Aria Salvatore x Klaus Mikael...

By pastmidnight_

504K 12.1K 2K

Imagine believing your brothers died over a century ago? Believing your whole family was dead? Being turned i... More

Coming Home
Three Salvatores
Founders Day
Because I Am
He Will Come For You
The Sacrafise
Road Trip?
Ray Sutton
Getting Lost
Protect You
Happy Funeral
Hello Again Elijah
Family Business
What I Used To Be
Because I Love You
Sacrificial Lamb
I Needed To Say It
Trespassing Into Hell
Your Small
White Oak
Kieran Ripper
Denver Blues
Until We Meet Again
The 1950s
Did you miss me?
Make It Stop
Here We Go
Change Of Plans
Lost Marbles
It Stopped
Bubbling Secrets
Wrong Crowd
Buried Hatchet
What We Are
Numbed Minds
Into The Woods
Do It All Over Again
One Tear
Speed Walked
Back When
Turned Tables
If You Make It Out Alive
Hide and Seek
Highway To Hell
Happy Birthday
Bleeding Out

New Bodies

3.4K 86 27
By pastmidnight_

Arias POV.

I and Nik shot up at the high pitch screams of Elena that echoed through the entire woods. Well then.

Birds fluttered and cooed from trees as I heard everyone moving and stirring, quickly shuffling the sheets.

Nik's arm was locked around me protectively and I glanced up to him slowly, knowing my cheeks were bright red of guilt and joy.

Morning has risen and I am so looking forward to little miss sunshine. Elena's woke up a little different than she'd originally gone to sleep.

I held back my smirk and Nik looked to me as I attempted to look away sheepishly.

He was looking into my eyes putting his hand on my chin cocking an eyebrow.

"What have you done?" He whispered but amusement laced through his words as he spoke softly.

I tried to hold down my smile as his fingers sent tingles through me and his eyed filling of wonder and lust. I kissed his cheek quickly and stood up.

He instantly pulled me back down onto his lap and kissed my lips hard inhaling me. I soon pulled back looking into his big blue eyes.

That's when I recalled the events of last night had I hallucinated or dreamed Nik stood with me outside and kissed me?

Strange. It was probably just a dream.

"Come on little love" he said hoisting me up with a grin clearly intrigued to know why Elena was squawking like a hawk.

We scattered out of the warm tent as did everyone else out of their own. My feet hit the cold damp ground.

The light shined in my eyes as I felt Nik's protective hand on my shoulder, I squinted holding my hand up to block the sun.

"I'm going to rip your heads off" I heard Elena roaring.

I looked down to the lake seeing her on her blow up sleeping bag floating on the water having an absolute fit.

Rebekah and I are so dead but this is the best thing I've ever seen.

Everyone looked at me then to Rebekah, many crossing their arms shaking their heads but I could so tell they were laughing inside.

Nik and Stefan started laughing alongside Kol.

"Only you Aria." Damon murmured shaking his head staring at Elena but I could see the grin dancing on his face.

Maybe he's lighting up I bit my lip holding in my laugh crossing my arms.

"Elena just stop moving?!" Damon shouted running down to the lake as I held in my laugh.

She looked at Rebekah and I with an absolute death glare.

"I'm going to kill you!" She shouted with her groggy voice. I chuckled with Rebekah as she now stood beside me.

Elena was making an attempt at standing....well there she goes. She didn't at all gracefully fall into the water, screaming and throwing a fit splashing in the water.

"Oh darlings why wasn't I involved?" Kol asked grinning watching her but placing a proud hand on our heads.

I hate being short.

"Wish I'd been invited" Stefan muttered grinning to himself as Elena came out of the water soaked water dripping from her.

"Elena let me help" Damon said trying to remain suttle as she pushed him out of the way and stormed towards us.

"Easy doppleganger you don't want anyone getting hurt" Nik said smirking at her.

"Ugh you bitches!" She shouted stomping her foot glaring at Rebekah eyebrows knotted and fists clenched.

Oh how I'd love the feeling of my knuckles placing a hard force across her face. Now that'd be a good day.

"I prefer to think of it sort of had it coming" Rebekah said squinting at her.

"Yes now darling no need to get your knickers in a twist" Kol said not removing his devilish grin.

"You've done that enough recently" Rebekah added looking at Damon,  Elena growled whilst Nik and I chuckled.

