Shielding The Innocent - Nikl...

By ForeverKeke07

44.2K 1.1K 33

Kelsey Claire is forced to return to the place she was born, because her sister is missing. Her only friend... More

Author's Note
Season 1 Cast
Chapter 1: Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 2 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

279 7 0
By ForeverKeke07

   Hayley texted me this morning to meet her at her house, because something had shown up at her door for the both of us. So, I quickly hurried over there to investigate. I knock on her door and within second she opens it.

   "Hey." She greets letting me in.

   "Hey. What's going on?" I inquire as she closes the door.

   She walks to the counter and grabs an envelope. "I'm not sure why yours was sent here, but I waited for you to open it with me."

   I nod and she passes mine to me, before getting hers. We glance at each other and then open the mail simultaneously. Inside is an invitation to a party held by Tristan. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

   "What does he want?" I mutter rhetorically and Hayley shrugs still looking at hers. "He sent it here so Klaus wouldn't see."

   "That makes sense." She nods. "Are you going to go?"

   "Definitely." I confirm. "I want to know what he's up to."

   "Agreed." She speaks. "Hey, did you give anymore thought to moving?"

   "Honestly, no." I shake my head. "With the new threat, my head has been preoccupied, and I do my best to avoid Klaus."

   "I get it." She nods understandingly. "I know you love him even after what he's done."

    "When did life get so complicated?" I sigh.


   After talking with Hayley, I went back to the Compound. I played with the twins for a while, before I leave them playing in their Pak-n-Play. I decide to look for Freya. Since, she's been the only girl living in the house after Rebekah left and Hayley was cursed, she and I have become friends. It doesn't take my long to find her in the study doing yoga.

   "Hey, witchy." I greet going in and sitting on the couch. She chuckles lightly at the nickname and goes to say hello back, but Klaus walks in interrupting.

   "What are you doing here?" He inquires looking down at Freya while she's sits crisscrossed on her mat with her hands in prayer formation.

   "I live here." She deadpans making me smirk.

   "Yes, obviously." Klaus says. "I just hadn't realized you were back from wherever it is you go to when you leave. Perhaps I was thrown off by the lack of strange gentlemen callers perusing the contents of my refrigerator this morning." Freya and I smile in amusement at his protectiveness.

   "Your concern for my whereabouts is touching."

    "I simply want to know who is here at any given moment. I hardly think that's too much to ask."

    "You want her to ring you before her booty calls come over?" I snort. Klaus throws a glare and Freya chuckles.

   "Well, as long as we're taking attendance." Hayley interjects entering the room with Elijah following behind her.

   "Oh. Good." Klaus says. "It's my not-so-loving elder brother and my former one-night stands best friend."

   "You're such a dick." I roll my eyes.

    "What a nice, normal family gathering." He ignores me.

    "Charming." Hayley retorts sarcastically. "Elijah was just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long-lost buddies you can trust, and which one is trying to kill you."

   "Well, clearly what the situation needs is more opinions." Klaus says. "I assume you told her about the bloody prophecy?"

   "I was getting to that." Elijah replies when Hayley turns and looks at him expectantly.

   "Now would be good." She tells them.

   "Well, it appears my old mate Lucien has acquired a genuine seer, and in an effort to prove his good intentions, he got her to show us some rather dire vision of future doom." Klaus explains. "It's grim stuff, really. Not for the faint of heart."

   "Whose doom are we talking about?" Hayley questions. "Because if it's yours, then, I think we're all okay with that."

   Klaus laughs. "Well, sadly, we're all on the chopping block. But chin up. This witch claims her visions are constantly evolving. So, you may just get your wish."

   "Well, I wanna meet this psychic witch." She turns and looks at Elijah. "Tonight."

   "Me too, actually." I agree.


   Hayley raided Rebekah's closet and found two dresses for us to wear to Tristan's party. Neither of us really have anything formal in our wardrobe. Hayley had shown up at my bedroom door already dressed in a elegant, red, long ballgown. Her sleeves are off her shoulders, and it shows just enough cleavage. She had an off-white gown in her arms.

   "Wow." I whistle with raised eyebrows. "You look amazing."

   "Thank you." She smiles. "This one is for you."

   I hold the dress in front of me to get a better look. "Hayley, this is..." I tell her unsure.

   "Just try it." She rolls her eyes.

   I go to my bathroom and slip on the dress. It's form fitting and has a long slit up my right leg. The neckline in incredibly plunging. It ends at my diaphragm, really drawing attention to my beasts. The gown flows down to the floor, a few inches longer than me.

   "I think this is too much." I tell her as I step out. Hayley's eyes widen.

   "It definitely isn't." She denies. "You look incredible."

   "Are you sure?" I ask looking in the mirror in the corner of my room. "It's pretty revealing."

