The Untold Story of Texas and...

By pokemonshadowhunter

110K 3.4K 1.9K

"It doesn't matter how far you run, the past will always catch up with you." Texas had long since left the da... More

Poised to Strike
Part 1: It Starts With Recruitment
Lappland and Courier
Meeting Doctor [Y/N]
When the Wolves Meet
A Piece of her Mind
Days of Forgotten Past 1
The Dormitory is Meant for Relaxation
Not Confrontation
The Night Hours
Mission Reprieve
Days of Forgotten Past 2
Just Call Me Crazy
Antics at Breakfast
Dream of You
Sparring Match
Days of Forgotten Past 3
Stupid Spiders
Wake Up Call
Crownslayer Bully Squad
Days of Forgotten Past 4
Raise a Glass
Overlooking Files
The Pain of Loneliness
Days of Forgotten Past 5
Trading Post Meltdown
Days of Forgotten Past 6
Doctor's Decision
Chained Together Wolves
Days of Forgotten Past 7
On the Road Again
Penguin Logistics Headquarters
The Emperor
Late Night, Sleep Tight
Days of Forgotten Past 8
Making Way
A Hug and A Gig
Days of Forgotten Past 9
Back Stage Pass
Performance to Remember
Stage Chaos
Days of Forgotten Past 10
Admissions of Guilt
Days of Forgotten Past 11
From Pain Comes Comfort
Danger on the Horizon
Journey Into the Heart of Trouble
Battle the Frost
Days of Forgotten Past 12
The Heart of Texas
The Might of Sword Rain
The Way Back
Understanding Reached
Part 2: A Summary
Code of Brawl
A Wolf Walks into an Alley
Days of Remembrance 1
Days of Remembrance 2
Trips and Kisses
Simping Time
Chaos in Lungmen
Who is Your Enemy?
Strange Warning
Days of Remembrance 3
What are Your Intentions?
What Went Wrong
Days of Remembrance 4
Embrace of a Loved One
Meetings and Then Some
Biting Letters
Keep Calm
Days of Remembrance 5
Preparations for Disaster?
Out on the Town
Calls, Lanterns and Flirts poorly timed
Days of Remembrance 6
Drunken Actions are Sober Thoughts
Days of Remembrance 7
Crying, Contemplation, Carnage
Pushing Down on Me
Truth Comes Out
Days of Remembrance 8
Parting Arguments (also T & D)
Travel Across the Land (plus Deleted Scene)
Searching Far and Wide
Days of Remembrance 9
Fog Shrouded Woods
Chilling Reflection
Days of Remembrance 10
Coming Home
Something's Not Quite Right
The Missing
The Mafia Council
Shock and Runaway
The Past Bleeds into the Present

Whispered Promises

529 32 8
By pokemonshadowhunter

Bison stared at Lappland with widened eyes. "I still can't believe you punched him."

Texas smiled at Bison's shocked reaction, while Croissant just took another swig of her beer as if she was highly amused by her boyfriend's amusement. "I'm not surprised at all, though I'd prefer you refrain from violent displays amidst diners."

Lappland huffed at her. "You know you liked it, know it turns you on."

Texas rolled her eyes. "Like I'll ever admit that in public." Maybe the drinks from earlier were starting to have an effect. Such a brazen statement from her was hardly the norm for totally sober Texas. But drunk Texas was another story.

Exusiai chuckled, her arm slung over Mostima's shoulder. Her and Suffering had returned moments earlier. The action had seemed to improve the Sankta's mood immensely, yet Texas had no idea if that would end well. She had a terrible suspicion that it would not . . . though that had been a feeling which refused to change. Old habits die hard I suppose.

And then of course there was the teasing. "Your face is red Texas~" Exusiai grinned.

The warmth in her cheeks was further indication her friend was right, and it left her feeling simultaneously flustered and annoyed. "Shut up."

"Hahaha! Don't have a good comeback huh Texas?" Lappland smirked.

Texas growled, tail flicking crossly behind her. She opened her mouth for a sharp retort but Sora beat her to it. "Weren't we supposed to be lighting these?"

A few lanterns hung from strings in Sora's awaiting hands. There was a lilac, pink and then green. The bright, lively colors were reminders of springtime and the festivals held during the thaw of black ice and the disappearance of the brackish melted snowy water left in the gutters from prior storms. A packet of matches was tightly crushed between her fingers, the logo obscured from the rubbing pads of past fingers.

