The Untold Story of Texas and...

By pokemonshadowhunter

110K 3.4K 1.9K

"It doesn't matter how far you run, the past will always catch up with you." Texas had long since left the da... More

Poised to Strike
Part 1: It Starts With Recruitment
Lappland and Courier
Meeting Doctor [Y/N]
When the Wolves Meet
A Piece of her Mind
Days of Forgotten Past 1
The Dormitory is Meant for Relaxation
Not Confrontation
The Night Hours
Mission Reprieve
Days of Forgotten Past 2
Just Call Me Crazy
Antics at Breakfast
Dream of You
Sparring Match
Days of Forgotten Past 3
Stupid Spiders
Wake Up Call
Crownslayer Bully Squad
Days of Forgotten Past 4
Raise a Glass
Overlooking Files
The Pain of Loneliness
Days of Forgotten Past 5
Trading Post Meltdown
Days of Forgotten Past 6
Doctor's Decision
Chained Together Wolves
Days of Forgotten Past 7
On the Road Again
Penguin Logistics Headquarters
The Emperor
Late Night, Sleep Tight
Days of Forgotten Past 8
Making Way
A Hug and A Gig
Days of Forgotten Past 9
Back Stage Pass
Performance to Remember
Stage Chaos
Days of Forgotten Past 10
Admissions of Guilt
Days of Forgotten Past 11
From Pain Comes Comfort
Danger on the Horizon
Journey Into the Heart of Trouble
Battle the Frost
Days of Forgotten Past 12
The Heart of Texas
The Might of Sword Rain
The Way Back
Understanding Reached
Part 2: A Summary
Code of Brawl
A Wolf Walks into an Alley
Days of Remembrance 1
Days of Remembrance 2
Trips and Kisses
Simping Time
Chaos in Lungmen
Who is Your Enemy?
Strange Warning
Days of Remembrance 3
What are Your Intentions?
What Went Wrong
Days of Remembrance 4
Embrace of a Loved One
Meetings and Then Some
Biting Letters
Keep Calm
Days of Remembrance 5
Preparations for Disaster?
Out on the Town
Calls, Lanterns and Flirts poorly timed
Days of Remembrance 6
Whispered Promises
Drunken Actions are Sober Thoughts
Days of Remembrance 7
Crying, Contemplation, Carnage
Pushing Down on Me
Truth Comes Out
Days of Remembrance 8
Parting Arguments (also T & D)
Searching Far and Wide
Days of Remembrance 9
Fog Shrouded Woods
Chilling Reflection
Days of Remembrance 10
Coming Home
Something's Not Quite Right
The Missing
The Mafia Council
Shock and Runaway
The Past Bleeds into the Present

Travel Across the Land (plus Deleted Scene)

532 21 11
By pokemonshadowhunter

Anna: So before we begin this next chapter, there's something I need to ask Mostima. I was supposed to ask her last time but I completely forgot hahahaha.

Texas: Forgive the author for being sleep deprived. The struggle is real.

Mostima: Why do I have to do this again? And where did Texas go?

Anna: Because I said so. And the story can't resume until you answer. As for Texas, well, she understands enough to know when to answer a summons. (real talk: gotten her five times now in game, like why even—)

Mostima: *sighs* Fine. What is it then?

Anna: The readers know your opinion of Texas, Lappland and Exusiai but what they want to know is what is your opinion on Croissant and Sora?

Mostima: My opinion on Croissant and Sora . . . I guess they're alright. Blondy wielding the chainsaw last chapter was pretty weird though . . . that isn't going to be a normal thing, is it?

Anna: Haha no. Rest assured, while it was funny to write, wielding a chainsaw isn't exactly on par with Sora's character. So it was really just for the fans. Some fan service if you will. And yes, before you ask Blaze signed off on letting me borrow the chainsaw in exchange for, well, you'll see very soon.

Mostima: Fan service? And whose Blaze? What exactly do you mean by—

Anna: Anyways, with that question answered let's start the chapter!


The van, the dear old vehicle which had survived multiple crashes and even busting through a building, was found to be out of gas a few minutes before they departed. Luckily, Emperor happened to have a copious amount of it stored in some closet. He loaded the van up and sent them on the way with a calming farewell. His words of warning still lingered on Texas's mind when they left Lungmen.

"Tried not to get yourself killed. Take care of yourself and the others."

