Shielding The Innocent - Nikl...

By ForeverKeke07

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Kelsey Claire is forced to return to the place she was born, because her sister is missing. Her only friend... More

Author's Note
Season 1 Cast
Chapter 1: Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 2 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

315 8 0
By ForeverKeke07

I wake up laying on my back. There is something heavy across my torso. I let out a yawn and bring my hand up to rub my eyes. I look down and see an arm slung over me. Smiling I turn and look at Nik. He is still fast asleep.

Knowing Cami had a rough night and I need to make sure she's alright, I inch towards to the side of the bed. I try my best not to wake him, but it's all in vain. Because, as soon as I start to move away he tightens his grip and pulls be back. I look back over at him. His eyes are still closed, but the giant smirk gives him away. I giggle a little and turn my body to him and brush some curls off his forehand.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." He says in his deep morning voice as he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Good morning." I smile. "We should get up and check on Cami."

"Just a little longer." He mutters not moving.

"Okay, but if we are going to lay here then we should talk about what happened last night." I tell him.

He smiles widely. "Well, I think you know what happened. When two people are in love they show it by...."

"Stop, stop, stop." I laugh with him, covering his mouth with my hand. "You know what I mean." I remove my hand and look at him pointedly.

"You're right." He groans. "We should check on Cami."

"Yeah, I thought you'd say that." I smirk. "We will have to talk about it though."

"I know." He says as he rolls over and stands up only in his boxers. He walks over to his dresser and grabs two shirts. Nik tosses one to me and I quickly pull it over my head and get up and grab my jeans off the floor.

"After we see Cami, I've got to go check on the twins." I inform him and he nods.

"You could move back in." He suggests. "Then, instead of across the street, you'd be down the hall."

"That would be a topic for that conversation you wanted to put off." I smirk at him.

"Fair enough, Love." He chuckles.

"You know, I loved when I was the only one you called that." I tell him as he walks up to me. "Hearing it directed at her made me sick to my stomach."

He frowns and brings my chin up so I was looking him in the eye. "Everything with her was an act. I don't have to act with you."

"I know." I smiles slightly and he places a kiss on my forehead.

"C'mon, Love." He winks and then he grabs my hand and leads me out of his room.


Few Days Later

We decided it would be better that Cami stay at the Compound for a bit and she agreed. Aurora is still out there and could use Cami to get to me or Nik. So, her staying with Nik and Elijah is safer. I've spent the last few days keeping her company.

Nik and I still haven't had a conversation on rather or not I should move back in, nor had we discussed what our relationship is exactly. Instead, we flirt and share a few kisses here and there. I know what I would like it to be, but with Aurora still a threat and the prophecy glaring at us, the conversation isn't at the top of our to-do list.

Elijah has been busy getting everything in order to get Rebekah back. He had paid some people to retrieve her from the ocean and I am so excited to see her.

Christmas is right around the corner. The Courtyard is decorated with a huge Christmas tree, lights, reds, and greens. The Compound looks very festive and cozy.

Cami and I are sitting in the Courtyard on the couch talking about Davina. She tells me everyday that she's doing okay, but I know that she's lying. She was shunned from the covens and the Ancestors for having Hayley kill those witches. I can't imagine how humiliated she must feel. I've kept my distance, minus check ins via text, wanting to give her space. Vincent had told Cami that he is keeping an eye on her and I appreciate him doing so. Marcel is doing his best to keep her off The Strix radar, but it's only a matter of time.

Our conversation goes mute when a girl walks in holding a glass. She cuts her hand and starts filling it up with her blood. Cami looks at her, her elbow on the arm of the couch and her head resting on her hand.

"Do they, like, pay you?" She asks the girl with scrunched eyebrows. I laugh as the girl smiles.

"Handsomely, and with a generous Christmas bonus." Nik answers coming into the Courtyard. The girl turns towards him. "Isn't that right?" He asks her as he takes the glass and she nods.

"So you just compel her to nod and agree with whatever you say?" Cami inquires as Nik sits down on a chair next to us.

"Who else is going to inflate his ego?" I tease.

"Actually." He counters. "I compel her to feed me, and to hang the occasional Christmas ornament. She can say whatever she wants." Cami chuckles. "You seem better." He adds.

"Yeah." She nods. "Thank you for letting me stay here for the past couple of days. And giving me space to not talk." She nudges me. "Expect this one. We've been talking none stop. Thankfully, though it's been about everything but the incident." She winks at me and I smile. "Why didn't you guys go with Elijah to help with Rebekah? I hope it's not to stay and babysit me."

