Shielding The Innocent - Nikl...

Door ForeverKeke07

42.5K 1.1K 33

Kelsey Claire is forced to return to the place she was born, because her sister is missing. Her only friend... Meer

Author's Note
Season 1 Cast
Chapter 1: Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 2 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

282 5 0
Door ForeverKeke07

It's been 7 years since Always and Forever ended. 7 Years and we are no closer to ridding the Mikaelson's of the Hollow. Josh, Vincent, Freya, Hayley, and I have been keeping the peace between the supernatural factions.

Marcel left 7 years ago to live a happy life with Rebekah. Her and him have been living in New York City together peacefully, without Mikaelson drama to tear them apart. They keep in touch often, thankfully. Rebekah is finally getting her happy ending and she definitely deserves it.

Davina and Kol, also, keep in close contact. They are living in Belize at the moment happily married. Pretty soon after Kol took in a portion of the Hollow he asked Davina to marry him. As soon as he left here he went and had an engagement ring made for her. They eloped with me as their witness. The twins were at school and Nik, Elijah, Rebekah, and the twins can't be around Kol anyway, so Davina and Kol decided to just tie the knot without the big wedding and reception. However, there was no way I would willingly miss my little sister's wedding.

Elijah has taken up residence in Manosque, France. Before he left New Orleans he had Marcel and Vincent compel him to forget his siblings and their vow. He knew that the pull to help Nik through the loss of me and the twins would be too much and the Hollow would use that. Hayley had went to France awhile ago to check in on him and he was playing the piano in a small pub. She said he seems happy and content with his life. The burden of the past and the cruel things he has locked away in his red door is lifted off his shoulders.

For the first two years I visited Nik while the twins were in school. He was slowly spiraling and although seeing me helped for a while, it just got worse. Freya and Vincent were running into dead end after dead end in trying to find a way to kill the Hollow and telling him that just got harder and harder. He started killing masses of people again and we would fight about it. He slowly started pushing me away and I eventually got tired of fighting him, until one day he broke things off with me. The girls struggle with him not being around and they started to resent that I could see him and they couldn't. So, we decided it was best that I stay in New Orleans and away from him.

At first we kept in contact via phone and astral-projection. Until something happened between him and the twins. I had asked continuously about what was going on but the girls just shook their heads and avoided the topic of their dad. I tried to get him to talk to them or me about it. He refused and once again, we were fighting. Eventually, he just pushed me and the twins away. Maybe it's easier on him that way. He doesn't answer my calls and he barely responds to my rare text updates. I hide my disappointment and pain in front of Bexley and Hope, because I know they are feeling the same.

"Okay, guys, if these don't prep your liver for Mardi Gras, then nothing will." The waitress/bartender at Rousseau's says as she sets down our drinks. Hayley, Josh, Freya, Vincent, and I are having a meeting.

"Ah, my liver was probably dead before I became a vampire." Josh says picking up his drink. "Thanks, Poppy." The waitress laughs and walks away.

"Okay, so, we should probably get back to Mardi Gras prep." Vincent suggests.

"Oh, come on, Vincent, we got this." Josh prompts. "Alright, it's gone off without a hitch for what, seven years now?"

"Josh, that's because we haven't taken it for granted in seven years." Vincent counters. "Let me remind you. Moments of prosperity are invariably followed by times of great pain, unless we remain vigilant."

"Thank you, Mr. Buzzkill." Freya muses.

"Okay, Freya, what you got?" He asks. "Mardi Gras prep."

"The witches will be working on their float in the City of the Dead." Freya answers.

"The werewolves in the Bayou." Hayley adds. She looks over to Josh, but he is engrossed in his phone.

"Josh?" Vincent calls.

"Yeah?" Josh asks looking up.

"This is where you're suppose to say that the vampires are gonna steer clear of both." Vincent says.

"Yeah, uh, actually, maybe, we should offer them some sort of incentive." He shrugs.

"Seven years of peace and prosperity not enough?" Hayley questions.

"It is, but we could always use more Daylight Rings." Josh explains.

