Shielding The Innocent - Nikl...

By ForeverKeke07

44.3K 1.1K 33

Kelsey Claire is forced to return to the place she was born, because her sister is missing. Her only friend... More

Author's Note
Season 1 Cast
Chapter 1: Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 2 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

1.1K 33 0
By ForeverKeke07

Kelsey's Point of View

"Where is Niklaus?" I ask Rebekah who sits on the arm of the couch in the living room. "Out planning world domination?" I add sarcastically.

"He'll be back any second." She replies. "And Hayley?"

"She's out back reading a book next to the pool. She's found something that seems to have taken all her attention." I tell her plopping down next to her on the couch she's sitting on. Just as I hit the cushions Sophie appears in the chair across from me with Niklaus standing over her. Her face clearly shows she wasn't expecting her location to change so abruptly. Which means Niklaus vamp sped her here without her knowing he was going to. He looks over and sees me on the couch.

"Kelsey, we need to have a meeting. Go find Hayley and keep busy." He smiles trying to shoo me out causing me to sit up straighter.

"Yeah, I'm totally not going to do that." I defy. "This involves me too." I huff rolling my eyes with my arms crossed. His smile drops and he holds my glare seeing if I'll break.

"Fine." He groans giving in. I smile in victory as Rebekah has shock written all over her face.

"We had a deal." Niklaus demands turning his attention back to Sophie. "You protect my unborn child, I dismantle Marcel's army, and whilst I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, you allowed Kelsey to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches." He walks around the coffee table and sits next to me.

"I had nothing to do with it, I swear. Kelsey and I are linked, remember?" Sophie pleads. "She dies, I die."

"A silver lining in the event your dumb ass gets me killed." I shoot daggers at her.

"Then who were they?" Rebekah inquires short on patience.

"They're a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about the baby." Sophie explains.

"What kind of vision?" Niklaus and I ask simultaneously.

"She has them all the time. They're totally open to interpretation. I'm guessing she's wrong about this one." She dances around telling us.

"Well, how, may I ask, was this particular vision interpreted?" He cuts to the chase.

"Pretty much that your baby would bring death to all witches."

"Ah, well, I grow fonder of the child by the second." He says looking at me. I smile back nodding in agreement.

"Sophie, look." Rebekah intercepts. "I promised Elijah that I would protect the Mikaelson miracle baby, whilst he tries to win your witch Davina's loyalty. Why don't you tell me just how extreme this faction is?"

"Elijah is talking to Davina?" Sophie asks now seeming more invested in the conversation at the mention of my sister. Squinting my eye I watch her suspiciously.

"Yeah, as we speak, I imagine."

"I'm guessing she'll have plenty to say about that crowd." Sophie nods.

"What does that mean?" I ask as Niklaus says "Do tell."

"I wasn't always an advocate for the witches." She shrugs. "My sister was devoted like our parents, and our upbringing was very strict, which drove me nuts. The minute I turned twenty-one I left the Quarter to travel and play, but I wanted to be a chef. So I came back to Rousseau's." She explains as we stay quiet and listen. "My sister came while I was at Rousseau's one day and told me that the Elder's had voted to continue with the Harvest." I am immediately consumed with rage knowing exactly what that is. I clutch the side on the couch to keep me from ripping her head off. Niklaus and Rebekah obviously notice the change in my mood because I can feel them glancing at the side of my face as I continue to scowl at the witch.

"Are you saying Davina was apart of the Harvest?" I growl at her. She sees my expression and hers turns to confused. She has no idea why this pisses me off.

"What the bloody hell is the Harvest?" Rebekah asks slowly not wanting to set me off.

"It's a ritual our coven does every three centuries so that the bond to our ancestral magic is restored. We appease our ancestors. They keep our ancestral power flowing." She explains.

"And why haven't I heard of this?" Niklaus asks watching me out of the corner of his eye.

"Because the Harvest always seemed like a myth, a story passed down through generations like Noah's ark or the Buddha walking on water, the kind some people take literally and some people don't." She says. "They had the girls of our community preparing for months. Four would be chosen for the Harvest. They said it was an honor, that they were special. I thought it was a myth."