She then attempted to run at Rebekah arms a flying and fired up but Stefan sent her flying back onto the ground.

Go Stef.

She immediately climbed and scrambled back to her feet scowling as Damon held her back.

"Stefan" Damon growled fiercely at him like he was about to punch him but clearly he had other problems at the moment.

Elena if you will.

"I'll get you back for this" she shouted then glared at me as I held my wolffish grin.

"Down girl" Nik whispered to me proudly as Elena struggled against Damon.

"Oh now stop the dramatics. Go hobble on we have to get moving" Nik said to Elena loudly now standing in front of me glaring at her.

She growled and stormed off to her tent like a child stomping her feet, Damon following her like a dog with a sigh.

What will it take for him to realise?

"Aria, I told you not to leave my side and you sneak out?" Nik asked angrily, I shrugged an innocent smile dancing on my lips pointing at Rebekah.

"Nik don't act like that wasn't the best wake up call you've ever had" Rebekah said crossing her arms grinning.

"I've had better" Nik said smirking at me his eyes darkening with lust and I shoved him shaking my head as Stefan gagged.

"Please no. To early for this" Stefan said and I chuckled as Kol kept a happy face for some godly reason.

"Down boy" I said quietly to Nik who's hands were roaming and I wanted to stop him before anyone noticed.

"Right children. Well we'd better get ready then" I said squeezing Nik's hand to stop him.

"Your the little one, sister" Stefan retorted with a grin I was about to reply but was cut off from Bonnie running out of her tent yelling bloody murder.

"Jeremy's gone!" She shouted panicked in a frenzy.

What. Jerbear is gone?! Christ no.

"What!?" Nik hissed at her as I walked to her with him as he had his hand stuck with mine.

"What do you mean he's gone Bonnie" Stefan said grabbing her shoulders harshly.

"He's not in his tent! I've checked all around here he's gone" She said as Damon, Elena and Shane ran out with the shuffle of their feet.

"Well that's brilliant" Rebekah groaned rolling her eyes as Stefan crossed his arms.

"Did he say anything weird or act strange last night?" I asked her.

"No, h-he was fine" she said biting her thumb trying to think as I placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her.

Jeremy is like her rock she loves him and he keeps her under control with magic.

"We should split up cover the ground to find him" Shane said.

Why's he so sudden to jump to that...and why do I have a slithery reason he's apart of this somehow.

"What are we Scooby Doo? We can't spilt up this place has all kinds of whack" I said and Stefan nodded with a hum agreeing.

"She's right" Damon confirmed in a murmur looking around the trees. Bonnie could try a locator spell?

"Bonnie could you try a locator spell?" Stefan said as if reading my mind.

"I'll try" Bonnie said nodding then  running off worried, her heartbeats increased.

"Do you think it had something to do with the hatchet man from last night?" Kol asked Nik and I quietly.

"Possibly" Stefan said scanning around as he walked towards us with Rebekah.

"There could be a whole tribe of them here. Bloody sods." Nik said keeping me close.

"We have to split up it's the only way to find him quickly" Shane said there's something really off with him I just don't know what.

Why's he want us all running off into the forest with nothing to go on?

I and Stefan shared a glance thinking the same as always. I nodded to him giving him "our signal", Nik noticed and nudged my side clearly wanting in.

I looked up to him discreetly and then looked to Shane who's eyes were fixated on the woods, Nik nodded knowing now.

"Okay fine. Split up" Stefan said acting irritated.

"I'll stay here and protect Bonnie, keep her safe" Shane said and I squinted at him then looked to Damon who caught my meaning.

"I'll stay here make sure your not lying"  Damon muttered at him, Elena looked to him angrily clearly not wanting to be left alone with us.

"Fine we'll keep searching the island" she seethed clearly unhappy.

Damon was about to leave when I snatched his hand pulling him back whispering to him discreetly.

"Watch your back." I warned him.

"You to" he said squeezing my hand staring in mine then hesitantly walked away.

"Cheer up love" Rebekah said sarcastically to Elena who's eyebrows were furrowed and arms crossed.

"Shut up" she scorned at Rebekah and Kol chuckled.

"Now now Elena behave, as much as I'd love to rip your lungs out we need you alive" Nik said warning her with a cold stare.

"What so you can make your back up family?" Elena seethed frowning at him. He growled about to stalk towards her.

