Kadhal En Kaviye

By _authorzaara_

45.4K 2.2K 455

He was a ruthless business man. Meet Arjun Venkatraman CEO of AV Tech, one of India's biggest tech companies... More

Character Aesthetics
Pleasure Pile
1. The Wedding
2. Turn of Events
3. Dream Come True
4. The Past
5. Home Sweet Home
6. Sleepless Night
7. Ignorance
8. First Day As DIL
9. Ice Cream Date
10. Revelation
11. The Discussion
12. Jealous? Never!
13. Message Seen
14. Misunderstanding
15. The Truth
16. Fell for Her
Author's Note
17. Sorrow
18. Decision Made
19. A Day as CEO's Wife
20. Business Time
21. Druken Desires
22. Love At Taj
23. Darkness
24. In Sickness & In Health
25. Sweet Nightmares
26. New Years
27. Carnival Kiss
28. Music Symphony
30. Wrath Of Arjun Venketraman
31. Shopping Spree
32. Pongalo Pongal
33. Books & Kisses
34. Mysterious Surpise
35. Movie or ?
36. Urgent Deal
37. Miss him
38. Celebration
39. Clubbing
40. Cupid's Taunts
41. Shy All Over
42. Betrayal
43. Lies Tears Sorrys
44. Accident
45. Confessions
46. Married? How?
47. Uncaged
48. Trouble at In law's
49. Gifts with love
50. Love & Lust
51. First Priority
52. Your Everything
53. Desires Awakened
54. A Good Friend
55. Deserving
56. The Confrontation
57. Bangalore Days
58. She knows
59. The Whole Truth
60. Eternal Flames
61. The Surgery
62. The Grief
63. Moving on
64. Lea's Marriage
65. The Deal
66. All Alone
67. A Shocking News
68. Breaking Bonds
69. Always and Forever (Finale)

29. Lea's Relationship

468 24 1
By _authorzaara_

Shruthi's POV

I glanced at Arjun as we stood in front of the mirror, getting ready for our day out. The room buzzed with excitement, a subtle energy that hinted at the adventures waiting for us outside.

"Lea, where are you off to?" Arjun inquired, his tone laced with curiosity, when Lea strode into our room to borrow my lipstick.

Lea, focused on applying a final touch of lipstick, didn't look away from the mirror. "College. We have an assignment meeting today."

Arjun raised an eyebrow, his expression one of mild skepticism. "On a Saturday?"

Lea turned to face us, her lips curved in a mischievous smile. "Special assignment. Needs special attention, you know?"

Arjun exchanged a knowing look with me. "You've been having a lot of these 'special' meetings lately. What's going on, Lea?"

She grinned, her lips forming a mischievous smile. "Just college stuff, Anna. Don't you worry."

I could sense Arjun's skepticism, and he nudged me subtly, reminding me of Lea's frequent outings. It seemed like he was piecing together a puzzle of his own. As we left the room, a cloud of uncertainty lingered, and I couldn't help but wonder what surprises awaited us beyond the door.

As we settled into the car, the suspense of our destination played on my curiosity like a melody waiting to be unraveled.

"Arjun, seriously, where are we going?" I couldn't help but press him, a playful grin on my face.

Arjun chuckled, keeping his eyes focused on the road. "Ah, Angel, what's the fun in revealing the surprise too soon? Just enjoy the ride."

I huffed in mock annoyance. "You enjoy keeping secrets too much."

He shot me a sideways glance, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe I just enjoy seeing that intrigued expression on your face."

I rolled my eyes, feigning exasperation. "Fine, be mysterious. But you better make it worth the suspense!"

His laughter filled the car, a warm and reassuring sound. "I promise, it'll be worth it." And with that, the journey continued, the destination shrouded in anticipation and the promise of an unforgettable day.

As the car came to a stop in front of the escape room venue, my eyes widened with surprise and delight. The illuminated sign announcing our destination cast a warm glow, and the realization of what awaited us sent a thrill through me. I turned toward Arjun, my face lighting up with excitement.

"An escape room? Seriously? This is amazing!" I exclaimed, my enthusiasm bubbling over.

Arjun's eyes twinkled with satisfaction, pleased by my reaction. "Glad you like it, Angel."

Unable to contain my joy, I pulled him into a spontaneous hug. "Thank you! This is such a fantastic idea."

He reciprocated the embrace, and his arms around me felt like a comforting embrace. "Anything for you, Shruthi. Now, let's go and see if we can escape together."

As Arjun and I stepped into the escape room venue, the operator greeted us with a friendly smile. However, the news he delivered caught us off guard.

