Evermore // Bran Stark

By rissarosewrites

152K 5.4K 271

Amelia Baratheon the eldest daughter of Cersei and Robert, Twin of Joffrey gets set up with Robb Stark on the... More

1. Lioness
2. Bundle of Nerves
3. Marry me
4. Dance with me
5. Joff is a liar
6. Tear him apart
7. Uncle
8. Climb
9. Oh Slap
10. Bittersweet Goodbyes
11. Protector
12. Summer
13. Not Loyal
14. Tell Me Now
15. Rather be Dead
16. Ranger
17. Rich Cripple
18. Protect You
19. Warmer
20. My property
21. Seven Hells
22. My Blood
23. Stupid
24. Pain
25. Call our banners
26. Deal
27. Every breath
28. Envy
29. Eddard
30. Panic
31. Puff of smoke
32. Your Princess
33. Avenge
34. Freezing
35. You Flirt
36. I love you
37. Theon
38. Jaime
39. On your own
40. Rotting
41. Only thing that Matters
42. Black Magic
43. Frey
44. Kill Me
45. Sends their regards
46. Always a Lannister
47. Cages
48. Tanner
49. I lied
50. Chickens
51. Gone
52. Hodor
53. Fight. Win.
54. Honor
55. Promise
56. Joffrey Is dead
57. Hold the Door
58. Lia Clegane
59. Oathkeeper
60. Not Theon
61. Bolton's
62. I don't like You
64. Crush
65. Surrender
66. Protect
67. We all Fall
68. Way to My Heart
69. I Forbid It!
70. I Could Never Hate You
71. Victory
72. Blades
73. Every Single Time
74. Crime
75. Desperate
76. Worth It
77. All True
78. My Mind and Me
79. Who's The Wolf Now
80. Collide
81. Drop The Attitude
82. For Love
83. Not Here, Here
84. Pretty & Vicious
85. Fearless
87. Loyalty
88. Rumor
89. Ravens
90. Mysterious
91. Crazy
92. Bran the Broken
93. Selfish
94. Fairy Tale

86. Taste Like Sunshine

1.2K 54 2
By rissarosewrites

Amelia ran past the burn in her legs, the breath in her lungs begging her to stop but she couldn't. Blade in hand she ran, and kept running, she heard the groans and moans of pain as the iron fleet was falling before her. she saw Bran as pushed harder and faster, her body screaming at her to stop, to drop dead of exhaustion from this whole day but she pushed past that feeling.

Screams rang out as Theon and his men fought the walkers. Bran sat in the middle of it all. Theon looked to bran just as bran came back into his body. Walkers stood back watching and waiting. The night king stood waiting as well. The night king was focused on bran.

'Theon' Bran said. 'You're a good man. Thank you.' The night king took a step forward and theon charged at him spear ready but the night king was quick stabbing theon through the stomach. He fell to his knees before falling completely to the ground. Bran and the night king stared each other down silently as he got closer.

The night king reached for his weapon to end Bran once and for all, but Amelia came leaping down on top of him. He grabbed her by the neck she dropped the blade catching it in her opposite hand before stabbing him with the velaryian steel. Killing him. The rest of his army fell. Amelia dropped down to her knees before Bran, they did it.

She pulled the blade free. This was the blade... she looked to Bran.

"I really thought that was it." Bran admitted. 

"What a shit fairy tale that would be." Amelia remarked leaning into his legs exhausted and relived. "I'm so glad you are okay." Amelia whispered. 

"You did it Amelia. You saved me." Bran whispered. 

"I keep telling you all you would be dead without me." Amelia whimpered as she looked up to him. He wiped the tears from her eyes. "I... I was really scared." Amelia whispered grabbing onto his hand. 

"You were fearless." Bran corrected. "I saw you, I saw you and it terrified me."

"Well, we both scared each other, maybe we don't risk our lives anymore?" Amelia asked hopefully. "We live in la, la land and drink rum on the beach with our feet in the water until we prune." 

"I like that idea." Bran remarked. 

"Yeah?" Amelia asked. "Because I love the north, I do because you are here but I miss-"

"the sun." Bran remarked. "I never had that problem when I was with you." Bran informed her. 

"You are used to the snow." Amelia whispered standing up and collapsing into him. 

"Yes, but it's because you taste like sunshine." Bran whispered kissing her. 

"That was really cheesy and I loved it." Amelia informed him seriously as she kissed him again. She put the blade in her lap as she wrapped her arms around him. His fingers grazed the blade.

"The blade that almost killed me... you saved me from it and now you used it to save me." Bran remarked. 

"Arya dropped it." Amelia remarked. "I was cornered and grabbed it... I didnt realize at the time what blade it was." Amelia admitted.

 "A lot of memories tied to this blade," Bran remarked as he tipped his head into hers. "When you saw it... I didnt think you would want it, but..."

"I am going to give it back to Arya." Amelia assured. "I won't be needing it for our fairy tale ending, right?" 