Lappland was taken aback. "I almost forgot about that. Where'd I set them?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should get more?" Texas murmured. As far as she knew Lappland had come over without any lanterns at all.

But Lappland was already searching, heedless of her words. "And there she goes." Croissant observed, snagging one of the lanterns from Sora and passing it to Bison.

"She's probably just retracing her steps." Bison pointed out.

"Likely so. Wolves are known to be hunters." Suffering murmured.

"Some more than others." Mostima chipped in lazily.

Texas hummed in agreement —not about to bother with the bluenette who would likely cause a fight before the night's end if she did partake in deep conversation with her— she watched as Lappland's head swung searchingly towards the direction from whence she came. A gleam appeared as they landed on a particular spot. And then Lappland was walking off, only to return moments later with two lanterns in tow. Texas took the one offered to her, spinning it in a slow rotation as she examined the decorations painted on. The swirling blue whorls were like rolling waves, the little lines between each segment were like the bordering shore of an ocean. They seemed to be the exact opposite of the explosion of silver stars that Lappland's bore.

"Do you like it?" Lappland asked.

Texas nodded. "Yeah. I do."

"Great! Now that we all have lanterns we can light them." Sora told the group. She had kept the lilac lantern out of her chosen three, holding out the match box in her free hand. Each of them snagged a wooden stick or two, save for Suffering who seemed entirely uninterested in the affair. Her walking off after a short word whispered to Mostima in passing was also predictable at this point yet the frown Mostima wore was anything but. Many argued Texas to be the enigma of Penguin Logistics, but those that did likely knew nothing of the bluenette.

"And where might this platform be?" Croissant asked cordially.

Bison tilted his head. "I think it's right over there."

"Yep. You're correct." Sora nodded.

Texas glanced over in the appointed direction. The incline plane was abnormal for the typically flat rooftop in a city skyline. Yet there it was. The thing seemed to be constructed of metal and blueish bolts that more often then not would rust with enough rain. Only the certified sealant of a red sticker brand seared into the top denoted that these would last for years to come, holding the metal with its crisscrossing patterns together as people scrambled up the steps and used the provided railings for support. Though the supports went unused as Texas made her way up the steps with Lappland's hand in hers.

A pair of eyes followed their movements . . . scratch that, more than one. It was hard for her to believe she hadn't recognized Sora's attraction to her before having it blatantly explained. But it had happened, and now it was impossible to miss those secretive stares when no one was supposedly paying attention, the way Sora clammed up around her when she got too close. The sadness she had felt in handing out the rejection to Sora. All those years she believed the flustered behavior to be from a place of admiration, which was not exactly wrong, but it did not encapsulate those feelings fully. But in the tail end of the maelstrom of feelings, she was relieved to see Sora beginning to move on. The temporary lack of Sora around her was disheartening, but still better than allowing her friend to be led on for another moment. So allowing Sora to stare was okay with her. Provided Lappland doesn't find out. She knew well and good the lengths her girlfriend would and could go to if need be to protect what was hers.

But there also Mostima to worry about. The bluenette watched her and Lappland both like an intrusive hawk dive bombing the ocean for prey. Unlike the prey however there was no possibility for her to escape Mostima tonight. Hoping there was no trouble seemed all that could be done. For now.


"Just look at them go." Exusiai stared up at the glowing golden lantern floating above them. It was continuing to rise into the sky to disappear from their sight entirely. She strained to keep on seeing the brilliant gleam, watching the silver one that Mostima had let up vanish too. In the small alcove off to the right, the two of them had decent privacy from the rest of the friends. Or maybe her friends was a better description. Texas had watched Mostima leading her off with relative disdain before Lappland snagged her attention back.

"Hmm, they are fleeting and beautiful. Just like life." Mostima commented quietly.

Exusiai turned to look at the bluenette. The somber quality of the other woman's stare was open, filled with a vulnerability rarely seen, let alone in public. The dipping scrunch of her brows matched the downturn of her lips. A slight tumble in the hands gripping the railing reminded her of the chills she retained hours after leaving the murderous frost bunny behind in the ruins. She wondered how Texas would feel about Mostima if she was able to see this honesty now. Maybe things would be different then.

"That's pretty cynical."

"But you can't deny it's true." Mostima pointed out.