"It's a long trip for twins." I tell her and she nods, before looking at Nik with raise eyebrows.

"It's not a good idea for he and I to spend hours together in confined spaces." Nik explains. "Given that the prophecy foretells one family member felling another."

"You don't think he would hurt you." She replies leaning forward.

"I don't know what to think." He answers honestly. "That damn fortune teller's predictions continue to unfold, despite all our efforts." Cami's phone vibrates, alerting her to a message.

"It's Vincent." She tells us after reading the text. "I have to go."

"Davina?" I ask worried.

"No, no, she's okay." She reassures me. "It's something else."


Nik went out to make sure Cami is okay. I am bringing the twins to the Courtyard where I had set up their play pin with toys. I thought they'd enjoy looking at the lights. As soon as I put them down and got the settled, Jackson enters carrying a shaking and injured Freya. Her arm in a make shift sling and her breathing shallow.

"What happened?" I exclaim right as Hayley comes rushing in, too.

"Hey, I got your text." She says and then she see Freya. "What happened?" Jackson sits her down on the couch.

"She got jumped." He answers. "Three vampires, all dressed like yuppies."

"The Strix." Hayley and I say in unison as we walk up to Freya. Hayley takes a seat next to her.

"Yeah." He confirms. "She needs your blood." Hayley quickly bites her wrist and allows Freya to drink from her. "You okay?" Hayley asks Jackson. "Kinda hard to ignore it when someone needs your help, huh?" Freya let's her go and inhales deeply.

"They took it." She says still weak. "The Serratura." She takes off the sling. "I was meeting with a witch from the bloodline who built the lock. I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible. She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it. We have to get it back and lock something else away. Anything but my family."

"Great." Hayley says sarcastically. "Why don't we pay Tristan a visit and ask him really, really nicely?"

Elijah comes in and I look behind him expectantly, waiting to see a pretty blonde. But, she doesn't follow directly after him and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"Where's Rebekah?"

"I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem." Elijah says.

"Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen." Rebekah states with a smile as she finally enters.

Rebekah walks over and takes Hayley's spot by Freya. Freya takes her wrist and examines it closely. It's red and irritated, almost looks like a severe burn. If you look close it even looks to be in the shape of a skull.

"Give me the bad news, Doc." Rebekah says.

"Aya's stake was cursed." Freya answers. "It infected you. As this mark grows, you'll go mad. Left unchecked, you will become a relentless, unstoppable ripper."

"Aya always was thorough." Rebekah states.

"Strix always employ a safeguard." Elijah says. "In the event that we were successful at retrieving your body, you were cursed. You see, if one is on a rampage, one is not difficult to hunt." Elijah adds as Freya examines the cursed stake. "Can you fix this?" He asks her.

"Yeah, there has to be a cure." I say in concern as I scrunch my eyebrows and send Rebekah a worried glance. She smiles softly at me, trying to ease my anxiety.

"The spell was carved here." Freya informs us taking all our attention and centering it on her words and the stake. "I can reverse it, I just..." She turns the stake over in her hands. "Need some time, and a hell of a lot of magic." She stands up looking at Elijah. Her eye roll in the back of her head and she faints with a gasp. Elijah catches her as we all stand in worry. Elijah places her back down on the couch by Rebekah, unconscious.

"She was fine." Jackson says in confusion. "Hayley healed her."

Elijah looks are her closely, brushing her hair to the side exposing her neck. There on the left side of her neck is a puncture wound with small veins around the outside.

"The scratch is not healed." Elijah explains. "This is poison. This is an assassination attempt.

"She's waking up." Hayley says as Freya's eye flutter. She gasps and Elijah grips her hand and helps her sit up. I breath out in relief.

"You okay?" He inquires.

"I feel weak." She mumbles.

"Those vampires must've stabbed her with something." Jackson states.

"So, The Strix are fond of the slow acting poison. There is an antidote." Elijah says. "I can get my hands on it." He adds pulling out his phone and starting calling someone as he walks out of the Courtyard for privacy.

Freya sighs and put her hands on Rebekah's wrist that has the curse on it. "And for this, I'll need a pure silver knife, some white muskroot."

"I'll get the knife." Hayley volunteers looking at Jackson.

"I'll track down the root." Jackson nods and he leaves to do just that.