"Is this a negotiation, Josh?" Vincent inquires. Josh's phone dings and he picks it up, but not before Vincent reads his screen. "Marcel?"

"You know what, first of all, reading that was very rude." Josh comments. "And second--"

"Josh, I don't know how many times I've told you that what goes on in this city is no longer any of Marcel Gerard's business, okay?" Vincent cuts him off. "And, guys, this is what I'm taking about. Marcel means Rebekah. Rebekah means Kol and Elijah. And I don't even wanna think about Klaus right now. 'Cause apparently, he's lost his mind." I clinch my jaw and send him a glare.

"Oh, come on, we don't know if those rumors are true." Freya defends him.

"I know that we need to make sure that they stay as far away from the city as possible." Vincent says. "And, Freya, I'd be Mr. Buzzkill if it means reminding everybody here that the magic that those four carry inside of them, if we just put two of them in the same place, it is a ticking bomb."

"Stop." I smack the table. "Nobody needs reminded. I'm reminded every morning when I wake up alone and every night when I go to sleep alone. I'm reminded when I look at my daughters, who are pissed off that their father can't come near them and refuses to even pick up the damn phone. I'm reminded every time I look at my left fucking hand. If the plan is to sit here and harp on the fact the my family in torn apart and the love of my life is off killing his way through Europe then you can do these meetings without me from now on." Vincent sighs and sits back in his chair and I down my drink.

The last seven years has left me pretty angry and they all knew it. I hide it well in front of the twins. But, I don't do well when Nik is brought up. Especially, with all the rumors that have spread about him.

"Relax." Hayley tells Vincent. "Okay, Marcel's in New York, Elijah is..."

"In amnesia land." Josh finishes for her, when she trails off. Losing Elijah hasn't been easy on her either.

"Right." Hayley says. "And Klaus is..."

"Not going to put his children in danger, no matter what rumors are swirling around about him." I grit. "We're fine."

"Declan sent these over to tide you over until your date tomorrow." Poppy says as she sits a plate of food in front of Hayley. Then, she pass me a drink. "And Davin sent this for you, in hopes that it'll persuade you into letting him take you out."

"Oh!" Vincent exclaims as we all turn and look at the brothers. They both smile at us. I smirk at Davin and shake my head. He's been trying to get me to go out with him for a while, but my answer is always the same.

"Oh, my God, I swear if you don't marry Declan, I will." Josh teases.

"Baby steps." Hayley smiles. "He's human. Life's complicated enough."

My phone vibrates and I look at it. "Hope and Bexley's school. Like Hayley said..." I stand and walk a few steps away to answer my phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, Ms. Claire. This is Alaric Saltzman. There has been an incident." He says.

"What kind of incident? Are the girls okay?" I inquire.

"Yes, they're fine." He reassures. "But, one of them gave their blood to another student in exchange for money and he used it to turn himself into a hybrid. This is a major offense that results in suspension and since Hope and Bexley won't fess up to which one actually did the transaction, I'm left to believe they acted together."

"Okay." I sigh, running my hand over my face in exhaustion and frustration. "I understand. I'll deal with it. See you soon, Mr. Saltzman."

"See you then, Ms. Claire."

I hang up and walk back to the table and stand behind Josh and Hayley. "I have to go get the girls from Mystic Falls. They've been suspended."

"Yikes." Josh hiss and then he passes me his shot of Bourbon.

"Thanks." I sigh, before knocking it back and putting the empty glass on the table.

"I'll go with you." Hayley volunteers. I nod and wave goodbye to Freya, Vincent, and Josh.


The car ride from picking up the twins was silent. I needed to think and get control of my anger before I talked to them about what they did. I had told Hayley everything on the way to Mystic Falls and she was in her head about how we were going to handle the fallout.

I storm into the Compound, leaving the twins to follow behind and Hayley to walk in on their heels. "Can you just yell at us already?" Hope asks. I clinch my jaw and stop walking, turning to face them. Hope is staring at me and Bexley is twiddling her thumbs. "Seven hours of hostile silence is punishment enough."

