Aria Salvatore x Klaus Mikael...

By pastmidnight_

507K 12.2K 2K

Imagine believing your brothers died over a century ago? Believing your whole family was dead? Being turned i... More

Coming Home
Three Salvatores
Founders Day
Because I Am
He Will Come For You
The Sacrafise
Road Trip?
Ray Sutton
Getting Lost
Protect You
Happy Funeral
Hello Again Elijah
Family Business
What I Used To Be
Because I Love You
Sacrificial Lamb
I Needed To Say It
Trespassing Into Hell
Your Small
White Oak
Kieran Ripper
Denver Blues
Until We Meet Again
The 1950s
Did you miss me?
Make It Stop
Here We Go
Change Of Plans
Lost Marbles
It Stopped
Bubbling Secrets
Wrong Crowd
Buried Hatchet
What We Are
Numbed Minds
Into The Woods
New Bodies
Do It All Over Again
One Tear
Speed Walked
Back When
Turned Tables
If You Make It Out Alive
Hide and Seek
Highway To Hell
Happy Birthday
Bleeding Out


8.2K 208 16
By pastmidnight_

Arias POV.

I laughed waltzing into Gloria's bar hearing the music blaring and hearts racing as people danced and cheered.

The smell of alcohol hit me as I smiled my heels clicking and my jewels shining. I'd worn my favourite dress tonight with my long brown hair flowing down with my hair band.

I've just got back in town, I can't wait to see my friends. As expected there was my main girl Gloria singing her beautiful voice out on stage.

Her face widened into a huge smile seeing me and I waved from the upper banister.

"Little Salvatore" she said into the mic happily and I held up my drink to her with a big smile.

I spotted my friends who were turning and seeing me and cheered holding up their drinks as the music blared.

I was then enveloped into a hug by Max.

"Well it's about time your home" he said kissing my cheek I blushed.

Max was a werewolf practically all of my friends were, I got on so well with werewolves even though our species hate each other.

I gathered with my friends as they laughed at my stories from Italy. I felt a stare on me but I shook it off.

"Aria your crazy" Kate said as we laughed I've had a wild time in Italy.

"I'll be back I need another drink anyone else?" I asked and they chuckled but shaking their heads.

I skipped over to the bar to grab another drink when I felt someone's stare on me again.

"Aria don't go getting in trouble" Steve said at the bar giving me a vodka.

I fake gasped "What!? Little old me?" I asked as he shook his head turning to the next order.

I looked at the little umbrella in the drink I stirred it watching the alcohol bubble.

I then felt someone a little far away watching I turned slowly to see......Stefan?

My heart let out a painful twist as I saw him there my eyes gathered tears as my mouth broke in the biggest smile.

It was my brother my twin brother he oh my god he was staring at me mouth a gape he let out a shocked breath and his face broke out in the same as mine except he started to laugh with joy.

He was in a suit with his hair gelled back he looked the exact same as he did when I lost him oh so long ago.

My stomach flipped sixty waves seeing him my twin that I loved more than anything in the world was alive, he slowly started to walk towards me.

I put down my drink and made my way for him down the steps through the crowd.

He started walking faster pushing people out of the way a man fell to the floor oh gosh.

I ran up to him as he opened his arms and I jumped up as he embraced me tightly.

He let out a happy groan laughing as I did overjoyed. How was this possible?!

He let me down and was now standing in front of me analysing my face.

"Aria" he whispered I smiled and let a happy breath out .

"Stef" I said.

"H-How are you alive?! How is this possible" he kept mumbling shocked as I smiled.

"Care to tell me how your alive?" he asked smiling lovingly.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't know" I said.

"No...but I would be intrigued" he said and I chuckled.

"Do I even have to ask how your alive?" I chuckled.

"Katherine" we said in sync.

He then grabbed my face between his hands. We smirked at each other and embraced one another again.

"My dear sister" he whispered brushing the hair from my face.

"Stefanie" I said as he leaned his forehead against mine.

"My sister" he said then giving me another bone-crushing hug laughing together and he let out a happy groan picking me up slightly.

"What are you doing here of all places. God Stef I can't believe this?" I asked shocked.

I think if my heart worked it would have been on the floor by now.

"I'm with my lady, and her brothers. I'm so happy your alive sister I-I can't believe this" he said.

I smiled then my eyes widened as I let out an exaggerated gasp he rolled his eyes playfully knowing I caught the first part of his sentence.

"You have a girlfriend" I said dramatically then hitting his chest playfully.

"Where is she" I whispered smirking glancing around the bar.

"Shh shh" he said taking my arms.

"She's here probably listening to us along with her brothers. There quite nosy" he said and smirked they must be listening and that means there vampires.

I rose my eyebrows pulling back a smirk imagine what she thought was actually going on until Stefan called me his sister? Hahaha

Stefan and I got our own booth and spent a while talking and laughing about his past. I can't believe this I'm so happy he wouldn't stop asking and didn't let me leave at all for the bathroom I wasn't going anywhere.

He's still the overprotective brother he always was. He keeps asking about my past but I'm way to interested in his.

