Little dreamer

843 14 1

Warnings: cussing
Word count: 1147

I sat in my last class of the day, bored out of my mind. The teacher rambles on about Isaac Newton and his laws or whatever when I catch a glimpse of my best friend. He has a paper ball crumpled in his hand, ready to throw in my direction. He quickly tosses it to me, perfectly aiming to land on my notebook.

I glance over at him, a smile flashes on his face. I turn back to the paper ball, picking it up and opening it. On the sheet, in scribbled yet neat handwriting read:
Hey y/n we should hang out after school, I've got something I wanna show ya.
                    - Eddie

I smile at the writing. I pick out a pen and write back.

Sounds like fun, where are we going? Also are we driving or walking? Just wondering ;)

I throw the ball back at him, watching it land in his hair. I hold back a smile, silently giggling to myself. He opens the paper reading it, writing in it and sending it back.

I guess we'll just go to my place or something also we're walking

For the rest of class we passed notes. Some had little doodles and drawings while others had little snippets of dramatic poetry and even short stories.

The end of class came and I packed up my things. Eddie walks up to me, a smile spread across his lips.

"Ready?" He says

We walk out of the building. He tells me about one of his ex girlfriends, going into graphic details about how he walked in on her with another guy.

"Yea so I got to her place and opened her door and she's fucking some random guy! And she had no shame at all I mean she even asked if I would join!" He laughs

"Wow. What was her name again? Karen? Carol? Catherine?" I say

"Kathy. I really thought I liked her but when I lost her, it didn't affect me all that much." He sighs "tell me one of your breakup stories y/n, I'm sure they're interesting." He says

"Ok ok well I was dating this guy, John. I really liked him, I mean I really really loved him. We'd been together for like three years and one day I saw him with some tramp. I walked into his bedroom and there he is with some old ass hag! And then he tried to explain how it was an accident and how he'd never do it again. But he did, over and over and over. So I dumped him." I nervously laugh

"Oh wow. How old was the other girl?" Eddie asks

"She looked pretty old to me. She had some grey hairs and she was pretty wrinkly if you ask me." I giggle

Eddie and I told little stories the rest of the way back to his house. I learnt about his brother and some of his girlfriends and even some of his brothers girlfriends.

We finally arrive at his house. I walk in and immediately get greeted by his mom.

"Hello I'm Eddie's mother, you must be y/n! He's told me many things of you." She says

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Van Halen. Yes I'm y/n. I hope Eddie says good things about me." I giggle

"Yes yes, all good things my dear." She says

Eddie leads me upstairs. He shows me into his bedroom. Posters cover the walls. I see multiple artists like The Doors, Ramones and AC/DC. I notice cassettes litter his desk and records in piles on his floor. I notice two guitars, a bass and a ukulele.

"Sorry it's a bit messy." He says

"No it's fine! I actually quite like your room." I smile

We quickly finish chemistry homework and a few math assignments.

"I'm gonna get some waters." He says, heading downstairs

I nod and head back to my homework. A few minutes later someone enters the room. I look up to see his brother Alex.

"Hey y/n." He says

"Hey Alex. Watcha doin."

"Nothing really I just wanted to let you know something."

"Yea? Do tell."

"Eddie totally has it for you! I mean he hasn't told me anything but it's kinda obvious. Also your friend y/f/n is really nice, would you happen to know her number or anything?"

"I- why don't you ask her yourself." I reply

He leaves, shrugging off the idea to talk to the girl.

Eddie comes back with two bottles waters. I look over at the clock seeing it's almost 8:30 and dark out.

"Eddie what was it you wanted to show me?"

"Oh yea! Well let's go to the park so I can show you."

He grabs his guitar and we head to the park, chatting along the way. We arrive on a grassy hill, the stars bright and the moonlight creating an eerie glow.

He sits down, positioning his guitar.

"I wrote a song and I wanted to play it for you and get your thoughts. Also I'm not a singer so don't mind that." He says

I smile, nodding in agreement. He starts to play. Wow it's amazing, and even better when he starts to sing.

'They may talk about you cold when you were
Headed for the skies
But you were young and bold and baby didn't that
Change with a wink of your eye
Now no one's talkin' 'bout those
Crazy days gone by
No one talks about the
Times you cried

(Oooh) Little dreamer
(Oooh) Uh, little dreamer'

He stops plucking at the strings and opens his eyes. He takes a breath of relief.

"I only played a little bit of it but yea.." he trials off

"Eddie that was fucking amazing! I can't believe you wrote that? So who's it about?"

"Oh uh thanks. It's actually about you y/n." He blushes

My eyes go wide and I start to repeat the lyrics in my head. I started to realize how well they fit me.

"Eddie I- you wrote a song about me? I mean it's amazing and I'm so beyond thrilled but why?"

"Y/n I uh- I really like you."

He leans in, kissing me gently and tenderly. I feel the blood and warmth rush to my cheeks as they turn a bright shade of red. He pulls apart, leaving me flustered.

"I really like you too."

We kiss again, this time more passionate and rough. Our tongues meet, dancing together. He places his hands on my waist causing my breath to hitch. My hands find his hair. Once again we pull apart, breathless.

A few minutes go by.

"Hey Eddie?"


"Promise me if you get famous you'll put that song on an album?" I say

"Of course little dreamer." He hugs me, kissing my forehead...

Eddie Van Halen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now