"The reason I sent you both to that school and the reason we call you Hope and Bexley Claire is so that you wouldn't draw attention to yourselves." I tell them sternly. "It is to keep you safe. Why would you do that? What could you possible need the money for?"

"That's our business." Hope sasses.

"Actually, no." I deny. "I'm you're mother. When you are selling your blood, you are making it my business. You had no right to do what you both did."

"You're being a hypocrite." Hope snaps. "You're the one that taught us, my body, my choice. Well, my blood, my choice."

"The two of you aren't just anybody, Hope." I walk up to her. "Do either of you even understand what you've done?"

"Henry came to us." Bexley finally speaks up.

"That's no excuse. You should have told him no." I counter. "Henry was already having problems fitting in, and now, he gets to be one of five hybrids in the entire world. He is going to be seen as a threat by everyone in the city. Neither of you have any idea what you've done. You can't create something without taking responsibility for it."

"What are you gonna do?" Hope taunts. "Ground us? Lock us up? We'll just whammy ourselves out. We're witches."

"And I'm you're mother." I snap at her. "And that means that tomorrow you're Aunt Hayley and I are going to have to clean up the mess you've both made before it gets worse. You both owe your Aunt an apology for the backlash she's going to have to face." I turn and go upstairs to my room.


I leave the twins at home and head to Rousseau's. Hayley had to go apologize to Declan for standing him up for their date and I am suppose to meet her there. We are driving out to the Bayou to Lisina's house to trying and correct Hope and Bexley's mistake, starting with Henry's Aunt.

"Well, hello." Davin greets falling into step next to me. "You left before I could ask you on a date yesterday."

"I did." I smirk at him. "Something came up with the twins."

"Is everything okay?" He asks, genuinely concerned.

"Nothing I can't handle." I nod at him. "But thank you for the drink."

"And you're answer...?" He urges.

"It's going to be the same as the last dozen times you've asked." I chuckle and hold up my left hand. "Davin, we've been through this. I'm engaged."

"Ah, but I've never seen the bloke." He points out. "I'm not convinced he's real. Actually, I'm beginning to think you wear that ring to toy with me."

"Oh no, you totally caught me." I roll my eyes in amusement. "I spent a bunch of money on a ring just to deter you. It doesn't seem to be working though, does it?"

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "When I see something I want, I'm determined."

"Don't I know it." I sigh sending him a friendly smile. "But there really is a man I'm engaged to. And you haven't seen him around because it's complicated and messy. But he does exist and I'm very much in love with him."

"All I'm saying is you deserve someone present." He shrugs.

"I appreciate your concern but like I said it's complicated."

"I hope he's worth it." He smirks.

"Kelsey!" Hayley yells waving me over from across the street of Rousseau's.

"Believe me he is." I smile at Hayley as I answer him. "See you later."

I jog across the street, looking both ways. Hayley is already in the driver's side, so I hurry and jump in the passengers.

"You looked like you needed a quick getaway." Hayley smirks.

"Yeah, he doesn't give up." I chuckle.

"Neither does his brother." Hayley tells me pulling out onto the street and heading towards the Bayou. "Declan forgave me for standing him up, even checked in on the twins. But he through around the 'boyfriend' term again."

"Would that be so bad? To except that, basically, he is your boyfriend?" I question her.

"I've only been on a few dates with him." She scoffs. "Besides, Hybrid and a human? That's complicated."

"Cami wasn't complicated." I point out.

"Cami ended up a vampire and then she died." Hayley counters.

"Maybe." I shrug. "But she embraced this life and I like to think she didn't regret it."

"Yeah, well, then there is Cami." Hayley sighs. "I'd have to tell him about her. Which will always make me the person that told him how his cousin really died. It's a mess and I don't know that I even want a relationship. I mean, what about you? You could say yes and go out with Davin."

"That wouldn't be fair to me, Nik, Davin, or the twins." I tell her. "Besides, I'm not interested in that way."

"The twins have told you you should."