"Freya you can barely float a feather right now, let alone save the world." Hayley points out.

"I'll channel Finn." She says.

"Oh, lovely." Rebekah scrunches her face in sarcasm. "My fate rests in the hands of our black sheep of a brother that we have trapped in a necklace. "I'm sure he is just leaping to help."

"Well, he's the only other powerful witch here." Freya reasons as she grabs the stake off the coffee table and stands up. She then looks down at Rebekah, who is still sitting on the couch. "And you and I are out of options, sister." She exhales and walks out to get to work. Rebekah, Hayley, and I following her with our eyes.

"The Strix are really pissing me off." I growl. "Almost more than Aurora." Hayley and Rebekah raise their eyebrows at me not believing me. I shrug. "What? I said 'almost'." I exclaim making them both chuckle.


Hayley and Rebekah are sitting on my bed when I come out of the nursery, after putting the twins down for a nap. Rebekah smiles brightly at me.

"Don't fret." She reassures. "I haven't gone full hellion yet. No more than usual." Hayley and her stand and I slow make my way over to them.

"I'm glad." I smirk teasingly. "I hate the idea of having to kick you ass, especially before I get to hug you." I wrap my arms arm her shoulders and hers go around my back. "I've missed you." I mutter as I pull away.

"You know, we need to talk about you sartorial choices." She grabs a sweater off my bed and holds it up. "This is positively darling."

"It's, also, not mine." I chuckle. "It's Cami's. She has been stay here for a awhile. I technically moved out right before Thanksgiving. I've been staying with Hayley."

"Yeah, Jackson and I got our own place. It's across the street." She smiles proudly. "Although we still can't manage to stay out of Mikaelson drama." She jokes.

Rebekah's expression goes cold as she looks at Hayley. "You don't seem to mind the family drama when you need something from us. Like, a decent dress," then she throws a disgusted look my way. "or a babysitter."

"Rebekah." I warn in shock as Hayley says. "Excuse me."

Rebekah looks between the both of us, the curse clearly affecting her. "But when you're looking for someone to blame for your unhappiness, we seem to be the enemy."

"I have never said that or felt that way." I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Rebekah, you're wrong." Hayley breathes out. "This isn't you."

"I am wrong." She nods in agreement. "I believed we were friends. Nearly sisters. But the last time we spoke you were planning on taking Kelsey and the twins away from this family forever." She then looks at me. "And you almost allowed it to happen." She glances between Hayley and me and with each sentence she takes a step towards us. "So where do you both stand? Are you friends? Are you family? Or perhaps..." Rebekah vamp speeds Hayley and me into the wall behind us. She, then, grips Hayley's throat in her left hand and mine in her right, pulling us inches off the ground. I gasp for air as my windpipe gets closed off and I grasp her wrist. "You've both been a foe all along." Hayley coughs, trying the breath and I struggle, attempting to free myself with no luck. "Be honest, you both want Klaus dead, don't you?" Rebekah drops her grip and we fall to our feet and take in deep breaths.

"Rebekah, I have been busting my ass trying to fight this prophecy." Hayley counters. "At the expense of my own family."

Rebekah scoff and starts smirking. "You mean that fake husband you've been parading around in front of Elijah? Do you know the agony it causes him?" She brushes Hayley's hair with her fingers as I watch her movements cautiously. "Perhaps you like it. Knowing you still have the power to break his heart." She snaps her attention over to me. "And what about little miss Kelsey. The girl who allowed someone to pressure her into abandoning Niklaus. Did they really have to push that hard before you agreed to strip my brother of his daughters? Or did you jump at the idea?" She smirks.

"You, honestly, have no clue what you're talking about." I roll my eyes.

"Don't I? Admit it. You have wanted to get as far away from him the moment you found out you were pregnant. You wanted nothing to do with us then and you want nothing to do with us now." She sneers.

"Actually, I was knocked out and forced to leave. I never would have left him." I tell her.

She laughs in amusement. "Is that why you moved out? So that you could be closer to him?" She inquires sarcastically. "Or is that just what you told him so he would allow you back in his bed. I never had you pegged as manipulative..."

Rage floods me and I shove her away from me and Hayley. Rebekah crackles out a creepy laugh.

"You've been wrong about everything." Hayley grits. "It kills me to hurt Elijah."