But my god he really has changed I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing he's told me about him being a ripper and it sort of scares me but I've just got him back I'm not going to let him go again.

He told me Damon was dead and that broke my heart into one million pieces. But I can't mourn now I've wasted too much time mourning, but I will love Damon forever and I will never forget him.

"Hello Stefan" a female voice said from behind me I can already tell it must be his lady.

"Rebekah darling I'm sorry I've been gone for so long there's someone I want you to meet" he said standing up.

I stood up and faced her she was beautiful blonde headed and covered with jewels.

"Hello" I said and she smiled "Hello" she said happily.

"Rebekah this is Aria my little sister" he said and smirked.

"Hello Rebekah, I'm actually his twin" I said shaking my head at Stefan who winked.

She took my hand shaking it "Ah yes I heard about you Stefan's told me many stories of your childhood together. I'm happy your not dead. " she smirked thank god she's nice! I was expecting someone petrifying truly.

Stefan's spoke about me? That warmed my heart.

"God Stefan our childhood was an embarrassment" I sighed chuckling.

"Well I'm sure your adult hood is worse you'll have to tell me everything" he smirked.

"Aria it's so great to meet you" she said.

"Thank you it's lovely to meet you too I hope my brother is good to you" I said and she giggled.

"I heard you both earlier-" Stefan cut her off.

"I knew you were listening" he stated oh the way they looked at one another was.....they loved each other.

"Hush now, you spoke of Katerina" she said.

"Ah yes Katherine" I made a disgusted look chuckling she turned and smiled widely.

"I have a feeling we're going to be best friends" she said taking my arm.

"Stefan she should meet my brothers" she said.

"Ah yes come sister" he said taking my hand walking me up to a fancy booth.

"Brothers this is Aria Salvatore" Rebekah beamed they must have been eavesdropping because they didn't seem surprised at all.

I came to meet two well looking men and there was another who was just. Wow.

Two smirked at me and one smiled as he stood up and reached out his pretty hand.

"Elijah Mikaelson it's a pleasure" he said as I shook his hand he must be the gentlemen.

Mikaelson. Why does that ring a bell?

"I'm Kol. Kol Mikaelson" the youngest one spoke standing up. He looks freakishly familiar. I must have seen them around Gloria's before.

"Aria it's lovely to meet you darling" he said with a smirk kissing my hand. Then the last stood.

He was looking into my eyes for a moment when he snapped out of it what was that?

"Hello love I'm Niklaus but please call me Klaus, Ms.Salvatore" he said smirking kissing my hand we didn't break eye contact something was tingling and shooting through us he looked mesmerised staring at me as something clicked as our eyes met.

Time pass

Over the next few weeks I became best friends with them all. When they told me they were the very first vampires ever they laughed at my reaction.

I dropped my glass of wine spitting it out, I didn't see it coming. I became best friends with Elijah, Kol and Rebekah...but Klaus we had something....more.

It was strange I liked him yet I hated him. He was kind and sweet. Caring yet he killed people with my brother. As I said strange.

He told me of how every original has a special mate out there in the world waiting for them it was the witches way of making sure that they would always have redemption.

When an original meets that person
their mate they instantly know.

I didn't exactly take this very well. I ran away from him down the street. He was left there mouth agape.

He'd found me later on the roof of Gloria's. It ended in a fight and I pushed him off the roof. I don't do well in the world of relationships.

After two years of teasing one another, fighting, challenging and up staging. One night he'd had a huge fight with his siblings.

"Hey. Your not so bad Nik" I whispered with a smile to him as we sat on the roof of Gloria's. He looked to me and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine.

Three years later he proposed. We loved one another more than words could describe. Stefan was the one who gave me away to him.

Klaus was my everything, I knew I would die for him in a heartbeat and love him till the end of time he was my mate he loved all my flaws and imperfections as I did him.

His brothers Kol and Elijah they are my best guy friends. Kol always would flirt with me to make Klaus furious.

There's been many times I feared Klaus would dagger him but I knew Kol would never do anything like that, we were bestfriends.

Stefan I knew about the man he was he was a ripper with no humanity but he still loved Rebekah and I.

Klaus, Kol and Stefan were literally the three musketeers. Elijah preferred his tea and books, oh Lijah.

Stefan hated it at first that Klaus and I were one but he eventually stopped being to protective knowing Klaus would be able to keep me safe just the same.

We loved one another more than anything. Rebekah was like a sister and we did practically everything together which annoyed Klaus and Stefan as they had to listen to us.

Elijah was like my big brother he told me everything that went both ways. He wasn't Damon though.

He cared for me like a big brother but Klaus sometimes feared he cared a little to much they fought a lot about it.

Klaus and sex is well woah. The amount of passion filled nights with Klaus when we would make love....every.single.night.

Klaus drove me insane sometimes making me dance with him to his favourite bands. We shared a lot of different opinions so we disagreed a lot, which I think we both secretly loved.

Consistently teaching one another something new. Making one another stronger, better, smarter.

He was quite the paranoid man I'll tell you that. He wouldn't let me be friends with werewolves he feared I'd be bitten. There'd be no cure.

