
442 10 5

Warnings: mentions of suicide and abuse
Word count: 527

I ran. I ran like the fucking wind. I was escaping my hometown, escaping my mother. She'd been so abusive since my dad killed himself when I was only 9 years old. I was 16 now, made enough money to buy my own place. But my friend David told me years ago that I could visit whenever so when I have him the call that I was coming, he'd said 'hell yea'.

I remember asking my mother on multiple occasions if I could move out. Every time she'd throw a raging angry fit, gaslighting me asking if she wasn't a good enough mother. She'd even stabbed me before, I still had the scar. So I ran. I had a duffel bag in one hand and my guitar case in the other as I made my way to the bus station.

David lived hours away, up in Pasadena. I hop in a bus and wait until I arrived. I watched out the window as the sun set and the sky went dark. I eventually arrived in Pasadena and got off the bus, making my way through the familiar streets. It had been almost three years since I'd seen David. I'd met Alex and Michael too, but not eddie. I'd seen plenty of pictures of Ed, and heard plenty about him and I'm sure he'd heard about me too.

I walk up to the familiar house, knocking on the door.

"Y/n!" I see Alex open the door

He grabs my stuff and sets it down, greeting me. I then see Michael run towards me and give me a welcoming hug, almost causing me to fall over. I look over and see David smiling, nodding at me. I then see Eddie. I went to shake his hand, assuming he'd shake it back but instead he pulled me into his side for a welcoming hug.

We all watch tv, sipping on beers. We chat and catch up with each other since it had been years. I look over and see it's two in the morning and notice David and Michael getting up to go to bed.

"Hey y/n your room isn't ready so you might have to crash on the couch." David says

"Fine with me."

I wasn't expecting anything more, I was just happy to be there. Everyone heads up to bed except for Eddie. I shrug it off, laying in the couch and getting comfy. Just as I'm about to drift off I feel as Eddie picks me up and carries me upstairs, gently placing me in his bed. I feel as he crawls in after me and drifts off to sleep.

My eyes flutter open and I feel my head rested in someone's chest. I look up and see Eddie. I notice it was only five in the morning and I yawn, drifting back to sleep.

I wake up hours later, keeping my eyes shut.

"Al look they're cuddling." I hear Michael say

"Shut it assheads, she's asleep." Eddie says

I snuggle closer to Eddie, pleading for warmth and hear as all the others go 'awwww'

"Shut the fuck up." I mumble

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