   "I'm positive." She nods.


   We arrive at Tristan's place. It's crowded with guests. Champaign is being served from waiters wondering around. Just about everyone has a mask on their face. The entertainment is dancing half-dressed women. Some Vampires are feasting on humans out in the open.

   As soon as Elijah, Hayley, and I enter the main ballroom everyone pauses and turns their attention to us. "Why are they all staring at you?" Hayley inquires what I was thinking.

   "I'm kind of a big deal around here." He says vaguely.

   "They're all in your sire line." I say in realization.

   "Most of them, tragically, yes." He confirms. "You see, Hayley, Kelsey, I wanted to assemble minds curious about the world and eager to improve it, along with time and circumstances to do so. My desire was to create an elite brotherhood devoted to a new, better civilization. It was naïve. Eventually, I was forced to abandon them once I'd realized I'd cultivated a legion of egomaniacal sociopaths."

   "Good choice." I mutter. Across the room I lock eyes with a familiar face. "Excuse me." I tell them.

   I approach Marcel who is in the company of a women that has a prominent 'bitch' face. She has virtually no hair and her features are striking. She's stunning, but I immediately feel uneasy with her and turn my attention to Marcel.

   "Dance with me." I state without asking. I grab his hand and pull him to the middle of the room.

   "What are you doing here?" He asks me as he puts his hands on my waist and I put mind on his shoulders.

   "I was going to ask you the same thing." I sigh. "This Tristan guy invited me, Hayley, and Elijah." I nod in their direction. They aren't far from us. They are dancing too and looking at Marcel.

   "He invited me too." He says. "I thought I'd come and get information, maybe."

   "Me too." I nod. "This whole thing is pretty sketchy."

   "No kidding." He snorts. "Just be careful."

   "You too."

   The waiters clink butter knifes on the Champaign glasses to gain everyone's attention. Marcel and I stop dancing but stay next to each other. An attractive man with brown hair and blue eyes enters the room, demanding attention.

   "Distinguished friends. Welcome." He announces. "It's so rare that we are able to come together like this. To revel, for one night, in the company of true equals. Now, I'd like to take a moment to welcome a very special guest, Mr. Marcel Gerard." The man says gesturing to Marcel. Everyone looks in our direction. The man sees me, and subtlety looks me up and down making me cringe in disgust, before looking back at Marcel. All the guests clap, and the women Marcel was with earlier appears on his other side.

   "Thank you. I'm honored. Thank you." Marcel says.

   "Of course, before we tell Marcel all our secrets, there's one small piece of business to which we must first attend." The man, which I assume is Tristan, continues. "We must determine his worth."

   Marcel chuckles a bit walking forward. "That's funny. I seem to recall you being the one knocking on my door."

    "You'll notice, Mr. Gerard, that over the course of the evening, someone has managed to take something quite dear to you." He approaches Marcel, meeting him in the middle of the room. "Your daylight ring." Marcel looks down at his finger to see it bare. "The test is quite simple. First you need to deduce the identity of the thief. Then, you are simply to take back what is yours. Although, I doubt the prize will be easily relinquished. After all, despite our refinements, we're still a rather violent bunch. In victory, you become one of us. In failure, you meet your death. You have a few hours until dawn. I wish you the best of luck."


   "These vampires are ancient." Hayley points out, as her, Elijah, and I stand at the bar. "How is Marcel supposed to beat one of them?"

    "That guy's a lunatic." I say.

   "With guile, courage, perhaps a bit of trickery." Tristan answers Hayley while stepping up to us. "Admittedly, it's a long shot. But then, sometimes the new candidates surprise us. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tristan De Martel." He states looking at me and Hayley. "And you two must be the famous Kelsey Claire and Hayley Marshall Kenner. Hayley being Alpha to the Crescent Wolves." He grabs her hand and places a kiss on it, but she pulls back quickly. He looks at me and goes to do the same. However, before he can touch me I grab a drink so my hand is unavailable. He raises his eyebrows. "Pleasure's all mine, I see." Tristan turns to Elijah. "Elijah, when I sent your invitation, I didn't dare think you'd come. Tell me, as our founder and patriarch, what do you make of our latest candidate?"

   "Well, let me see. Marcel." Elijah smirks. "He's arrogant, he's stubborn, prone to self- aggrandizement. He should fit in perfectly." He jabs.

   "If he survives." Tristan replies making me narrow my eyes at him. I've barely met him, and I absolutely cannot stand him. Feeling the burn of our glares, Tristan turns his attention to me and Hayley. "I take it Mr. Gerard is a friend of yours?"

   "More like family." I retort. "And if he wasn't it wouldn't matter, because I despise bullies."

   "A bully? My dear, you barely know me." He smirks.

   "And what a great first impression you're making." I say sarcastically.

