Evermore // Bran Stark

By rissarosewrites

153K 5.5K 271

Amelia Baratheon the eldest daughter of Cersei and Robert, Twin of Joffrey gets set up with Robb Stark on the... More

1. Lioness
2. Bundle of Nerves
3. Marry me
4. Dance with me
5. Joff is a liar
6. Tear him apart
7. Uncle
8. Climb
9. Oh Slap
10. Bittersweet Goodbyes
11. Protector
12. Summer
13. Not Loyal
14. Tell Me Now
15. Rather be Dead
16. Ranger
17. Rich Cripple
18. Protect You
19. Warmer
20. My property
21. Seven Hells
22. My Blood
23. Stupid
24. Pain
25. Call our banners
26. Deal
27. Every breath
28. Envy
29. Eddard
30. Panic
31. Puff of smoke
32. Your Princess
33. Avenge
34. Freezing
35. You Flirt
36. I love you
37. Theon
38. Jaime
39. On your own
40. Rotting
41. Only thing that Matters
42. Black Magic
43. Frey
44. Kill Me
45. Sends their regards
46. Always a Lannister
47. Cages
48. Tanner
49. I lied
50. Chickens
51. Gone
52. Hodor
53. Fight. Win.
54. Honor
55. Promise
56. Joffrey Is dead
57. Hold the Door
58. Lia Clegane
59. Oathkeeper
60. Not Theon
61. Bolton's
62. I don't like You
64. Crush
65. Surrender
66. Protect
67. We all Fall
68. Way to My Heart
69. I Forbid It!
70. I Could Never Hate You
71. Victory
72. Blades
73. Every Single Time
74. Crime
75. Desperate
76. Worth It
78. My Mind and Me
79. Who's The Wolf Now
80. Collide
81. Drop The Attitude
82. For Love
83. Not Here, Here
84. Pretty & Vicious
85. Fearless
86. Taste Like Sunshine
87. Loyalty
88. Rumor
89. Ravens
90. Mysterious
91. Crazy
92. Bran the Broken
93. Selfish
94. Fairy Tale

77. All True

1.3K 54 0
By rissarosewrites

Amelia woke to Rickon snoring next to her. She got up slipping her shoes back on as she headed to Bran's room.  She knocked on his door gently she didnt hear a reply so she peered in. He looked fast asleep. She started to close the door when he called out. 

"Come here." Bran said opening his eyes. Amelia came in closing the door as she curled into him. 

"I just want you to know, I slept with Rickon." Amelia informed him calmly. Bran stared back at her as she ran a ran up and down his ribs. "Now, knowing Rickon he is going to come in making ludacris proclamations and I just want you to know that they are all true." Amelia teased smiling up at him.

"Do I have to beat up Rickon?" Bran questioned as she kissed him. 

"I don't know, do you..." Amellia mused kissing him again. "He is rather cute but-" Bran kissed her as she laughed into him. She had a big smile on her face as he pulled away. "What did Sansa have to say?" Amelia whispered. 

"Nothing." Bran breathed out as he held her closer. 

"Seemed awfully urgent for nothing." Amelia countered gently. 

"It doesnt matter because it's not happening." Bran assured her. 

"She wants me to leave." Amelia both asked and stated. 

"You are not leaving." Bran reminded her. "I want you here. Rickon too. I don't care what she has to say. It doesnt change the fact that I want you. I want you here." Bran assured kissing her again and again until her lips were numb.


It felt like an eternity walking to get to the queen. Tyrion got to cersei quarters only to see Jaime outside her door.

'You spoke with her?'

'At her.' Jamie corrected 'until she kicked me out... cersei always called me the stupidest lannister'

'I'm about to step into a room with most murderous woman in the world who's already tried to kill me twice that I know of... Who's the idiot?' Tyrion questioned

'Then I guess we should say goodbye one idiot to another.' Jamie suggested. Before allowing his brother to pass he pat his back. 

"Jaime." Tyrion said turning back around. "Amelia... Jon Snow told me she is safe. She is at winterfell." Jaime stared back at him a moment longer. 

"She is at winterfell." Tyrion nodded. "Why didnt she come home? Why not bring her back?" Jaime demanded. "Cersei thought her dead, I thought her dead, why is she there and not here! With her family?" Tyrion didnt have an answer for him. 