"Not because they mean it." I shake my head. "They're just mad at Nik... like I am. I don't know what to do anymore. He doesn't talk to me. He barely answers my texts." I look at me phone. "Like now. The twins are clearly going through something, and he can't be bothered." I create a new message directed to Rebekah. 'The twins are acting like strangers.' I hit send and start typing again. 'NIK NEEDS TO CALL ME!!!' I hit send again and groan in frustration. "The rumors are horrifying enough and as much as I would love to not believe them, I do. Nik without Elijah, without his family, is a paranoid and emotionless Nik. He's lost hope of getting rid of the Hollow and he's completely pushed me away."

"Maybe it's time to let go." Hayley suggests.

"I'm just not ready." I shrug. Hayley nods in understanding, because she isn't ready to say goodbye to Elijah. My phone dings and I open Rebekah's message 'I know someone who can track him down.'.


"Is Hope and Bexley proud of themselves?" Lisina snarks at me as we stand on her porch. Lisina and Henry live in the Bayou right on the water in a small run-down house. "Henry's barely home, and we're getting threats. The vampires will never trust him, and how long before the pack turns on him?"

"The pack will adjust." Hayley steps in. "Henry doesn't need to be afraid of anything."

"Have you been at the top of the Alpha heap so long, that you don't get how this works?" She throws at Hayley. Then, she looks at me. "Your daughters put a target on his back."

"If we work together, we can limit the damage." I tell her.

"For ten years, I've been all the family this boy has." Lisina says. "I'm not letting him down now by trusting the wrong people." She glances at Hayley. "Alpha or no."

"You can trust me. I swear." Hayley promises.

"Tell me one thing." She crosses her arms. "Are the two of you here as Crescents or as Mikaelsons'?"

"I'm here as a mom." I correct her. "My kids messed up, big time. I can't change that. But I can try and make up for it."

"With help." Hayley nods.


When I got home, I went to the twin's room. They aren't in here, but I needed to do laundry. What really concerns me is what I found. Two passports that I didn't know they had.

As they walk into the room, I hold up the passports. "Going somewhere? Is this what you guys needed the money for?"

"Now, you're snooping through our things?" Bexley scoffs as they both grab their passports from my hand.

   "Laundry." I deadpan. "Where are you planning on going?"

   "I met a guy online." Hope lies. "He is in a band, and he lives in London. He says he's 25, but he seems older. Bexley's going with me to be safe. See we're responsible."  

   "You guys are wanting to see your dad." I sigh in realization.

   "We know it's stupid." Hope says and they sit down on Hope bed. I sit in between them. "He obviously doesn't care, but we just thought maybe if the three of us were in the same place for even a little while-"

   "It's not stupid." Bexley tells her.

   "Bexley's right, it's not." I sigh. "He loves you both. But he knows that being near you guys puts you in danger."

   "A phone call wouldn't." Bexley mutters.

   "Listen." I tell them. "I really hope one day that you guys will talk in person. I really do. But until then, try not to judge him too harshly."

   "So, we can't judge our deadbeat dad, but you can judge us?" Hope questions.

   "I've never judged you guys, and I'm not now." I deny. "I judge your actions. I'm your mom. I love you guys, and I would forgive you for anything, but that's not a blank check for bad behavior."

   "We did one thing." Bexley defends.

   "Hope! Bexley!" Henry's panicked voice floats through the Compound.

   We quickly stand and walk out of the room to find Henry in the Courtyard downstairs covered in blood and holding the dead body of Poppy. Hayley comes out of the study below us and sees Henry. She sends me a nervous look, that mirrors mine.

   "I made a mistake." He stutters. I slowly look over at the twins. Their breathing has picked up and I can sense the anxiety and devastation on them. Their expressions panicked.


   It doesn't take long for the vampire to show up. Thankfully, Hayley and I were able to get Henry upstairs and Lisina here before they did. Greta, a vampire, is basically leading the group standing in front of me and Josh is here because he spear heads all the vampires. Just like Hayley handles the werewolves and Freya and Vincent handle the witches and the humans. I pretty much go where I'm needed, since I connected to all factions, but the humans.

   "No one wants any trouble, Hayley and Kelsey. We just want the hybrid." Greta reasons.