"I suppose not. But why be cynical on a night as precious as this?" Her question was small as a floating feather in the wind as her shoulders tucked closer to her neck. Propping herself on the railing, her gaze found the glittering stars peeking through the gaps of silvery clouds.

"Precious. I'm not sure why you'd think so. Seems same as usual."

Exusiai sighed. "You haven't noticed then, have you?"

"Noticed what?"

The question should hardly surprise, yet the burst of annoyance in her still happened. There was this need, desperately scrambling to find purchase in her heart the longer this weird little game of theirs continued. A game of chicken consisted of prods and pecks until one of the occupants fell, the other proclaiming victory. But what kind of victory would happen in this situation? The more revealed the farther apart they seemed. She knew of those days, long ago when they both had been so simple. How easy it had been for understanding to be reached. She looked at her friends as inspiration of sorts. All of the struggles they went through served to make them stronger. Improving this relationship was supposed to be the same for her. But this felt like anything but strength as she managed to get Mostima to open up just that tiny inch more. Now, it just left her feeling further clueless as to how the other truly felt.

"The others, they were all trying their best to be nice." She began to explain, hoping Mostima would get it. But it was easy for things to get lost in translation, and as Mostima tossed her head to the side, the cracked halo above her head flickering with the ominous light she used to feel so anxious about.

"If a halo loses its light, what happens to the angel?"

"Why, what a strange question to ask."

"Mama. Please. Mosti said you die when it happens and I, I don't wanna die."

"Oh my, I'll need to speak to her. But . . . Well, nothing good can come from it. And if can be fatal."

"Fatal? What's that? Is it the same as dead? Mama?"

"Not now. I'll tell you when you're older."

But she had not; Exusiai learned the truth anyways. The memory played out to prevent those next words from being fully heard. Mostima tapped at her, forcing her attention back.


"I was saying why wouldn't they act polite?"

"Mosti, it's no secret that everyone's been . . . rather tense around you." She spoke quietly, pushing away the images, faded as they were like old dreams.

But her misgivings went ignored as Mostima's steely gaze kept training itself on the starry sky. After a moment came the response, just not the one she was hoping to hear. Her heart sunk further with doubt.

"They're just getting used to having me back is all. Some of them haven't even worked with me before. And with how tight knit you all are it's not easy for anyone to just jump into Penguin Logistics."

Exusiai bit her lip, thinking of the irony of such a statement. Lappland and Bison were big examples. The former had come initially as a liaison from Rhodes Island, yet was now just as comfortable with their group as she had been with the Doctor Y/N and Amiya. The latter had been shoved into Penguin Logistics face first. And while there had been a learning curve he was now comfortably pulling Croissant into his arms as they shared one chaste kiss after another. She supposed their restraint was good enough for now.

"Mosti . . ."

"You don't think I'm trying?"

"I never said that."

"You didn't say otherwise."

"I . . ."

Mostima turned to face her, the heavy frown she wore left Exusiai uneasy. Texas was also there in the back of her mind. For any returning member, they should've worked with her at least once. It was intentional to make the transition back easier . . .

But those two have only fought since Mostima got back. Fought because of me.

The knowledge left with guilt she knew Texas would say was undeserved. Feelings were not the stuff one could simply stow away after all. No. They embedded hooks deep within your skin and forced you to face truths you may be unwilling to say aloud. And once these truths were known y you there was no turning back. Survival was the only option, closely followed by success or failure. And failure was unacceptable.

"All Sanktas find love. It's just our nature to be happy."

Her parents said these things, made her believe in the world with boundless optimism. And that was why her crush seemed like a good thing. Its our nature to be happy. So why am I—

"I love you. Isn't that enough?" Hands grasped at the front her dress, pulling her forward so she was chest to chest with Mostima. The blazing stare directed at her held so much heat. Exusiai got lost in flames as she struggled to make sense of the churning bag of emotions the bluenette always was capable of digging out of her.

"I-I . . ."

Is it enough? Is love what matters here? Just love? Then why—

"If I can't get you to see reason through telling you, maybe I should just show you."


Her small exclamation went unheard as lips were slammed on hers once more. The heat rose inside her body, red hot as the pulse of fingertips jabbing into the small of her back left her gasping. The open mouth was a perfect opportunity, seized by Mostima who wasted no time plunging her tongue in. Exusiai moaned as the inside of her mouth was explored, reaching her hands up to yank gently at Mostima's hair. The action drove Mostima into pushing her up against the railing, the two of them getting lost in each other. And when they finally did retreat when the need for air became apparent a whisper was pressed against her ear.

