On the edge

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Warnings: none
Word count: 1002

"I just don't understand how he could be so careless." My friend heather says, slamming her empty glass down and she talked about her boyfriend.

"I don't know, he seems nice." I shrug, sipping on a glass of whiskey. I did feel sorry for her, she was so in love with a guy that just wasn't ready to settle down, and he wasn't even discrete about it.

"Yea he is nice, until he says he has to go to the bathroom where I know he'll be fucking some other girl."

"Yea I guess."

We sit in a crowded bar where she said her friends band was playing. I didn't know anyone in the band, she was dating the lead singer and said she wanted me to meet them all.

I see her boyfriend, David, walk up to her, sitting in the adjacent stool and throwing an arm over her shoulder. She smiles at me, proud that David had come back to her side. I was still unsure, mostly about all those rockstar guys who all acted the same. They were immature and clearly weren't looking for something exclusive, I couldn't help but feel bad for heather.

"Who's yer friend?" He asks, nodding at me

"Oh this is y/n."

"Looks like I gotta new friend." He smirks

I roll my eyes, taking another sip of my drink. The way he acted was the perfect example of why I'd never want to fall in love with a rockstar, chances were that I'd be cheated on.

"Oh here comes my friend." Heather smiles

I see him walk up, he had long dark curls and a slim build, with carved features.

"Hey Eddie." She says

"Oh hey Heather, who's this?"

"Y/n, she's a close friend."

"Nice to meet you." He says to me, giving me a bright smile.

"You know Dave?" I ask, trying to make conversation

"Yea, we're in a band together."

"What do you play?" I ask. I knew about their band, heard their stuff but I didn't know enough to be able to recognise Eddie.


"Oh cool, what got you into it?" I ask, happy to offer something to the conversation

"Kinda a lot of things, mostly Eric Clapton."

I nod, smiling back. I couldn't agree more, Eric Clapton was fucking amazing. I take another sip of my drink, taken aback when he started to ask me more about myself.

"So what do you do, y/n?" He asks

"I'm a writer." I say. I worked for the local paper, I'd also written poetry and things. That's how I'd met Allison, is writing about things in the newspaper.

"Would you wanna get outta here?" He asks, gesturing to Heather and David in a tangled mess behind me. I've never wanted to be further from them in my life, so I nod in agreement, finishing my drink.

We make our way down the street, making light conversation about music while the sun started to set. The sky filled with darkness and stars as I take a deep breath. The cool air was so refreshing after hours in a stuffy bar.

"Wanna see something cool?" Eddie asks

"Always." I say back. He reaches for my hand, I smile as he holds it in his. His grip was so strong yet safe and soft, as he led me off the sidewalk and into the woods. I didn't even worry about where he could be taking me, he couldn't be that type of person.

"You're going to love this." He says as wander aimlessly through the dense woods.

We finally came to a clearing in the woods and suddenly we were atop a cliff that overlooked the city.

"Wow this is amazing." I say as he leads me closer to the edge

"Something to write about?" He asks as we sit next to each other

"Definitely." I say, taking another deep breath as I took in the amazing view below me

Eddie reaches around and puts an arm around me, causing my breath to hitch. I started to understand Heather's captivation with David all this time, something about rockstars really was special.

"Is that your dream? To be a writer?" He asks

I went silent. I really didn't know. I didn't want to write for a living but if not that, then what?

"I don't know, I'd rather not but I don't know." I shrug "is your dream to be a musician?"

"Always has been." He says, turning to face me with a friendly look in his eyes. Fuck he had such beautiful eyes.

"You're lucky." I say "you've already come so far."

"You aren't too far, if you wanna be a writer." He says, lowering his arm to my waist "it's amazing how fast things can change."

He was right but I was no longer thinking of my future. I was thinking how quickly I'd judged heather for falling for a musician with a hopeless ending, and now here I was, finding myself falling for a guy I had barely met.

"So why'd you take me up here anyways?" I ask. I couldn't help but change the subject.

"Because I think you're cool." He says "and funny." He added, leaning in closer to me "and beautiful."

Our faces were now just inches apart and I could feel my heart beat with anticipation. I started to smile after what he said but quickly got interrupted as he presses his lips to mine. I kiss back as he pulls me closer, my hand falling on his shoulder.

He pulls apart, giving me a light smile before laying on the cool grass. I lay beside him, and he held my hand in his ad we gaze at the stars.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into with this, but I was eagerly prepared and ready to take in whatever it would be.

"You should come around to our shows, I'd love to see you more often."

"We'll see." I tease

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