Shielding The Innocent: Nikla...

By ForeverKeke07

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Kelsey Claire is forced to return to the place she was born, because her sister is missing. Her only friend... More

Author's Note
Season 1 Cast
Chapter 1: Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 2 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

391 8 3
By ForeverKeke07

Elijah woke me up with a message saying he found Jackson and that they were headed to the Compound to question KIaus. So, even though I'm exhausted I pulled myself out of bed. Klaus and Jackson are clearly not on good terms and if Klaus kills Jackson, Hayley will lose it when we find her.

I enter Klaus' study to find Elijah and Jackson already confronting him. And even though, I'm still pretty upset with Jackson and Hayley for taking my choice away, I'm glad to see him standing in front of me alive.

"I just left the bodies of people I care about to rot in the woods because you left them defenseless against poachers sent by Kingmaker Land Development. That ring a bell?" Jackson seethes.

"Should it?" I inquire announcing my presence. The three men glance at me, before Jackson continues.

"Yeah. The CEO is Lucien Castle. Elijah tells me that you two go way back." Jackson indirectly points blame.

"So I will ask you once again." Elijah says walking closer to Klaus. "What do you know?"

I cross my arms and wait expectantly for him to answer.

"As it happens, I just came back from a romp with our good friend Lucien." Klaus admits. "You can find him in the penthouse of the gaudy new construction on Canal. And while you two are catching up, be sure to ask him about the prophetic vision he showed me of our family's spectacular downfall. You could use a good laugh."

"Stay here." Elijah orders looking and Jackson and I. "Niklaus and I will deal with this." Jackson goes to refuse, but Klaus cuts him off.

"Actually, as long as Hayley's prowling about on two legs and unaccounted for, I am staying with Kelsey and my daughters. And should I discover that this is yet another cockeyed scheme for Hayley and you to persuade Kelsey to leave again, the paltry remains of your beloved wolf pack will be sniffing your entrails come morning." Klaus threatens Jackson.

Jackson scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. "You think we convinced Kelsey to leave?" Klaus' face falls in misunderstanding. I can see the wheels turning in his head.

"That's enough." I interject. "All of you. We have more important things to worry about."

"This doesn't frighten you, brother? That one day, your daughters will know exactly what kind of man their father really is?" Elijah jabs making me roll my eyes. "If anything should happen to Hayley, you mark me words, no one will have to take Kelsey and the twins from you. They will, without question, leave you of their own accord."

Usually I'd defend him, but that is no longer something I want to try to do. All it'll do is pull me right back under his spell. And I can't let that happen. Elijah and Jackson both leave and I stare at the back of Klaus' head for a moment, before following their lead.


About an hour later I heard Freya enter the Compound with a stranger. I step out of my room, leaving the twins asleep on the pallet we made on the floor and look over the balcony to greet her. However, I'm met with her and the stranger sucking face. Shaking my head in amusement I'm about to step back, when Klaus appears right next to them.

"Freya!" He exclaims with a smirk, breaking them apart. "It is about time you brought a gentlemen home to meet the family. I'm Freya's brother. And you are?" He inquires rhetorically. "No, don't tell me. Let me guess." He then circles them, walking to the other side where I have a clear view of his face. "Brad? Chad? Brody? Let's go with Brody." I bit my tongue to hold the laugh that is bubbling in my chest. "What are your intentions for my sister? Shall we discuss a dowry?" He flashes his hybrid face.

"Bro, what the..." 'Brody' stammers in fear, slightly stepping back.

"Leave. Now." Klaus demands loudly. 'Brody' wastes no time running for the exit, leaving Klaus to enjoy the affect he had on the guy with a laugh. Freya looks at him in disbelief. "He was drunk! No one will believe his story."

"Not three months ago you utterly despised me." Freya points out in amusement. "Now you're playing protective brother."

"I'm sure you're quite capable of protecting yourself from the scourge of fraternity row." He smiles. "I need you to perform a locator spell. Hayley's missing."

