Shielding The Innocent - Nikl...

By ForeverKeke07

42.5K 1.1K 33

Kelsey Claire is forced to return to the place she was born, because her sister is missing. Her only friend... More

Author's Note
Season 1 Cast
Chapter 1: Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 2 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 15

362 8 1
By ForeverKeke07

Davina stayed with me and the twins the night Kol died. I didn't want her to be alone. However, when she woke up the next day she insisted on just that. So, reluctantly I agreed.

Elijah moved out. He claims it's to help Marcel make the vampires stronger, but we all know there is more to it then that. When, Nik asked Jackson and Hayley to move in I don't think he expected Elijah to leave the Compound. But, that's what he gets for being a massive jerk.

I haven't really talked to Nik since our....fight? If you'd even call it that. There wasn't really any arguing, more like me saying my piece and leaving him with it. Honestly, I just don't have the mental energy to discuss anything, so I've been giving him the cold shoulder. Which, he totally deserves. When, we are in the same room I can feel him looking at me and I know he wants to talk. He doesn't make staying annoyed with him easy.

Nik has gathered Hayley, Jackson, and I in his study. He stands across from Jackson, who is sitting in the middle of the couch. Hayley and I sit on each arm of the couch. I keep a close eye on Nik, not wanting him to try anything on Jackson.

"It's time to use our werewolf army." Nik says looking at Jackson. "Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location."

"No. We need all hands on deck here with Hope and Bexley." Jackson denies. "You can compel humans to track your enemies."

"Do my ears deceive me, or did you just give me an order in my own home?" Nik raises his eyebrows.

"This ain't about your ego." Jackson snaps. "It's about what's best for those two little girls."

"How dare you question my intentions for my daughters."

"Both of you knock it off." I demand. "No one is ordering anyone. This is a discussion to come up with a plan. Compelling humans, who can't defend themselves against a witch is awful. I agree that the twins need to be protected. However, Finn is a threat to them. Freya is a wild card. We don't know hardly anything about her. We need to find them."

Jackson sighs and Nik smirks at me. I roll my eyes at him, making his smirk drop. Hayley turns to Jackson. "Jack. Kelsey and Klaus are right." She says. "Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means he's powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him."

"At least he still looks the same." I mutter.

"Either way, we're not finding them unless we send our best people out there." Hayley adds.

"But I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them posthaste." Nik smirks. Jackson stands and walks up to Nik.

"Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Hayley and Kelsey are asking. Don't think that for one second I take orders from you." He says sternly, but Nik continues to smirk.

"I'm going to go check on the twins." I roll my eye. "Watching 'Who's dick is bigger' is exhausting." I snip, getting a laugh from Hayley as I walk out.


Aiden called Nik to tell him that he had a run in with Freya and, unfortunately, Mikael. He was in the cemetery and Mikael had killed a wolf for blood.

Knowing that Finn is someone I want to see taken out after everything he's done, Nik invited me. I think he, also, invited me as an attempt to get back on my good side. I left the twins, for the first time in a few days, with Hayley.

We walk through the cemetery and fog coats the air. "Finn!" Nik yells. "I know you're here! The wolves tell me you've been quite active, robbing graves and violating corpses. Sounds like you." He smirks. "Why don't you come out so we can finish this?"

"Hello, Niklaus." Finn says staring to approach us. "Kelsey."

"Such a pedestrian greeting." Nik taunts. "How unfortunate those are to be your last words."

"Your hubris truly knows no bounds." Finn replies. "You attack a witch in the very place that the Ancestors call home. Tsk, tsk."

"You're a fool if you think the Ancestors give a damn about you." Nik smirks.

"They may not care about me, brother, but they hate you." Finn pushes his hand at us, sending fire hurtling at our faces. Nik puts me behind him, just in time taking most of the heat and vamping us away and onto a mausoleum.

"You lost a step, brother, but then, being blown to pieces with do that, I suppose." Nik calls out.

Nik vamps towards him, but Finn throws a small gate into him, impelling his chest and pinning him to a tomb. Blood pours out of his mouth as he grunts.

