She's the one

312 5 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 477
Sorry it's a bit short

I sit at the table beside Eddie, he was telling me about something for the album while he was scanning the newspaper. I couldn't help but think about him, the way his lips moved when he kissed me. I'd never kissed him back before, I was always so nervous or shocked or embarrassed. But something about him always drew me in.

"Yea, David is thinking about doing some acoustic stuff for the album but no one in the band had an acoustic guitar." He rambles

I suddenly slam my lips to his and the room falls silent. My hands were shaky and my brows furrowed. He gently kisses back and seconds later I nervously pull away.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I was just- I was thinking about all the other times and how I was so nervous and I didn't know what to do and I just wanted to know why you ever did it and I'm sorry." I anxiously ramble, covering my eyes in embarrassment

"I love you." He says

My brows furrow in confusion. Did he not just hear a single thing I said?

"What?" I say

"I'm so in love with you."

"I- like more than a friend?" I question

"Yea." He nods

"Wow Uhm I never thought- I love you too." I stutter

He smiles, taking my hand in his and kissing my cheek, creating a blush that spread across my cheeks.

Days later:
Eddie POV:

I sit in the studio by al, waiting for David and Michael to finish recording their parts.

"Man this fucking album is never gonna get released if David keeps redoing his part." I say

"Yea I know. It's taking way too long."

"Yea, he did fine the first take."

"Yea. So how's y/n, I haven't seen her in awhile." He asks

"Oh she's great, we're finally a thing." I smile

"Really? How'd you know she was the one?"

"Well I'd kissed her multiple times before, but she was always too nervous or embarrassed to kiss me back, it took her five months." I say "and one day I'm reading the newspaper or talking about the album or something and she kisses me, just out of the blue, she smashed her lips to mine."

Alex laughs.

"And I knew then I'd have to have her. While her hands were shaking and she looked at me like she couldn't exactly catch her breath." I smile "I had to have her dark brown eyes and ridiculously smudged eyeliner and shaky breath. I had to have her anxious ramblings and the way she covered her eyes when she was embarrassed. I had to have it all."

"Wow, funny how one kiss could do all that to a person. You really like her?"

"Yea, I could do anything in that moment. And I love her for it."

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