"Oh, it hasn't yet, love." Rebekah muses. "But it might today. You both have tore my brothers apart. If they turn on each other, as the prophecy suggests, it's because of the two of you." Her vampire eyes appear in her anger.

She shoves me and Hayley through the glass double doors and the three of us fall over the railing. We hit the concrete ground of the Courtyard. We quickly get to our feet. Rebekah growls and her eyes turn pitch black. Hayley and I bare our Hybrid faces at her as we stand side by side. Rebekah sends a kick to Hayley's face and then punches her causing her body to spin in the air and land on the ground. I grab Rebekah's shoulders and push her back. "Stop!" I demand, but she just snarls and backhands me so hard I go flying into a pillar. I stand up and wipe the blood off the corner of my mouth. Hayley goes to get up and Rebekah advances on her.

Elijah cuts her off and grabs her shoulders like I had tried to. "Listen to me. Listen to me! Rebekah!" He says firmly as she struggles, to get to Hayley, in his grip. "Look at me, Rebekah!" She pants and takes some breaths, seeming to start to calm down. "Control yourself."

She breathes and looks up at Elijah, her eyes no longer black. "Dear brother. I have control." She tells him, but I'm not convinced.

"Good." He nods and lets her go, taking a step back.

She catches him by surprise and sending an upper cut to his face and breaking his neck. Elijah falls to the ground unconscious. Hayley grunts in frustration and starts charging at Rebekah, who's eyes went back to black. However, something in Rebekah's face was unsettling and before I could comprehend my movements I pushed Hayley out of the way as Rebekah launched her fist forward. Her hand imbeds itself in my chest and she grips my heart. I gasp in pain as her hand tightens.

"Rebekah!" Nik yells as he enters the Courtyard. Rebekah quickly turns her head to look at him, while keeping her hand in my chest. Suddenly, Nik vamp speed and clinches her wrist in his hand. "Not her!" He seethes. Rebekah releases me and I back up away from her blood hand, gasping and panting. Nik continues to grip her wrists as Cami runs in and looks at the scene in horror. Rebekah sees her and uses the opportunity to swing her body around and try to lounge for Cami. "Not her either." Nik grits and yanks her back before she can touch her. He pulls her away and throws her on the table, making everything crash to the floor. Cami quickly hands a case over to Hayley, who nods and rushes it to Freya.

Nik has Rebekah pinned to the table trying to hold her still as she struggles to get free. "Dear, sweet Cami and your pretty little Kelsey. You're so afraid you'll ruin them," She grunts and manages to push herself up, taking Nik with her. He keeps his hands secure on her shoulders as she continues to taunt him. "you keep Cami behind glass like some breakable object and you constantly try and dictate Kelsey's decisions because you think you can keep bad things have happening to her. But, you're failing. They're not precious." Nik glances back at Cami and I, as we watch the scene. "Nik, every woman that you and Elijah bring into our lives turns to poison. They'll grow toxic too." Cami runs out or the Courtyard, probably to meet with Hayley and Freya. Rebekah pushes Nik off her making him stumble back. I catch his arm and steady him as Elijah, who is now awake, faces Rebekah. Rebekah snarls and charges at her brothers. They both act at the same time and each grab an arm and her waist and pin her back to the table. She screams and thrashes with no luck of freeing herself.

"Hold her." A determined and bloody faced Freya commands as she storms over to them.

Freya grabs her wrist and using a pure silver blade knife, she cuts the cursed skin off as she chants. Rebekah yells in pain, before closing her eyes and falling unconscious as Freya finishes. Nik and Elijah slowly release her and back up. Everyone takes a breath and we stare at her, waiting anxiously for her to wake up. And although it feels like forever, after a few seconds Rebekah scrunches her eyes and groans as she sits up. She, finally, opens her eyes and looks at us with an expression full of regret.

"Well, that was annoying." She says. I let out a breath of relief, along with a chuckle. Nik, also, laughs lowly. Rebekah smiles and turns her head to me. Her smile falls slightly. "Kelsey, Hayley, I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it. God, Kelsey, I almost killed you."

I smiles reassuring at her. "It wasn't you." I shake my head. "No apology needed and to be fair you almost killed Hayley, I just pushed her out of the way."

"Which was very stupid." Hayley comments walking up beside me at the same time Nik turns to me in annoyance and says. "You did what?"

"I acted on instinct." I shrug. "Besides I die and I have a bond that brings me back. Hayley dies and that's it. I'd rather take my chances."