"Finished so soon, my indestructible brother?" Finn taunts. "Father was right about you. You're nothing but a pathetic disappointment." I vamp at him, but he's too fast and he pins me to the wall opposite of Nik. I groan at the impact on the concrete meeting my back. "Nice try Kelsey. You're almost as pathetic as he is."

"At least we aren't traitorous cowards." I spit as I try to fight against his magic.

"You judge us?" Nik deadpans. "You who cursed Kol to death. But you didn't stop there did you? No. As an encore, you sought the death of an innocent child." Not mentioning our other, since Finn doesn't know we have twins.

Nik grunts as he forcibly removes the gate from his chest, anger driving him. He breaks off one of the bars and Finn's magic releases me. I step forward and stand by Nik.

"My child!" Nik exclaims throwing the bar. It sores through the air and imbeds itself in Finn's middle on the left of his torso. He yells in pain and staggers against the tomb behind him. Nik vamp speeds to Finn. One of his hands grab the bar and the other keeps him steady by holding his shoulder. "For what you would've done to her and for killing Kelsey, I'm going to enjoy making you suffer."

Nik slowly begins pushing and twisting the bar into him. Finn grunts and groans in pain. Then, Nik snatches the bar out and Finn sinks to the ground, falling to his knees. Nik raises the bar over his head and goes to impel him again, but Elijah shows up out of no where and pulls him away, pinning him to a concrete wall.

"You didn't answer my call." Elijah says.

"Well, I was a little bit busy." Nik states nodding to Finn, who is panting on the ground.

"I need him alive." Elijah replies.

"I have no time for your soft-hearted sympathies." Nik denies pushing Elijah's hand off him. "Stand aside." Finn's pants and shakes, unable to try and escape. "Let him die, Elijah."

"The witches want that body returned unharmed." Elijah informs.

"And what else do they want? A parade?" Nik sneers sarcastically. "Free broomsticks for all?"

"This alliance could be greatly beneficial." Elijah counters.

"Yes, well, currying some witch's favor does not concern me." Nik says.

"It should." A girl says, approaching us. She has medium length blonde hair and beautiful blue-green eyes. "Witch allies can prove valuable."

"That's not been my experience." I scoff.

"That's unfortunate." She tells me sincerely as she walks to Finn.

"Freya." He pleads, as he slowly bleeds out. "Freya, help me."

"Don't worry, brother, I won't let them hurt you." She puts two fingers under a deep blue pendant around her neck. She, then, begins muttering an incantation. The pendant lights up and Finn screams.

When, she stops he looks around in confusion. Panic and fear clear on his face. "Who are you?" He asks looking at Freya.

Freya slowly waves her hand in his direction. "Sleep." His head falls back and he becomes unconscious.

"What did you do to him?" Nik inquires.

"Finn is now safe from harm." She holds her pendant up for us to see. "And his hatred of you can no longer do damage to our cause."

"Our cause?" Elijah questions.

"Yes, ours." She confirms. "And now, if you two can stop arguing long enough perhaps you'll allow your older sister to offer you a deal."

"What could you possibly offer us besides fairytales and lies?" Nik says making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever you may think of me, brother, know this: When I speak to you, it is the truth." Freya counters. "If you've any doubts, remember it was I who rescued Rebekah from the Fauline Cottage."

"Was it not also you who led Finn on his vile mission to take Hope's life?" Elijah points out, walking to stand in front of an unconscious Vincent.

"The threat to Hope came from Finn, not me." Freya explains. "The brother I knew would never have stooped to threaten a child. Our mother destroyed him. Like she did me," She turns to Nik. "you, and everything she touched."

"Do not speak as though we are familiars." Nik tells her. "We know nothing of you."

Freya bows her head and holds her hands out sending the three of us into a vision.

A very pregnant Esther stands with a small boy and a small girl about the same age in the snow next to a cabin in a village. Another woman with long dark hair stands across from her.

"I cannot give up my child." Esther says as the woman picks up the little girl.

"Mommy." Little Freya pleads for Esther.

