Shielding The Innocent - Nikl...

By ForeverKeke07

42.5K 1.1K 33

Kelsey Claire is forced to return to the place she was born, because her sister is missing. Her only friend... More

Author's Note
Season 1 Cast
Chapter 1: Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 2 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 19

538 15 0
By ForeverKeke07

   The loud hammering of a jack hammer sounds throughout the Compound. Elijah has decided to make renovations. I walk out of the study on the ground floor, I'd been reading in the quiet while it lasted, just as Nik and Genevieve walk out of his room. 

   "Elijah!" I call out loud enough he can hear me, even though he's a vampire. "Do we have to have this done at eight in the morning?" I groan.

   "Enough with all the racket!" Nik yells about the same time.

   "Sorry, Kelsey." Elijah nods at me and I shrug. He then turns his attention to Nik. "Is there a problem, brother?"

   "I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody 3-ring circus." Nik exclaims heading down the stairs with Genevieve following.

   "Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not."

   "I agree with your brother." Genevieve intercepts. "It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a make-over."

   "Well luckily no one asked your opinion." I glare at her as Elijah smirks in my peripheral vision. "This place is just fine."

   "Do you have a problem?" Genevieve sneers.

   "With you?" I fake innocence. "I'm sorry have I not been transparent enough about that?"

   "You litt--" Genevieve starts to say before Niklaus interrupts her smirking widely at the interaction, while trying to stop a fight between me and Genevieve.

   "Careful, Elijah. When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something." Niklaus teases her, causing me to lightly laugh.

   "Actually... I do have a request." Genevieve smiles facing Elijah with Nik a few feet behind her.

   "Shocker." I mutter loud enough for them to hear.

   "I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic." Genevieve says ignoring me. "Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change."

   "Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?" Elijah inquires.

   "The fete des benedictions." She answers as the brothers chuckle. "The feast of the blessings. In the past members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest Girls to society."

   "So, your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment. And you would like a party for the witches." Elijah replies making Niklaus laugh.

   "I made my amends with your brother." Genevieve says looking back at Nik as he smirks and takes a drink of scotch. "Why don't you think it over?"

   "Okay. First off, Gross." I glare at Nik and Genevieve. I turn to Elijah. "And second and trust me I can't believe I'm saying this." I take a dramatic deep breath. "I agree with Genevieve." I choak out.

   "Really?" Genevieve says skeptically as Elijah and Niklaus look at me in shock. "Why?"

   "You said this festival is for the Harvest Girls." I shrug knowing Davina could use a pick-me-up. Realization crosses everyone's faces.

   "Well, I'll be off." Genevieve says while leaving the courtyard.

   "Oh, don't be such a stiff, Elijah." Niklaus smirks walking up to Elijah. "The tourist love a good festival. Besides, what better way to cement the solidarity than show of faith toward a onetime enemy?"

   "A onetime enemy with whom you've grown nauseatingly intimate." Elijah quips, making me fake cough to cover my laugh.

   "Who said maintaining alliances can't be fun?" Niklaus replies.

   "And I repeat 'gross'." I fake gag.

   "One would think you'd be a little more interested in attending to the needs of the mother of your child." Elijah tells him.

   "Woah, woah. Leave me out of this." I put my hands up in surrender.

   "You need not worry about her." Nik tells Elijah as he walks out of the Compound. "I have that under control."

   "I'm not something you can control!" I yell after him. I cross my arms and glance at Elijah. "Your brother in infuriating."

   "Are we to pretend you don't enjoy his company." He smirks teasingly.

   I groan. "Not you too. I'm not into your egotistical brother."

   "Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?" He replies.

   "I don't know anymore." I mutter as my phone rings.

   "Hey, Hayley." I smile.

  "Hey, do you mind coming to the Bayou?" She asks me.

   "Why?" I question.

   "You just gotta see this." She speaks.

    "Okay. I'll be there soon." I tell her and hang up.

   "I'm headed to the Bayou; I'll be back later." I tell Elijah.

   "Okay." He nods. "Call if you need anything." I send him a thumbs up and leave him to his renovations. 


   When I pull up to the cabin I'm greeted with a large crowd. Definitely more people then are in the Crescent pack. Hayley and Eve are on the porch of the cabin. Confusion taking over me I head in their direction.

