Its an addiction

313 5 2

Warnings: self harm
Word count: 982

I walk down the street to my boyfriends apartment, it had been awhile since I'd seen him so I decide on visiting. My shoes click on the pavement and my hair falls in my face. I walk up the stairs to his apartment number 406 and gently knock on the door.

"Hello?" He opens it

"Hi!" I smile

He lets me in, I notice that he'd sloppily thrown on a bright pink robe that was noticeably too small.

"So what're you doing here?" He asks

"It's been awhile so I decided to visit."

"Oh nice well I've gotta finish something real quick and then I'll come back." He says, walking into the bedroom

I nod, sitting on his couch and turning the tv on. Twenty minutes passes and I found myself constantly checking the time. I watched as minutes kept passing. I start to hear noise from the bedroom, trying to ignore it. It then gets louder and louder, it sounded like moaning or panting or something.

I quietly get up, walking over to the bedroom and putting my ear on the door. I hear panting and groaning and little screams. I burst open the door to see my boyfriend with some little tramp. He looks up at me, his face frozen.

"Y/n I- I'm sorry, she made me." He says

"You're sorry? You fucking promised you'd never do this shit! I can't fucking believe you, you're such a goddamn asshole! And to think it's with her out of all people? Doesn't she work for the strip club down the street?" I yell

"I-" he says

"No, you don't get to fucking speak." I run out

I dash across the street, running through alleys and neighborhoods just to get back to my house. Out of all of the years of loyalty he'd shown me I can't believe I'd just seen that.

I open the door to my house, slowly and quietly shutting it. I walk through the living room and into the kitchen where I heard sobbing.

"Shannon?" I ask, seeing my sister surrounded by piles of tissue

"Y/n, where have you been?"

"Out." I say

"Well I've got news." She says

"Alright then spill." I say

"Our mom passed." She says

"What? How the hell are we gonna live here? How are we gonna survive?" I say in a panic

"Y/n I don't know." She says

"I'll be back." I say

I walk out, tears start to build up in my eyes. I find myself walking to my best friends house, letting myself in and making my way to her bedroom. She wasn't there so I walk downstairs.

"Hello Mrs. Knight, where's Jamie?" I ask

"You didn't hear? She moved to Indonesia for schooling and says she won't return." Her mom says


I exit their home in confusion. If there was one person who could help me, it's Eddie. I run across town to his house, knocking gently on the door.

"Hello?" I see Mrs. Van Halen

"Hello! Is Edward home?" I ask

"I'm afraid not." She says

"Oh, well thank you." I say, walking away

Tears started to spill from my eyes. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. My vision was blurry and clouded with tears as I make my way to the nearest alleyway. I sit by a dumpster, collapsing onto the ground with my legs spread out before me. I blindly feel around, finding a shard of glass and flipping it around in my hand. I bring it to my wrist, dragging it across till blood poured out. It hurt. It hurt so fucking good. And I kept going, till blood was seeping from my wrists. I pocket the piece of glass, standing up and starting to jog away. My head is dizzy and light. I shove my hands into my pockets and feel as the blood pours from my wrists and stains my pants.

My head is light and my vision cloudy. I run into something and suddenly collapse and I'm out.

My eyes flutter open and the room around me is bright.

"Hello? Mrs. Y/l/n?" I hear someone say

"Hello? Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital. A young man said he found you in and alleyway, unconscious and bleeding." She says

"A young man? What was his name?" I ask

"Edward, Edward Van Halen."

"Is he still here?"

"Yes ma'am." She nods, exiting the room

"Y/n?" I hear Eddie

"Eddie! Holy shit." I say

"Y/n what the hell happened?" He asks

"I- so much." I say

He hugs me, filling my nose with his decadent scent.

"My mom told me you were looking for me so I went running around town and I found you in an alleyway." He says

"And you brought me here?" I ask

"Yea I carried you."

"Really? I appreciate that."

"You can come back to my place tonight." He says

"Tonight? That's great." I smile

The night soon came and I was released from the hospital. Eddie led me to his house and into his bedroom.

"So y/n what happened?" He asks

"Well I went to my boyfriends and saw him with some tramp so I dumped him and then I got home and my sister was crying and she said our mom died and then I went to Jamie's place only to find out shes living in Indonesia!" I say

"Holy shit all that happened? So then what about that?" He asks, pointing to my wrists

I pull the shard of glass out of my pocket.

"Fuck you did that. Hey well you're here now and safe and there's one positive." He says, pulling me into a hug

I weakly smile, tears brimming my eyes. I lean in and kiss his cheek.

"I love you Ed." I say

"I love you too y/n."

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