   "You're not getting Henry." Lisina states, her eyes changing.

   "Let me handle this." Hayley intersects, stopping Lisina from doing anything.

    "Remember that that hybrid is just a kid." Josh says to the pissed off vampires, trying to defuse the situation. He turns back to us. "But Poppy was just trying to walk home from work, and she was our friend."

   "He's not going anywhere." Lisina denies.

   "Hayley, you might not have a choice." Josh says.

   "We need to be rational." Hayley counters.

   "Should they go back and tell Poppy's mother her daughter's killer is free, but at least we were rational?" Greta sneers.

   "Peace is complicated." Hayley tells her. "We haven't had it all this time because we've been perfect. We've had it because we haven't overreacted when we're not. Revenge isn't justice. Do we really want to sacrifice a kid to assuage our fear?"

   "He's not a kid, he's a hybrid." Greta disagrees. "With the power to kill any vampire he chooses."

    "He's a child who has been turned into something he hasn't controlled yet." I cut in. "I'm not excusing it, I'm just saying."

   "Kelsey and I are hybrids." Hayley points out. "We're not threats to anyone, and after we teach Henry self-control, he won't be, either. Look, every death is a tragedy. And I'm truly sorry for Poppy and her family. But we've evolved beyond an eye for an eye mentality. This is a test. Don't throw away all we've accomplished."


   I step outside to find Hayley hanging up the phone. "Hey." She says startled.

   "Hey." I smile. "Sorry. I was coming out here to try Nik for the millionth time."

   "Declan." She sighs holding up her phone.

   "Another missed date." I suck in my breath.

   "Complicated." Hayley nods. "Hopefully I'll just be late this time."

   Something catches Hayley's eye over my shoulder. Scrunching my eyebrows at her expression I quickly turn and see the twins muttering under their breath at the end of the alley. I take a step towards them before feeling lightheaded and falling to the concrete, Hayley landing next to me.


Freya's Point of View

   Walking into the Courtyard I see Hope sitting in a chair drawing and Bexley laying across the couch reading a book. I clear my throat preparing myself to tell them, Kelsey, and Hayley that I'm going to go spend some time with Keelin. I miss her terribly and if I don't take the opportunity to see her, I fear I may lose her. And just because I'm there and not here doesn't mean I have to stop searching for a way to get the Hollow out of my siblings.

   "Hey, jailbirds." I smile at my nieces. "I got some news about me and Keelin. Where's your mom?"

   "I don't know." Hope shrugs.

   "She said she'd only be gone a couple of minutes, but then never came back." Bexley reports not looking away from her book.

   "And where'd she go?" I ask in confusion.

   "Outside, to make a call." Hope answers. Her eyes trail behind me and widen. "Aunt Freya."

   I turn and look at the fountain in the middle of the Courtyard. Blood replaces the water, painting everything red.

   "I'm going to go check on your mom." I tell them. "Stay here."

   I walk out the door and into the alley. I look down both ways and see nothing. No sign of Kelsey. My foot hits something and I look down. The twins picture stares up at me, with a crack running across the screen. I quickly pick up Kelsey's phone, before another phone catches my attention. Scrunch my eyebrows I grab that one too. I unlock it and find Hayley's background, letting me know it's her phone. My heart starts racing. I look down the alley again and head inside quickly.

   Hope and Bexley are standing at the fountain watching the blood water. "I found these in the alley." I hold the cracked phones out for the girls to see and Bexley grabs Hayley's and Hope grabs Kelsey's. Worry washes over their faces. Kelsey's phone starts ringing, 'Nik' flashing across the screen.

   Hope's finger slowly slides the answer button and Bexley quickly hits speaker. "Dad?" Hope says. There's no answer, just silence.

   "Dad?" Bexley repeats.

   "I was looking for your mother." Klaus breathes out.

   "Yes, so are we." Hope swallows.

   "We don't know where they are." Bexley chimes in. "Aunt Hayley and her are missing."

   After a lengthy pause he says. "I'm on my way." And then he hangs up.

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