What are you looking at?

478 9 2

Warnings: none
Word count: 760
I don't like how this turned out at all but I didn't know what else to write

I sat in my algebra class, doodling on a sheet of paper waiting for the day to end. It was only third period of the day and it was going so slow. I look over to see my friend writing something in a small piece of paper. She balls it up and tosses it to me. I open the paper seeing it read:

Hey I'm bored.

I wrote back, telling her to just doodle or something. Class soon ended and students flooded the hallways.

I finally make it through lunch and sixth period and have one more class of the day. I stop at my locker, grabbing some books and things for my next class. My friend approaches me, a wide smile on her face.

"Y/n I just saw the cutest guy!" She blabbers about him for a while.

I finally make it through the hallways, nearing my next class when I bump into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say, reaching to pick up my books

"No you're fine." He hands me my books and walks away, flashing a friendly smile.

I'd never seen him before.

My last class finally ends and I walk back to my locker and put my books back. I scan the hallways for the boy from earlier, getting on my tiptoes and scanning the crowd. I continue unpacking my books while scanning the crowd when my friend comes up.

"What're you looking at y/n?" She asks

"Well I was walking to class and I ran into this guy, I've never seen him before and I haven't seen him since." I say

"Huh. Maybe he'll show up later. Listen I gotta go but I'll call you later." She walks off

It had been two days since I'd seen the boy and hadn't seen him again. There was no sign of him and it didn't help that I didn't catch his name. I decide I'd find a yearbook.

I walk into the library, up the stairs and grab a yearbook and start to scan through it. I try to remember his features, carved cheekbones and a slender frame, long dark curls and kind eyes.

My finger traces through the lines of faces, row after row and I still haven't found him. Pages are turned, but still there's no sign of him.

I'm on the last few pages when my finger lands on someone. He looked the same as the boy o ran into, he had the friendly smile and the carved features. His name was Edward Van Halen. The next picture was a boy named Alex Van Halen, I assumed they were brothers. I look back at Eddie's picture. It was strange that I hadn't seen him ever since I bumped into him.

I get to my next class, scanning the room for the boy but he wasn't there. I'd spent the rest of the day looking for him and had no luck. I get to my locker, unloading my books when I noticed one I'd never seen before and didn't belong to me. I picked it up, turning it over. It was a little worn and had a brown cover. I opened it to see if there was a name. It said in neat handwriting Ed Van Halen. I decided to bring it home and return it to him when I found him.

I got home, running up to my bedroom shutting the door. I call my friend telling her about the book. She said she'd heard of the guy and that he was great at guitar but she'd never met him.
I walk the hallways of school, trying desperately to find Edward. I check science labs, gyms, the cafeteria and the playground but still no luck. I decide I'd check the stage and music room. I first check the stage and don't see him so I make my way to the music room. I end up bumping into him on the way, looking up seeing his brown eyes.

"So we meet again." He says

"Yea...hey I have something for you." I say

"You do?" He looks confused

I pull out the book.

"I think this is yours." I say handing it to him

"Oh wow thanks a lot."

"Oh yea no problem. I'm not exactly sure how I picked it up without realizing it wasn't mine."

"Oh no you're totally fine. Thanks for returning it." He smiles

"Yea of course."

"Hey would you wanna maybe get a drink sometime?" He asks

"I- yea I'd love that." I smile

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