   "What's going on?" I ask them when I'm close enough. "Who are all these people?"

   "They've come from all over. All the packs." Eve says.

   "Why?" Hayley questions. "To see a baby that isn't even born yet?" I instinctively place my hand on my belly.

   "They're here to see my baby?" I question in disbelief.

   "Forget the baby." Oliver says to us as he walks out of the cabin. "These freaks, they come here to see you guys. You know, given the place Hayley's parents held in pack hierarchy, maybe they think you're gonna be the long-lost werewolf messiah or something,"

   "Great." Hayley sighs. "No pressure or anything." Oliver's phone rings and he walks off to answer it. 

   "I know you've been kind of trying to keep your distance from this." Hayley says looking at me.

   "It's alright." I shrug with a smile. "I only mean to avoid everything related to my biological mom. But, if you need me I'm here."

   "Thank you." She smiles.

   "Always." I nod at her.


   Elijah arrived at the Bayou to speak to Jackson and Hayley. So, the three of them, plus Oliver and I, move to a more private area to speak. He was here to tell them about the witches festival.

   "Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French Quarter. Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend." Elijah explains.

   "Thanks but no thank?" Hayley answers with her arms crossed.

   "Hayley..." I sigh.

   "Let's hear the man out." Oliver suggests.

   "The witches are the ones that cursed your pack." She points out. "And they've been nothing but crap to me and Kelsey since we first came to town. No. We're not going."

   "It's a new day in the Quarter, Hayley." Jackson counters. "I agree with Oliver."

   "Besides this is for Davina, too." I tell her placing my hand on her shoulder.

   "If we're gonna coexist, we have to play ball." Jackson adds looking at Elijah. "We'll send a representative with a gift."

   Elijah nods in thanks. Hayley turns and walks off and I follow her.

   "Hayley, wait." She stops and lets me catch up, just as Elijah appears in front of us.

   "That was too easy." Elijah tells us. "Don't trust him. Don't trust any of them." And with that he leaves. Hayley and I look back at Jackson and Oliver as they talk while walking over to the dock connecting to the cabin.

   "Why does everyone have to be up to something?" I groan.

   "Maybe he's being paranoid." She shrugs a bit unconvinced.

   "Well, we should stay on guard just in case." I tell her as she nods in agreement.

   "Let's find out what's going on." She says.

   We head to the cabin. Hayley leads the way inside and out the back door. Jackson and Oliver are standing just out the door, talking in hush whispers. As soon as we open the door the conversation stops.

   "What is this? High school?" Hayley asks innocently, with the hope one of them will just tell us what's going on.

   "Why don't you take a hint and mind your own business?" Oliver sasses before going to walk between Jackson and Hayley. He puts his back to us and I grip the back of his neck and push him into the cabin. 

   "This is Hayley's pack." I tell him as Hayley smirks and Jackson watches. "That makes it Hayley's business."

   "No need to get all riled up." Jackson interrupts. "It's not good for you."

   "Hayley has tried to play nice." I say. "The last month of pregnancy is all mood swings and hormones, so unless you want me to snap your arm like a twig, I suggest that you tell us what is going on."  

   "You can go to hell." Oliver replies, his face still smashed against the cabin.

   "Knock it off." Jackson orders. "There's no reason to keep it from them."

   "I can think of a reason." Oliver says. "Tall and immortal and wears a pocket scarf." I twist his arm more and shoving him back into the cabin making him yell in pain. "Uhh!"

   "Kelsey and Hayley you're one of us." Jackson tells us. "Even if you haven't been out here, Kelsey. You both deserve to know. Go on." Jackson gives me a look and sighing, I let Oliver go. Hayley and I turn to Jackson expectantly.

   "We made an alliance." He explains. "That's gonna change everything for the wolves."

   "An alliance with who?" Hayley asks.

   "Klaus." He answers. Hayley glances at me and back at Oliver.

   "Tell us everything."


   Jackson told us all about their alliance with Nik. Niklaus has promise them Moonlight Rings. They work similarly to Daylight Rings. The rings will give a wolf freewill over their transformation. No more being bound to a full moon. All they have to do is help Nik with whatever he asks.

