Look I know everyone around here prefers you to feed from their neck but I asked you to drink from my wrist remember?" she said innocently, holding out her wrist.

I laughed making both of them look at me confused, "Conniving little wench compelled the whole town" I exclaimed astonished. That girl is something else.

"Ring the bells Aria. I think we just found Ms Pierce" Elena said smirking at me.

"How do you know Katherine?" I asked the woman she frowned "Who?".


"How do you know me?" Elena said pretending to be Katherine smiling sweetly, the lady smiled back.

"Small town. Everybody knows everybody" she replied with a shrug. "So everyone here knows Katherine?" I asked she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry,I don't know who you're talking about?" she squeaked confused. I chuckled oh you've got to be kidding.

"What is it?" Elena asks me. "She compelled people to forget all about her unless she was talking to them herself" I told her.

"Clever bitch" Elena muttered. Wait me or Katherine?

"When did you last see me?" she questioned her.

"Five minutes ago" she said with a chuckle, "How did you change so fast?".

Both Elena and I shared a look that means Katherine can't be far. "Ask her where!" I whispered Elena shushed me.

"Where was I?" She asked.

"Back at the diner? The both of you actually." she said making me nearly heave. Both of us? The diner! Stefan?!

"You saw me and her?" Elena asked pointing to me wide eyed and she nodded.

"An angry guy just kicked everyone out of the diner with. You were with some guys and two seriously bitchy blonde girls" she told us. Holy.

Both Elena and I turned to one another wide eyed. The only way I could be at the diner is....

"Go! Run now. Go! " Elena shouted shoving me as we scrambled for the diner up the end of the road. As we kept to the shade my eyes captured a very familiar car.

"Elena" I said staring at the car she stopped. "That's Damon's car" she said we groaned.

That's when I saw Nik's car parked across the road, it wasn't parked neatly.

"He's got company" I breathed as we pegged it. I halted at the edge of the window. "Careful" I mouthed as she leaned with me to peek through the window.

There they all were surroundings and sitting at a table where little old Katherine Pierce sat looking very smug......and Rebekah, Kol, Caroline and Damon say in the booth glaring and talking to her.

Elijah and Stefan stood arms crossed smiling at the person who stood with Nik. That person was an exact replica of me even my clothes.

"Holy shit" Elena said.


Well hello. Guess who's back, back again the next chapter is going to be fun.

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