"Hope Cersei doesnt kill me, we all go north and you can pick her up." Tyrion offered turning around. Jaime stared back at him as Tyrion closed the door. 

'I shouldn't be surprised I suppose she is your type of woman.' Cersei remarked 'a foreign whore.'

'A foreign whore you cannot abduct beat or intimidate that must be difficult for you.' Tyrion told her.

'So you bring her here with her pet and you bow down before her'

'I didn't know-' Tyrion tried

'We are both working towards the same goal the goal you worked towards your entire life-'

'Cersei I did not know.'

'-Obstruction of this family.' Cersei told him

'I am the one preventing that from happening!' Tyrion said 'Daenerys did not want to debate and negotiate she did not want to bring you word she wanted to bring you fire and blood until I advised her otherwise.' Tyrion said 'I don't want to burn our family, I never have.'

'You killed our father.'

'After he sentenced me to death for a crime I didn't commit.' Tyrion reminded her 'yes I killed him hate me for it if you want I hate myself for it despite of what he was, in spite of what he did to me.'

'Oh poor little man, people are always mean to you. Do you have any idea what you did when you fired that crossbow? You left us open the pf the Lannister, the vultures and the vultures came and tore us apart.' Cersei spat 'you may not have killed Joffrey but you killed Marcella and you killed Tommen. You killed Amelia.  No one would've touched them if father was here no one would've dared.'

'I've never been more sorry.' Tyrion said coming up to the desk.

'I will not here it.'


'I will not hear it!' she shouted 'not from you'

'All right. You love your family. And I have destroyed it. I will always be a threat so put an end to me.' Tyrion suggested Cersei looked over at the Mountain. ' if it weren't for me you would have a mother, if it weren't for me you would have a father, if it weren't for me you would have two beautiful children, I have thought about killing you more times than I can count.' he marched over to the mountain 'do it say the word'

Cersei sat back down though and tyrion could breathe again. Tyrion poured himself a drink drinking it down before pouring Cersei one as well he put it on the desk in front of her.

'I am more sorry about the children and you can imagine.' Tyrion told her


'I don't care you know I love them, you know it in your heart if there's anything left of it.' Tyrion said "Amelia, she is my favorite. You can't blame her death on me." Cersei glared back at him. "Robert demanded her marry Robb Stark. She is also not dead." Tyrion informed her and Cersei's jaw slacked. "Oh, yes, you see if you killed me- lucky for you, you didnt.' Tyrion remarked taking a long sip. "She is safe and sound." 


"Winterfell." Cersei scoffed. 

"She is a prisoner again and you call that safe and sound." Cersei spat. "You come here, making demands, you and your whore all while Amelia is a prisoner again at Winterfell!" 

"She is a guest." 

"She said the same about Mycella and look how that turned out!" Cersei shouted. 'I'm not helping my enemies collaborate against us! They have my daughter, I will end them all.'

'Yes, no, not what you hoped for but you must've hoped for something.' Tyrion remarked

'What did you hope for?' Cersei asked 'to make Jon Snow submit to your queen?'

'Not like this.'

'But eventually you wanted him to bend the knee to her?' Cersei remarked

'Yes.' Tyrion admitted

'Why?' cersei sneered

'Because I think she will make the world a better place.'

'You said she would destroy Kings Landing.' Cersei reminded him. 'That doesn't seem like a better place to me. Keeping my daughter hostage doesnt sound like a better place!'

'She knows herself... she chose her council, people are who would check her worst impulses instead of feeding them that's the difference between you and me.'

'I don't care about checking my worst impulses.' Cersei told him 'I don't care about making the world a better place. I am the world.' she said a hand on her stomach 'that thing you dragged here I know what it is I know what it means and when it came at me I didn't think about the world not at all... as soon as it opened its mouth the world disappeared right down it's black throat. all I could think about keeping those mashing teeth away from the ones that I care about most, away from my family...' Cersei told him slowly. 'maybe Greyjoy had the right idea get on a boat take those who matter...'

'You're pregnant.' tyrion remarked.

"I want Amelia back." Cersei demanded. "I thought she was dead. I want my daughter back. I don't want her to be a hostage any longer." 

"Work with us. They will attack the north first, that is where-"

"That's why." Cersei realized. "thats why you didnt bring her. Trying to blackmail me into helping. Amelia is at winterfell and the north will be under attack first. How do I even know she is alive and this isnt just a ruse?"

"You have to trust me."

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