"Nik" I said placing a hand on his chest. He looked down angry but eyes softened at mine.

"Love birds, how shall we go about finding Gilbert?" Kol teased as Stefan smirked.

"His names Jeremy." Elena growled.

"Do I really look like I care darling?" Kol asked cocking an eyebrow at her his eyes burning, I know how much he hates her.

Many reasons that he's told me it's a long list.

"Well you should he's the only way to getting the cure you idiot" she spat back.

"Are you disrespecting an original darling?" Kol asked sounding like sharp ice.

"Knock it off" I and Stefan said in sync and they rolled their eyes.

"Let me get something from my tent then we can go" Rebekah muttered grabbing my hand and pulled me along to the tent.

All three boys left glaring at Elena ouch must hurt.

"So who's going with who?" I heard Stefan ask as we shuffled away.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to Rebekah as she rummaged through her sheets.

"You trust me?" She asked and I instantly nodded.

"Duh." I said and she sighed but smiled.

"I'm just stalling I need to talk to you. Look, something's off about this island I don't know what" she began.

"Your not the only one, weird things are happening. I know this place is supposed to be strange but...." I trailed off.

"You might think I've lost my nutter but last night I swear to god I saw-" she was cut off by Stefan coming inside the tent without so much as a warning.

"Hey! You could announce yourself" I said shoving him playfully as he ruffled my hair.

"I am Stefan. Entering the tent" he announced sarcastically.

"Well done" I said and he wrapped an arm around my waist. Okay....not like we're on a death land or anything and since when does his hand go there it's always my shoulder.

"Come on then we have to find Jeremy right?" he said smirking at me then put his arm around my shoulder and I cocked an eyebrow.

"Nik's letting me go with you?" I asked astonished that doesn't sound right.

"We decided they'd keep Elena under protection. Besides I can keep you safe." He said with a smile.

"What about me?" Rebekah asked sarcastically with a grin.

"Fend for yourself Beks" Stefan responded and her smile dropped.

Stefan wouldn't be so rude and Beks? What's wrong with him.

Something's definitely off Nik would normally have me surgically attached to him and that's when we're in a shop....

It doesn't sound right the two of them chancers let their baby sister and I go off without them?

We followed Stefan through the woods Rebekah linked to my arm clearly freaked out you'd yhink her being an original she wouldn't be scared of anything.

"Scaredy cat" I whispered to her and she slapped my arm playfully.

Stefan's being awfully clingy towards me joking and saying very strange things, almost like he's being Stefan way to much.

"Oh love, it's a funny thing" he sang as we searched for Jeremy. Rebekah smirked at me but I'm starting to really get worried here.

"What do you make of this?" Rebekah asked him as we arrived at the quarry,  I listened to the howling noises of the woods.

"It's quite eventful really, just us three out here all alone" Stefan said happily....

"Aria little sister" he called and I sighed but forced a smile looking over to him.

"I'm five minutes younger" I said dragging myself over to him as Rebekah searched the quarry, Stefan's showing zero interest in Rebekah right now and she's staring to realise that.

"Don't get moody with me" he sang sarcastically his eyes wider than before.

"Do you know how much you mean to me hm?" He said swinging his arm over my shoulder very playfully....we're here on a life and death mission and he's deciding to play this game?

"Yes Stefanie...have you been drinking?" I replied sarcastically.

"Awh now why would you ask such a thing I'm the noble brother, correct?" He asked and I squinted my eyes at him he coughed trying to cover his last few words.

"You know normally brothers don't really care and love their sister as much as I and Damon do. It's quite remarkable" he said and I stopped him placing a hand on his chest.

"Okay what's wrong Stef? Your acting way to brotherly" I said and he sighed cupping my cheeks.

"Brother, brother love. You love me" he said like he was high, then walked past he's talking like a loon.

"Stefan is there something your not telling me? Come on it's me" I said and he began to spin around laughing.

Okay that's it. Before I was about to pounce on him Rebekah's wearied voice rang in my ears.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Rebekah asked looking at Stefan who was spinning around a tree.

"Something's wrong with him" I said as he began to try dance with Rebekah.

"Ah the girlfriend...." he said twirling her around nearly sending her to the ground on her behind.

"Aria remember when you kissed Kol?" He suddenly said and my heart nearly fell out of my chest.

"W-What?!" I asked him shocked.