"You're worried about her." Freya states and I watch him closely.

"I prefer to know the whereabouts of my enemies." I roll my eyes at his lie. It's obvious he's concerned. "Besides, Hayley has a history of taking what's mine." He goes to walk away.

"No." Freya denies, stopping him. "You're afraid she's truly lost. I'll need the best connection to Hayley. You'll have to wake Kelsey. Since they're cousins, her blood will have to do."

"I'm already awake." I tell her making her and Klaus looks up at me. I start towards the stairs.

"It won't be as strong since your just cousins, but it should get us close." She says.

"Whatever you need to find her." I nod.

Freya gets everything set up for the locator spell. When, she's ready I cut my hand and allow my blood to drop onto the map in front of her. Her mutters her incantation as she lets salt fall on the table. Suddenly, she gasps and opens her eyes.

"I can't find her." She states in confusion and I begin to worry more. I glance at Klaus with a panicked expression. "There's nothing. It... It's like she doesn't exist. Or..."

"Or she's dead." Klaus finishes and I swallow thickly.

"No." Jackson's voice travels through the Courtyard as he enters. "No. No, you have to find her."

Jackson screams in pain and his eyes change color. Their time is up and he's starting to change. Freya jumps up and hurries to him. "Klaus, the chains." She exclaims as Jackson grunt and groans, bending his body over. Klaus quickly gets the chains and he chains Jackson to the doorway, restraining him.

"Freya, please! Please, do the spell again." He grits. "I can't go a month without---" He groans as more of his bones break. Relief suddenly overtakes his face and he starts panting to regain his composure. "It stopped." Jackson breathes out.

"What? How?" I ask.

"I don't know."


The sun has risen as Freya and I keep an eye on Jackson. He hasn't shifted yet, but we are keeping him chained as a precaution. And he is less than thrilled about it. Klaus is upstairs making a call and looking in on the girls to make sure they're still sleeping.

"Can I get you some water or something?" Freya suggests.

"Let me out. It's dawn, I haven't turned back yet." Jackson says, very stressed and frustrated. "It doesn't make any sense. I need to find Hayley."

Freya placed her hand on his chest. "I can feel the curse in your blood. Something's restraining it, but you could transition at any moment."

Hayley vamps in and shoves Freya into a concrete wall. Freya is knocked unconscious and falls to the floor. I gasp in shock and relief when I see her standing next to me, her face and her clothes covered in blood. The only emotion present on her is pure anger.

"Where the hell is that bastard?" She seethes, referring to Klaus.

"Hayley." Jackson and I breathe out in unison. Both of us highly concerned about the blood all over her.

"What happened?" Jackson adds.

"Hayley." Klaus greets appearing behind us in the Courtyard. "Come to apologize for all your transgressions?"

Hayley storms towards him, infuriated. "Do you have any idea what you have taken from me?"

She goes to punch him, but he catches her arm and twists it around her back making her grunt and scream in pain. Jackson struggles with his chains, trying to break free. She swings herself back around while bringing her leg up and kicking him in the face.

"The very thing you sought to take from me, the chance to raise and see my daughters grow." He tells her standing up straight. "Your punishment fits your crime."

"Your family was ruining the twins and Kelsey's lives." Hayley shoves in his face.

Klaus vamp speeds, grabbing her by her neck. "My family saved the twins lives, while you convinced Kelsey to go along with you and play hide and seek in the forest!" He exclaims.

Jackson breaks one of his arms free, as Freya starts to wake up. Hayley pulls back her head and then rams it into Klaus' face, making him stumble back and let her go. Jackson breaks his other wrist free and Freya uses her magic to give him a head splitting aneurysm. Jackson groans and falls to his knees.

"Let me go, he'll kill her!" He chokes out, snapping me into action.

"He'll kill you." Freya counters. I walk forward and stand between Hayley and Klaus.

"That's enough." I tell them, but they don't listen.

