Movie night

271 5 0

Warnings: none?
Word count: 935

I walk out of my room, seeing my roommate sitting on the couch, clearly bored out of her mind.

"What's up?" I ask

"Nothing, I'm bored as shit." She says

"I've got just the solution." I smile

"What is it?"

"Ed and Alex live next door, we could have a movie night."

"Y/n it's eleven at night, do you really think they'll want to?" She asks

"Ye, trust me, Ed is always up for a movie night." I say

"That's because you two make out the whole time." She rolls her eyes

"We do not! Besides if Alex is coming over and we're all watching a movie together, that's not gonna be happening. And I'll let you pick what we watch." I say

"Fine, call them over I guess." She shrugs

I pick up the phone, dialing their number.

"Hello?" It was Alex

"Al! Wanna come over? We were thinking of having a movie night." I say

"Yea sure, I'll tell Ed now, we'll be over soon." The line goes dead

I gather blankets and make popcorn and get bottles of water and some jack Daniels. My roommate look through our movies and decides on one, a movie I hated.

"You're seriously picking that movie?!" I say

"Yea, I don't understand why you hate it so much. It's just Cinderella." She says

"Exactly! There's no way Ed and Alex are gonna watch that."

"Yes they will!" She argues

"No they won't, pick something else."

She digs through the movies once more, deciding on some summer camp movie or something.

I hear the doorbell ring as I rush over to get it. I open the door and see Ed and Alex holding blankets and pillows. I let them in and we all get comfy, Alex and my roommate sitting by eachother. I notice as they flirt, which was totally hilarious.

"Hey y/n?" Ed says, his arm falling around my shoulders


"I'm no photographer but I can picture you and I together." He smiles

"Ed we're already dating." I laugh

"I know, but that's probably what Alex just said to your roommate." He laughs

"Oh my god he says stuff like that?!" I giggle

"I have no idea but I feel like he would."

"Jamie, start the movie." I say to my roommate

"Sorry." She rushes over and puts the tape into the tape player and the movie starts

About twenty minutes through, Ed and I get bored. I look over and see Jamie's head nuzzled into Alex's chest as they watched the movie.

"Ed." I whisper


"I'm bored."

"Yea this movie blows." He says

"Yea I know."

His hand creeps up to my jaw, his lips touching mine. I kiss back, my hands rubbing the back of his neck and gliding through his hair. I suddenly pull apart.

"Not here." I whisper

"Your room?"

I nod.

"Ok here's the plan, I'll go in first and ten minutes later you come in saying you're looking for me, got it?" I say

"Yea." He smiles

"I'll be back." I say, so everyone could hear

I see Alex nod and I get up and head to my bedroom, changing into a lace bra and thong, slipping one of Eddie's t shirt over it. I light a candle and tidy up a bit. I then hear Eddie enter the room and he walks over to me, placing his hands around my waist.

His lips connect with mine and his tongue quickly slips in, mine doing the same. I back onto my bed, sitting in my knees, Eddie doing the same. He slips his shirt over his head, his lips instantly connecting with mine once again. His hands roam under my shirt, slipping it over my head. I feel him smirk through the kiss as his eyes trace along my breasts. I lay down, still kissing him.

"Ed we can't." I say

"Why not?"

"Because we aren't alone." I say

"So? They'll never know."

"Yes they will, Jamie knows everything." I say between kisses


He collapses next to me and we get underneath the covers. He cradles me in his arms, running circles along my stomach with his fingers.

"I love you." He smiles

"I love you too Ed. I just hope Alex goes home and doesn't see us."

"Yea, I don't think anyone but Jamie knows about us."

"Yea, and I wouldn't want Alex to harass you or me or anything." I joke

"He so would if he found out."

I fall asleep, safer in Eddie's arms, my favourite way to sleep.

I wake up the next morning, hearing a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I groggily say, forgetting Eddie was there

"Y/n- what happened in here?" I hear Alex's voice

"Shit." I mumble

Jamie walks in, gasping.

"Nothing happened." Eddie says

"Yea sure." Alex jokes

"I swear nothing happened." I say

"Really? What movie were we watching last night?" Alex asks

"Uh something about a summer camp?" I question

"No! The parent trap." Jamie says

"Yea exactly! Summer camp shit." I say

"Nothing happened, I'd know." Jamie says to Alex

"So they're a thing?" Al asks

"No, we just cuddle and make out." I roll my eyes

"Ok jeez." He laughs "I'll leave you two alone." Jamie and Alex exit

"Jesus fuck I knew that would happen." I say

"Shh it's not a huge deal, we can deal with it later but now I'm going back to bed." Ed says, kissing my cheek

I kiss him back, closing my eyes and falling asleep in his arms once again.

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