"Was it?" Rebekah questions just as Niklaus' phone rings and he stands to answer it.

"Marcel, bit early in the day for you, isn't it?" He asks but I don't care to listen to the other side on the conversation. Instead, I attempt to focus on lowering my heart rate.

"Rather you than me. All that responsibility seems like such a bore." He listens to Marcel talk.

"Dead witches in the Bayou." All of us turn our attention to him. Me, especially, welcoming the distraction. "Sounds like less of a problem and more like a cause for celebration."

"Well, something killed them and may still be out there, and with your blood being the only cure for a werewolf bite, I would love for you to accompany me."  Marcel says on the other line.

"Well, why not? I haven't been to the Bayou in ages. I'm on my way."

"Peace out, Brother." And with that they hang up.

"You can't go out there now." Sophie pleads as Hayley walks into the living room. "I need to gather the witches' remains and consecrate them. If I don't get to them before sundown, we lose the link to their magic."

"Those witches tried to kill Kelsey. I prefer for Marcel's informant not to find anything that would lead him back to us, to her, or to, you know, that." He says pointing at my stomach.

"You mean, our baby." I deadpanned.

"You are all class." Hayley adds with an eye roll.

"Stay put and save the rest of your story till I return." He commands Sophie before leaving.


Sophie doesn't do as Niklaus demanded. She took off the second she thought no one was looking. However, Hayley and I were. Hayley wants to find whatever is out there because she believes it's connected to our family and she has put her search on the back burner to help and stay with me. So, since we know Sophie's going out there I don't hesitate in following because Hayley wants to.

We quietly follow Sophie into the cemetery and to a mausoleum. Inside she grabs a few items she'll need and stuffs them in her backpack. As she turns around Hayley and I block her path.

"Hey, what the hell?" Sophie exclaims.

"You're going out there, anyway, aren't you?" I ask rhetorically already knowing the answer. "We want to go with you."

"No, thanks. Already got assaulted by Klaus this morning, don't need a repeat." She points out trying to get pass us and causing me to scoff.

"Assaulted is a tad bit dramatic, don't ya think?" I rhetorically ask smugly. Sophie just scoffs.

"What if whatever is responsible for all those dead witches is still out there?" Hayley attempts to persuade her. "We've already established that it likes Kelsey and hates witches. So you'll be safer with us."

"Sorry if I'm not buying your sudden concern for my safety." Sophie says before nodding at me and adding "Especially you."

"Listen." Hayley blocks her path again. "The whole reason I came to this stupid town in the first place was to learn more about my family and to help Kelsey. Your sister is the one that told me Marcel ran the werewolves out of the Quarter into the Bayou, and last night, I'm pretty sure some angel wolf saved Kelsey's life. So, we're coming with you."

"Could you three be more idiotic?" A voice speaks behind us. Swinging around we find Rebekah standing in the entrance. "Two can play the follow game, you know." She tells Hayley and I. "You heard Klaus. He and Marcel are heading right where you're going."

"So distract them because unless you want to lock a hormonal, pregnant werewolf and her pissed off werewolf friend in a tomb," Hayley says to Rebekah and then turns to Sophie. "I'm coming with you, and wouldn't Elijah be mad if he hears that the baby, Kelsey, and I died of asphyxiation?" They look at me for help, but I just shrug.


Once we make it out to the Bayou Rebekah pulls out her phone to call Niklaus.

"What's the matter, Rebekah? You cross that I'm out with your ex?" He answers the phone immediately teasing her.

"What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background?" She diverts the conversation not falling for his bait to antagonize with her.

"According to the dreadful signage, It's Auggie's Bayou Bar."

"Well, order up a few rounds of moonshine and stay clear of the dead witches for a few." Rebekah replies as my trek through the woods. "The witch is on a burial mission, and your baby mama and her friend are on a spirit quest, and I'm keeping Elijah's promise to keep them safe. So stall, please." And with that she hangs up without waiting on a response.