"I don't think that justifies intentionally putting yourself in a position to be killed." Nik scoffs.

"When am I do not in a position to be killed?" I roll my eyes. "Now if the excitement is over, I have twins to check on."


With a baby on each hip I start to walk down the stair and back into the Courtyard. I had changed out of my bloody clothes into a simple blue dress and some black heels. Nik, Hayley, Jackson, Elijah, Freya, and Cami hear us coming and turn to look at us. They look at the twins with so much love and admiration that my heart flutters. These people, plus my sister and Marcel, are my babies family and they both deserve all the love they receive from them. It's all I ever wanted for my kids, to be protected, safe, loved, and to have a family who will always fight for them.

Nik meets me at the bottom of the stairs and takes Bexley from my left arm. He, then leans forward and kisses Hope's forehead with a smile. The girls coo and giggle at their dad as we join the others. Christmas music is playing softly in the background going perfectly with the lights, the tree, and the atmosphere. Hayley hands my a glass of wine, since everyone has their own.

"I heard you and Hayley talking the other day." Jackson smiles. "You both said you wanted a family Christmas, and the family's all here. Except Davina and Marcel."

Hayley smiles warmly at him. I'm taken aback that he just considered the Mikaelson's family, but I mask my surprise with a smile and a small shrug.

"That's okay. They have their own things going on. I messaged Davina earlier, she's with Josh. She needs him more than me right now and that's okay. This is actually perfect." I smile gratefully and Hayley sends me a wink.

"Agreed." She nods.

"Well, Merry Christmas, little ones." Elijah smiles, before softly kissing both the twins cheeks.

"And thank you for helping Freya." Nik hands a glass to Jackson, still having Bexley secure in his arm. Jackson takes it carefully. "Unfortunately, we're all out of mason-jar moonshine." Nik laughs at his own joke.

"Ignore him." I roll my eye in amusement. "He sometimes thinks he's funny and no matter how many times I tell him he isn't, well here we are." I chuckle earning laughs from Hayley, Jackson, and Freya. Even Elijah cracks a smile.

"Well, Nik, you are positively merry tonight." Rebekah smiles as she joins us. "All that therapy must be paying off." She teases, sending a smile to Cami.

Nik eyes catch a light fire behind Rebekah and all the happiness drains from his face. "Oh, no." He says in a voice filled with dread.

A large grin spreads across my face and excitement floods me. "Oh, yes!" I nudge him. "I love this tradition."

Rebekah looks at the fire behind her and then turn back to us. "I know it's not exactly a bonfire, but I improvised." She smirks. "Come on, it's tradition." Rebekah pushes.

"Tradition?" Cami asks intrigued.

"We write our wishes and then burn them for luck." Nik explains with a smile and a look says he knows fighting the tradition is a losing battle. "Strangely, I don't recall wishing for an influx of enemies, and yet, year after year..."

"How odd." Elijah adds. "Forever on Santa's naughty list." He takes a drink of wine as I chuckle.

"Maybe try wishing for no attacks." I shrug and nudge Nik. "Our luck might just change." Rebekah smiles expectantly at Nik and he grins back.


We all gather around the fire. The twins are safely placed in their play pen with their toys, away from the fires heat. We have just put our wishes in the flames and we are now watching them burn. Mine being centered around the twins staying safe.

"One of us is still meant to fall by family." Rebekah speaks from in between her brothers.

"Right now, what concerns me is our enemies." Nik tells us. I slip my hand in his and interlock our fingers with a slight squeeze. "They have the weapon they intend to use against us. They cannot know we found you, Rebekah. Our best advantage is if they believe you are lost at sea."

"Then I can't stay, can I?" She sighs. The twins giggle as they play with Hayley, Jackson, Cami, and Freya. They had burned their wishes and quickly joined the twins by their play pen. Rebekah watches them with a bittersweet expression. She turns around with cloudy eyes. "It's okay. My wish already came true. We have this moment." She holds her hands up for her brothers to take.

"I'm going to leave you guys alone." I nod at them and try to release Nik's hand, but he grips it tighter.

"No." Rebekah denies smiling at me. "Stay." I smile softly and nod. Elijah and Nik both grab her hands and we stand in silence watch as the flames dance on the wood.


Elijah is holding Hope and making her giggle. Hayley is sitting on the couch next to him with Bexley, who is also amused by Elijah. Jackson smiles and hands both adults more wine. I can see the struggle on his face when he sees Hayley and Elijah together, but he knows that she loves him too. Rebekah come towards us with her jacket on her shoulders.