"Hello, welcome! Just a small change in plans," he began, glancing at the reservation details. "We have another couple joining you for this session. It's a four-person activity."

Arjun and I exchanged surprised glances, not expecting to share our escape room adventure with another pair. Nevertheless, we nodded in agreement, eager to embrace the unexpected twist in our plans.

The operator led us to a waiting area, where we anticipated meeting the mystery duo who would be our companions in this challenging quest.

As Arjun and I entered the escape room, our eyes widened with surprise at the sight before us. There, standing with a guy, was Lea. It took a moment for it to register in my mind, and then the realization hit me like a sudden jolt. It was her boyfriend, the guy she had told me about a couple months ago.

The initial shock in the room was palpable, and for a moment, Lea seemed frozen, caught in the act of hiding her relationship. Her eyes widened, and the color drained from her face as she processed the unexpected encounter.

The guy beside her looked equally surprised, glancing between us and Lea, perhaps realizing the secret was no longer safe.

Arjun and I exchanged a quick, silent communication, both trying to gauge Lea's reaction. Before we could say anything, Lea collected herself, her expression shifting from surprise to a mix of embarrassment and defiance.

"Surprise?" she tried to muster a smile, though it wavered. "I didn't plan for you to find out like this, but hey, meet Vasanth." She gestured to the guy beside her, who gave an awkward half-smile.

There was a moment of awkward silence, as if the puzzle in the escape room had shifted to an interpersonal one. Arjun broke the silence, "Lea, you could have told us about Vasanth. We're family, after all."

Lea's eyes darted between us, perhaps weighing her options. "I know, but it's complicated. I didn't want everyone to make a big deal out of it."

Arjun crossed his arms, "Lea, keeping secrets in the family isn't the solution. We're here for you. Just be honest with us."

Vasanth, standing quietly through this exchange, looked somewhat uncomfortable. The escape room, originally intended as a fun activity, now became an unexpected stage for family revelations.

Vasanth's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, "Lea, you mentioned that your sister-in-law knows about us. How did she find out?"

Lea shifted uncomfortably, exchanging a hesitant glance with me. I could feel Arjun's grip on my hand tightening, a silent demand for an explanation.

"Anni... Anni knew only because I told her," Lea stammered, avoiding direct eye contact.

Arjun's anger flared at the revelation. The betrayal, not just from Lea but also from me, etched a deep frown on his face. "You knew about this?" he asked, turning his gaze towards me.

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of guilt settling in. "Arjun, I... I didn't mean to keep it from you. I just thought..."

His anger intensified, "You thought what? That it was better to hide the truth from me?"

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I tried to explain, "Arjun, I didn't want to hurt you. I thought I could talk to Lea first and figure out the best way to tell you."

Arjun's frustration was palpable, and the room seemed to constrict with the tension. The revelation had opened a rift of mistrust, and I could only hope that honesty could mend what deceit had torn apart.

The room echoed with the sound of the closing door as Arjun left, leaving behind a trail of unresolved emotions. I turned to Lea, frustration and disappointment etched across my face.

"Why did you lie to me this morning, Lea?" I questioned, my voice a mix of anger and hurt. "I trusted you, and you should have at least told me what was going on."

Lea's eyes avoided mine, guilt shadowing her features. "Anni, I never meant for it to come to this. I love Vasanth, and I was scared of what Dad and Arjun Anna would say."

I sighed, my frustration giving way to sympathy. "Lea, honesty is the foundation of trust. You should have been open with him from the start. Now Arjun is hurt, and I don't know how to fix this."

Lea nodded, remorse clouding her expression. "I messed up, Anni. I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt Anna, and I never wanted to jeopardize our relationship."

I took a deep breath, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation. "You need to talk to Arjun and clear the air. Trust has been broken, and it won't be easy to rebuild. But hiding won't solve anything."

As I left the room to find Arjun, my mind raced with thoughts of how to mend the fractures in our relationships. The bonds of trust had been strained, and only time and honest conversations could heal the wounds.

The air hung heavy with tension as I found Arjun sitting alone on a bench outside the escape room facility. The weight of the situation pressed on my shoulders, making each step towards him feel like a monumental effort.

Sitting beside him, I hesitated before breaking the silence. "Arjun, I didn't lie to you to hurt you. I thought I was protecting you. I didn't want to add to the family's stress."

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of anger and disappointment. "Shruthi, honesty is crucial. We promised each other that, didn't we?"