   I should have known Niklaus would be making moves behind the curtain. He is clearly up to something, just like Elijah already suspects.

   Deciding not to deal with it now, I told Hayley I'd see her later and left. The festival was happening now and the Harvest Girls are sitting in chairs that are being carried above everyone's heads. The crowd of people surrounding them are yelling and playing music in celebration. Davina is wearing a coral dress with some sort of crown. She is smiling and waving at all the people.

   The men carrying the girls set them down and help them off their thrones. They go and stand in front of everyone, Genevieve joining them. 

   "Now, in accordance with the fete des benedictions, the witches of New Orleans bless you all." Genevieve announces and the crowd cheers.

   She steps down and Monique steps forward and raises her hand. The ground and the buildings shake until she puts her hands down. She goes back to her place and the second girl steps forward. When she raises her hands the wind picks up around us. Hair, clothes, trees, and more flies around, before settling. The second girl then lines up behind Monique. Davina turns her back to the crowd and throws her hand up at a sign behind her. Smoke immediately covers the sign as it gradually lights up and firework shoot off from it. The crowd cheers loudly with the fireworks as the girls stand side by side.

   Davina catches sight of me and I send her a wink. Then the girls lead the way into the building the rest of the ceremony will take place. I walk through the gate with Davina.

   "Davina." Elijah says standing by the entrance. "Kelsey."

   "Elijah." We says in unison.

   "It's lovely to see you." He nods at Davina. "And under far better circumstances."

   "Is it?" Davina sasses, not liking any of the Originals. "My friend Tim is still dead and your brother's still breathing."

   "Davina." I say sternly.

   "Davina, that's enough." Genevieve interrupts. "Elijah has been a patron to us this evening. You will show him respect." Davina gives them both a sarcastic look before turning and walking away.

   "Don't you ever talk to my sister like that again." I snarl before catching up with Davina. "I hate that bitch." I whisper to her as she quietly laughs.

    Davina goes to the front of the room with one of the Harvest Girls. I stand off to the side and watch her greet and talk people. I keep a light smile on my face as I watch her enjoy herself.

   Someone starts to tap their glass, preparing the crowd for a speech. Genevieve stands next to three Harvest Girls, as Monique joins them.

  "Welcome." She smiles holding up a glass of Champaign. "As is our time-honored tradition, you are all welcome to deliver you offerings. It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied."

   Genevieve then walks away, while the girls take a sit side-by-side and wait for offerings. Hayley approaches first with a square present in her hands. She walks up to Davina with a smile. Before, she can pass the gift to Davina a lady directs her to one of the other girls. Confused Hayley walks over to Monique and sets the gift at her feet.

   Ms. Correa is next, and she is directed to give her gift to the other girl. The same happens with Diego. Scrunching my eyebrows, I watch as the lady continues to ignore Davina. Davina's face has been wiped of any smile that used to be there. Now, she just looks upset and humiliated. I clutch my gift in my hand, irritation taking over as the other girls are plied with presents. I walk up to Davina and reach my arm out to her. She smiles at me, but it doesn't last long because the same lady that has been redirecting people away from Davina attempted to do the same to me. When I ignore her, and Davina goes to grab it the lady grips my wrist.

   "I suggest you let me go." I snap at her. "Preferably before I bit your hand off and feed it to you. We wouldn't want a scene, would we?" The lady immediately lets me go and goes back to her place.

   "Thank you." Davina whispers to me with a small smile, while taking my gift. I had gotten her a simple necklace. The charm being a crescent moon.

   "Of course." I smile at her.

   After I walk away the lady continues to exclude Davina. I know she is probably just following orders, but that doesn't stop my glares. One by one people completely ignore Davina.

   Davina stands and walks out of the room. I follow her around the corner to comfort her, but Josh beat me to it. Smiling, I allow him to attempt to make her feel better and I go find Hayley. However, I'm distracted by Nik showing up and heading in Davina and Josh's direction. I walk into the hallway just in time to see Nik vamp speed and grab Josh by the back of the neck.

   "Niklaus!" I yell.

   "Come along, lad."

   "Can't we talk about this." Josh pleads.