The number of dead were endless it seemed but they were still alive. They still lived to fight another day.

'We are here to say goodbye to my brothers and sisters our fathers and mothers to our friends.' Jon declared. They got to live another day, another battle. 'our fellow men and women who set aside their differences together... together everyone in this world owes them a debt that will never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath they were the shield they guided the realms of men... And we shall never see their light again.' Everyone else stood silent paying respect to their fallen friends and family. Men and women alike stepped forward with torches ready to set their friends a flame. Arya stepped forward and lit berics body aflame. 

Rickon leaned back into Amelia as little fires lit up before them. 

"I'm glad you are alright." Rickon whispered as she wrapped her arms around him. 

"I wasn't worried for a moment." Amelia mused kissing his cheek. 

"Did you see that Bran? Your girl is flirting with me." Rickon teased giving him a nudge. 

"You are shameless." Amelia murmured. 

"It is my job as little brother to torment Bran at any and every opportunity.  You being so wonderful, gives me plenty of opportunities." Rickon informed her seriously. 

"Bran knows he is king of my heart."

"Wasn't worried for a moment." Bran agreed.


'To the dragon queen!' tormond yelled.

'To Amelia Lannister the hero of winterfell!' dany countered rising a glass to her. Amelia glanced back down at her plate though. 

"You did it." Sandor reminded her. "Don't hide your head, milk it." 

"I killed the big bad guy, I could have easily died and Bran gotten killed. I got lucky.' Amelia murmured. 

"You killed the fucking night King, a king." Sandor corrected. "Gorgeous..." Then he realized why she was hiding her head. "Your last name doesnt define you." Sandor reminded her. 

"It feels like it does." Amelia countered. "They are going to war against my mother. Anytime anyone says Lannister, it's like... it feels like this sin. Just saying the name, feels like the worst sin of all." Amelia muttered. 

"Then talk to the little lord, I'm sure he would gladly make you a Stark again." Sandor offered tipping his cup to hers. 

"I said I missed the sun and he said he didnt because I tasted like sunshine." Amelia told him softly and Sandor glanced down at her, seeing the lovesick smile on her face. 

"And thought that was the cutest thing ever." Sandor offered. 

"It was." Amelia agreed smiling back at him.  "I loved it."

"You love him? I assume so because you ran out and damn near gave me another heart attack." Sandor reminded her. 

"I do. I really do." Amelia agreed. 

'Too many fucking starks,' sandor grumbled as sansa sat across from them.

'you don't look happy,' sansa said sitting opposite of sandor.

'There is only One thing that could make me happy.' Sandor told sansa.

'What is that?'

'None of your fucking business...' sansa stared at him. 'before you couldn't look at me, now you can't stop staring.' Sandor grumbled. 

"Thank you Amelia." Sansa remarked. "You have not only saved both my brothers but Arya said she would have been dead if you were not there... I misjudged you. For that I'm sorry." Sansa informed her. "I'm sorry it took me so long to see it."

"I forgive you." Amelia told her softly. 

"Really?" Sansa countered. 

"No, but we can pretend until it is." Amelia offered and Sandor chuckled. 

'I heard you were broken and heard you were broken in rough.' He told Sansa.

'And he got what he deserved I gave it to him.' sansa told him


'Hounds' she told him and sandor grinned as Amelia leaned into him. 

"I thought you would like that." Amelia remarked. 

'You've changed a little bird' Sandor told her 'none of it would've happened if you left Kings Landing with me no little finger no Ramsay none of it' sandor reminded her.

'Without Ramsay and little finger I would've stayed a little bird all my life' she told him getting up and walking away.


"I got you an apple tart.' Amelia remarked holding it out to Bran. "I had to basically sell my soul but I thought you deserved it." 

"Sell your soul did you?" Bran mused pulling her to him. 

"I think this is the comfiest chair in all of Westeros." Amelia remarked settling into his lap. 

"Then you must always sit right here." Bran agreed kissing her as he broke the tart in half. 

'This is clever even better than the saddle I designed for you,' tyrion said admiring brans wheelchair.

'It is the same model that a Targaryen used hundreds of years ago for his crippled son, I liked that story.' Bran told him.

'You know history better than anyone it will be useful as lord of Winterfell.' Tyrion told him.

'I am not lord of Winterfell.' Bran reminded him.

'You are the only true born son of Ned Stark left..." Tyrion remarked looking between Amelia and Bran. "You don't want it though?''

'I don't really want anymore' bran told him as Amelia tipped her head into him. 'Well, I want someone. I want her constantly.' Bran told her and Amelia blushed.

'I envy you,' tyrion told him.

'you shouldn't envy me I mainly look to the past.' Bran told him.

''And Bran can't be lord of winterfell," Amelia remarked. "Because I am already planning our future and it does not involve snow." 

"Oh?" Tyrion mused. "Where might my lovely niece be going?" 

"Somewhere she can taste the sunshine too." Bran informed him. 

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