She had responded with an "of course I won't" and "you have nothing to worry about" which only served to darken Emperor's expression further. Something told her it wasn't the latter statement that had set him off. Either way, her head felt clouded with heavy emotion. It matched the atmosphere of the thick clouds overhead, warning of the coming storm. Ugh. I hope the weather doesn't continue like this. It'll be dangerous once it starts pouring. Maybe I should—

"Hey Texas, are we there yet?"

The out of the blue question had her turning a raised eyebrow at Lappland who sat in a very un-ladylike fashion behind Exusiai who had retained shotgun by calling dibs. Her impish smile eased something in her concerns as good natured annoyance took its place.

"You and I both know it'll take awhile before we read Columbia." We barely even left Lungmen. Nearing the outskirts of the mobile city, it became clear that there were minimal exits thanks to certain foreign (Reunion) interference.

"I know. Just thought you were tense."

Lappland reached over to pat her shoulder. The soft thump pushed on her cooled skin. With the air conditioning blasting on high —per Croissant's request— some parts of her were growing numb as goosebumps popped up. The faint hum of two other engines surrounded them on both sides. With the van so packed up it was a good thing Mostima and Suffering had solar powered bikes to spare. Laterano is so high tech. Makes you wonder just how much they've invested into the private sector of agent work.

Her foot pressed against the break as they slowed down. The exit point had finally came into view. It was little surprise that leaving a moving city required special procedures, which was usually why they waited for the city to stop before leaving. But as things were, such an option would not do. The acrid scent of fresh tar creeped into the vehicle as she rolled down the window. The toll booth like station was right in front of them. Her interested waned as an LGD transport officer walked up to her window. An nondescript otter guy who was more fur than skin, the glasses perched on his nose were a small attempt at appearing cool. The gun holstered in his belt was likely fake.

"Hello. We need to exit."

She got to the point without delay. They had already driven to four of these exits with the hope they were operational. They were not. If Reunion had achieved anything outside of murder recently then traffic delay was another result of their actions. Hopefully they'll be gone by the time we return. Then a darker part of her mind considered if we return. That musing was cut short by the officer's clicking tone.

"Haven't you heard there's an invasion going on?" He grumbled.

Texas sighed. "I'm well aware, but business doesn't end despite fighting. And we really need to be going." She kept her tone as cordial as she could, a smile she didn't feel like having plastered on her lips. Polite makes nice. Get them on your side. Dealing with uptight aristocrats had been helpful learning in dealing with this type of person.

"And what business are you doing exactly?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business." Lappland called out from the back.

Texas resisted the urge to turn around and glare at the white wolf. She never attended any of those lessons. This is the result. To be fair, she found it hard to imagine a polite Lappland anyways. The wild, free wolf was anything but polite towards strangers and was even worse when it came to enemies.

"Lappland shush." Thankfully Exusiai did her job for her.

"Why shush her? We 'aven't done anything wrong." Croissant argued.

Bison mumbled somewhere in the way back. "I don't think that was her point."

Sora just facepalmed, the exact action she would have preferred to do herself.

"I'm sorry about them," She tried to apologize, only to get drowned out by the loud din of a motorcycle, no, two motorcycles pulling up. The second one was quieter, it's movements harder to detect amidst the city and it's many noises.

"Is there a problem here?" A new voice.

A familiar voice.


Her feelings toward the fallen Angel remained mixed at the moment. It was hard not to be angry, yet Texas reminded herself Mostima was a member of Penguin Logistics, no matter how absent she tended to be from their daily life. But right now the question of how this would play out strode through her mind. White noise echoed when all the possibilities became muddled. It was hard enough keeping the ones in the van quiet . . . Please have some tact she willed internally.

"Yes. This lady won't tell me why she needs to leave Lungmen. For all I know she could be connected to them."

Just from the way he said 'them' she knew his relation with Infected was poor. Then there was those glasses sliding down to reveal beady eyes. They swept up Mostima's form, narrowing on the combo of halo and horns. His lips curled in a decisive act. Oh Terra's catastrophes this is about to be a nightmare.

"Are you with them too?" There was the sneer.

Texas opened her mouth to interject; Suffering beat her to it. A beat behind Mostima, her sunglasses were a fitting addition to the cold look she carried. "Yes. She most certainly is. And you Sir are on the verge of ruining relations between two peace abiding countries."

"Two peace abiding . . ." The officer —Tom the name tag read— repeated. "I doubt you ladies represent a country."

"Oh. But that's where you're wrong sir."