   "Josh!" Davina calls after them as Nik drags him to the stairs. Davina and I follow after them. Nik lets him go at the bottom and he walks up a few steps. 

   "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please." Nicklaus announces gaining everyone's eyes. Davina, Josh, and I stand next to each other. "We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but one very special witch has been utterly ignored. That seems a little unfair to me." Raising my eyebrows in surprise I watch as Nik tries to hand Davina a small box with a purple bow. 

   "No." Davina refuses. "I don't want your gift."

   "I understand why you would reject me, given our past in truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended." Nik says. "Your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now." I inch closer just in case. "But, in the spirit of solidarity, and for your favor, Davina, I hereby pardon him." He places a hand on Josh's shoulder. "Josh... from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me." Then Nik turns back to Davina and hands her the gift again and I smile widely. "Please." She takes it and he smirks. Niklaus turns his smirk on Genevieve. She looks annoyed and walks off.


   "Klaus's scene was interesting." Hayley comments as we walk through the crowd.

   "Surprising." I smile. "I know he is probably up to something, but I'm glad he did all that."

   "Yeah." She nods. "It's good for Josh."

   "Exactly and that's good for Davina." We walk into the next room. "Speak of the devil." I mutter as Nik joins us.

   "I hear you've made quite an impression with the wolves." He says to the both of us. "My arrangement with them was supposed to be a secret, and yet you guys forced it out of them. It's very bold." Then he looks at Hayley. "As was your decision to represent them here today, on your own. I trust you'll do nothing to harm our cause."

   "Are you really gonna go behind Elijah's back?" Hayley asks.

   "I'm staying out of it until I see it is necessary to intervene." I shrug earning a nod from Nik.

   "What difference does it make to you as long as your people benefit?" Niklaus inquires looking at Hayley.

   "If I find out that you are playing some game, trying to manipulate us for one of your schemes..." Hayley starts, but Nik interrupts her.

   "You know, you've come a long way, Hayley." He speaks. "I knew you were tough; I knew you were cunning, but I never knew you were a queen." Then he smirks and walks away.

   "Weird." I comment. "I think that was a compliment."

   "First time for everything." She chuckles. "But I have a feeling he's up to no good."

   "He always is." I shake my head. "But I have to talk to him. I'll see you later."

   I squeeze her shoulder and walk away from her and after Nik. "Nik." I call out. He hears me and stops letting me approach him.

   "Yes, love." He smiles as we stand next to the wall.

   Before I can reply to him, drums bang and our attention goes to these men in all white coming down the stairs. They gather at the bottom of the staircase and stop playing the music.

   "Happy fete des benedictions." One of the guys in the front of the group says. "We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard." People begin talking among themselves. Nik stands straighter and more alert.

   The men in all white then pull-out knives and bring them to their wrist. In unison they cut open their veins and allow their blood to pour out onto the floor. All the vampires in the room starting hissing and veins appear under their eyes along with their fangs. Niklaus grabs my wrist pulling my closer to him. Elijah steps forward to the men and addresses the crowd.

   "Control yourselves." He demands. "This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement." Then the lights go out.

   The vampires attack. Someone bumps into me, and I'm separated from Nik. Lights are flashing and it's hard to know what exactly is happening around me.

   "Kelsey!" I hear Nik yell, but I'm hit in the face by someone before I can respond. They push me into the wall, and I hit my head falling to the ground.

   The lights then turn back on, and I sit up leaning on the wall. The room is littered with dead bodies. Hayley raises her head from the ground and Elijah rushes to her side. They both look at me and I nod in reassurance.

   "Kelsey." Nik says as he walks up to me. He holds out his hand and I accept, allowing him to help me to my feet. "Are you alright?"

   "Yeah. I'm fine." I nod.

   "You're bleeding." He says in concern, bring his thumb up to the corner of my mouth and wiping the blood.

   "I'm okay, really." I reassure him, honestly. "Davina?" I ask looking around in worry.

   "Genevieve and Josh got the girls out." Nik says.

   "At least she's good for something." I mutter as our attention is brought to the wall.

   'There will be no peace' is written in blood. 