"I'm sorry for putting you in the middle of this." I nudge Rebekah as we walk a little behind Sophie and Hayley.

"I've been on Nik's bad side before. He'll get over it." She sighs glancing at me. "What I don't get is why you want to be here? Teaming up with Sophie?"

"Hayley and I share a birthmark which leads us to believe we are from the same pack, and although I don't care to find out about my past, Hayley does. She has stuck by me through all this crazy, so the least I can do is back her up while she looks for answers." I explain. "Besides, it could have been them that saved my life. I kinda owe them a 'thank you'."

"You're a good friend." She comments.

"I try."


"So this Harvest thingy, tell me more." Rebekah addresses Sophie.

"Klaus said to wait." Sophie tries to avoid.

"Yes. He also said to stay out of the Bayou, and yet here we are amongst the crawly, buzzy creatures." She shoots back causing me to hold in a chuckle.

"We're here." I inform them taking in what's in front of us.

The scene is gruesome. Severed limbs and a head or two. Throats missing. Blood covers everything. Some bodies faces are unrecognizable. Not to mention, decomposition has started, so the smell is so rancid. It takes everything in me not to throw up.

"Whoa." Hayley says taking several steps forward, staring at the ground and looking at the trees around us that have huge claw marks slashed into the bark.

"Is that a wolf track?" Sophie asks a twig snaps near by.

"Who's there?" Rebekah demands as we all grow intense. A middle aged looking tall man with curly brunette hair and pale skin walks into view. It's easy to tell he didn't expect to find us on his nature walk. The vibes he gives off tells me he's not a friend.

"What the hell?" He stares at Rebekah. "An Original?" He quickly turns and vamp speeds away.

"Well, that's not good." I state obviously, earning annoyed looks all around.

With a huff Rebekah calls Niklaus having to explain what had happened and he is less than thrilled.

"Let me understand this. Against all logic, You, Kelsey, and Hayley went to the Bayou, where you ran into a man you think may be Marcel's informant, and then you lost him." Niklaus scolds.

"Yes, and now that we've established that I am a failure as a sister and a friend and an original, you should probably know he's on his way to Marcel right now to rat me out." Rebekah cringes. "Skinny guy, in a hurry, looks like he saw a ghost?"

"I'll handle it. I'll need a distraction." He says.

"I'm on my way." She hangs up while swatting a bug on her arm frustrated.

"If it's any consolation, You're not a failure. He just has an enormous stick permanently shoved up his ass." I reassure her.

"Thanks." She lets out a laugh.


Hayley, Sophie, and I hike back to the car in silence. Darkness covers us as we approach the car before I finally speak up.

"Those people, all this is because of a vision about my baby you don't think is true?"

"Look. I love Sabine, but she's the witch equivalent of a drama queen." Sophie opens the trunk and puts her bag in. "I've learned to take little stock in whatever she says or sees. Just kind of wish she'd kept her mouth shut."

"The Harvest Ritual." Hayley brings up. "You said you didn't believe in it. Were you right?"

"No." She shakes her head. "I saw it with me own eyes. It was working. It was real."

"So how can you be so sure Sabine's vision isn't." I inquire not really wanting to discussing the ritual with her. However, Sophie doesn't answer. She just closes the trunk and we load up to go back to the mansion.


When we arrived Hayley and I are the only ones that go inside, thankfully. Rebekah is in a side room next to the piano pouring a drink.

"Me too. Please." Hayley signals her as we go to stand with her.

"I don't care if we have to get you guys on a leash." She starts her lecture as she hands Hayley her drink. "That was your last trip to the Bayou." Rebekah turns her attention to Hayley. "What is it with you and those wolves, anyway?"

"I feel like we're connected somehow. I don't know." She looks at me. "You know that wolf you've been seeing?" I nod. "I've seen it too. Maybe it's just some pipe dream that I have of finding any real family out there, but sometimes when I feel like it's me against the world, it keeps me going."

"You've got me." I tell her and she smiles in appreciation.