Mostima was smiling sweetly. Texas instantly decided she did not like the look. The upward dip of her lips to such a high peak felt unnatural. There was no truth to that smile, just a bitter politeness equivalent to a large pill taken dry. The choking feeling left your lungs itching. Hers were functioning fine, though the same could not be said for Lappland. Out of the corner of her eye she knew her girlfriend was resisting the urge to gag. It went well with Exusiai's grimace.

"Am I?"

"Yes." Suffering pulled out her wallet. The flap opened up to reveal credentials and the same star-like badge reminiscent of old Westerns. The Laterano symbol was clear as day on it. There were no illegal copies. People who crossed Laterano asked for death, so no one dared even try. "Here's my badge. Hers is in a bag. As agents working for Laterano I kindly insist you let us pass without further delay."

The officer took in the sight of the badge, scrutinizing it carefully. When he took too long, or Mostima's patience gave out, the blunette cleared her throat. Attention shifted over to her as she pointedly slid a hand down to her hips. "We are authorized to use force if necessary. Just a friendly reminder." Texas spotted the guns holstered there then, the deadly gleam of metal. Laterano was known for using guns, and was known for vanquishing enemies without mercy. Both of those would be enough to make anyone think twice before challenging them.

And clearly the officer agreed, if his next words were anything to go by. "Oh. Of course! Hahaha silly me, I must not be fully awake yet, working all these early shifts can be draining doncha know?"

The silence everyone gave him was enough to cause further panic.

They were rushed out the exit without anymore questions.

Lungmen receded in the distance as they left the city behind.


At some unknown time . . .

Blaze leaned against her chainsaw, letting the heat in her veins die down as she surveyed the people surrounding her. The fight against Mephisto and Faust and their underlings had been gruesome to behold. So it was a good thing no civilians were present on that rooftop as Reunion members were cut down one after another. The Doctor was the only real spectator, joining them the second the fight came to an end.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked.

Blaze tossed Y/N what she hoped was a reassuring smile. This fight was in no way the worst one she had been in, but still, fighting was fighting. Enough battles could drain just about anyone. "I'm alright. Shouldn't you be checking on Amiya?"

The Doctor turned to glance at Amiya. The leader of Rhodes Island was busy talking about something with Ch'en, a receiver passed back and forth between the two of them. All of them seemed perfectly fine with ignoring the blood staining the rooftop. They were all far too desensitized to violence, a thought which would have been worrying if she was partaking in a different profession.

This is fine. This is normal.

But normal was not set in stone for an amnesiac like the Doctor. She knew that was why Y/N was having trouble with all of this, but it was hard to know what to say to help. Y/N had been handed a war not easily explained upon awakening.

"I will once she's done with Ch'en. Figured I'd see to you first."

"But what about the other operators?"

"Blaze. Please let me help you. I know you're wounded. And the medics are handling everyone else already." Y/N responded.

As they should her mind whispered. Being an Elite operator meant more than simply taking charge. It meant taking care of others, holding a higher responsibility. Getting medic help last or near to last was on par with the course. But staring into the eyes of Y/N —that sincere and pleading gaze— had her thinking maybe there was an exception. If the Doctor wanted to check her over, who was she to complain?

"Alright. You can help."

The smile she was given in response left a lightness in her chest. Heat steamed up in her veins for an entirely different reason outside of battle. She watched Y/N take her hand, turning it up and over in search of wounds. A scrape made itself evident quickly, a red smear dried up. She winced as disinfectant spray squirted over the wound. There was a soothing rub of the wipes Doctor rubbed against her skin before she was bandaged up. The other surface wounds were given the same attention, each gentle touch doing something strange to her insides.

Offhandedly, Doctor made the comment. "You're really impressive."

Blood was loud, mixing with the raise in temperature. "I—I don't know what you mean."

Normally praise was an easy thing to accept. Certainly, hearing the same words from one of her fellow operators did not cause such a stir. But Y/N was different. It was something that was solidifying into a certainty.

"I didn't understand what an Elite Operator was at first. Why there was even a need for a distinction. After seeing you right however . . . I think I know."


Is that a good thing or not? It sounded so, but she tensed up nonetheless as Y/N carefully took a fingertip to the chainsaw. A precarious stroke of skin down the sharp chains. No blood bloomed thanks to the Doctor's precision. As if hearing her thoughts, Y/N continued on.

"I mean this in the best of ways, as far as you are concerned." A pause then, followed by a sigh. It was a mix between pleased and forlorn. "You're the best fighter I've seen. Well, as far as I can remember."

Not remembering must be hard. I can't even imagine . . .

Was it a blessing or curse? Not recalling grief might be a good thing in retrospect, but . . .