"No, Dahlia. Freya, please!" Esther begs as Dahlia totes Freya away. Esther makes no advances to try and get to Freya. She just stands there and watches Dahlia take her.

"MAMA!" Freya cries.

Freya releases us from the vision. "Do you think me a liar?" Freya asks.

"Esther's such a bitch." I sneer in disgust.

"That proves nothing but your ability to conjure illusions." Nik tells her.

"Before you dismiss me, you should know this." Freya looks at him. "If I've woken from my slumber, then Dahlia has as well. Once she's sensed your child's magic she will come for her. And she has the power to kill anyone who stands in her way. Unless we kill her first."

"It's quite convenient, isn't it?" Nik counters. "You show up in the nick of time to help us kill the woman with whom you spent a thousand years."

"You have no idea what it took to escape her, or what I lost in the trying." Freya sneers. "Her punishment will be profound."

"I believe her." I state honestly and Nik looks at me in disbelief. I shrug at him. "She has the same haunted look in her eyes that all of you have. A look that is put there by horrible parental figures."

"You know how to stop her?" Elijah steps forward.

"Given the proper materials, yes." Freya confirms. "I've sent Father to procure them."

"You put the life of my child in the hands of Mikael." Nik says in disgust and then he turns and begins to storm away.

"Niklaus." Elijah calls stopping him. "This woman has knowledge of the threat we now face and is willing to share that information."

"Well, you'll excuse me, Elijah, if I'm not incline to trust the mysterious sister we only just met." Nik counters. "By all means, if you wish to entertain this idiocy have at it." And with that he disappears.

"Sorry." I nod at Freya. "He has major trust issues, that even I can't break through."

"Thank you." She tells me and Elijah. "Both of your kindness is much appreciated."

"I may be willing to accept your identity, Freya, doesn't mean I trust you." Elijah tells her.

"And I will look forward to earning that trust." She nods with a smile. She leaves us. Elijah turns to me.

"You know that my brother does trust you, right?" He inquires.

"He has a funny way of showing it." I scoff.

Elijah chuckles. "Yes. Well, I didn't say he doesn't come with complications."

"That's an understatement." I mutter.

"He does love you." Elijah nods. "In a thousand years I've never seen him look at anyone like he looks at you. You challenge him to be better."

I nod in acknowledgement. "I'm sorry about Hayley."

Elijah sighs. "It's what she wanted."

"Doesn't make it hurt any less." I reply. "I better go track down Nik."

Elijah nods and I vamp away leaving him with an unconscious Vincent.


I eventually find Nik in the twins nursery. He is standing by their crib smiling down at them. I quietly enter the room and shut the door behind me. He turns and looks at me.

"I relieved Hayley and Jackson from babysitting." He informs me with a smile. I nod and look down at the sleeping twins.

I softly smile and gesture for him and I to step into the hallway. We stand at the balcony overlooking the courtyard.

"Hayley refuses to tell the pack to track Mikael." He says.

"Well, we'll find a way to find him." I shrug. "And if he comes near the twins, then the pack will intervene and help us. Everyone's end game is to keep them safe."

"Yes, but..."

"But, nothing." I cut him off. "You can't control everyone. You really need to start trusting people."

"I trust you." He says, also, referring to our argument.

"Do you?" I question earnestly with my eyebrow pulled together.

"I do." He nods honestly. "It's just the thought of losing you scares me."

I nod, surprised at his admission. "I hate arguing with you."

"Are you sure?" He smirks. "Because we do it quite often."

"Well if you weren't so damn stubborn." I smile nudging his arm, making him chuckle.

He leans forward and kiss my forehead. "Goodnight, Sleeping Beauty."

He, then, goes to walk away. However, I catch his hand and him by slight surprise. I grab his face and press my mouth to his. His hands grip my waist bringing me closer. This kiss holds the same intensity and is just as breathtaking as the others. I pull away reluctantly to regain my breath.

"Stay with me." I breath out and he nods, looking between my eyes and my lips. I smile and grab his hand before pulling him to my room.

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