But because I'm me I didn't listen and met up with my werewolf friends when Klaus was busy.

When he found out oh boy. The amount of hours we would spend shouting at each other and then throw one another into the bedroom. He just wanted me safe I knew that but man. He would do my head in.

He always said he trusts me he just doesn't trust everyone around me. Possessive and so overprotective.

I knew everything of Klaus he told me everything about him every detail as I did to him. He was my husband. We  adored each other, made the other happy, drove one another crazy and protected one another.

I lived with him in the Mikaelson mansion. Stefan and I, we were with them all for seven years travelling the world and we were a family.

Until one night.

The night we lost one another

Stefan and Rebekah were out on the floor laughing with Elijah and Kol who were dancing with who bloody knows who those ladies are.

I was alone with Klaus on his lap in a private booth for the family he was canoodling with me he couldn't keep his hands off me nor could I to him.

He's kept me in his sights way more than usual. I really want to dance with the others over there but I want to be with him dilemmas dilemmas.

"You know I don't want to be here I want you home and in bed right now" he purred down my neck as he trailed kisses.

"Well contain yourself Mr.Klaus there
are people here we'll be home later "I said and he smirked as I kissed his lips rubbing his thigh.

"If you keep touching me like this I'll take you right here on the table" he smirked I fake gasped.

"How about when we're alone and not here where a ton of people are surrounding us Nik" I said sarcastically scolding him shoving his shoulder he smirked deviously at me.

"Ah Mrs.Mikaelson, you realise I am not the husband you boss around you know how that will end" he chuckled squeezing my behind I jumped letting out a laugh.

"I love you sweetheart" he said kissing my hand I chuckled and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you Nik" I whispered running a hand down his cheek and he smiled but it soon turned to a smirk.

"Down boy" I said sipping my drink looking over to the crowd dancing.

"You want to dance?" He asked kissing my shoulder I smiled innocently at him.

"Go on then." He said jokingly messing with my hand.

I stood up off his lap and cocked an eyebrow as he wasn't following.

"Nik?" I said holding out my hand and he grinned.

"Somebody has to mind the table, go sweetheart have fun" he said and I kissed his cheek.

I made my way for Bekah and Stefan and they cheered Stefan has had a little to much to drink.

"He finally let you out of his grasp?" Bekah asked me spinning me around.

"Oh stop" I said sarcastically as we danced. Kol has disappeared with that lady he was with.....

"Aria" Stefan sang tipsy Stefan is hilarious Stefan.

"Yes Stef?" I asked as he came traipsing over and Rebekah smirked at me trying to not laugh at him.

"I have a secret to tell you" he shouted receiving a few looks from surrounding people.

"Yes?" I chuckled as he leaned in cupping is mouth to whisper to me.

"I was the one who lost fathers favourite pen" he said guiltily.

"Oh Stefan you monster" I said sarcastically and he shook his head his eyes half open.

"Finally I have that off my chest" he said and Bekah laughed taking his hand as we danced. Stefan finally sobered up and was dancing me around.

I then felt it something was wrong really wrong and the next thing there was gun shots coming through the walls. "Chicago PD" a man yelled.

Everyone began screaming as Stefan grabbed me Rebekah's in the bathroom oh god.

"There wooden bullets" Stefan whispered as we ducked behind the bar.

"They know" I said holding one.

"Do you think it's him?" I asked when Niks voice boomed.

"Aria come on sweetheart! " he shouted pulling me up from behind the bar with great force as I a lot smaller than him.

"What about Stefan Nik!" I said trying to stop him.

"Niklaus! Aria!" Elijah yelled.

"Take her to the car Elijah don't let her out of your sight! I'll grab Rebekah!" Klaus ordered giving me to Elijah.

"Lijah what's happening I have to find Stefan!" I said as we came out to the car.

Kol turned relieved to see us. "He's here" Elijah said.

"Who!?" I said.

Rebekah came out in a hurry coming up and standing beside me frightened.

"Sister where is Niklaus?" Elijah asked worried I started to panic where was Stefan and Nik!

"I'm here" Nik said from behind us.

"Where's Stefan?!" Bekah screeched she started to cry.

"Nik where is he?" I said panicked.

"He's not coming" he stated.

"W-What?!" I asked frowning attempting to go back inside but he stopped me.

"What did you do Nik!" Bekah screeched. Where is Stefan.

"Aria my love come here" Klaus said but Elijah tightened his grip on my arm not letting me move.

"Elijah step aside we do not have time for this." Nik growled.

He reluctantly let go and I ran to him Klaus.

"Nik what are you doing?!" Bekah yelled at him as did Kol.

"Aria my love I want you to go to Chelsea's apartment building room 32 you will forget of all of us you never knew us until I say so. We will be back for you in a few days stay there do not leave. You will forget Stefan's alive he's dead.  I love you Aria" he compelled.

A woman and man started to scream and shout at a man in front of me and
and so did the others.

I have to leave now I must go to Chelsea's apartment building room 32 and stay there.

I zoomed off to find the building but I was grabbed on the way there in an alley that's the last thing I remember.

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