Questions For the Argo 2 Crew

By PoseidonsFavChild

71.3K 2.9K 4.6K

Have you ever wanted to ask the crew a random question? Well, now you can! This book is known to be "Amazin... More

How do you feel about me asking you questions?
Does Dora Exist?
Can Percy move bodies?
Does anybody like Octavian?
What is Jason's other side?
How do you wake Percy up?
Why is Jason obsessed with shipping?
Who would win in a second fight between Ares and Percy?
Can I kill you guys?
Who would win in a fight between Hades and Persphone?
What would it be like as a mortal?
What was Percy's most blonde moment?
Which pony is most like you?
Who would win a fight between Poseidon and Athena?
Who would win a Roman vs Greek capture the flag game?
Who do you like the least?
Who is the most awesome god?
What if all of Percy's new pillow pets were burned?
Who would win a fight between Annabeth and Rachel?
What matters the most to you?
What was their most embarrassing moments?
Who or what would be in your army?
Is Nico gay?
Will Percy come bake blue cookies with me?
Why do the demigods act so strangly?
Which Argo 2 member would be which Disney Princess?
Who would win a fight between a child of Ares and a child of Athena?
Do they know about the knife challenge?
Who is sassier? Poseidon or Percy?
When are you going to tell them about Calypso, Leo?
How does Jason feel about his secret girlfriend, Brick?
How do they all feel about Tratie?
Does Percy know about Perico?
What would Jason do if someone were to sink on of his ships?
If you had to kill one Argo 2 member, who would it be?
Who would they kill for food?
Did you know that you're technically Annabeth's uncle?
Persassy is single?
Brick or Piper?
What would the Agro crew do during a zombie apocolypse?
Child names?
What if Miley and Justin were Titans?
Who don't the characters do normal things?
Did you know that Leo has a sister?
What if there was a creepy cult of fangirls?
How do you please Aphrodite?
What if Persassy took over the world?
Why you got to be so rude?
Blood of Olympus
Tardis it is!
Have you ever heard of a troll named Rick Riodan? +bonus
Who does Octavian like? +bonus
Who do they want out of camp?
Y u no like mwah? D':
Why is Percy obsessed with Finding Nemo?
What would you do if your lover was bitten by a zombie?
What are you going to be for Halloween?
If you were a character from Frozen, who would you be?
Harlem Shake?
What do you think of Nico?
What radion station do they listen to?
What is the crew's favorite part of Christmas?
Nico's sister? Shipping Nico?
Loner Party
How do you annoy Aphrodite?
What is your favorite TV drama/show?
Gaea or Kronos?
New Year's Resolutions?
Favorite Book?
Blue Food or Panda Pillow Pets?
Is Percy fat from all the blue soda?
What if Percy took over the world with an army of Nemos?
What happens if Blackjack eats doughnuts?
What would you do if resurrected?
Why can't Nico have fangirls?
New godly parent?
Has Leo ever acted philosophical?
What if Octavian had Superman powers?
Arion what do you think of Blackjack?
First thoughts of Calypso?
What Nico thinks of Will +Bonus
Would Nico be an assassin?
Nico; Percy or McDonalds?
Who to bring back?
How would you act drunk?
Has Festus ever bit Leo?
What three people?
What three people? Continued
What if Octavian became a ghost?
Do they like cats?
Shipping on Scale 1-10
Is Percy a Pirate?
Percy or Bianca?
What is your NOTP?
Date Miley or Justin?
Who's the alien?
Steam, diesel, electric, or flying steam train?
Yo mama is so lonely, why?
Salt and Ice Challenge
Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitten?
What if Leo rebuilt Festus?
Pertemis and Percalypsobeth?
For All: Which Side?
What if I showed up with an ad?

Cinnamon Challenge

155 21 31
By PoseidonsFavChild

Me: High School is still boring, but completely better than middle school.

Annabeth: Who are you even talking to?

Me: Myself, sometimes I need expert advice.  Another bit of advice, don't get too dressed up for picture day...because I was basically the only one in a fancy dress...

Persassy: Don't care about da others, dey bein' rachet.

