3 a.m

447 7 5

Warnings: none
Word count:

I stumbled down the streets of Pasadena, blood pouring from my mouth. I'd just escaped my now ex boyfriend and sloppily walked down the familiar street. My hands were shaking and my clothes were covered in blood. I was on my way to my best friend's place. His name was Eddie, Eddie Van Halen. We'd been close ever since I bumped into him on the first day of school. I had a black eye from fighting with my brother and every day ever since, he'd make sure I spent as little time as possible in my toxic household.

I tried to keep too much blood from spilling out of my mouth but it was no use. I made my way closer and closer to his place, my vision blurry and my head aching. My boyfriend had broken up with me in anger, beating me and trashing my house, leaving me with almost nothing but some empty beer cans to remember him. I make my way to Eddie's front door, gently knocking. I didn't expect anyone to answer since it was so late at night. Minutes pass and no one answers so I turn around to walk away when I hear the door open.

"Hello?" I hear Ed's groggy voice

I turn around, almost crying tears of joy to see him.

"Y/n? Is everything alright."

I shake my head and he led me inside.

"Whoa what happened?"

"I- my boyfriend."

He rushes me into the bathroom, grabbing a bottle of water to rinse my mouth. After awhile I stopped bleeding and he took me into his bedroom.

"So tell me the whole story."

"Well my boyfriend showed up to my house randomly and he was fine at first but then he started yelling for no reason and he was like hitting me and then he just left."

"Oh wow y/n I'm so sorry. "

"No it's fine I guess."

"Not really, you stumbled into my place at three in the morning with a mouth full of blood! That's not normal." He got up and went through his closet. "Here take these." He said tossing me a t shirt and boxers.

"Ed you really don't have to I just came here to get away from my mom."

"Y/n you're covered in blood, just take the clothes."

I nod, walking back into the bathroom to change. His t shirt smelt perfectly of vanilla and cigarettes, a combo which I adored for awhile now. It just made me feel so safe and secure. I walked back out to see Eddie grabbing extra blankets.

"See that's so much better! You're no longer covered in blood."

I smile, rolling my eyes.

"Ok so we're gonna watch a movie, horror cuz they are you're favorite." He says

"Oh Ed you really don't need to! You're too nice to me."

He hands me some blankets and more water and we both sit on the couch. Before I know it, he's holding me in his arms and I'm falling asleep.

I awake the next morning to throbbing pain it my head and chest. I look around, noticing eddies arm gently but securely wrapped around my waist. I sigh, wanting to get up for some water. I check his watch and notice it was only six a.m. my eyes start to get heavy and I fall asleep again.

Hours later, I felt something soft brush against my cheek. I open my eyes and notice Eddie softly kissing me. I smile and blush.

"Morning." He says

"Morning." I stretch

"Want breakfast?"

"No I'm fine thanks, maybe just some pain killers and water?"

"Yea sure."

He unwraps his arm from around me and I slip out of his grip, him getting up right after. We walk into the kitchen where he tossed me a bottle of pain killer and a glass of water. I open the meds, dumping them into my hand. I count out eight and pop them in my mouth.

"Woah that was a lot of meds y/n. You gotta be careful with that stuff."

"It's fine I'm pretty sure it takes thirty to overdose so I'll be fine."

"Ok well you at least gotta eat with that."


He makes breakfast and we eat. I brush my teeth and we lay back in the couch.

"Hey y/n?"


"I like you like a lot. Like I love you." He says

"Really? Cuz I've been wanting to say that forever."

He pulls me into a deep passionate kiss, his lips perfectly moving in sync with mine and his tongue smoothly gliding through my mouth. We soon pull apart, just cuddling on the sofa. We drift of to sleep all day cradled in each other's arms.

Eddie Van Halen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now