Chapter 17

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Hayley and I enter the Mad Crow Diner in the Appalachian Mountains. Nik is standing at the bar on his phone.

"If you find him, don't hesitate." He says and then he hangs up the phone.

"The twins are asleep. They closed their eyes as soon as Mary started the car." I tell him. "I doubt they'll miss either of us over the next few days."

We had to find someone we trust to watch the twins, so we could deal with our Lucien situation. We have no idea why his company is tracking wolves, but the plan is to find out.

"So which of these Kingmaker offices should we hit up first?" Hayley questions out loud. "There's ten of them." Nik stares between the two of us as we look at the map. When he doesn't answer we look at him and Hayley adds. "What?"

"Lucien has revealed his true nature." Nik states. "He's taken Freya." I scrunch my eyebrows in concern. Annoyance and worry clear on my face. I never liked Lucien, he has been shady since the unfortunate day I met him. "Now it seems her rescue depends on Elijah working with my ever-reliable brother Finn."

"And you want to go back to New Orleans to head up the hunt." I conclude. He sighs. "That's okay. You should go look for your sister. Hayley and I can investigate Kingmaker facilities."

Hayley nods. "Lucien's working very hard to cover up these wolf kidnappings and I wanna know why." We push away from the bar, ready to leave, but Nik grabs my wrist lightly, stopping me.

"No." He denies. "The wolves, Freya's abduction, it can't all be a coincidence. We'll let my brothers pursue the obvious path. The three of us will pursue this one. No doubt all roads lead to the same treacherous bastard." He points at the list of facilities.

"I'd bet on it." I state.


We pull up to another brick building and get out of the car. We have already checked several and came up empty handed. Now we are in front another location in Lexville, Tennessee.

"Does he just build these from a kit or something?" Hayley questions as we approach the facility that looks identical to the last ones. "They're the exact same for the last five offices. Same windows, same plants."

"And inside same generic abstract art, same compellable receptionist." Nik says.

"Are you sure you don't want to ditch and go help your brothers?" I inquire, knowing that him not helping Freya bothers him. "We can handle this."

"And split up the team now?" He smirks. "Just when I'm discovering that the two of you have car pool karaoke skills? I think not." Hayley and I chuckle with smiles as he teases us. "No, Lucien is playing a game here. Each unassuming little office building we search, the more sure I am of it. We keep going. Together. Even if we have to scour a hundred of these poxy places."

"Just so you know, this new attitude about team worker is making you very attractive." I flirt, smirking at him and he laughs lightly.

"Oh, really?" He asks and I shrug, still smiling.

"Okay, Okay, enough of that." Hayley groans. "I'm not going to be three wheel in your nauseating flirting."

"Would you rather I flirt with you?" I tease.

"No." Hayley and Nik deny in unison. I burst into laughter at their faces. Hayley's in disbelief and Nik's holds slight jealously.

Still amused I walk ahead and into the building. Hayley and Nik trail behind me. We enter and walk down a hallway that has a door and the end. Nik holds the door open for Hayley and I to pass through, before he enters himself. There's a reception desk with a woman sitting behind it and a small waiting area to the left.

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