Me: So is your grammar.

Persassy: Hades, no, Ms O'Leary.   What did you just say?

Me: Nothing...anyway...has anyone heard of the cinnamon challenge.

Annabeth: Yes, and it is completely inappropriate.  There is no reason to swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon within sixty seconds and there never will be.

Me: How about fame?

Annabeth: Nobody needs-

Percy: FAME?  I like fame.


Me: Let me just take out my ipod and record-

Annabeth: Stop right there.  This is ridiculous.  Swallowing cinnamon?  For fun?  And, hellllo?  We are demigods!  Electronics are evil.

Me: *gasps*  *hugs ipod* No.  It can't be.

Fangirl: *slaps me with a book*  READ THE BOOK

Me: I did! Ipod...I wuv it...

Annabeth: It's going to kill us all.

Me: *sniffle*  It won't kill you guys too bad.  *starts recording*

Annabeth: Why do I even try to reach you people?

Leo: *jumps in front of camera*  HELLO AMERICA!

Me: Pst!  Some of the viewers are from England.

Leo: And hello to the rest of the world!  *winks*

Me: *rolls eyes*

Team Leo Fangirls: He winked at me! *pass out*

Leo: I'm here with...*pulls Percy to his side*  *puts his arm around Percy's shoulders*  The one and only, Seaweed brain.

Annabeth: Only I can pull it off, don't call him that.

Persassy: Sup, planet Earth.  We are broadcasting live from Olympus.

Annabeth: We're above Japan.

Persassy: *hisses* They don't know that! *turns back to camera*  She means, Japan, Olympus.  It's a new area that was added to Olympus.  Anyway, I heard something about a cinnamon challenge...

Leo: And we'll start the night off with me, since the others might need an example of how it is all done.

Hazel: You do know that you don't have to do it.  Cinnamon isn't even that great anyway.

Leo: Never!  Fame above common sense!  Someone bring the cinnamon!

Frank: Gladly.  *gets cinnamon from kitchen*  Here you go, fire boy.

Leo: Thanks, party animal!  *pops lid off*  *pours cinnamon into mouth*

Piper: You're only supposed to swallow one teaspoon!

Leo: *squints eyes shut*  *swallows many times* *breathes heavily*  I'm done.

Percy: No way!

Frank: How did you do that?  Like, without even reacting?

Annabeth: Obviously, he's used to hot food flavors so that's nothing to him.  Also, did I forget to mention that he has FIRE POWERS?

Leo: Spoil sport.

Percy: Okay, it's my turn to.  *takes cinnamon from Leo*  *pours some into mouth*

Annabeth: Gods, not you too!

Piper: It's only supposed to be ONE teaspoon!

Percy: *tries swallowing*  *tries spitting out cinnamon*  *coughs out cinnamon*  *runs hands on tounge to get rid of the taste*  *runs into kitchen*

Me: I'm guessing that he didn't make it.  Who is next?

Annabeth: As you can see, the cinnamon challenge is not something fun.

Percy: *runs back into room* THAT WAS AWESOME!

Annabeth: Seriously?

Percy: I've got to do it again!  It'll come in handy some day.

Annabeth: Really?  When would you ever need to swallow cinnamon again?  It's like swallowing lava!

Me: Come on!  Can someone please just try it?

*entire ship shakes*

Nico: *runs in*  We've got company.

Me: Nico!  Would you like to try the Cinnamon Challenge?

Nico: I don't know what that is, and I don't care.  Guys, I don't know what these things are, but I do know that they're big and deadly.

Annabeth: Sorry, Sky.  Looks like we'll have to cut the video short.  *runs out of room*

*everyone follows*

Leo: *comes back in room*  GOOD BYE AMERICA! *winks at camera*  *runs out of room*

Me: He's forgetting-

Leo: *comes back in* AND GOOD BYE ENGLAND!

Me: *turns camera towards me* If you ever want to get the crew to try the cinnamon challenge, may the gods be ever in your favor.

Me: *Turns camera back around*  GODS DANG IT!  IT WASN'T RECORDING!

Thanks to mythlover440 for the ama"zhang" question.

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