New kid part 1

212 3 3

Warnings: none
Word count: 883

It was my first day of school in my new town, Pasadena California. I was super nervous, I didn't know anyone and everything was so new and nerve wracking. Originally I'm from England so America was a whole new experience.

I walk to school wearing black jeans and a Deep Purple t shirt. I wore my hightop converse with it and a black flannel. I walk up to the school building with my schedule crumpled in my hands. I walk the corridors, finding the locker that was mine and dialing the code. After three tries, it wouldn't open.

"Need help?" I turn around and see a boy

"Erm yes thank you." I say

"I'm Eddie by the way. You must be the new student from Britain right?" He asks

"Yea that's me. It's y/n by the way." I nod

"Well nice to meet you. I can show you around if you'd like?"

"Yea I'd appreciate that thanks."

He opens the locker with ease, explaining how I was turning it the opposite way. I quickly organize it and then follow Eddie as he shows me around.

"So here's the gym, it's where all of the basketball and volleyball games and stuff are." He says

I nod.

"And here's the cafeteria, where we have lunch." He points to the cafeteria. "Oh and that's the photography classroom." He says

We walk further down the corridor, he points out classrooms and significant areas of the building.

"Oh and that's the French classroom, and that's the Spanish class." He says

"Language is required?" I ask

"Yep, even if you already speak a foreign language." He says

"So if I spoke French I could just take French and get an easy pass?" I ask

"Probably. You speak French?" He asks

"Je fais (I do)." I say

"Oh cool! I'm originally from the Netherlands so I'm fluent in Dutch so French is pretty easy to learn." He says

"Ok cool so I'm not the only non-American at school." I say

"Nope." He smiles

"Alright cool."

"Yea, well that's the whole school. I can introduce you to some people?" He suggests

"Yea I guess so." I say

We walk around the school and outside where kids are all sitting. He leads me over to a group of guys.

"Hey Ed where ya been? Who's this?" One says

"Guys this is y/n, she just moved here from Britain."

"Hello." I say

"I'm Alex, this is David and Michael." One says

"It's nice to meet you all."

"I'll be right back." Ed says, walking away

"So y/n how do you like America?" David asks

"It's different but I guess everyone has been friendly." I say

"That's good. How do you like Ed?" Michael asks

"Yea he's nice. Very helpful."

We all watch as Eddie jogs back over to us.

"They weren't bugging you were they?" He asks

"No not at all." I smile

"So y/n why'd you move all the way from England?" David asks

"Erm well it's complicated." I say

The truth was, my parents sent me to America alone for being "disrespectful" to them. They were a bit harsh on me at times and this was one of the worst things they'd done.

"Got any hobbies?" Michael asks

"Well I love music? And poetry? And play bass guitar." I say

"Oh sweet I play bass!" Michael says

"Yea, we're all a band. I play guitar, Dave is vocals and Alex is the drummer." Ed says

"Oh wow that's cool. You guys play gigs or anything?" I ask

"Yea actually we have one tonight if you wanna come?" Eddie says, handing me a flyer

"Oh nice I'll be there." I smile

"You don't need to ask your parents or anything?" Alex questions

"No, they won't care." I nervously say

"Nice, so we'll see you there." Dave smiles, winking at me

"Dave leave her alone, you wink at every fucking girl here thinking she's into you." Eddie says

"Maybe she is. Y/n would you like to go out sometime?" David asks, turning to me

"No." I say

"Told ya." Eddie says

David leaves, probably to find some other girl to flirt with.

"Alex and I gotta go, we left our stuff at Dave's house." Michael says

That left me with Eddie.

"What now?" I ask

"Well I could show you around town, if you'd like." He suggests

"Yea I'd like that thank you." I smile

"So you really don't think your parents would care about coming to the gig?" He asks

"No they won't care at all."

"Sweet, and just wondering, if you have any extra space do you think we could use it to practice?"

"Yea of course, I've got plenty of space."

"You're positive? Not gonna ask your parents?"

"Uhm no? They still live in England actually." I cough

"Oh really? So who do you live with?"

"As of right now it's just me in some cheap house, but I'm pretty sure my aunt will be visiting sometimes."

"Nice, so I guess we're gonna be hanging out at your place a lot." He jokes

"Yea totally, I'm stocked with everything, food, water, coffee, tea, guitar strings and picks. You name it I have it." I laugh

"Wow that's great news."


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