Not pretty enough

309 6 0

Warnings: none?
Word count: 722

I stood in my bedroom, tidying up a bit. I always had to keep clean since my mother was so strict. I made my bed and cleaned my floors, organized records and magazines. I made it look perfect.

"Y/n!" I hear my mother yell

"Yes?" I say back

"Come downstairs!"

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what might happen. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where she stood.

"Yes mother?"

"Did you clean your bedroom?" She asks, not facing me


"Did you clean the bathroom?"


She turns around and gasps.

"Is everything ok?" I ask

"What is wrong with your face? What have you done?"

I was confused. I wasn't wearing anything that was out of the ordinary, just mascara and a bit of eyeliner.

"Y/n I raised you to be a beautiful young woman but here we are! Your face is all messed up and your clothing is horrid. How come you can't dress like the girls at school! They wear their gorgeous nude lipstick and they look gorgeous but you, you look like a disaster! You'll never be pretty like them will you?" She rants

I stood there in awe. Usually I'd yell back or argue or something but this was different. I was beyond surprised at what she'd said and she just kept going.

Soon enough I dash up to my room. I immediately checked my mirror and at first glance, I saw nothing wrong. It was the same makeup routine I'd been doing everyday for years. I continued to stare into the mirror, tears staring to fall from my eyes. She was right, I had little blemishes in my skin and scars and freckles. Tears streamed down as I pointed out every flaw that I saw.

Suddenly I hear something from my window. I walk over and see my friend Eddie, a smile in his face. I motion for him to come in and he climbs the tree and enters.

I quickly dash to my bathroom to clean up my face but the tears didn't stop.


"Yea?" I reply

"What're you doing?"

"Nothing." I say

I walk out of the bathroom with my head down.

"Y/n? What's going on? Were you crying?"

"No, I just sneezed." I say, sniffling



"Lift up your head." He says

I shake my head no. I didn't want him to know I'd been crying, especially because the reason seemed stupid.

He walked over to me and lifted my chin. Tears kept falling.

"Y/n what's going on?" He asks


"It's obviously not nothing if you're crying, you never cry." His thumb swept across my jaw

"It's stupid."

"I don't mind." He says

"I was cleaning my room and my mom called me downstairs so I went into the kitchen. She was asking me about all the chores or whatever and then she turned around and gasped really dramatically. She then had this whole lecture about how the girls at school are way prettier than I am and that my face is a disaster." I sniffle

"She really said all that?" He asks in disbelief

I nod.

"Well you know she's wrong right?"

I didn't respond.

"Y/n come on, you can't seriously believe her! Come here." He takes me hand and leads me to the nearest standing mirror.

"First, look at your hair, it's gorgeous and full and always smells of strawberries. And you're skin is so glowey and smooth. You're face is perfectly gorgeous, your freckles are adorable and you're smile is contagious. Y/n we've already established how terrible your mom is, you can't believe her on stuff like this. We both know it's not true."

Tears started to cascade down. He was too nice to me. I turn around and he pulls me into a hug. My makeup probably stained his shirt but he didn't care.

"Ed you know I really appreciate this?"

"Of course y/n, I love you."

He cups my face and brings me in for a kiss, his lips perfectly connecting with mine. His lips were soft and gentle and his tongue was skilled and smooth.

He pulls apart, brushing my hair back.

"I love you so so much y/n, be my girl?"

"Of course Ed."

Eddie Van Halen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now