I nodded, acknowledging the breach of our commitment. "You're right, and I messed up. But, Arjun, please understand. Lea was scared, and I didn't want to betray her trust."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, sensing the gravity of the situation. "Arjun, I only found out about Lea's relationship recently. She confided in me, asking for time to tell you herself. She was scared of your reaction and worried about how it might affect your relationship with her. I thought I was protecting her, but I see now that it was a mistake."

"But, you knew and didn't tell me?"

"I wanted to respect Lea's wishes, to let her handle it on her own terms. I didn't realize how much it would hurt you, and for that, I'm truly sorry," I explained, hoping he could understand the dilemma I faced.

Arjun sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Shruthi, honesty, no matter how painful, is essential in our relationship. We can't keep things from each other. That's the foundation of trust."

"I know, Arjun. I messed up, and I'll do everything I can to make it right," I promised, my voice filled with sincerity. "I understand if you're upset, but please know I never meant to betray your trust."

Arjun sighed, his frustration evident. "Trust works both ways, Shruthi. If we're going to make this marriage work, we can't have secrets."

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "Arjun, I realize now that keeping this from you was a mistake. We need to trust each other completely, even if it means facing difficult situations together."

He looked at me, searching for sincerity in my eyes. "Can I trust you, Angel? Can I trust that you won't hide things from me again?"

I took his hand in mine, looking earnestly into his eyes. "Yes, Arjun. I promise to be completely honest with you from now on. Let's work through this together, as a team."

He sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Alright, Angel. But no more secrets. We face everything together, good and bad."

He nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Let's go back inside and talk to Lea. We need to clear the air, and I need to understand her perspective as well."

As we walked back into the facility, I couldn't shake the weight of the situation. The path ahead seemed uncertain, but I was determined to rebuild the trust that had been shaken and ensure that our relationship emerged stronger from this ordeal.

Inside, Lea took a deep breath glancing nervously between Arjun and me. "Alright, fine. Vasanth and I met at college. We started as study buddies, but, you know, things changed. We became more than just friends. But Vasanth had a complicated family background, and he didn't want to introduce me to them until things were more stable."

She continued, her eyes flickering with a mixture of guilt and sincerity. "I was scared about how you guys would react, especially Dad. So, I asked Anni not to say anything until Vasanth was ready to break the news to his family and sort things out."

Arjun listened attentively, absorbing the details of Lea's revelation. "Why didn't you trust me enough to tell me, Lea?"

Lea sighed, "I know, Anna. I should have been more upfront. I was just afraid of losing everyone. I didn't want you to be disappointed in me or worried about Vasanth's family situation."

Arjun's expression softened as he sighed. "Lea, we're family. You shouldn't have kept something like this from us. We could have faced it together."

Lea nodded, acknowledging her mistake. "I understand now. I messed up, and I'm sorry. I just wanted to handle things on my own terms, but I see how it hurt you guys."

Arjun leaned back, running a hand through his hair. "We need to work on communication, Lea. You're not alone in this, and we can face whatever challenges come our way together."

I placed a supportive hand on Lea's shoulder. "We're here for you, Lea. Family sticks together through thick and thin."

Lea offered a small smile, appreciating our understanding. The atmosphere in the room felt lighter, the tension easing as we navigated the complexities of trust, secrets, and the bonds that held us together as a family.

Arjun leaned in slightly, his eyes narrowing with a seriousness that conveyed the weight of his words. "Vasanth, I've seen my sister hurt before, and I won't let it happen again. If you truly care about her, you better treat her with the respect and love she deserves. Break her heart, and you'll find out what it's like to face the consequences."

Vasanth stood there, caught between the weight of Arjun's warning and the reassurances from Lea and me. Arjun's expression remained stern, a testament to the protective instincts that flared up whenever family was involved.

Lea chimed in, her voice attempting to downplay the seriousness of the situation. "Arjun, come on, don't scare the poor guy. He's genuinely a good person, and we're taking things slow. No need for the big brother act."

I added with a smile, "Yeah, Vasanth, don't mind him. Arjun likes to play the overprotective brother card sometimes. It's just his way of showing he cares."

Arjun, however, maintained his intensity. "Vasanth, I'm not joking. Lea means the world to me, and I won't tolerate anything that might hurt her. If you're serious about this relationship, you better be serious about treating her right."

Vasanth, sensing the gravity of the moment, nodded earnestly. "I understand, Arjun. I care about Lea a lot, and I would never do anything to hurt her. I'll do my best to earn your trust."