"There's a very short list of people who've tried to take Hope and Bexley away from me." Klaus grits. "And you and Kelsey are the only ones left breathing."

Hayley smirks in amusement and sarcasm. "You think Kelsey tried to take the twins from you?"

"Only because you got in her head and convinced her to leave me!" He yells.

"Have you met Kelsey?" Hayley jars. "Nobody can convince her to do anything."

Klaus' face falls slightly and his eyes dart to me. "You wanted to leave?"

"You are so delusional." Hayley snaps before I could respond. She looks at me and pinches her eyebrows together. "Why didn't you tell him the truth?"

"Just forget it." I try to change the subject. "Hayley, just calm down and let's go talk."

She shakes her head and glares at Klaus and smirks. "I didn't convince Kelsey of anything." She taunts. "Jackson and I snapped her neck and kept her unconscious because she refused to abandon you. Even though, it would have saved their lives." I look down at my feet. I can feel Klaus' heated gaze on me as he finally learns the truth. "She didn't know we were running until about two hours before you and your psycho Aunt cursed us. See, she had plans to come back here that next morning."

"Kelsey?" Klaus says softly. "Is this true?" I cross my arms and nod in confirmation. "Why didn't you tell me?" He turns back to Hayley, anger once again radiating off of him. "You kidnapped them!" Klaus goes to attack her and I step in front of her, blocking him.

"That's enough!" I demand. "How dare you ask me why! You automatically assumed! This is on you. You did this."

"You could have told me!"

"Why?" I shrug in annoyance. "You cursed a whole pack. Every wolf that was here to help protect the twins. You stripped them from their families. And that was just when you thought they persuaded me. You would have killed Hayley and Jackson for taking us!"

"You're right." He sneers. "They do deserve death and I'm just the one to give it to them."

"Touch them and no one will have to take me this time." I exclaim. "I'll leave with the twins on my own. Hayley is my family and that means Jackson and the pack are too."

"You tend to choose Hayley over us and by doing so you choose her over Hope and Bexley!"

"Are you insane?!" I snap. "I have done nothing but defend you to everyone."

"What did you plan to tell my nieces?" Hayley inquire rhetorically. "That I abandoned them?"

She beaks a piece of wood from the chair behind her and throws it at him. He catches in and goes to hit her with it, but she jumps up to the third floor. She, then, jumps to the second floor near my room. Klaus jumps up there and cuts her off. Knowing this was going to be bad, I follow their lead and jump up and land between them. My rage slowly boiling over. I give Hayley a stern look and then turn to Klaus, the person I've been infuriated with for the last few months. He looks slightly surprised, before going emotionless.

"I'm sick and tired of you always trying to take out my family!" I scream, throwing my fist at his face. He dodges it. "Davina!" I swing again. Miss. "Hayley." I grip his shirt in my hands and grit my teeth. "My father died. My mother ditched me. Your parents turned on you!" I push him back. He makes no moves against me. He just watches with worry and a small bit of realization. "Look at us, Klaus."

"Niklaus!" Elijah enters the Courtyard and yells in warning.

"The twins deserve better." I continue to shove him back. "I just want them to be safe and happy." I shove him harder in frustration as he just lets me. "But we barely speak! You actively refuse to trust me!" Tears start to gather in my eyes. "You just act, no matter the consequences or who you hurt." I push him back again. "Fight back! Fight back!" I scream and slap him across the face. He stares at my in shock and regret. Then, he looks over my shoulder and his face falls more. My heartbeat picks up and I slowly turn and see Hope and Bexley standing next to my room door, holding hands. Shame floods me. "I'm a horrible mother." I whisper. "They should never have seen that."

"They're walking." Hayley gasps sadly. "When did they start walking?" Hayley and I make our way to them and she grabs Bexley and hugs her close and I grab Hope. "I missed it." She sighs as a tear falls down her face.

We both walk downstairs with the twins. Jackson runs to greet Hayley, finally. "What happened? Is the curse broken?"