"I promise I'll always love you. Okay? Please believe that."



"So Texas . . ."


The two chuckled at their unison calling. Lappland marveled over how in sync they were, like two puzzle pieces slotted together purposefully. The crowd had long since died down once the sun fully set. It had something to do with a curfew in Lungmen Texas had told her, but she hardly cared for the details seeing as the owner knew them and thought it fine they stick around past closing. And so here they all were. Bison and Croissant's laughter was a faint whistle off to the right as they made out next to one of the few tables stationed out here. Exusiai and Mostima were left to wander off to the left, doing who knew what as their whispered harried words became unintelligible even to her. Sora was busy talking to the manager, thanking him for his hospitality. And all of this meant they were alone now. Texas and Lappland shared the same small space in the middle of the stretch of flat metal. Crisscross stitching was laid in deep, grooves so evenly placed a machine undoubtedly was involved in production.

"Should I—"

"You should go first."

Their lanterns were twinkling lights amidst the stars by now. How nice it was to watch those golden flames rise together as one. She hoped they remained this way till the end, never getting separated as their owners once were. No one deserved to be without the one they loved. And as she looked into Texas's curious bicolored gaze she knew this discussion needed light treading. No missteps would help the slight unease at the back of her throat.

But I need to know what was in it. And I'm not going to keep this a secret from her.

She had seen the havoc secrets this big could reek. Texas constantly burdened herself with so much responsibility. Lappland did not envy the huge weight bearing down upon her girlfriend, but if she could lighten it well, this was something worth doing.

"I wanted to say I've had a wonderful time with everyone. I'll have to thank Emperor for his hospitality when I see him, though I doubt he thought this liaison thing would go for so long."

Indeed, what was the end goal for the exchange anyways?

Building relationships or something more?

"Hmm, about that, I should ask you this . . ." Texas trailed off, seeming somewhat unsure.

Lappland knew that look, the small dip in the smile making it dimmed with worry. But why? Why worry when she's with me? "What is it?"

Texas cleared her throat. "Lappland. Would you like to join Penguin Logistics? Officially I mean." After she received no immediate answer, the dark haired wolf rushed to add. "I understand if you don't have a decision yet and if you need more time but—"

Lappland raised an eyebrow. "Join? I thought I already was an unofficial official member."

What exactly had all the paperwork she did for if otherwise?

The smile was back again, tentative and hopeful with its wonderment. "Yes, you might as well be. But there is an interview with your name on it for anytime, and probably any place considering whose giving it."

"Hahaha I always did say Emperor was a strange dude." Lappland laughed, the merriment dancing in those amber-blue eyes elevating her mood.

"That you did. Thank you for this. I-I know the city isn't what your used to . . ."

"Texas, I could care less where I am. As long as I'm with you I'm happy." Lappland confessed, meaning the statement with full sincerity.

"I don't know . . . What if we were on a garbage barge?" Texas asked.

"Heh. Didn't expect a joke out of you tonight." Lappland murmured, the soft night breeze swaying the clouds as they continued traveling their wayward path above. Her hair floated with it too, lifting up from her back. Provided it did not get into her mouth —again— she'd let it be free.

"What can I say, I'm unpredictable." Texas smirked.

Heh. Sometimes. She didn't dare mention all the moments of habit she recalled. On the battlefield Texas was relentless, but with her responsibilities there was plenty of routine to the way she handled it all.


"You don't sound too convinced. But I'm glad you've accepted nonetheless. We really are lucky to have you aboard," Texas said, and then the seriousness rolled back in again like a rushing wave. "Oh. And you said you wanted to ask me something?" She asked like they both weren't already aware.

Lappland swallowed another bout of concern. She knew this was not to be waited on. There was only so much running to be done. And the addressed date of the letter was another pressing concern even if that was all she dared to read aside from the name. Secrets could not be kept waiting. The truth would not stay hidden forever even if she were not to ask what had been niggling away at the back of her brain.

"Yes there is. I wanted to ask you about something I found."


A/N: Welp, I thought about making this one longer but I'm on vacation right now so I decided not to. Expect a longer chapter coming up soon and another Days of Remembrance popping up. Let me know what y'all think in the comments and as always don't forget to vote!

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