   "Allow me to remedy that, and in so doing, I can explain our methods." He holds his hand out to me expectantly. When I don't take it, he adds. "Please. Just one dance, if it's not an intrusion."

   I dump the rest of my drink into my mouth as Elijah smiles skeptically. "Why, of course not."

   I take Tristan's hand and I allow him to lead me to the dance floor. I cringe feeling his hands around my waist. Hating every second I'm in his presence. We sway back and forth, until he twirls me and then brings me in even closer, our noses are inches apart. My stomach flips, but not in the way it does with Klaus. In a way that makes me nauseous.

   "I'm glad you came, Kelsey." He speaks. "Like it or not, when one refers to the Mikaelsons, they are referring to you as well. Tonight, will allow you to make up your own mind about our organization."

   "And you think killing Marcel is going to have me singing your praise?"

   "I think tonight you'll bear witness to the truth." He counters. "At the very least, you cannot call us liars."

   "Just because you tell the truth, doesn't make you a decent person." I tell him. "If there is one thing everyone should know about me it's that I'm loyal."

   "Loyal to who?" He inquires.

   "The people I care about and that includes Marcel." He smirks.

   "There are few novelties left in the world, especially to us." He changes the subject. "A creature such as you are certainly among them."

   "And what kind of creature might that be?"

   "A hybrid, of course." He smiles. "You and Hayley are the only ones among us whose life doesn't depend on the survival of the Original family. You, Kelsey Claire, and Hayley are two of a kind. And you are a true beauty, at that."

    Suddenly a loud disturbance enters the ballroom. The crowd starts to part and lets us have a clear view of a drunk Lucien and Klaus.

   "Greetings. Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Lucien exclaims. I step slightly back from Tristan and fold my arms in disappointment. Tristan keeps his hand on my lower back, which I barely notice. I'm to busy steaming at the skanks hanging all over Klaus. "Oh God. It's a room full of Elijahs."

   "I had that exact same nightmare once." Klaus smirks with his arms draped around two girl's shoulders.

   "Go on, grab us a drink, love." Lucien says to the girl on his left. "Feel free to fetch one for yourself."

   "And one for me, please." Klaus chuckles. "And one for her, and her, and her."

   "Really?" I narrow my eyes at him. "Because it seems your already at your max." I speak loud enough for Klaus to snap his head in my direction. His expression falls and he straightens up, while removing his arms from the women he was hanging on. He looks like a deer caught in headlights with a bit of confusion as to why I'm here. His eyes trail up and down my body, before landing on Tristan's hand that is still on my lower back. He expression darkens and if looks could kill, we would no longer have a Tristan issue.

   "Tristan! Tristan!" Lucien exclaims when he spots him next to me. Tristan removes his arm from my back and approaches the two.

   "You should move along." He tells them. "You're not welcome here."

   "Oh." Klaus nods. "Oh. Okay, we're... We're not welcome here." He laughs and grabs a glass of Champaign. "Or maybe you should move along before I make you cry in front of all your friends."

   "My concern is for your companions." Tristan says as Klaus walks behind him. "They appear out of sorts without a shiny pole to ride upon."

   "Oh!" Lucien exclaims in amusement. "He is suggesting that you're exotic dancers, which to him is an insult. If not somewhat hypocritical. But don't take it personally, love. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth." Then, Lucien taps Tristan's nose and adds. "Boop. Isn't that right, Tristan, hmm?"

   "Niklaus." Elijah jumps in.

   "What is it?" Klaus turns to look for who calls him. He sets his eyes on Elijah. "Oh."

   "You're hammered." Elijah points out and Klaus chuckles. "Which should come as very little surprise to anyone here." He leans into Klaus' ear a bit. "But it does hamper the festivities somewhat. So, could I recommend that you find the nearest exit?"


   "Yes." Elijah cuts him off. "And could you take your playthings with you, too?" 

   Klaus scoffs and then begins to talk to everyone in the room. "You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club. But now I realize I lacked the flexibility to become a member. I could never get my head far enough up my own ass." Any other time I'd probably laugh at his antics, but his behavior has my incredibly annoyed.

   Hayley makes her way over to me and looks at me with raised eyebrows. "He's ridiculous."

   "I know." I say softly. "I'm going to get him out of here. When Marcel is called to fight the person that has his daylight ring, bite him. That way the other guy dies when he tries to kill Marcel."

   "That's brilliant." She smirks.

   "Yeah." I nod. "Anything to keep him from dying. See you later."

   "See you."

   Klaus knocks back a glass of Champaign. I storm up to him and snatch the glass from his hand and pass it to Elijah. I nod at him and grab Klaus by his upper arm. He smirks down at me as I start to pull him away.