"I'll explain later. We're safe for now." Hayley tells him.

"Good for you." Klaus says approaching us. "I'll have your bedroom made up."

"The only way that I will stay under your roof is if I'm in a coffin." Hayley bites in disgust. "And Kelsey should follow my advice."

"If you think I will allow Hope and Bexley out of my protection for a second--" Klaus seethes.

"What you'll 'allow' doesn't matter, Klaus." I interject. "Welcome to a 21st century custody battle. Moms win them now. This is my decision, so back off."

"If I may..." Elijah says walking closer. "The apartments across the street have recently been renovated. There's a three bedroom. I might pay a visit to the management. If Kelsey decides to move with Hayley then the fact that Bexley and Hope will never be out of earshot should assuage your incessant paranoia." He finishes, looking at Klaus.

"So we are to listen as my daughters are raised by savages." Klaus replies in disbelief.

"Cause everyone here is so damn civilized?" Jackson quips.

"Brother, you created the problem." Elijah points out. "This might as well be the solution."

"Put the place in Jackson's name." Hayley says looking at Klaus. "Klaus won't be invited in. Kelsey, if you decide to move in let me know." She passes Bexley to my free arm.

I nod. "We'll talk later."

Jackson and Hayley leave the Compound, Elijah following. Freya gives Klaus a look that reads 'what did you expect' and then she goes about her business leaving me and Klaus alone.

"Are you really leaving?" He mutters in disappointment.

I shrug the best I can with two babies on my hips. "You seem hell bent on believing I would leave you the first chance I get anyway. So, I wouldn't want to disappoint."

"Kelsey." He says as I begin to head to the nursery. I stop but I don't turn to face him. "I didn't know that you had no choice in running. I thought- I thought I'd never see you and the twins again."

"I know." I sigh. "That's not the problem." I turn and face him. "The problem is you didn't even bother to find out what happened, you just acted. You cursed the whole pack over something you assumed I did, instead of trusting me and giving me the benefit of the doubt. I'm tired of having the same fight."

"I see that now." He steps closer, but I step back. "I-I'm sorry. Just please don't leave."

I swallow thickly, forcing myself to not give in. "I have some thinking to do, okay. I'll be in the nursery. We can talk later."

He nods deflated and I quickly turn as my eyes get cloudy. Without looking back I go straight to the nursery connected to my room.


"Kelsey?" Freya says appearing in my doorway. "Elijah went to see Lucian Castle and saw the same prophecy. We are going to the ballroom and I'm going to see if it's an accurate prediction. Do you mind coming?"

I look at the twins playing on my bed. "Yeah, sure. Just let my put them in their Pak-n-Play to play and I'll be down." She nods in acknowledgement and then walks away.

I grab Bexley, who is closer, and put her in the Pak-n-Play at the foot of my bed, then I do the same with Hope. I make sure they have their blankets and some toys. After placing a kiss on each of their heads I go down to the ballroom.

"If you fed on this prophetic witch, her blood is still in your system." Freya tells the brothers as I enter. She is sat at a table with candles and a bowl that Klaus is currently adding his blood to.

"Hope you didn't catch anything." I sneer.

"Jealous?" He smirks with raised eyebrows.

"You wish." I scoff, crossing my arms.

"If there is a weapon that can kill you, we need to know." Freya continues, ignoring our back and forth.

Freya places her hands in the bowl with their blood and starts chanting with her eyes closed. She shakes a bit and her chanting gets more intense. Blood begins to stream out of her ears and the table starts to tremble.

"Freya, stop." Elijah says placing his hand on her upper arm. But, she shrugs him off and continues. She gasps and Elijah and Klaus' names written in a different language on the table burst into flames. Her eyes open and she sighs deeply.

"It's true." She reveals. "You have a terrible shadow over you. Rebekah, too. If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall." Anxiety sets in and worry consumes me as she speaks. "One by friend, one by foe, and one by family." Elijah and Klaus share a look and I dart my eyes between the three siblings.

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