"In the 20s duh." He said and I and Rebekah now stood with one another.

Rebekah frowned confused looking at him how on earth does he know that I've only ever told her.

"You didn't think she was the only one to know?" Stefan asked acting like a little boy skipping around.

"I never told you that" I said my eyes widening.

"Yes you did. You made me pinky swear" he said and I shook my head.

"No I didn't?!" I asked utterly struck with shock.

"He was a good kisser? Anyhow I bet I know someone who's better..." he started.

"Stefan what the bloody hell is the matter with you?" Rebekah asked crossing her arms.

"Nothing sweetheart" he said.


"What should I not have called you that? Hm what's the common words these days. Babe, sugar, cookie?" He asked.

"Stefan have you been eating the flowers?" I asked gripping onto Rebekah discreetly beginning to get a little intimidated.

"No." He said and that's when he began to whistle. I know that tune anywhere.


"Why are you humming that song" I asked.

"Want to know a secret? I'm really mad that you and Damon trust her" he said and my eyebrows furrowed.

"We don't-" he cut me off.

"Yes you do. I think about it a lot it, drives me crazy thoughts of the two of you leaving me for her" he said.

"We'd never leave you Stef that's ridiculous. Is that why your acting weird this isn't time for Family Guy...Jeremy's out there he needs us." I said.

"Dramas. I like playing parts" he said and my stomach began to twist when he said that.

"Stef" I said grabbing his face looking into his eyes for any signs or red flags.

There was major red flags.

Oh my god. I know my Stef anywhere and this is not him.

"Little flowers, can I tell you a rhyme. It's a mind blower. I've had years to practice" he said and I swallowed.

"Stefan sweetheart take it easy" Rebekah said and that's when his happy demeanour changed.

"Easy? Easy is not the game" Stefan said to her and I stood still.

"Tick tock Beks. Aria's already figured it out" he said and Rebekah scowled at him.

"Fine fine" he sang laughing darkly walking around her in a circular motion then standing in front of me.

"I am not Stefan" he whispered and I choked on air as he stated it with such honour. I'd hoped this wasn't real.

"Silas" I whispered horrified my eyes widening and Rebekah gasped mouth parted.

"That's impossible" she said angrily how on earth is he here he's supposed to be in immobilised in the cave with the cure.

"That's true Aria. But you see I'm not really here" he said.

Christ he can read our minds we have no way in tricking him he smirked clearly knowing everything I'm thinking. Stop thinking!

"Run" Rebekah said to me as the tension resined, we turned to run when a voice stopped us.

"I wouldn't do that sweethearts " he said and I and Rebekah clutched one another we knew who it was already by the sweet voice and the smell of peppermint and tea, we turned to see.


"Elijah?" Rebekah whispered shocked he was now playing this role. He's messing with our minds looking like replicas of the ones we love.

Oh my god. It was him last night on the beach. He was the one who kissed me.

"Yes Aria, and it was something I'll never forget. Also yes Rebekah there is no one for miles and I appeared to you last night also" he said.

It's impossible to kill him he's immortal we're so screwed. This means everyone's back and the camp probably freaked we're gone.

We never even left with Stefan. How on earth is Silas standing before us.

"Yes Aria. Right as of now there all furious and searching for the both of you." he said happily.


"So what? You like to torture your prey before you kill them?" Rebekah retorted scowling at him.

"No. I just loved freaking you out watching that vein on Aria's forehead pop. I'd love to pop other things Aria. I'm not really crazy. Trust me my lovelies" he said placing his hands behind his back I nearly puked at his words.

The fact he looks like Elijah isn't helping here.

"What do you want?" I asked him Rebekah still holding my hand.

"You" he simply stated looking into my widening eyes.

The mere thought of him liking me twisted my stomach it's beyond vile. Jesus I remember the things Shane said about Silas.


"You better leave before I find that man cave of yours and smash your nuts" Rebekah spat at him.

"Aria come with me. I can make you happy sweetheart." he said and I scoffed and pretended to gag.

"It's the suit isn't it?" He asked looking at himself fixing his tie with a sigh. Bloody hell.

"Show us your real face" I said.

"I can't do that" he said and I glared.

"Honestly Aria I can't...I'm not really here right now. I'm using magic remember" he said.

"Leave us alone before I kick your ass into the next century" I growled as did Rebekah.