   "Kelsey." Tristan calls out with a smile. "It was lovely meeting you. I hope to get to know each other more intimately soon." I nod at him with a fake smile as my stomach rolls. Klaus goes to approach him angrily, but I yank him back by my side.

   "Let's go, now." I demand.

   "This party's dead anyway." Klaus retorts.

   I jerk my head at Lucien to start walking and he holds his hand up in defense but continues to smirk. I keep ahold of Klaus' arm until we are outside. Then, I drop it pushing him forward a bit.

   "You're unbelievable." I scoff.

   "Me?" He laughs in disbelief. "You're the one hanging all over the enemy."

   "Are you stupid or just an ass?" I cross my arms. "You have no room to judge anything I do. Especially when you came in draped in hookers."

   "Mommy and Daddy are fighting." Lucien laughs talking to the two skimpy women hanging on him.

   "Can it, Lucien." I snap at him.

   "I'm just saying." Klaus continues. "Tristan's quite the down grade."

   "You know what?" I grit. "You can go straight to hell. You don't own me, and you don't get to tell me what to do. You went in there and made a fool out of yourself."

   "At least I'm not trying to bed someone who wants you dead." He seethes.

   "Neither am I!" I exclaim.

  "That's not what it looked like." He denies.

  "I was letting him believe he had a chance, so I could get more information to keep you from dying, you dick." I yell at him and his face drops before he masks it again. "Tristan makes my skin crawl, just like Lucien."

   "Hey!" Lucien gasps, but I ignore him.

   "And at this point so do you." I lie as tears start to fall.

   Not wanting him to see me cry I turn around and begin storming off.

  "Kelsey!" He calls out. "Where are you going?"

  "To our children!" I yell behind me. "Someone has to be a responsible parent."


   When I arrived back at the Compound, I changed clothes. Throwing on a tank top and sweatpants. The twins were already asleep in their cribs. So, I waited. I left my door open, and I have been sitting on my bed waiting for Marcel to show up for Klaus' blood. Klaus had come home about thirty minutes ago and thankfully he was alone.

   Marcel entered the Compound and went straight for Klaus' study. I jump out of bed and dart to the study after him. He is leaning on his hands on a table, while Klaus is sitting on the couch. His breathing is jagged, and he is clearly weak. Sweat drips down his face and he looks exhausted.

   "I bet they were all so impressed." Klaus says as I enter and walk up to Marcel. "Weren't they, hmm? Your new mates. Positively taken by your boldness, your cunning wit and your steely resolve." He stands and walks closer. "And you just assumed that I would be willing, eager even, to drain the blood from my veins in the aftermath. We cannot tell friend from foe, and what are you doing? You're pledging a fraternity, run by those conspiring against us."

  "That's enough." I snap. "Having Hayley bite him was my idea, and had I not had to drag you out of there like a child I would have bit him myself."

   "My interest in The Strix is because of you." Marcel deadpans. "I don't get to choose sides. Whoever comes for you comes for me. That's all I need to know."

   Freya walks into the room dressed like one of the girls that Lucien and Klaus were hanging on earlier.

   "She's awake." She informs Klaus.

   Klaus nods and walks up to Marcel. "Yes, whoever comes for me may very well come for you." He then bites his wrist and lets his blood pour into a wine glass. "But they may also come through you, Marcellus. Remember that." He hands him the glass and follows Freya out of the room.

   "I owe you a thank you." Marcel tells me.

  "You absolutely do not." I smile. "As if I'd let a pretentious douche bag kill you." I laugh. "You're my family."

   He smiles at me and nods. I walk out to the Courtyard. The seer is sitting on the couch with Lucien.

   "I'm sorry." She tells him. "I hoped I was wrong, Lucien. I really did. But I saw it." She looks over at Klaus who is sitting on the chair next to a standing Freya. I walk in between Hayley and Elijah. Hayley is across from Lucien and the seer. Elijah is across from Klaus. "I saw him die."

   "Did you see the weapon?" Lucien asks her and she nods. "What is it?"

   "To understand, it must be seen." She replies. She then holds both her arms out to Hayley and me. We look at each other in confusion. Lucien stands and gets out of the way so I can take his seat. Hayley and I sit on either side of her. Taking a deep breath, we simultaneously extend our fangs and bit her wrists.

   Images start flashing behind my eye lids. A spell book, blood, Freya doing the spell she did to see the vision, fire, and a dark silhouette. But something cuts it off. I immediately detach myself from her.

   "Something's wrong." Hayley says.

  "Poison." I choke out as I get up and start vomiting into a trash can. I wipe my mouth and walk back over to them.

   Lucien starts panicking. He sits next to her and pulls her into his lap. "No, no, no. No! No!" She continues to vomit blood. "No!" He cries taking a deep breath. She stops breathing and lays limp in his lap.

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