Did you mean it? Part 2

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Warnings: none?
Word count: 525

I really was hoping I'd find him...

I wake up the next day, dreading every minute of it. Today was the day I'd find Eddie and finally confront him about the events and to be completely honest, I was fucking terrified. I was usually great at confrontation, but only when someone was being an ass or something. This was completely different.

I get ready throwing in black bell bottoms and a white fitted shirt. I quickly throw on shoes and head out, in search for Eddie. I decided I'd just walk around town, hoping I'd run into him and not wanting to go "searching". I just wanted to randomly run into him so it was less nerve wracking or whatever.

I walk through the streets, chewing gum and mindlessly wandering about. I stumble across a cute store that had knickknacks and antiques. I buy a ring, exit the store and keep going on my journey. I find some cute shops, but still don't find Eddie. I decide to finally leave and check to outskirts of town, maybe he'd be there.

I walk through the park he took me just a few days earlier, all the memories flooding back. Taking a deep breath, I trudge on. I check tons of parks, trails, gas stations and building but still don't find him. My last resort is his house.

I slowly make my way to his house, anticipation building inside of me.  I walk down the sidewalk, looking down and kicking rocks. I almost make it to the home when I bump into someone.

"Oh sorry-" I look up and see Eddie

My cheeks go red and eyes go wide. He gives me a small smile. I step back, my arms folding in fear, thinking of what I'd say.

"Hey..." he says

"Hi...I've been looking for you." I say

"Have you?"

"Yea, I- I feel awful. About...yea and I just I-"

He gives me a confused glance.

"Did you mean it?" I ask

"Mean it? Y/n, of course. I love you so much and I spilt my heart out for you!" He says

"I'm sorry." My eyes gloss over

He sighs, his expression softens.

"I just I- I was afraid." I say

"Afraid of what?" He asks

"Of my feelings Eddie! I have this huge fear of expressing feelings and shit so when you said all that I panicked."

"Y/n Look I get you just wanna be friends and that's fine."

"No Eddie that's not it!" Tears start to fall


"Eddie I'm in love with you! I'm sorry I hurt you so badly the other day but I was so so afraid. And I've felt this for so long. Practically ever since I met you I've liked you. And I really fucked up." I say

He rubs the back of his neck. Leaning in he grabs my waist and pulls me close, brushing his lips against mine and sneaking his tongue into my mouth. Out tongues tangle together.

He pulls apart, his cheeks dusted a light pink.

"I love you so much y/n."

"I love you too Eddie."

Eddie Van Halen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now