"I can look like someone else if it helps?" He asked smirking, god he's every exact detail to who he plays.

"Your not even real. How are we seeing you? What magic are you using?" Rebekah asked.

I can't believe we're still standing here talking with him.

I want Nik.

"I attached myself to Aria, I am a very powerful witch" he said and Rebekah growled whilst I nearly fainted.

"What do you mean "attached" " I asked.

"I'll tell you if you come to the cave with me" he said.

"We're not going anywhere with you" Rebekah spat.

"Did I ask you to join?" He retorted.

"We want the cure" I said still holding Rebekah's hand.

"Oh I know" he said smirking at us.

"Well are you going to lead us to it?" Rebekah asked him.

"Pfft no. I'll lead Aria to it, but that idiot Shane needs to bring a witch to get me out and the hunter" he said.


"Yes Aria, he's not exactly trustworthy" he said.

"And you are?" I asked. That's when he changed in an instant and played the face of Kol.

"Yes darling, I'm many things" he said with Kols signature grin.

"Quit playing mime and spit out what you want" Rebekah said.

"I vis Aria est mihi nunc" he said.

"I beg your pardon?" I retorted as Rebekah scowled at him.

"Intellegite erudimini I Semper utique quod meum est" he whispered and then.


"What the bloody hell did he just say?" Rebekah asked and I shook my head. I know exactly what he just said.

When Stefan and I were little Damon tried teaching us ancient Latin for so long....guess it worked.

"Jesus Christ what do we tell everyone?" I asked.

"We don't. If Nik finds out....he'll dagger me to keep me safe and god knows what measures he'll take with you" she said.

"What about Damon and Stefan?" I asked and she shook her head her eyes darting around thinking..

"Bekah-" I was cut off by the one and only.

"Jeremy!" We heard Elena's screeching voice echoing. Jesus.

"Bloody hell" we both muttered that's when she appeared from the trees.

"Why don't you shout louder" Rebekah spat at her. That's when her face dropped seeing us with utter rage.

She immediately zoomed towards Rebekah and swung her arm about to punch when Rebekah pushed her back.

"Two times already and it's not even twelve" I said looking at my watch then back to Elena with a sigh.

"Why the heck did you two run off! Everyone's been looking for you...we're supposed to be finding Jeremy" she growled.

"Long story. Where are they all?" I asked worried for them.

"Bonnies gone now and I left to find Jeremy...Both of your brothers and boyfriends are furious. So well done" she said cockily.

Ooooh. The way she said boyfriends with such hostility.

"Correction husband" I said holding up my ring finger with a grin and she scowled.

"Bonnie's gone?" I asked ignoring her petty goes at getting a rise out of me. I won't let her think she has the upper hand here.

"Yes. So now we're all missing and split up. Thanks to you both!" she said with dark eyes.

Christ my brothers, Nik, Kol and friends are all out there in this heap.

Nik is going to murder me but it wasn't even our fault....but Rebekah said we can't tell them why we left. So what are we supposed to say?!

Yep I'm going to be put over Nik's knee.

"Sorry? How is it our fault your loon witch flew away on her broom stick? Jeremy probably ran away from you" Rebekah said crossing her arms.

"Screw you" Elena retorted.

"How do we get back?" I asked after a few moments of silence looking around god what direction did we come from?

"Beats me if I know" Elena muttered.

"Come on" Rebekah said taking my arm linking it as we walked with Elena trailing behind us.

We have been walking for ages both of them arguing and bitching at one another.

"It's not my fault I'm her doppleganger I didn't ask to look like her" Elena spat at Rebekah.

"No but your doing a great job acting like her" Rebekah retorted.

"Alright we get it you both hate each other now you have the right to shut up" I said and Elena scoffed.

"You don't say much these days do you?" She asked sarcastically.

"What are you blabbing on about?" I asked.

"Well we did used to be friends and the moment Barbie showed you stabbed me in the back" Elena said and both mine and Rebekah's jaws dropped.

"Firstly "Barbie"? What are you Damon? Second your the one who stabbed me in the back multiple times" I said.

"Plus you literally stabbed me in the back with that handy dagger" Rebekah scorned.

"I went to Damon because I was alone, you were gone with Stefan on your road trip with Klaus" she spat.

"Road trip? Stefan went on that to protect you! Not to mention I thought you were dead. And what's let me believe that" I said getting up in her face.