"Well, if you ask me, family is a pain in the behind, and as for being alone, How dare you?" She exclaims. "I don't ruin a perfectly fabulous pair of boots traipsing through the Bayou for just anyone." Rebekah says downing her drinking.

The front door suddenly swings open, Niklaus walking through.

"Nik, finally. What...." However, before Rebekah can finish her thought Elijah, surprisingly, appears coming in the door behind him. Rebekah and Elijah share a smile before she launches herself at him and wraps her arms around his neck. "Oh, Elijah." She breaths letting go and looking at him. "You're safe." He smiles before looking over her shoulder glancing at me and then locking eyes with Hayley. She smiles and looks down causing me to teasingly nudge her.

"I'm going to go outside for a bit." She mumbles to me before leaving.

"Now that you're home, is your first plan to kill Niklaus?" He just smiles and kisses the side of her head. "Excuse me a moment." Elijah exits the room leaving a confused Rebekah.

"Where's he going?"


After an hour we are all gathered in the office Niklaus has been using. Elijah sits behind the desk as Niklaus and Rebekah sit across the desk. Hayley and I just stand off to the side.

"Everything that brought us here to New Orleans was a lie." Elijah begins. "This story that Sophie Deveraux fabricated, this struggle for control of the French Quarter, this war between Vampires and Witches, wasn't over territory at all. This was over Davina."

"Excuse me." I scoff annoyed and concerned my sister is in the middle of all this. "What do you mean?"

"Eight months ago" Elijah says confused on why I'm agitated. "Sophie Deveraux and her sister Jane-Anne lost everything. Now, four months after that, a young, pregnant girl wanders into their restaurant. Suddenly, all hope is renewed. Jane-Anne actually sacrificed her life so that her sister could use you to find Davina. If Sophie Deveraux is successful in capturing Davina, she can return Jane-Anne's daughter back to life. We thought we'd come here to wage a war for power. This is about family. In order to return her niece to life, Sophie Deveraux will fight to the death. That makes her more dangerous than anyone." He finally finishes making me enraged.

"Except me." I state lowly causing everyone's head to turn in my direction. I look at Elijah. "You're right, this is about family, and I'll be damned if she touches Davina."

"I'm sorry am I missing something?" He asks.

"Well, as it seems brother, Kelsey and Hayley came to New Orleans for a reason involving family too." Niklaus says almost amused.

"I came here to find my sister, and now you're telling me that that bitch is using me to con you guys into helping her find and kill my sister." I inform him.

"Davina's your sister." Elijah states while clarity takes over his face.

"My sister, who is being hunted by witches and who is being held by Marcel."

"Well, I've spoken to Davina and she says Marcel saved her from the ritual. She was the only one he got to in time. So, for now she is safe." I let out a relieved breath at Elijah's words.

"What about her mom? I wasn't able to track her down before I got pulled into this." I ask as Elijah's face drops.

"Her mom was on board with the ritual. She didn't help her get away. Actually, she encouraged it. Davina didn't know about the girls having to be sacrificed, but her mom did." He explains leaving out her location.

"No, I grew up with them. She loves Davina and treated me like her daughter until... Something's not right. Where is she? I want to talk to her." I say frantic refusing to believe him.

"You can't." Elijah denies

"Like hell I can't. Stop treating me like a prisoner." I demand as Hayley tries to calm me down by squeezing my shoulder.

"I mean, you can't because when Marcel and his vampires went to save the girls she was killed." He says solemnly. Everyone watches me carefully, almost like they expect me to break down. But, I don't. Instead I place a blank expression on my face.

"Excuse me." I say monotoned leaving the room and going upstairs to my bedroom. I take a seat on the bench at the foot of my bed and stare at the wall. A few tears escape my eyes as a knock sounds at my door.

"I'm fine, Hayley. I'm just tired." I quickly wipe my face. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Not Hayley, Love." Niklaus says as he opens me door.

"Oh, sorry. Did you need something?" I ask him confused as to why he's in here.

"I've just come to check on you." He tells me closing the door and walking towards me.