"Oh, Rebekah. So soon?" Freya asks immediately standing up.

"Take care of our brothers, Freya." She tells her as we all stand. She pulls Freya into a hug. "God knows they need it."

She turns to Elijah and they simultaneously kiss each others cheeks. She looks at Hope and smiles placing a hand on her back. "Bye, Baby." She whispers kiss her cheek too. Hayley gets in front of her with Bexley and Rebekah copies her goodbye to Hope. She locks eyes with Hayley. "I'm so sorry about what I said, Hayley."

"It's fine." Hayley brushes her off and winks at her. "Besides, us girls have to stick together." They hug quickly and then she approaches me.

"You know, when I left last, I thought for sure you'd hate Nik forever." I glance behind me and see Nik entering the area.

"Oh I imagine we will always have a love-hate relationship." I smirk. "Because even when I hate him I'll forever be in love with him." I chuckle with her. I wrap my arms around her shoulders tightly as she does my back. "I'm going to miss you.... again."

"I'll miss you too." She smiles as we pull away. I step back so she can say goodbye to Nik.

"You're always leaving." He states.

"And I always come back." She smiles pushing her hair out of her face. He pulls her in and hugs her.

"Run far and fast." He tells her looking her in the eyes. "Stay on the move. And should you happen to meet some handsome fool, know your weaknesses." She chuckles.

"Well, perhaps it's time our roles were reversed." She suggests. "I'll run away from love, if you run towards it." She looks over at me and winks. My face heats up as I look down, avoiding Nik's eyes.

Rebekah squeezes his shoulder and exits the Compound.


After I put the twins to bed and said goodnight to everyone I went to Nik's balcony. I plan to stay the night, since it's late and the twins are in bed and Cami is still taking up residence, thankfully, in my room until Aurora is gone. I watched as people walked along the side walk on the lit up streets. Music playing softly from somewhere. All of them having their own problems, but probably nothing compared to ours.

Foot steps sound behind me, catching my attention. Nik stands in the door way looking at me in a way that makes my knees shake and my heart race. "You look..."

"You better not say tired." I interrupt before he can finish. He laughs at my assumption. "You've been alive long enough to know not to ever tell a girl she looks tired. " I smile teasingly and turn my back to the railing.

As he approaches me he replies "I was going to say contemplative." We both laugh lightly. "A penny for your thoughts."

"I was thinking about you..." I admit. "And what Rebekah said. Is she right? Do you make decisions for me to protect me because you think I can't handle it? Like Aurora?"

"Don't. Please." He sighs. "When I think of all the ways she could've hurt you."

"She didn't..." I reassure him. "Really Nik, she didn't. You got there just in time."

"You almost died." He exclaims.

"But I didn't, okay?" I urge. "You are always there when I need you and when I'm in danger you save me every time. You are there for everyone you care about. And after what Cami told me, today you saved Detective Kinney, someone who doesn't mean anything to you. Why?"

"Mainly because you would have and partly because he is Cami's friend." He tells my sincerely. "I've never had a friend like Camille and I'd like to keep her as one. But, I knew that I had the ability to help him and if I didn't you'd be upset. I don't like being the reason you're not happy. When it feels like I'm just ordering you around I'm not trying to make you angry. It's that I'd rather you be angry then hurt or worse."

I watch him intently as he speaks. My heart flutters at his confession. When he's done I don't respond and he steps closer. Once I can feel his breath on my face, he captures my lips in a slow and gentle kiss before bringing me into a hug. And then we cuddle until we fell asleep.


Nik's bedroom door creaks open stirring me awake. I open my eyes and I'm faced with a sleeping Nik. Confusion floods me and I sit up and and look towards the door. However, Cami had already made it across the room quietly and is standing by my side.

"You scared the crap outta me." I whisper while my heart is hammering in my chest. Her face in distressed and she has tears pouring down her face. "What's wrong?" I ask her in concern, still trying not to wake Nik.

"I'm so sorry." She mutters.

"About wha--?" I start to ask confused on why she was apologizing. I didn't notice the knife in one of her hands or the stake in the other, until it was too late. Cami buries the stake in my heart.

As my skin starts to turn grey I feel Nik stir, but before he opens his eyes Cami reaches over me and snaps his neck, expectantly. Then, before I lose consciousness, I see her coming at my chest with the knife.

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