"It was easier...would you rather have known I was alive and you couldn't see me?!" She asked.

"For months I mourned you. I thought I lost my bestfriend....I'll never forgive you for that. And in order for you to have your broke my family ." I said lowly turning on my heel.

"Is it so wrong to love them both?" She asked and I halted with a chuckle.

"Katherine said the exact same when I was just a girl" I said and her face fell whilst Rebekah chuckled.

"I don't care what either of you think, I love Damon. I blame you Aria anyway" she this is my fault now?

Just because I made new friends well reunited I guess....Elena stabbed me in the back what did she expect.

"Well we don't care what you think of us Elena, it couldn't be half as bad as what I think of you" Rebekah said.

I linked my arm back with Rebekah's and we kept on walking for what felt like hours.

"Jeremy! Bonnie" Elena shouted through the woods.

"Not like we haven't drawn enough attention to ourselves" Rebekah muttered.

"I'm sorry? And how are you helping?" Elena retorted.

"I'm stronger than you, faster than you and I'm certain I can charm the islanders easier than you" Rebekah said with a sly grin.

"Charm your way into bed" Elena muttered and I pulled Rebekah back as she went to attack her.

"You know we tried to be your friend. But I ended up with a dagger in my back and Aria almost got you. And somehow we're the evil ones" Rebekah said.

"Technically you didn't achieve evil status until you killed me" Elena muttered walking ahead of us.

This constant bitching is really starting to aggravate me.

"Can we just be quiet please?" I asked and Rebekah gave me an apologetic smile.

"Where's Shane gone off to I wonder?" Rebekah said quietly to me.

"Well our visitor gave us some pretty good clues" I whispered Elena was ignoring us.

"All this for a stupid cure" I mumbled and Rebekah sighed.

"A cure that could rid you both of me" Elena sang. Guess she is listening.

"Shut up" Rebekah muttered.

"You know Aria, I'm shocked you let her speak to me like that. After all we were friends once" she said and I rolled my eyes.

Next thing we knew we heard a snap, we three immediately halted. That's when a flock of birds erupted cawing and fluttering their wings.

"Guys?" Elena called as she stared straight ahead.

We turned to see three men who looked the exact same as the hatchet man, but before we could pounce needles were shot into us all, I groaned falling to my knees.

"Bekah" I whispered looking to her she was completely out cold as was Elena.

As of soon the darkness consumed me as I saw a blurred figure stand above me.


I stirred my stomach in pain as my mind clouded foggily. I slowly opened my eyes dark spots dulling my vision.

They soon focused and I registered where I was....back in Nik and I's tent. Alone.

I shot up Nik's scent filling my nose God all I want is him right now just to know he's okay.

I scanned my surroundings all of our stuff is still here and so is his jacket. It was silent outside I scrambled up to my knees.

Why would those tribe men bring me back here!? I slowly opened the tent peaking out. Where is Elena and Rebekah?!

Hesitatingly I stood out of the tent it was night, cold dark night. I breathed in the bitter air and gathered my mind.

Find everyone basically.

"Aria" I then heard Elena's voice as she came out of Bonnie's tent.

"Elena" I said actually happy to see her.

"Everyone's gone...I've searched all the tents. No ones here." She said panicked.

"Rebekah?" I asked myself warily.

"Whoever those guys were didn't think to dump her back here to" Elena said pacing.

"So now there's no one, great there all gone" I said biting my thumb. Where are my brothers and Nik.

"This island is huge! We're never going to find them" Elena said her hands scrunching her hair.

"We're going to find them" I stated seriously gathering supplies like a woman on a mission.

"We're?" Elena asked in a hopeful voice, I slowly turned to her with a light smile nodding my head.

"We're all that's left" I whispered holding my hand out to her. I may not like her I may not trust her but like she said.

"We were friends once" I stated and she broke out in a small smile knowing I was mimicking her.

"Just us" she state taking it as we stared at the dark woods that would smile any girl run into their mans arms.

I'll have to find my way back to him and that's what I'm going to do even if I have to stand by Elena.

My pyscho hybrid, crazy brothers and family are out there.

"Just us" I whispered my breath sharp in the bitter air.

Hello hello hope you enjoyed that chapter! Please leave a comment <3

Also sorry I took ages to post I was on holiday and my motivation was low buy I'm back now and ready to rumble.

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