Arjun's expression softened slightly, the severity of his warning giving way to a more measured gaze. "Good. Just remember, Lea's happiness is non-negotiable. If you make her happy, you'll have my support. If not, well, let's hope it doesn't come to that."

The room settled into a tense silence, the unspoken understanding lingering in the air. As we navigated the complexities of newfound relationships, Arjun's protective instincts remained a constant, a reminder that family bonds were not easily shaken.

Arjun couldn't help but shake his head in self-amusement, realizing that Lea's so-called "assignment meeting" was, in fact, her special project. "I should have figured it out earlier," he chuckled. "I mean, who wears lipstick to an assignment discussion?"

I couldn't help but join in the laughter, and the tension that had lingered from the earlier revelation seemed to dissipate in the light-hearted moment. It was a reminder that, despite the complexities of their relationships, humor and understanding could bring moments of clarity and connection.

"Anna you have to help me tell Appa about Vasanth"

Lea's request hung in the air, a weighty proposition that Arjun hesitated to take on. The strained relationship with his own father cast a long shadow over his ability to navigate such delicate family matters.

"I... I can't," Arjun began, choosing his words carefully. "You know our relationship isn't exactly the best, and involving me might complicate things further."

Lea's eyes pleaded with Arjun, a silent yet desperate call for his assistance. She took a deep breath before finally voicing her request, "Arjun, please. I need your help with this. I don't know how to do it alone, and I can't bear the thought of facing Dad's disappointment by myself."

Lea's voice wavered as she added, "I know you might not trust me right now, but you're still my brother. Please, for the sake of family."

I gently interjected placing my hand on his arm, "Arjun, maybe you should consider it. It's your family and she's asking for your support. You never know, it might make a difference."

"Alright, alright. I'll think about it."

Lea, seizing the opportunity to tease, added with a sly grin, "Well, well, Anna, seems like you listen to your wife after all. Who would've thought?"

Arjun rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips.

The operator, having witnessed the emotional exchange, stepped into the room, breaking the heavy silence that hung in the air. His presence was a gentle reminder of the ongoing activity, yet the weight of the family dynamics lingered.

"Such beautiful family moments are rare to witness. Now, if you're ready, we still have some time left for the activity. Would you like to proceed?" he asked, his tone considerate, giving them a moment to decide the course of their day.

The escape room beckoned them into its mysterious realm, the air charged with anticipation as the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit space adorned with enigmatic clues and puzzles. The atmosphere was both thrilling and eerie, a canvas awaiting the strokes of their collective wit.

Lea and Vasanth, along with Arjun and I, plunged into the challenge with fervor. The room seemed to close in around us, and the clock's ticking amplified the urgency of their quest. Shadows danced on the walls as we meticulously searched for clues, the soft glow of hidden messages inviting us to unravel the mystery.

A dusty bookshelf concealed a secret compartment, and the discovery of a worn-out journal hinted at the room's enigmatic history. The puzzles ranged from decoding cryptic symbols to manipulating intricate locks.

Arjun, studying an ornate puzzle on the wall, remarked, "Looks like decoding ancient hieroglyphs. Shruthi, any insights?"

Examining the symbols, I replied, "It might be related to the book we found earlier. Let me check."

The air buzzed with whispered speculations and triumphant exclamations as each puzzle fell prey to our collective intellect.

Lea, engrossed in deciphering a hidden message, exclaimed, "Got it! This points to a hidden compartment."

Vasanth, investigating the bookshelf, chimed in, "That might be the missing piece. Let's check it out."

As we worked through the puzzles, their conversations became a symphony of ideas and observations. Lea, casting a glance at Vasanth, playfully teased, "Not bad for a guy who claims to be bad at puzzles, huh?"

Vasanth chuckled, "Beginner's luck, I guess. Or maybe I just have an expert team."

Arjun, who had uncovered a series of interconnected clues, remarked, "Teamwork is key. We complement each other well."

Eyes twinkling, I added, "Exactly. We're like puzzle-solving superheroes."

The room echoed with laughter as we navigated each challenge, forming a bond strengthened by shared victories and moments of creative problem-solving.

As the minutes ticked away, the room transformed into a battlefield of wits, each of us contributing our unique strengths to overcome the challenges.

With the final puzzle solved, the door creaked open, and we emerged victorious. Lea grinned, "Looks like we make a pretty unstoppable team."

Arjun, smiling, replied, "Indeed. Who knew an escape room could bring out the best in us?"

As we stepped back into the daylight, the shared accomplishment lingered in their conversations, blending seamlessly with our laughter that continued to resonate through their unexpected adventure.
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