It isn't true

283 4 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 491
I wrote this for my other book classic rock imagines and loved it so much I decided to use it here too! Thanks so so much for 14k reads, that's insane! I love you all so much

I sit in my bedroom, Billy Squier's album Don't Say No, plays in the background. I lazily skim through a magazine, not focused on any of the pages or articles. Instead I was thinking, of last night, of Eddie.

He had such a comforting way of making me forget of everything, good and bad. All of my worries and troubles instantly melted away when he smiled, or when he laughed. He was perfect, too perfect for me, or so I thought.

I turn another page of the lousy magazine, reminiscing of the night before.

"Oh come on y/n, I won't let David bother you." He smiles

"I know, he's just so.......strange?"

"Yea that's true, but he's usually brought his own girl to mess with so he won't bother you."

"Yea I guess we can stop by." I say

He smiles, taking my hand in his as we run through the streets of Pasadena. The only thing lighting the streets were the dim street lamps, and the occasional crosswalk sign. We run down the streets, smiling and laughing, tripping over an uneven crack in the pavement, making us laugh even harder as we made our way nearer to the studio.

It started to rain, we ran faster, the rain drenching is before we made it under an awning. He took my hands in his, in effort to keep them warm. I look out at the rain, beaming as it pattered down onto the pavement.

I shift my gaze back towards Eddie, seeing him already staring at me, s bright smile painted across his lips.

"What're you smiling at?" I giggle



"Yea, you're so pretty." He got shy

"Ah shut it." I blush "it's not true you know."

"What isn't true?"

"That I'm as pretty as you say I am, it's not true." I shrug

"What do you mean it's not true? Have you seen yourself?" He asks, pulling me closer to him "You're stunning."

"Ed shut up." I blush "it's not true." I bury my head into his chest

"I wish you could see yourself from my eyes, you're like an angel, an angel with a firecracker for a soul." He smiles

I snap back to reality when I hear my apartment door open and close with a loud thud.

"Y/n I'm home." I hear Eddie say as he walks into the room "Oh y/n, you look exhausted."

"Just a bit." I shrug, tossing the magazine aside

"Well then let's get you some rest."

He picks me up from the couch, walking into the bedroom and placing me on the bed. He pulls the covers over my shoulder, kissing my forehead before joining me in bed. He cradles me in his arms while telling me about his day.

"I love you Ed, so much." I say

"I love you too y/n." He kisses my cheek and I drift off to sleep.

Eddie Van Halen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now