
214 3 6

Warnings: none
Word count: 1063
Request for: @grogwasfound
Sorry about this taking so fucking long to write!! I've been stuck on this one even thought it's such a great idea.

I stand in my closet, flipping through the clothing for the tenth time. I couldn't find anything to wear, it was either too boring or too eccentric or too girly. I'm other words, I desperately needed to get some new clothes. With that I decided on wearing my favorite black ripped straight jeans and slightly cropped misfits shirt with a flannel over it all. I grab my converse shoes and lace them up.

I went into my bathroom and brushed through my hair, cursing as I fixed all the knots. I swiped a dark cherry colored lipstick onto my lips and fixed up my eyeliner.

Walking out of my bedroom, I grab my bass guitar and picks and head for my car. I place all of my equipment in the back of my old Volkswagen Beetle, hearing the car creek under the weight of it all. I sigh, thinking about how much it would cost to get a new car.

I get in the front seat, putting the key in the ignition, hoping that my car would start and not break down. The car successfully starts and I sigh of relief, putting in a Black Flag album. I turn the volume up as I drive to the infamous bar that my band would be playing at. We were a new wave grunge band, came about in the year 1988. We named ourselves Thorne, after the bands logo, a black rose.

I pull up to the stingy bar, parking my car out back so I could load up my equipment. I open the trunk of my car and take the amp out, placing it on the ground. I grab my bag with all of my cables and extras in it, tossing it over my shoulder. I grab my bass and amp and head for the door, ready for the show to start.

"Hey y/n, you made it!" Our drummer, Bell says

"Yea, when do we start?"

"Twenty minutes." She says

"Cool, so where's Tate?" I ask, referring to our guitarist

"She should be here soon." Bell shrugs

I nod, walking away to set up my amp. I get everything plugged in and adjusted the knobs just right. Sound check was perfect and we were all ready for the show.

I sit backstage and wait, sipping on a glass of water.

"You're on in five." Someone says

I nod.

"Hey guys, it's me!" I look up to see Tate with red lipstick smudged across her lip and onto her cheek

"What the fuck have you been doing?" I ask

"Oh nothing, just chatting around, you know." She shrugs, a huge smile in her face

"Was it jake?" I ask. He was the guy she'd been so in love with for almost a year now

"Maybe, I'll tell you guys after the show." She says

I nod. We get called onstage and walk up.

"How we doing out there?" I ask, approaching the mic as I sling my bass around my shoulder

The crowd cheers and smiles in response.

"Alright, we'll we're gonna be starting with a few covers." I say "this ones black coffee by Black Flag."

We all start to play, the drums and bass perfectly lining up. I stand at the mic, singing the lyrics while plucking away at the strings of my bass, keeping time in my head. We finish the song, the crowd cheering us on.

"Thank you." I say "we're Thorne, and this is gonna be anglefuck by the misfits."

We all jam out to our favorite songs, occasionally throwing an original in there. The crowd cheered us on, clapping and throwing roses onto the stage.

"Thank you guys so much for having us tonight, we had a great time." I say

We all exit the stage, smirking at the thought of a successful show.

"I'm gonna go hang out at the bar." I say

"Have fun." Bell says, smiling

I walk down a narrow hallway and swing open a door, making a beeline for the bar. I sit on my favorite stool, furthest in the back and order and jack and coke.

"Jack and coke?" I look up to see a man, long hair, asking me about my drink

"Oh, yea, it's my favorite." I say

"Mine too." He smiles

I study him a bit more, a feeling of familiarity crossing my mind.

"Are you-?" Something stopped me from asking

"Am I?" He smiles

"Eddie Van Halen." I say under my breath

"I thought you didn't notice." He says

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." I say

"No you're all good." He laughs "I enjoyed the show actually."

Wow, what a huge compliment. Eddie fucking Van Halen liked my show.

"Are you serious? I mean, thanks a lot."

"I'm serious, you're a great bassist. And vocalist, and it's hard to be both."

"Yea, I guess so." I shrug "thanks."

"I didn't catch your name."


"Y/n, that's pretty." He smiles "what's it mean."

"It's Irish for strength and wisdom." I shrug

"That's cool." He says

"Yea I guess." I say "did you wanna come backstage?"


I lead him to the backstage area and into a separate room where we could chat.

"How often do you gig?" He asks

"Maybe three or four times a week." I say "sometimes more."

"Nice, you get paid good."

"As of right now, no not really, but all in good time." I say, taking a sip of my drink

"Yea, it takes time. It took us over two years." He laughs

"Oh wow."


I look up to see him glancing into my eyes, smiling.

"You've got pretty eyes." He says "they're so dark, like the night sky or something. I could get lost in them."

"Thank you, but I think you already have." I laugh

He takes my chin in his hands, slowly bringing me closer to him. He connects his lips to mine, sealing the space between us with a soft kiss. He runs a hand through my hair and down my arm, stopping at my waist. He slowly pulls apart, leaving me blushing.

"So did you wanna go out sometime?"

"Sure, I'd like that." I smile

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