We don't want to forget those we care for, not if we truly have strong feelings about them. Losing your memory entirely was equivalent to a total loss of self. She knew Y/N was trying to pick up the pieces. It was a very brave thing, in her opinion at least.

"Do you think you'll ever recover your past memories?" She asked tentatively.

Y/N shrugged, a sudden tiredness suffusing those normally calm features. "I don't know. Some part of me is beginning to think it's better if I don't."

And she understood why, as she met Amiya's gaze out of the corner of her eye. They had things to do. And past traumas would only serve as a hindrance here.


A/N: So Blaze let me borrow her chainsaw in exchange for a cameo! Surprised? Anyways, we have the first EVER deleted scene below. If this one gets good feedback I might make more (specifically on Days of Remembrance chapters😉). This is part 2 of the 50k views celebration! Hope we can make it to 100k someday! For now, hope y'all enjoy!






Deleted Scene #1: Drunk Texas


A few years prior . . .

To say it had been a long day would be an understatement. The amount of deliveries alone in the early hours when they initially woke up at 3am amounted to around thirty five. After this, there was a round of customer complaints and new packages to receive since the current mailbox for their services was 'broken'. So by the time Exusiai and Texas had managed to drag themselves back into Headquarters it was well past dinner, the sun beginning to set as the afternoon began to die with the vanishing sun. Amber rays bled through the glass doors, making Texas's eyes seem more orange than blue, the gentle color more of a reminiscent shadowy smudge.

"Ugh. I guess I'll just shower and sleep then." Texas shook her head dismally after checking the time. "You should do the same." A tired smile was sent Exusiai's way, one she gratefully returned. The two of them had been working together for a little over a year at this point. She liked to think this made them close.

But we've never really unwinded together, have we?

It was not for a lack of trying on her part.

"Mmm, I hear you on the shower . . . but maybe not the sleep part," Exusiai said as Texas began to walk past her.

The Lupo paused in front of the elevator. Small little buttons were lit up on the panel as the lift whirred with mechanical life. "Did you have something else in mind? It's awfully late to be going out on your own."

Exusiai walked over to join her partner, jabbing her lightly in the side. "Oh yee of little faith, I've been out on my own plenty before. And I'm more than capable of handling myself."

"True. But still. Where exactly are you going anyways?" Texas moved back from her reach, preventing anymore elbow jabs with swift efficiency.

Ah. Inquiry. She could work with this.

"Well, I was thinking of going to Styx's—"

"That's on the outskirts of Lungmen." Texas interjected. "Are you sure you should be going so far out? There's plenty of bars nearby." It was true. Emperor would not have chose this location as a home base if it were otherwise.

"I'm going there exactly for that reason." She waved her arms, grinning broadly. At Texas's questioning gaze, she continued. "The company there is different, new. I could use a place where not all the . . . prospective company knows my name." Her sly statement had her partner frowning, mouth twitching like she wanted to say something in regards to said company. Exusiai waited patiently for it and was not disappointed, instead surprised.

"You deserve better than the likes of those people." A simple utterance, yet the growl below the surface indicated other feelings left indecipherable. She wondered where annoyance transitioned to hostility, at what point would Texas's patience finally snap. She had not found the point so far.

"Why Texas, I didn't realize you cared." It was a lie and they both knew it. The Lupo may act icy, but she would be a fool to not know the other cared. Not when she put her life on the line for her in their missions, drove herself past the breaking point to get the job done. Yet knowing this and hearing Texas voice her innermost thoughts were two different things entirely.

"Do you really have to go there?"

Exusiai hummed. "Honestly, I need a break from all this. We've been going and going all day. A change of pace is just what I need." And you need too. She kept the last part to herself. It was presumptuous to make an assumption. Texas might not welcome the suggestion with open arms.

"I see," Texas said.

The silent stretched for a moment. Exusiai broke it with a nervous chuckle.

"You could always come if you want to."

"Me?" Texas looked perplexed.

"You've been to bars before right?" It was somewhat of a stupid question. Of course Texas had been to bars before. Several of PL's business deals happened in bars. But Texas understood the true meaning of her statement well enough.

"I used to go with . . . yes, I've been to bars." The weird trail off she picked up on but said nothing about. We all have our secrets. And judging by the furrow of Texas's brows that particular secret was too deep to share.

"So you'll come?" She asked hopefully.

Texas nodded just as the elevator buzzed open. "Yeah, sure. Someone has to keep an eye on you. But let's shower first."


As it would turn out, Texas had a very high tolerance to alcohol.

