Evermore // Bran Stark

By rissarosewrites

172K 6.5K 326

Amelia Baratheon the eldest daughter of Cersei and Robert, Twin of Joffrey gets set up with Robb Stark on the... More

1. Lioness
2. Bundle of Nerves
3. Marry me
4. Dance with me
5. Joff is a liar
6. Tear him apart
7. Uncle
8. Climb
9. Oh Slap
10. Bittersweet Goodbyes
11. Protector
12. Summer
13. Not Loyal
14. Tell Me Now
15. Rather be Dead
16. Ranger
17. Rich Cripple
18. Protect You
19. Warmer
20. My property
21. Seven Hells
22. My Blood
23. Stupid
24. Pain
25. Call our banners
26. Deal
27. Every breath
28. Envy
29. Eddard
30. Panic
31. Puff of smoke
32. Your Princess
33. Avenge
34. Freezing
35. You Flirt
36. I love you
37. Theon
38. Jaime
39. On your own
40. Rotting
41. Only thing that Matters
42. Black Magic
43. Frey
44. Kill Me
45. Sends their regards
46. Always a Lannister
47. Cages
48. Tanner
49. I lied
50. Chickens
51. Gone
52. Hodor
53. Fight. Win.
54. Honor
55. Promise
56. Joffrey Is dead
57. Hold the Door
58. Lia Clegane
59. Oathkeeper
60. Not Theon
61. Bolton's
62. I don't like You
64. Crush
65. Surrender
66. Protect
67. We all Fall
68. Way to My Heart
69. I Forbid It!
70. I Could Never Hate You
71. Victory
72. Blades
73. Every Single Time
74. Crime
76. Worth It
77. All True
78. My Mind and Me
79. Who's The Wolf Now
80. Collide
81. Drop The Attitude
82. For Love
83. Not Here, Here
84. Pretty & Vicious
85. Fearless
86. Taste Like Sunshine
87. Loyalty
88. Rumor
89. Ravens
90. Mysterious
91. Crazy
92. Bran the Broken
93. Selfish
94. Fairy Tale

75. Desperate

1.5K 66 14
By rissarosewrites

Epiphany // Alicent Hightower out now!!

Amelia had never seen Bran while in a vision. She tried to wake him up confused when Rickon came in with some food.

"Don't worry." Rickon told her and she looked up to him.

"Don't worry?" Amelia countered. "What's happening?"

"He has the sight, he tell you that?" Rickon asked nonchalantly as though Bran wasnt in a slightly comatose state.

"He did..." Amelia agreed slowly. "but..."

"He goes elsewhere in his mind." Rickon remarked. "I dont really understand it but then he comes back and he's fine."

"O... kay..." Amelia agreed staring down at Bran. "How long does he usually?"

"Different each time." Rickon remarked. "He used to be in and out quick but I think he's gotten better at it since I last saw him." Rickon held out an apple for her. "Eat." he instructed. She took it from him, turning it in her hands but she stared down at Bran. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her the longer stayed like that.

"Amelia..." Rickon said reaching over Bran and touching her arm. "He's okay."

"Where does he go? How does he..."

"He went into Summer before, ravens to I think but before that was more accidental." Rickon remarked.

"And he just... sees what they see? Controls them?"

"Both." Rickon offered.

"What do you think he's looking at?" Amelia asked.

"Could be anything." Rickon remarked. Rickon watched her worried face as she stared down at Bran. "Could be anywhere in westeros. What a life." Rickon remarked. "Amelia... he is going to be alright." Rickon assured. She nodded looking to Rickon. "I'm going to get us some tea." Rickon suggested jumping up. "I will be right back."

Rickon couldnt understand why sansa and arya wanted Amelia dead. She was protecting Rickon and Bran still. She looked like a bundle of nerves as she stared down at Bran waiting for him to open his eyes. If they would just see her, see that she cared about them maybe they would see that Amelia Lannister, was not a bad person. She was a wonderful person.

Amelia curled into Bran's side waiting for him to come back to his self. She trailed a finger over the seam of his shirt when she felt his hand wrap around her. She lifted her head from his chest and stared down at him as he blinked back.

"You scared me." Amelia whispered.

"I'm sorry." Bran pulled her closer.

"What did you see?" Amelia asked resting her chin on his chest, she felt his hands in her hair.

"They found the walker. Now all they need is a bit of help getting it out." Bran remarked. Amelia nodded understanding but also not. "I want to kiss you." Bran whispered.

"Then best hurry, Rickon will be back any minute." Amelia remarked shifting up, pressing her lips to his. His hands fisted her dress holding her to him as the door swung open.

"Well, looks like he is up." Rickon remarked with a cheeky grin.

"Go away." Bran groaned not letting go of Amelia she laughed into him as she rested her cheek on his chest.

"Oh, don't let me stop you." Rickon assured.

"Get out!" Bran demanded

"Oh now that I know you want me to go. I really can't."  Rickon countered.

"Rickon!" Bran groaned grabbing the pillow and whacking him with it.

"No way." Rickon declared grabbing the pillow. "Sansa and arya are being jerks. Im not going out there."

"It's because of me." Amelia whispered lifting her head from Brans chest. He kissed her before hugging her tighter. He wasnt about to let her go. Not when he just got her back.

"I dont care.'' Rickon assured ''i'm just not going back out there." Rickon clarified. 

''Fine.'' Bran agreed stiffly as he lifted Amelias chin bringing her lips back to his.

''Oooh.'' Rickon declared and Amelia started laughing her lips again Bran smiling into him.

''We can ignore him. Right?" Bran offered as rickon started making kissy noises.

''You can try but you two.'' Rickon declared leaning into them. ''Are never getting rid of me!'' He cackled out laying against them amelia couldnt stop laughing as rickon groaned flopped across them but Bran kept kissing her holding her closer.


''Okay what do you want?'' Bran demanded rickon stared back at him. ''Tell me so I can get some time alone with amelia.'' Bran demanded and rickon chuckled leaning back against the wall.

''Alone time.'' He repeated in a mocked tone. Bran groaned.

''Just tell me.'' Bran begged.

''I don't know you seem pretty desperate.'' Rickon mused. ''Whats it worth to you?''

''I would carve out my liver and give it to.'' Bran informed him. ''Please. Tell me.''

''Thats cute." Rickon remarked. "But I dont want your liver.''

''Well... thats good.'' Bran agreed slowly.


"Fetch!" Amelia declared and Ghost took off after the snowball. It broke in his mouth and he bounded through the snow towards her again. Amelia chuckled forming another snowball between cold fingers. 

"Get it!" Amelia threw it again, again Ghost caught and broke the snowball running back to her. 

"She is a Lannister." Arya seethed. 

"She can't be trusted." Sansa agreed as they stared down at Amelia. 

"She doesnt look so vicious though." Arya grumbled. "She did say she would kill me though." Arya reminded her. 

"My Ladies." podrick said coming up behind them. 

"Hello Podrick." Sansa said blandly. He was Tyrion's pet and now although sansa knew him to be harmless he was still the Lannister's bitch. 

"I just wanted to say..." Podrick began but he heard Amelia laugh as Ghost jumped up on her knocking her down into the snow. He glanced back at the Starks. "I hope you find it in your heart to make peace with Amelia." Podrick remarked. "She is a sweet girl... she has been through a lot as well." 

"Her family is the reason we are in this stupid mess." Sansa declared. 

"I'm not saying her family is innocent." Podrick assured. "But..." He glanced back down at Amelia as she got up, a shiver through her spine as snow got into her dress. "Amelia is a sweet girl, stuck in another bad place. Maybe, cut her some slack."

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