"I'm fine." I lie.

"I don't have to have vampire hearing to know you're lying." He states raising his eyebrows. I just give him a pointed look.

"I'm not about to cry about my life to you."

"Why not?" He shrugs, sitting next to me. "I have no emotional ties to the situation and can remain unbias. Just listen, no judgement."

"Why do you care?" I ask him.

"I don't." He smirks hiding the fact that he's clearly lying. Otherwise he wouldn't be here. "I drew the short straw." He jokes.

"Bye." I scoff unimpressed.

"Only joking."

"Fine. I'm just tired." I give in. "What Elijah said about Lucinda doesn't make sense. Lucy was the closest thing to a mother I had. Even though I drifted more to my dad. My mother abandoned me but Lucy accepted me until..." I trail accidentally into a subject I actively avoid.  So, I just shake my head and stare at my feet.

"Oh, don't stop now. You're just getting to the good part, Love." He smirks trying to lighten the mood. He walks closer and takes a seat next to me. "No judgement, remember."

"I told you, that morning after the wolfsbane drama, that I had never intentionally killed anyone before." I tell him and he nods in acknowledgment. "However, in order to active the werewolf curse obviously someone with the gene has to take a life." I take a pause to build the nerve to say what I need to and he sits quietly letting me. "When I was sixteen my dad, Lucy, Davina, and I went hiking around Cliff Melerine. I wasn't paying attention and stepped in a hole, twisting my ankle which caused me to fall down this really steep hill next to a drop off. I knew I had broke my leg immediately. My dad tied rope to a tree and used it as leverage to make it down to me. But, the rope snapped and he fell over the edge. I grabbed his hand but I couldn't pull him up." I let out a shaky breath. "I saw the realization across his face. He knew I wouldn't be able to lift him. He knew it was the end. Last thing he told be was to be strong." I tell him wiping my face from unwanted tears. "Wasn't long after he fell I realized why. Every bone started to break, searing pain radiated all over my body the moment he hit the ground."

"You didn't know." He states. "That you had the gene."  I shake my head.

"No. He never told me. He was human. My mother was gone." I sighed. "And I didn't know it then but apparently Marcel had ran out the werewolves. So I guess not telling me protected me. Or it was suppose to." I shrug.

"That's why you left?" He asks. "New Orleans?"

"Yep. And why I haven't been back." I mutter.

"Lucinda just agreed to let a sixteen year old go off on her own?" He scrunched he eyebrows.

"There wasn't a fight. She blamed me for my dad's death." I shrug. "Haven't talked to her since."

"And Davina?" He asks and I smile.

"Davina never blamed me. We kept in touch over the years. That's how I knew she was missing."

"In case it needs to be said, what happened to your dad wasn't your fault." Niklaus tells me reassuringly causing me to look at him. "And Lucinda wasn't much of a mother since she blamed and abandoned you over an accident."

"I know." I nod. "She's just the only one I've ever known and she was a great mother to Davina. Or at least she was." I sigh putting my head in my hands. "Which is why I don't understand why she would stand idly by and allow someone to slit Davina's throat." I say cringing.

"Belief can be a powerful thing. It can make people do things they cannot fathom. She believed she was doing what's right." He says.

"Well, I don't plan on allowing Sophie to test their beliefs on Davina." I deny. "She's the last family I have. I'm going to protect her, like I should have done eight months ago."

"That's not on you either. It was her mom's responsibility to protect her, not yours. Besides, as you said werewolf's aren't allow in the city." He reasons.

"That's not a good enough reason. I'd die for her." I admit. "I failed her again and I can't do it a third time."

"And you won't. We'll get her back." He says squeezing my knee.

"Thank you, Niklaus. For checking on me." I tell him squeezing his hand on me knee.

"Of course." He replies keeping eye contact. After a long moment he smiles and stands heading to the door. As his hand hits the door knob, he half turns his body back to me. "Davina's not your only family you have. Now, you're our family."

I smile and nod in appreciation. He turns and exits my room leaving me alone to process the day in silence.

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