
341 9 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 568

Today's the day that I've got to go with Eddie to the airport. He's supposed to be touring the United States and they decided to fly all the way to Maine and make their way across the country that way. I'd been friends with him forever, well at least the third grade.

I spritzed on some perfume while fluffing my hair in the mirror. I tied my shoes and grabbed my keys heading to get Eddie and Alex. I sit in silence while I drive, pondering what I'd do without them.

I finally pull up to their apartment and walk up the stairs to get to their door. I knock, waiting for a few seconds. After a bit Alex finally answers.

"Oh hey y/n."

"Hey. Ready for tour?"

"Yea we're totally pumped."


Seconds later I see Eddie enter the room.

"Hey y/n!" He grins


They gather their bags and we head out to my car, loading them all into the trunk.

"Hey I can drive if you want?" Eddie says

"Oh sure." I toss him the keys

We make Alex sit in the back while I take the passenger seat.

Eddie starts to drive, backing out and then gently stepping on the gas. His hand firmly gripped the steering wheel causing his veins to show through his skin.

"You good y/n? You look a bit tense?" Alex asks

"Oh yea I'm fine."



After about thirty minutes, we make it to the airport.  We all went through security and started walking to the terminal. Soon enough they got called on the board the plane.

"Have fun on tour." I smile

"Hey it won't be ask much fun without you." David winks

"Yea we're really gonna miss you." Michael says

"Yea we'll call when we've got time." Alex says

"Yea and maybe even write to you if we can." Eddie smiles

"Alright guys I'll see you in a few months." I say

I watch as they all board the plane, my heart almost sinks. I was beyond proud of them but I'd just miss them so much. I started to walk away, disappointment almost filling my bones. I was almost out of the terminal when I heard yelling. I didn't think much of it at first but it started to sound like my name.

"Y/n! Y/n!"

I turn around to see Eddie running towards me as fast as he possibly could.

"Y/n." He started to pant


"Y/n I couldn't go without telling you this."

"Is everything ok?"

"Y/n I'm- I'm in love with you. And I couldn't go that long without saying anything. So yea, I'm in love with you."

"Eddie I-"

He smashes his lips to mine without hesitation. The once passionate kiss became soft and gentle. His tongue smoothly glides into my mouth and laced with mine. I was in love with him.

I pulled apart, my cheeks glowing red.

"Ed I love you too."

"That's great y/n! Look I know this is bad time but we can definitely get back to this soon cuz I'm gonna miss my flight but I love you!" Be pecked my cheek and was off

I watched as he boarded the plane and flew away. I knew it would be even harder without him after all that but it would be totally worth it.

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