Rumors part 2

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Warnings: sexual assault
Word count: 776

I sit at home in the couch, watching tv and waiting for Eddie to get home. He's been super busy and stressed lately with the new album and I always felt bad about it. I look over at the clock and see it's almost dinner so I get up and walk to the kitchen. I knew Eddie wouldn't get home for a few hours so I only cooked a small meal.

I turn on the stove and start to cook when the doorbell rings. I walk over to open it and see a tall man standing in the doorway, a toolbox in hand.

"Hello sir can I help you?" I say

"I heard your plumbing was messed up so I came to fix it." He flashes a toothy grin

"I'm sorry but I never called anyone about this and I'm sure my home is completely fine thanks for coming though." I say, closing the door

He puts his foot in the door not allowing me to close it.

"Excuse me miss I'm really worried about the plumbing and I would love to please just take a look?" He insists

"Alright." I let him in

He walks into the kitchen, looking under the sink and poking around with some wires. He proceeds to the bathroom and looks into the bath and underneath the sink, once again creepily poking around.

He stands up, making some comment about the plumbing that quite frankly made no sense. He started to walk closer to me, his eyebrows raised. I back away into the living room. He sets down his toolbox and once again starts to creep closer to me, his eyes filled with longing and hate.

He grabs me by the throat and spins me around, grabbing my ass and then picking me up, carrying me into the guest bedroom. He tied me to the bed, stripping me of everything and filling me with fear. He then starts to undress, grabbing me and choking me.

Minutes later, the door of my house opens and shuts, I knew Eddie was home. Tears cascade down my face as the strange man kept assaulting me, stealing my innocence. I heard eddies footsteps draw nearer and tears aggressively flow down my face, smudging and ruining my makeup.

The strange man kept touching and grabbing and beating me. The door of the bedroom opens and Eddie goes from smiling to angry. He immediately slams the door.

I start to cry more and more, guilt streaming down my face and pouring into the bedroom. The strange man finishes off, covering me in his revolting warm seed. He quickly dresses and walks out as if nothing happened.

I slowly get up, pain spreading throughout my inner thighs. Tears never stopped. I took a quick shower, dressing and doing makeup. I felt guilty and dirty. It was my fault, I let him take advantage and I didn't have much control.

I walk downstairs, hoping to find Eddie and explain everything but he wasn't there. I checked every room but he was gone. I walk back upstairs, falling into the bedroom, sobbing and crying. Hours pass, I felt so broken and so revolted.

I hear the door open and shut, keys thrown onto the counter. I hear footsteps nearing, turning on lights. The door to the bedroom opens and I see Eddie, his face confused and almost angry.

"Y/n what happened. Did you really cheat?" He asks

"Eddie no. I was making dinner earlier and the doorbell started to ring so I opened it to see a man who told me he was here to check our plumbing." I sniffle

"Go on." He crosses his arms

"Well I said no and tried to close the door but he stopped it with his foot. He eventually came in and checked underneath the sinks and all that but he wouldn't leave. He grabbed me by the throat and dragged me into the bedroom and-" I stop, tears start to flow down

Eddie sits beside me, his arm falls around my shoulder.

"Eddie he- he raped me. I tried to get away and tell him to go but he wouldn't."

"Y/n baby I'm so so so sorry. Come here."

He pulls me into a tight hug, warming me, comforting me.

"Eddie I'm sorry."

"Baby you did nothing wrong. You got taken advantage of. We should be focusing on you, if you're ok and getting that guy in jail. You have nothing to apologize for. I love you so so much." He kisses my forehead.

"I love you Eddie."

"I love you too darling. So so much."

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