Exusiai found out this piece of information after supplying her partner with multiple drinks and shots. The residual effect was unapparent as Texas held conversation with other bar goers, lazily taking the time to snag up some some nachos from the plate in front of her. Styx's was a smaller bar compared to what she usually frequented. The company here consisted mostly of workers celebrating after a hard day, a few old drunks lurking in the back booths. A few underaged guys and girls tried sneaking in when they first arrived, only to be turned away by the bartender's warning growl. The old man Tyler Styx was likely nearing his seventy's if his graying beard was anything to go by, but the grizzly was nothing if not thorough in upholding the law.

"Quite the place." Texas muttered after her fifth drink. "Though I'm curious as to who caught your eye here . . . don't tell me it's the owner." The sly smirk proved her intentions.

Did Texas just make a joke? Knowing she could hardly state the real reason why she picked this bar, Exusiai picked up a seamless lie and ran with it. "There were more people last time." And there were indeed more people. Just more of the same. She doesn't need to know. "And I don't think Tyler has been interested in anyone since his wife died."

Texas swallowed another gulp before setting down the newest shot the bartender sent her way. Tyler had a pattern of handling all the patrons at the bar in front of him first before tackling the booths. A small girl did the jobs he couldn't do, cleaning the tables while humming an old Ursus tune.

"Ah, that's a shame."


"He seems like a nice man, better than those other guys you've brought home."

And the joke continues. But Texas's words held some truth to them. The one night stands were hardly the type of people she was actually looking to build a lasting relationship with. Her mind instantly snapped to a vision of a woman with blue hair and intelligent eyes. She swatted it away before more damning visions entered. No. No. No.

"Meh. A little too old for my tastes. What about you? See any guy you like?" She tried changing the subject.

"No. I don't care for men, though I'll probably have to at some point." Texas shook her head tiredly. The emptied drinks sat off in a pile, leftover foam crusted around the edges. Why at some point? If she doesn't like guys then there's no reason to feign interest.

"Why do you—"

"This alcohol is pretty mild." Texas swirled her newest glass, eyeing the brown liquid inside.

Exusiai stared at her own cup. Only at number three, a mix of vodka and rum was more intoxicating then the drinks she had Tyler grabbing Texas. "I didn't think you'd like something too strong."

"Well, you thought wrong."

With that said, Texas proceeded to snatch up the bottle of vodka right off the counter. The cork was rapidly popped up before she brought the drink up to her mouth and started to drink from right out of the bottle. Exusiai could only watch on in shock, her drink forgotten in this crazy moment in time.


"Come on Exusiai, let's do this."

"Uh Texas, I don't know if this is such a good idea . . ."

This was not the first time she had uttered such words. They had already left behind enough carnage at the bar when some shady gang members had tried hitting on Exusiai. Texas took them down without even breaking a sweat, taking one of their motorbikes as collateral for all the trouble the men had put them through. They took a brief ride down the street to find a bank robbery in process . . . which they also put a stop too (by then Exusiai was well aware of her friend's inebriated state). After tying the robbers to a pole for the LGD to handle they promptly headed back in the direction of headquarters. Which led to them doing parkour on said bike on the rooftop of an abandoned building.

Her head ached. How did it get to this?

Here she wanted to get to know Texas better, but this night seemed like one new experience after another.

"What do you mean? I thought you wanted to have fun?" Texas said with a bright smile.

And this was another thing. That smile . . . it feels weird. There was an unnatural lilt to it, coming from a strange place of intoxication. But none of this drunkenness slowed Texas's perceptions. It was almost as baffling as the precise fighting was earlier, along with how much alcohol the Lupo put away.

"I do wanna have fun, but there are other ways to do it."

"Like what?"

Exusiai scrounged her brain for an answer, the fuzzy edges of it coming up blank. "Well, I don't know . . . just something." There has to be something surely.

But Texas was not going to wait for her to figure it out. "You can tell me later. For now . . ."

"Wait no, Texas! Ahhhhhhh!" Exusiai screamed.

"Whaaaahoooo!" Texas cheered, oblivious to Exusiai's peril.

Together they road down the steep thirty foot ramp drop and out into the night air. Exusiai held on for dear life as several more stunts were attempted. It wasn't until a few hours later that the parkour came to a close . . .

By crashing the motorcycle into a pole.

The End.


A/N: So that was the first deleted scene! I have more that I might post if y'all are interested enough. For now, don't forget to vote and comment! This chapter ended up coming out a lot later than planned because of school so I'll be sure to have an earlier update next time. Until then see y'all later!

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