   Niklaus walks into the Compound after some time. I had been waiting on him to get here, I wanted to have the conversation I was going to have before Marcel's disruption. But it seems it'll have to wait again because Elijah, also, plans to speak with him. Elijah watches from the balcony as Nik comes through the door. I stand next in the hallway on the first floor near Nik.

   "Well, I see that you've already avenged Hayley." Niklaus refers to Elijah's bloody hand. "But judging by your look, you're still out for blood."

   "If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, then surely my quest for your salvation ranks me as one of the maddest of men." Elijah replies.

   "Come on, then." Nik comments. "What horrible deed has the bastard done this time?"

   "Do you know, in the past, I actually appreciated the methods to your manipulations." Elijah replies. "However, now here we are, poised on the brink of a new era which will benefit not only your home but your child, and you go behind my back to conspire with wolves."

   "Conspire is hardly the word I would use for a family council." Niklaus counters. "Lest you forget, Elijah, they are my family as much as any Mikaelson... A name, in truth, I cannot even call my own." Elijah vamp speeds downstairs and in front of Nik.

   "How casually you disavow a thousand years of allegiance towards you." Elijah says.

   "And now that I've found the remnants of my other family, am I to ignore their plight? I would've thought you'd support my desire to help them, when in doing so, I help Kelsey, and the child." Niklaus replies.

   "Do not question my allegiance towards that child." Elijah snaps.

   "Oh, and I suppose your affection for Hayley, Kelsey's family, has nothing to do with your tireless dedication." Nik pushes. "Yes, you see, I saw how you cared for her tonight. Called her name in the dark. The zeal with which you destroy those who would harm her."

   Elijah grabs him and they vamp speed pushing each other back and forth.

   "Knock it off!" I snap when Elijah pins Nik against the wall.

   "I have denied every single impulse I have ever had for that woman. Out of some misbegotten respect for intentions you don't even have for Kelsey." Elijah sneers as I lower my head.

   "I'm warning you..." Niklaus says pushing himself forward, but Elijah shoves him back against the wall.

   "I'm warning you." Elijah points his finger at him. "I've forgiven you. I have stood by you. I've forsaken every single one of my desires in the name of your ridiculous redemption. No more. If I want something... I'll take it. And nothing... nothing... Will stand in my way." He then leaves us standing there.

    "I actually think he is more psychotic than you." I tell Nik in disbelief.

   "What makes you say that?" Nik inquires.

   "First of all, what happen tonight wouldn't have, if he hadn't 'banished' Marcel." I use air quotes while rolling my eyes. "Secondly, Elijah hides his murdery impulses behind a suit and manners. You are up front with yours. At least people know what they're getting into with you." Nik chuckles lightly. "Are you really looking for your family? Or were you just trying to get Elijah off your trail?"

   "Both." Nik sighs as he walks into a study, and I follow after him. "I am looking for answers."

   "Why?" I question. "Why find out about people who abandon you?"

   "Are you asking for yourself?" He inquires, going to pour some Scotch.

   "Partly." I mutter.

   "I just want to know more about where I come from." Nik shrugs making me nod. "What did you want to talk about earlier?"

   "I wanted to thank you." I tell him sincerely.

   "Why?" He asks with scrunched eyebrows.

   "For what you did for Davina." I explain. "I know you probably have an alternative motive, but even so I appreciate you releasing Josh and the spectacle you made over the witches humiliating her."

   "No need to thank me, love." He smiles. "What Genevieve was doing was wrong and I always have an alternative motive. The gift was a spell for Daylight rings."

   "So, you think if Davina learns the Daylight spell to make a ring for Josh, she can do the Moonlight one." I nod in understanding. "And by standing up for her tonight, that was a sign of good faith. So, maybe she'll be inclined to help you."

   "Precisely." Nik smirks.

   "Alright." I nod.

   "Really?" He asks in shock. "You're not going to yell at me for putting your sister in my plans?"

   "No." I shrug. "Davina is strong willed. She's going to do what she wants. However, if you make her or harm her, then we will have a problem."

   "That is not my intention." He reassures me.

   "Good because if you can manage it, Davina is one you want on your side." I tell him. "Though you'd need an act of God. She despises you, especially because of Tim."

   "I know." He acknowledges. "Hopefully tonight was the step in the right direction."

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